Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 13, 1952, Page 18, Image 18

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SQUARE DANCE FANS WILL LOVE this one . . The decor is a promanade of miniature
square dancers made with pipe cleaners and paper. Design of the dinnerware is also on
the "square". A little ingenuity, pretty places, some one to dinner add up to fun and
Honor McGillicuddy With
Tempting Irish Recipes
March Is the month to turn dc-.not be simpler brcnu.se bpilnx Is
ltclously iresu" end bring oul all; ' mrlnklc-ton Jin I If
your cleverest 'Irish UeoipcsP 'u prefer n cir-Riiiy-type lrostlu
Whether they're old or new recl-l ' he applied alter linking, make
pes doesn't iiiaiterl Cook mid bnke " Powdered Mignr-bultri- Icing nnd
your favorites, add a dott bit oli Jvor It with Plstiiehlo flavor or
81. Patrick's Day coloring and tlu-l "" extract. Add a few riroiis
vorliig. Even "Irish Potatoes," ; green rotor for, ui even more at-
which are plain boiled potatoes the iwvc rurci.
world around, take on a lilt ol
spring when dipped In melted but
ter and rolled In Whole Parsley.
For a St. Patrick's Day dessert
that has all the dellcloiisiiesa and
charm you'd expect of thc Emernld ; ook" j
.cm, mr.c n riuctiiJjjio iv.ui.
freeze. H' party-fare when frozen
In chocolate-crumb crust I It's com
pany dessert when froien In (lut
ed paper muffin cups, or In slier- fic .,, , y,"
bet or parfall glasses. And Its a
wonderful surprise topping lor a
big, cool Iru.t salad!
33 tN lb. I marshmallows
1 No. 2 can crushed pineapple
1 teaspoon Vai.llla
1 teaspoon Spearmint Extract
1 cup cream, whipped Willi
few drops green color
Drain Juice from pineapple well.
Add enough water to make 1 cup given color tu pear Juice and biinp.
oi liquid. Combine marshmallows i It to a boll. Pour over pears and
and Juice, heat over hot water un-1 allow pears to stand In Juice until
til marshmallows are melted. Chill desired color is obtained. Drain
thorough!'. Fold m flavorings, pears well, chill before serving, Ar.
crusheu pineapple and whipped range pear halves cut side up on
cream. Tint a pale green and a nested lettuce leuf. Top pear
ireeae uuui urui. lop wim unoco- ncs wnn c anape i. nccse.
On Bliuniioek cookies. . din the
edges of the cookie In IrV'ig or
with a pastry tube outlile the
edges with Icing. Then sprinkle
green sprms along the border, For
an all-over frosting, ice the entire
and then sprinkle with
green spiins.
When spring pomes along, menu
planning I imlrs more and more
salads, There's no end to the de-
can make. A
minted Pear Salad Is pretty enough
lor any bridge parly or luncheon
plate, simple enough for any fam
ily meal. Cool, refreshing, delicious
8 canned pear halves
I, cups pear Juice
, teaspoon green color
!j teaspoon spearmint extinct
Add spearmint flavorlnir and
MICRMLL Helen Anift and
Helen Puni'l, senior regent and re
corder of Crescent City chapter
were visitors at the last reuular
phcutlng o( Merrill Women of Hie
ftiooac on niarcn v inn crescent
City chapter was recently Installed
by the local orgauliutlou.
Cora Young. Tulrlnkc, was Ini
tialed and elected to membership
were Adel Ouitch Mary Jane Wear
and Miulclyu liatllff. The past sen
ior rcKcnts held their chapter night
program, thrv are Itoso Snolek.
J Hose VanMeter, Olga Dradshaw,
i.ouisa icenuice, veronica McNeil,
an.l Margaret Fields. The Jackpot
was won by Delia Hodges.
