THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 10,12 PAGE SIXTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH F ALIA OREGON Oregon Legislators Get In Race Again Despite "No Go" Pledae 01 '51 Carbon Monoxido Cause Of Deaths VIOTORVILLE, Calif. Car (Men were found dead In their bedi li, , bon monoxide) apparently caused the draths of a family of six whose bodies were, found In Iholr Lu cerne Valley ranch home with a heater going full blast, A fourth child was on the floor. WOltKltltH Kll,l,i;i rrULLlNOEN, Clcrmnny Ml The top floor of a textile faclnry packed wllh raw material col lapsed and fell on the floor be neath Wednesday, klllliiK six of Uie m workers. Autopsy tests were Inconclusive, Dr. Chauncey Bnlrd aald Wednes day, but tests Indicate carbon monoxide. Chemical analyses ni blood and stomuchs were ordered. Norman J, Komer, 38, his wile, Bertha, 35, and three of lliclr chil In Utah the penally for murder can be either hanKliiv or shoot inn. THE WIND DIDNT BLOW hard enough last night to knock over this light standard at Esplanade and Main, so City Police are blaming the mishap on an "unidentified driver" plus the snow and slick streets. This particular standard several times has been a cas ualty to erratic driving. Superforts Hit In Air SAN ANTONIO Un Two B-29 Superfortresses whose pilots could not see where they were going while flying on instruments col lided and carried 15 crewmen to their deaths in the hills of South Central Texas Wednesday. One bomber plunged to earth and shattered, scattering .frag ments and bodies over a five mile area. The other glided down sev eral miles away, exploded and burned. , , The planes were on training flights from Randolph Air Force Base here. They were being flown mechanically and the pilot's cab Ins were blacked out. according to LI. Bill Adams, public informaUon officer at the base. One plane carried seven men end the other eight, the Air Force Base said. NormaUy s B-29 com bat crew consists of 11 men. The shattered plane crashed on a hilltop on the Gus Krause ranch. The other glided down near a small landing strip on the ranch of J. W. Heard, San Antonio oil man. Jack Nolen, who lives near by, reported finding a paper back book with most of its pages burned awav but the title Intact. "It read: "I Want A Bin Funer al." v - Blast Marks Dam Ceremony THE DALLES W It was better than the Fourth of July, and the whole city of The Dalles turned out to see the sight. Tons of black powder were set off, the flash and smoke marking the outline of the huge The Dalles Dam, to be built across the Co lumbia River a few miles east of here. ... Thousands lined the Columbia River Highway to see the sight at ceremonies marking the official start of construction Wednesday. Schools and business houses closed, and a parade led the thousands to the site. "This Is a great day for Oregon," Gov. Douglas McKay of Oregon said. He was followed on the speak ing platform by other officials, and Army Engineers, who explained the scope of the project. It will be one of the largest on the Columbia River, about twice the size of Bonneville Dam, and producing 1,092,000 kilowatts. It will take five years to construct, adding about 6,000 persons to The Dalles' population for that period. Following the ceremonies, six tons of dynamite were set off on the Washington shore, that blast officially starting construction. The explosion loosened rock there. It is a federal project, super vised by Army Engineers. Northwest Snow Pack Very Heavy WASHINGTON Wi The Geo logical Survey Issued Thursday its February water resources review. It said snow surveys showed be low normal pack In the northern part of Washington and somewhat greater than normal pack in the southern part with heavy snow cov er listed for northeastern sections. Snow pack was reported very heavy at high elevations In Oregon. In Idaho reservoirs in the upper Snake River Basin were being drawn down to provide storage for ouuve iiuruui snowiau. , IRISH ECONOMY CRITICAL DUBLIN, Ireland Wl .Finance Minister Sean MaCentee warned the Irish Wednesday night their country's economy is In a highly critical state and said he would Impose sharp import cuts In his budget April 2. Bomb Blast Kills Five In Station TUNIS. Tunisia tfl A bomb blew up in Gabes Railroad Station Wednesday night as a train drew in killing five persons and injuring 17 others. Police and government sources hinted Communists have taken a band in Tunisian violence and were inclined not to blame Nationalists, who have carried out previous raids to enforce their demands for more independence from French rule. The Nationalists said