HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINETEEN mm Aluminum Can Be Welded Now WASHINOTON if A Calif ornia engineer nayn he ha de veloped a product that will "reve lutlonle the art of solderlnn and weldlnit of aluminum." He nald It will allow mnnv new uses lor alum inum In Industry. Snmuel Freedman of Snntee, Calif., eald the product describ ed an an alloy of many mctalx and chemical eliminates problems which he said have lonit made cult metals to weld or solder. He was In Washington Tuesday arranging to apply for a patent In connection with the process. Sugar Price To Be Boosted DENVER,! The Oret West ern Sugar Company Wednesday 1 announced a price boost of 35 cents ' per 100 pounds for refined sugar. Great Western said dellverlea at the present price 'of 17.95 per 100 pounds will be made through March 31 and thereafter the price will be 8.30. Revere Sugar company of Bost on announced a 35-cent Increase Tuesday to $8.50 per 100 pounds, attributing the boost chiefly to higher raw sugar prices. A Revere spokesman predicted most other major refiners Would follow suit. . I The new material, he said, will I make It possible for a housewife Mo repair an aluminum pan lust by heating the solder material In I he flame of a gas stove. He calls the product "Chemalloy". i Freedman said some of the ma terial already has been sold to 1 160 leading ilrms and government agencies for evaluation studies, He said the allo'v consists mostly of zinc hut also Includes aluminum, brass, lead, tin, silver, nickel and jchemtCiils. aluminum one of the most diffi THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 19S2 mm kuuhaih y ; . ., ' , 1 if 1,1' I SOUTHDOWN lamb stands out amid Hamps in Burt Mack's flock. The son of Mr. and Jr Mrs. Earl Mack, Henley, Burt is a member of the Henley Sheep Club, His "flock of 23 cwcs pr0(uce(j 42 lambs this year. 17-YEAR-OLD DALE WILLIAMS shows one of his regis- tercd Herefords. Dale is the son of W. M. Williams and is ; n mem her of the Henley Beef Club, a 4-H sponsored group. ' i .lr'.. pJJT V Slf " ' fv i JIM J f B Wr-Mr- '(.. 1-1 'M IWIIIIMB II ! I -.-....l.- Mil III I OtMiienmedtoiienew rfnmicali AMMmt AaidJdp" .-T" ' ini W" riMt dMOraUrt wl tffbrr cccUkUom lutijtct to witboul MUN '52 Studebaker Starliner' It's beautiful beyond words and it's distinctive beyond question! It's clean-lined in design and free from "as-wasting excess bulk! Vaitai& initio You can gtl a Starliner in a brilliantly . powered Studebaker Commander V-8 You can get a Starliner in a sprightly Studebaker Champion in the lowest price field . ' . .... BOYS CAN COOK, TOO, or so these male members of the AHamont Cookie Cutters are trying to prove to' Sandra Janssen, anyway. They are checking projects with their jun ior leader, Sharon Davis. Left to right, the Cookie Cutters are Lance Davis, Jimmy Pratt, Sandra Jannscn, David Morrow, Charles Swift and Raymond Johnson. Like other 4-H'ers in the county, they celebrated National 4-H week here last week. It's one of eleven exciting '52 Studebakers! " Gel yours "now... they're selling fast! jw on cttydcuf a(eul StiuMa&el dea&b Studebaker Automatic Drive or Overdrive available in all models at extra cost Mcculloch motors Klamath & 8th Phone 4149 TOPS IN STATE Betty Brantlcj.sky won the Oregon State news writing contest for 4-H'ers. Earlier this year she was awarded the No. 1 spot in Klamath county. yroay ) jw aqii,,wj ',mi r f J W - 7 v? n 1 1. wnrix Missing something? Shifrto the gas with all 8! MAKING COCOA is easy when the whole gang helps. These Bly 4-H ers are each taking part in mixing up this batch. They arc Leta Chronister, Kathryn Mclsncss, Mary Martin and Judy McGinnis, all members of Mrs. Dave Campbell's cooking club. ' SEED POTATOES FOR SALE! NETTED GEM DROP SEED Grown In Poe Valley one year from certified founda tion stock ... on clean, ditease-free ground. They are, not certified, but wo believe they're the best commercial seed in tho Klamath Basin. Priced at $4.00 per hundred in clean bags, While they lastl Call 7914 or see Glen Kcster at our cellar on Drum street in Malin. , DAN LISKEY Rr. 2, Box 795 Klamath Falls rA A! J mi -' Gef not I, not 2, but all tfhigh-fjerformance, qualities If you're not getting the most out of your car, get Chevron Supreme into it. If habit has you buying a gasoline that stresses one feature, but sacrifices others, shift to the gasoline with all 8 high-performance qualities quick starting, fast warm-up, smooth acceleration, economy mileage, full power, vapor-lock prevention, anti-knock and area-blending. Try Chevron Supreme . . . today! We take better care of your car SUPREME 7 CASOUNS y