rmmsDAY, march in, 1032 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVENTEEN 3 A Mill (mematets 7 (Umtefr TIiIh mill Thai: About Women Edited by Ruth King "It's A Woman's Worlil" r 1 VOCES v V mtohw... use woe f CETS CLOTHES CLEANER THAU AMY SOAP! Hora't yeur chance to got a bar gain on Tide the washday miracle and get tho cleanest clothes in town! Laboratory tests prove Tide gets clothes cleaner and whiter than any soap in hard est water. And, after jost one Tide wash, soap-dulled colors rinse cut brighterl What's more, Tide is kind to your hands. Get Tide todayl CUP ALOffiS VOTTiD UNCt JH-M96 o BETH CHASE SOCIAL DIRECTOR of public rela tions for tlic Willartl hotel Id a "dyed In tho wool" horsewoman. Ask her what her hobby is and she says "horses" . . ask her what she'd rather do than any thing else In tho whole wide world and she'll toll you "ride" . . ask her what she collects and . . It's minia ture horses. . Her father, one of the early day stockmen in Klamath County taught his small daughter to rirle al most before she could lisp and she's been riding ever since. With her husband, Carroll Chase, she owned a string of horses on their own "dude ranch" at Palm Springs before coming to Klamath Falls to make her home nine years ago. There on the warm desert sands she taneht the uninitiated to say "Gee" and "Haw" . . how tight to draw a cinch and which oar of an unruly steed to whisper in when they wanted action in high gear. She taught Girl Scouts how to ride, organized the Palm Springs Mountics, a group that won fame afar . . later down in the South land she entered competi tion in horse shows and here in Klamath Falls be- FOR THAT GOOD OLD-FASHIONED boiled corned beef dinner select corned beef plate or brisket. Wash well, put in large ot covered with cold water. Simmer until tender, allowing 45 to 50 minutes to the pound. Add scrubbed un peeled potatoes about 30, minutes before meat is done. Serve hot with sauerkraut, mustard, horseradish, cold beer and rye bread slices for a delicious and hearty dinner. Science Cuts Down Work For Women Kitchen nnd kitchen work were a problem In Grandmother's dny still arc a problem and probably llitvajfl will ue. Hclence however Is on the lob to keep women (rom working sun m sun. une 01 ui most recent additions to kitchen comfort, to help speed kitchen chores is the cellulose sponge. Cellulose sponges arc one of the fastcnt jtrowlni? household helpers aim mm timi. nicy are avauaoie in four delightful padtel colors, women are finding more and more uses lor mem. iney nave many unique advantages they're lint Iree won't scratch float, no time wasted searching for them hold up to zo times their weight in water without splashing or drip- camc a charier member of the Saddle Club. She has chaperoned Queens and their courts at the rodeos , . wrote a rodeo column for the Herald and News and is happiest when astride a favorite pacer . . She is a member of the Business and Professional Women , . collects smiles . , seldom forgets a face . . loves the public and will make you feel at home when she greets you at the Willard. FLUFFY HONEY SAUCE Fold 2 tablespoons of honey into ',- cup whipped cream. Use as top ping for cake or other desserts. Yield: 1 cup sauce. The prudent homcmaker keeps a container of honey on hand ready to use on cereal, pancakes, waf fles, bread and for sweetening fruit. For Infant feeding, or salad dres sings. Honey Is a general purpose food. ; . NANCY'S BEAUTY SHOP 1826 Homedale Road Telephone 7080 Open Evenings by Appointment PARKING AVAILABLE Uroc&sJ A wonderful flavor treat . . . just a few cents per serving. Try One of the Una Pk.m King Oriental Foods tonight! ping. Color and shnpo mnko them Attractive sturdy eonstrtlctlrat means they can be slerllUod by boiling they clean Inatl SPEED CLEANING Celluose sponges can make clean Ing faster, easier, better. They're grand for doing dishes, bnthiiut ismall fixes for children, turgor for adults, colors make It pos sible to Identify each person's sponge, i enn't be heat for wsshimr any painted surface keep appli ances bright and shining, great lor car and wan wasnmg, polish ing, wnxlnu; shaniiioolng uphol stery and dusting, no lint remains, dust washed down driiln try It bv wetting sponge ana squeezing out excess water. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich l'G -1 "Sure I'll release the line If your tail' In a trap. Boy, that s an emergency!"... Most people will gladly release the party-line if you'll explain the emergency.... Pacific Tele-, phone.' is s j ii nr.! WHEN, YOU BUY EITHER I GIANT 12 LARGE- m : sin I & E I TO THE DEALER Ymi Are authorized to net a mir agent In thp rrrlcmntlnn , or thin counon. Our miletimtm wilt redeem this counon from vou In accordnnrn with th termd of our coupon offer. This coupon Is nontransferable And tion-1 aiiHignahle. Wo will not honor redemption through outside agencies, brokers, etc, and coupons will he void when so presented. Your customer must pny anv Rales tax Involved In the transaction. Offer exolrcs June 30. 1032. Canh i redeemable value 120 c. The Proctor & Gamble Distributing Co. 1st,' Avenue I vingina oireeis, seame, wanningion. LIMIT-ONE COUPON TO X FAMILY n m on o if NOWat your Grocevsl A SPECIAL Z PACKAGES FOR THE PRICE OF ONe PLUS 2 TO I WTR00UCE THE NEW RALSTON RICE CEREALA i i . .... X'-itiW I S2- t mmmmmmm Children love ite.lt W CrfSp in 'y Bif I COINGI No urging needed! Young sters ivant to ''dive right in"! Each bite size bit of New Rice Chex is a tiny, hollow waffle : : ; made from crisscrossed shreds of golden rice! GOINGI laves up to its looks! A special malt, salt, sugar and rice recipe gives New Rice Chex a wonderful, wonderful flavor! Never taste-tiring! Each bite calls for more! GONEI They don't lose interest halfway through the bowl . : ; because this new cereal doesn't get soggy, mushy or tough. It Stats crisp and good ; ; ; to the last delicious bite! Ralston Purina Company, St. Loula, Miatourl 9604-HF