they had nothing to do with the station ex plosion. Sources close to French Resident General Jean de Houte cloque took a similar view. Hop Marketing Hearing To Be Held PORTLAND Wl A four or five day hearing on proposed amend ments to the West Coast Hop Mar keting Agreement will begin here Marcn a. The major change up for dis cussion is one that would limit the diversion privilege to harvested bops only. This change would stop the sale and transfer of market ing rights between growers. It was proposed by the U.S. Hop Growers Association and the Hop Control Board. The agreement af fects growers in Oregon, Wash ington, California and Idaho. If you have one of those wool rubber combination brushes that pick up such substances as animal hair or face powder, suds and rinse it often. It won't pick up am unless it is ciean. Oregon Hardwoods To Be Utilized CORVALLIS W The long. neglected hardwood trees in Oregon forests are going to get some at tention at last. The Forest Products Laboratory at Oregon State College is going to study the various species to deter mine possible uses and markets. The Federal Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wis., and local hardwood Interests will co operate in the study. There are believed to be four to five billion feet of hardwood saw. timber in Western Oregon. By PAUL W. HARVEY Jr. SALEM tfl One of the most significant things about Uie pri mary election tilings is uiai sucn a large number of legislators seek reelection. It menns that the 1993 legislature, which probably will face the most difficult financial problem ever put before any legislature, will be the most experienced In years. Most of the legislators wanting reelection won't have any trouble winning, as many of them are unopposea. This Is a far different picture from that of the close of the 1951 session. Most lawmakers, weary from the record llB-day session, swore they woman t come one id ealise of the time and expense in volved. It shows how poliUcs, particular ly ' legislatures, sets in the blood. It also shows what men will do to perform public service. If anybody ever takes a beating, a legislator does in a 116-day session. In the house, where all 60 seats become vacant every election, 38 members are running again. Be sides that, six members of legisla tures before 1951 are running. The senate has 13 members whose terms hold over throuRh the 1953 session. Eight senators are running again, eight are quitting, and oue has died. But several house members and other former legislators are running for the senate, so there couia oe 21 experienced lawmakers in tne 30-member senate. Of the eight senators who don t want reelection, two are seeking higher offices. Sen. Jack Lynch, Portland, is running for state treas urer, and Sen. Ben Musa, The Dal les, wants to go to congress. Six senators aren't running for anvthlnit. They are William E. Walsh, Coos Bay, former senate president and 1951 chairman of the powerful senate law committee; Marie E. Wilcox, Grants Pass, military affairs chairman; Frank There were 16.133 women arrest-H. Hilton. Portland, liquor chair ed for drunkenness in the United man; Thomas Parkinson. Rose States in 1949. . burg; Russell Gardner. Newport; Every bit square Dictate of Mother' Otti offers -to excitinc double value! Because & money can't buy a finer quality, more deli cious, or more nourishing oatmeal than fl Mother's Oats. And packed in every package you'll find a valuable, useful premium such as aluminum kitchen utensils, famous "Fire King" glass cup and saucer, beautiful "Wild Rose' pattern china or gay colorful Carni val Ware. No waiting! No coupons! No money to send! Just ask your grocer for Mother's Oat 'with Premium, in the big square package MOTHER'S OATS-. evooW e THE QUAKt OATS COMPANY to . SB MMIIll TM JTIIMTH OP MCUIalt SAl SOM This improved Wash Ing toda gives you. water toft at rain. Washes your clothe Poteet's Market Owned and Operated By Bob & "Peanuts" Poteet HAMS Small Size.. . 10 to 14 lbs. ib. 53c PURE LARD 4 .... 69c Oregon's Sliced Top Quality BACON 41c prices jyjy Pound Package SKINLESS WIENERS ib. 49c DEPEND ON US FOR QUALITY Prices Infective Friday and Saturday Large lilt AVOCADOS CELERY CELERY HEARTS CAULIFLOWER Radishes -Green Onions DAFFODILS NEW PEAS NEW POTATOES for 19c 9c 23c 19c ... 15c . 19c nch X Durkee's WW lllVM Dressing I Pound, Sunshine JttKRISPY Crackers 25c --aiaMBaMBMai White Star Bite Size TUNA 35c Mario, 15Vi oz, PORK 'N A BEANS Con cans 129 Royal Dessert Swift American CHEESE 1 n 2 Pound Plastic Container, Celatin pkg.