The next regular meeting will be
March IS, and the next Friendship
i committee ineellnu Is scheduled for
I M.n.-li w
y Chiloquin ,
On Friday at Altamont some 31
Iaa.I .4,.t.,h .nil ninth irrtHnrc WfUI
me county Junior high scnool
speech festival 'and Mrs. Frank
Leu, speech" instructor." carried
home the trophy for the year. It
Is the first time since the lite 30's
that Chlloquin has been on top in
speech and the local people should
certainly congratulate the young
teams always receive so much help
in the form of a rooting section
but not even one carload of local
backers 'watched this impressive
group win a victory.
The choral reading done by the
entire group with Mrs. Bell direct
ing, was wonderful I Janice Ken
dall, ninth grader from Fort Klam
ath came within a stone's throw
of taking first in the numerous
class as did Susan Ravlzza in poe
try interpretation. Other three-point
winners were Naomi Johnson in
special speaking (she officially
closed the festival at the conclu
sion of the schedule) and a group
of four who spoke over the radio.
Scott Hartley, Roy Hill, both of
whom did excellent solo work in
the choral reading, Dwight Souers
and Lou Jean Moore, Anita Mc
Namer and Linda Pope both re
ceived good ratings in their divi
sions, serious and In story telling.
On; Thursday of this week the
senior high students try their luck
at the festival to be held in Henley.
Mrs. Earl Hall and son, Lyle,
and Mrs. Forest Freid and daugh
ters, Candace and Melissa, spent
most of the week in Tualatin and
Portland. They left on Tuesday.
Mrs. Freid visited with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanders
returned a week ago Saturday from
a two weeks vacation which took
them to the desert country around
Mesa, Aria. They returned by way
of San Fancisco, and- announced
that the change of scenery and
weather were both appreciated.
Mrs. Dwight Souers was hostess
on Monday night to the Altar So
ciety of Mt. Carmel Catholic church
in Chiloquin. Final plans for the
Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Buck, and
the Halls were to stay in Portland
where they had medical appoint
ments. Mrs. George BrauUacht left for
Salem last Sunday to be with her
mother for a few days. The elderly
woman has been in poor health this
winter and Mr. Brautlacht has
made other trips north to spend
time in Salem. The bus strike put
a heavy load on railroad transpor
tation so to be sure of getting a
seat for the return over the moun
tains, Mrs. Brautlacht went to Port
land and boarded a southbound
tram here. She returned to Chilo
quin on Wednesday.
Carmelita Garcia was taken to
the Indian hospital at Tacoma last
week by Mrs. Merton Porter of
Klamath Agency. Carmie broke her
kneecap in a fall. She did that
once before last year and was in
a cast for months and now must
go through the same experience
again. It is the same leg which
was left weakened by an attack of
polio three years ago. She would
undoubtedly appreciate getting
cards and letters from friends here
at home.
coming Amateur Talent Show to
be given on Mar, 14 were made.
Mrs. Victor. Sisson president, pre
sided at the business meeting.
Dwight Souers Jr. participated in
the Junior high school speech festi
val on Friday as did Cdrine Bhor
ey. The event, .which was held at
Altamont gave Chiloquin school me
trophy for the coming year. On
Thursday of this week Betty Por
ter and Donna Hobbs will take
part in the senior high speech fes
tival to be held in Henley.
New forester to Join the local
staff Is Bob Mezger, transferred
here from Lapwai. Ida. He and
his family are living in the gov
ernment house in Cnilqouin.
Mr. and Mrs. Orille Knlghtpipe
and son Orville Jr. left this past
week for a vacation to be spent
in Phoenix, Ariz. The two daugh
ters of the family are staying
"here with the nurse, Mrs. Elizabetn
Soften cream cheese with enough
honey to spread well. Add chopped
raisins or nuts.
Place salted crackers in a bak
ing pan. Spread crackers with hon
ey and chopped nuts. Place in oven
until slightly browned.