-vw Kice cnex I Req. 20c Pkq. 1 79A 2 22c Jumbo Size NUBORA 4 lbs. of Soap and a FREE Sponge. SERVED HOT OK COLD f J P"M"Tt?TSSW5rCajSgrrTpMM Free I fW III 'X Cm 3 w ns 3 k I I Delivery IjStsMwaSUlaSiaiaJSdiSiUu Orders and Art Llndbcrir, Pendleton. The house Is loslnit some sood members, loo. Rep. Paul Oeddes, Roseburg, voted by newsmen as the best representative, Is ruunuiK lor the senate. Other ton men leaving the house are Speaker John P. Steelhammer. Snlent; J. O. Johnson, Ttuurd. state and federal altulrs committee chairman; Put LonpriiMi, Port land, education chairman, who's running for the senate: Lloyd R. Crosby, Mllwaukle, forestry chair man; Clllcs L. French,, Moro, vet eran tax expert who's running: for congress; C, L. Lleunllen, Pendle ton, military affairs chairman; Earl E. Fisher, Beaverton, local Rovernment chairman who also wants to ro to conRiess; and Jerry Wade, Newport, fishing Industries chairman. Of the 32 house members who aren't running for reelection, four are running for the Semite, two for congress, one for attorney general, and one for district attorney. The other 14 are through with politics, Hugh Herbert Passes At 66 NORTH HOLLYWOOD Calif.. P) Hugh Herbert, C6. actor, play wrlght and comedian- famed for his giddy "Woo-Woo" and flutterv hands, died Wednesday night at his home of a heart attack. He complained of feeling 111 and succumbed shortly alter his phy sician and personal friend. Dr. Victor Kovner, arrived. Herbert came to Hollywood In 1927 and had been a featured com edian In scores of films. Some of his better known films were "The Great Walts," , "Kis met," In which he collaborated on the script, "A M.raclc Can Hap pen" and "Beautiful Blonde, from Bashful Bend." AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Ta ttm Mnl a lvlr ntw aplnl ytn frant ! LaU Mftna Plan Cam- paar. Itf H. Ilh. at a law maatal raia. jaiiar a raaaanaaia lima yaa. caa, tf yaa wlah. chaoaa frara raat la aar- ckaia inoiDI. Tha raal alraaar aaia ix au araanaa la yaar aaraaaaa aocaaai aaa aa alatr lwa Mranl t aacta. aarr. Tha maalhlr parmaala taa ba lltlla hlgbar Ibaa raal. Or, Iff aaa ara far. yaa caa caallaaa la taaL t at least for two years, The Democrats had hoped to win control of the 1D63 legislature, but they don't have a chance, Twenty-seven Republican candl- datea will have no Demooratlo op- (million, so all the OOP candidates nave to do la win at least four of the S3 contested raoea an easy task, because many of the contests are In districts which haven't elect ed a Domocrat for years. . In the senate, Uie Republicans have tilings really sewed up. Of the 13 holdover senators, 11 are Republicans. In contests for seven seats, there are no Democratic candidates, so the Republicans al ready are assured of IB of Uie 30 senate seats. . Republicans controlled the 1051 senate 31 to 9, and the house &1 to 8, It looks like they'll have sim ilar control when the legislature meets next January, because the Democrats couldn't muster the candidates to run for the Jobs. There are six federal peniten tiaries In the United states. a K't the awi awe! w lanin m , , pwcUd with riourithfflvar . . . (Uij for harrj-to-pleate pelt. Guaranteed yow per will love it, or your money bacW Man Decide Oregon " ,rds To Keep Quality" , . from OrvaoftJe) tMorfctf fat Oreioo P?.iullltT malnUln f "VTd.cUlon ol ilandsros r rwer WahlnWn"-i'Vbout every iin mm -" - uint." ' look tor ffcwiw varfefici: 1AKII NfTTlD OIMS OI3CHUTIS NITTIO OfMt KLAMATH NITTIO MaU 1 Your BEST food buy ...OREGON POTATOES Oregon Potato Crow.ri know Ihol Ih. way lo give you Ih. moil for your lood dollar li lo keap on i.lllng only quality polotoei. Good pololo.l give you more food volue ' al a lower coil p.r pound . . . lubilondord pololo.1 or. an .jpeniiv. bargainl Compared lo older freih vegetable!, polalo.i offer you nourlihing food al an .canonical price. Make tui. you g.l your mon.y'i Or.gon polalo.1 and gel quality potofo.ll Oregon Potato Commission REDMOND, ORIGON rr M 14 rmly par pam4, aarva Oafan aolaKaa awketf, tnmm, rraaaa-rrwe),, tm eepa anaf aataata, , aar 9rh and Pine Phom 3188 ill iV THRIFTYA EASTER I SMARTNESS 19.98 Rich oil-wool $uedei, checks, coverti and sharkiMni . In beautifully styled Coati. Fully lined, neatly tailored. All excellent values;. Wear youri far Easier, enjoy It all spring. Big selection of colors. t FOR THAT BANDBOX LOOK 1.98 MliMe&'raron enpti Wathablt labtlcl Gay Blouses with a springtime flair. Lovely rayon crepes with fresh-os-a-daisy trims. Contrast piping, pencil stripes, embroidery or lace. Hand-washable. White, spring pastels, darks. In sizes from 32 to 38. Or Over I with leet leaking and ,.. 1710 Oregon Ave. .... Phone 3860 lees robbing.