1 pound cottage cheese :
1 teaspoon minced chives
3 tablespoons cream
'4 teaspoon poppy seed
U teaspoon caraway seed
'4 teaspoon paprika
!i teaspoon celery salt
. Ground marjoram
Ground thyme
Ground bay
Ground sage
Garlic salt
Salt to tasle.
Mix all Ingredients and let stand
In covered bowl an hour before
using Top with salad dressing and
uudv wuii papriaa.
late shavings before serving
No St. Patrick's Day luncheon
or parly would be complete with
out Irish Cookies. So simple and
inexpensive to bake, so easy to
decorate cleverly in sparkling
green I This Irish Cookie dough Is
one you can mix ahead of time
and chill in your refrigerator un
til you're ready to. bake It.
4 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
1': teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon cloves
1 cup shortening
34 cup while sugar
1 cup brown sugar
',i teaspoon butter flavor
3 eggs
3 teaspoons Vanilla or
l'i teaspoons maple flavoring
Sift together flour, soda, salt and
spices. Cream shortening, sugar
and imitation butter flavor, then
add beaten eggs, vaniUa or maple
flavoring. Beat well, add dry In
gredients, mixing until well blend
ed. Form into rolls l'i Inches in
diameter. Wrap In wax paper and
chill in refrigerator. Slice thm and
place on greased cookie sheet,
then sprinkle with green sprinx and
brown sprinx. Bake in hot tflX) Fj
oven 7 to 10 minutes.
Of course, you'll want to deco-1 BROILED HONEY GRAPEFRUIT
rate the cookies you bake for St. Pour 3 tablespoons honey on half
?airick's Day entertaining. Use a grapefruit and place on cold broiler
shamrock-shape cookie cutter. Be- rack set about 4 inches below burn
fore baklne sprinkle the top of the er. Broil at 375 F. IS minutes or
cookies with Green Sprinx could i until slightly browned.
The Falrhaven Home Extension
Unit met March 6th with 18 mem
bers and one gue.t present.
I A mornlnt business meeting was
lolowed bv a noon potluck and
nltcrnt',011 deiuouslraklou on kllcheu
step saving led by Dorothy Tollcth.
The next mecMng will be March
19 at the home oi Mrs. Lee Holll
day oil Keuo loud, topic will be
kitchen storage led by Miss Tollcth
Pour honey over ice cream.
Sprinkle nuts on Kp or garnish
with a cherry.
Split hot baking powder biscuits.
Slip one teaspoon honey butter be
tween halves. Put together and
Make honey butter by beating
equal parts of honey and butter to
gether. Add dash of cinnamon or
nutmeg if desired.
Combine equal parts of honey and
lemon Juice and beat well. Serve
on fruits for salad..
WUiat yui waimit
S a (DdDjke
To Mcork refreshed f
',77",. I , ;
iF if: i'Tr I
tiefre PM...tliefn VWCMS...thtftt PUCK SOUP to make!
Of course you've tasted muffins but you've never
NEVER tasted amthing like new Roman Meal
Muffin. They're different from the first tasty nib
ble to the last luscious bite! They look different
(dark and tempting) they smell different (frag
. rant and irresistible) they taste different (rich 'n
robust). Roman Meal is the ONLY muffin mix
made from wonderful whole-grain wheat and rye,
bran, flax and other yumyums. Just add water &
bake so simple even helpless husbands can db it.
FREE Get your first package of Roman Meal 1
Muffin Mix free. Just ask your grocer for cou
pon at time of purchase. This offer applies on
purchase of first package only. Offer expires '
April 15, 1952.
Roman Meal
When you have to keep your wits
ahout you, refreshment helps. You
just can't beat a frosty bottle of Coca-Cola.
Ca" h mlihrmi h iiJt t.
T IP. ITl'
There Dorlr, Delicious, and Duck Soup lo mofce. x,
Irish Medley
Chill Dessert
Htl.SU MKD1.1Y
1 packane Orange Jcll-0
3 cupa hot water
i cup canned cruMicd pineap
ple, drained
1 cup Girl Scout cookie crumbs
1 cup cream, whipped
1 package Lime Jcll-O
2 cups hot water
1 drop oil of peppermint
Dissolve Orango Jello In 3 cup.i
hot water. Chill. When slightly
thickened, fold In pineapple, 'nun
Into shallow pan. fold cookie
crumbs Into cream. Pour over
Orange Jello mixture. Dis
solve Lime Jello In. 3 cups hat
water. Add till of pepitermliil. Chill
until cold and syrupy. Place In
bowl of cracked Ice and whip until
Huffy and thick. Pour over cream
mixture. Chill until firm. Unmold.
Cut shamrock shnpea or cut In
squares. Serves 10 to 13.
VPm MonthV
i a"
- tlf If
1001 Moln
Ph. 2-2518
' f 'rtiir'i'lfii'Ti'irt ii -' tilt r Ai mn lin m nil ' 1 ' tr , rlrr 4o.'i.tnJt.y'v. VKnatSj,-V
I deTinaSmarf ' Be Tuna Sun! "$f i
1 ''rori
rUNA..but what a difference in '
flavor and tenderness! These select '
"Connoisseur cuts are packed to the I
hilt, too, with health and nourish
ment! White Star Brand Solid Pack
(Fancy) . . . packed exclusively from
-elect tuna filets! The brand that
made tuna famous!
Now At Carter's
Roman Meal
Muffin Mix
2 p. 33c
1420.. Esplanade
elly Crtr and "CoteJ Mfldol"
oft ia. (rodemotU of Gonitol
Inc. Wtuoft Oit ti e hq. iradtmatk
ot the WtitonO'l and Snowdiili Co.,
ttic. Vhiic. tar bf end Tvno It a Von
Come io food pocltd by Von Ccmr
fttofeodConipony, ln(.Mo,nOll'Ct.
t llfAinol Ivond, Colilornig,
Alto 81 S,l Ofn Ubcl
end Wn.lt Slat Brand
Oiflifte Tune.
Thl dtliclout lntn Dish was
iUv.loptd by BeHy Crocker's
Staff at Cantral Mills
r..h..l .,. l0 4J0-. Sift l,9.,l,.r UP1 ,,, I
COtO WEOAt flag,, -3 (,,. eioubl.-ooion bok. ' I
ng pewd.r. M Hp. oil. , fnlo a mto.uring
P (bl den'l illr leg.lh.r) , p WtSSON
OH. ', (up milk. Tstn poir ell ol ent. .n.o ih.
tleur. ill, .Hi, i m UI (toni dt o(
bowl ond rsundi up tnlo o boll. Smooth by
Ineoding dough obout 10 limn wiihoul odd,,
lionol Hour Plor. (ho dough btlwe.n 2 the.lt
woed poper (I In, tquore).
oil oul unlil dough reochet tdg.i of poper.
reel ojt lop poper. Cul dough Into tquoiei.
Moko luno filling, lloke I con (I cup WHITE
STA", Irond TUNA, ml looellier with ', cup
minced celery, I egg, unbealen. Spread 2 Ibip.
tune, filling ever eoch tquore. Doll up each
tquoro at for jelly roll. ...
'floee roll.upt, teolcd tide down, on ungreoied
oonie tneel, late id lo 1J mlnulet in hoi oven
H50'). Serve with hoi touce mode by bringing
lo a boll (over low heol, tlirrlng comtanlly) one
10'i-ol. can condemed' creom of muihroom,
celery er chicken toup end 1 Ibtp. chopped
partley. Carnlth with poriley er paprika.
Servet o lo 9.
If you vie OOID MHBAt SeW.m,lng Flour dold
In the Soulh), emit baking powder ond tali.
It $m
lICMI0 .
Piouo. '
, --" : e v "i
'"rn" ii i irniT iiiiiiiMiiiMiiiriiioiKniw