THURSDAY. MARC!! 13. 1IM2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON V PACE FIFTEEN (pig ny 'III Associated I'res INJUHY HI rrlcrt)iiiK. l''ln. Wl The New Yuilt Yankee Thnrsiliiy were minus one milliner-sun n inmmy .it-iiniL one. Yiiiinir Hlllv Miirlln. wild was hlntrd lu Mil III Hi litilli (.econil ii lid llilnl bT. sustained t.i.A lil'ukMl llllllf. 111 til rlnllt mi. kle Wednesday sllilllitf Into second lur llii1 brnrllt nl innifi niiiiiii. lis priiliiilily won't lie aide to ylay iinlll May. IIKVKN'iK ti. .fi.....i .... 'flu. Hi l.oul Browns, who Kiilurd nl least partial revenue lor inn mini ex- 1. ,1.111.... MMltut.'lr t,llltttll lllf.111 hu 111 C'hlcnuo Wllllo Hox. retired 10 llielr regular Iriilnlnif iimi In i 'I tin.uHuu n litl rithjiiimi uum The Drowns, beaten by Hie While Hox. l-il, TueMlny, clrlealrd ihe Hox 10 Wednesday In a iiiln-lmllcd live Innlnii return nmitli. HIIII I.INKI) HI. Prtrr.iuurir, i''lu. -- A dou ble liaiturn of Ihe rlulit leu linn Milellneil Oulllcld-'ihlid llimeiiiiin Vei n llcnsiin nl the HI. Louis Car dinal. Unison was dilured Wednesday ti.1 Die Curds deleuted Hie llnalon Hed Box. 7-0, III IS-lnnliiK cx hlblllnn mime ul Barasnta, Km. jeiuwn received Ida Injury a he olid Inlo second on Jnvy Vnn Nov a encrillce In the linnl innlim. I.arry Mlttiiins went In to run lor Fleii.-on end scored the. winning run on llcib Hotmail's ninulo. HITtrhT Mesa. Aril. Tlie Clilcimo Cubs, fresh from a 10-2 victory over Ihs New York Uliintx. play Ihe National Leanun pennant win ner aiiain lliurxluy In the third Kiime ol their spring series. The (Hants hammered the Cuba Mon day, wliinniK 15-3. T"he one-aided victory Wednesday at Phoenix, Ulnnl Iralnlnu camp, resulted from a Ifi-lilt Cub barrnue nil (liree Nrw York pitcher. First lUnrinan nee Kondy's lour singles led (lie assault. . shock moors rasadrna. Calll. 11 Manaiier Paul Itlrharda ol the Chicago While Hox pu ked a lineup n( mostly see ond alrlnuera to meet the Pitts burgh Piralra In an exhibition game Thurndiiy. apsvf- - W"'l "saw"1 '. I I'NiiAPry Ran nernardino. Calif. If Man aver Hilly Meyer of the Pittsburgh I'lrates la a inmhly unhappy man all because ol the weather. Meyer claim his Pirates are In poor condition because the training arnson has been hindered by rain. Wednesday night the Buca made a trip lo Sun Diego and It wa the unit atory more rain. The Cleve land Indian were leading 2-0 when the game was called In the lant of the fourth. TKKTS KNKK San Diego W Pennant anxious Cleveland planned to give the olt disrunscd trick kiier of First Base man I. like Raster It llrst workout ol ihe season under gamo condi tions Thursday. Illrf Luke, who 'ihlnU' JrVII lill 40 nonier If ine knee linicis uu. has looked pretty spry alnce the look the brace off last week. The Indians Mill regard him as a key man In me power department. Louise Suggs Tee Favorite AUGUSTA. C.a. I Louise SiiRgn, the Jackie Burke of wom en's golf whose great competitive spirit ha created one of the finest winning streak In Ihe game, wa No. I in the field Thursday a the THleholder Tournament opened. 8ecnnd place In the affections of Ihe gallery for this 72 hole medal tournament was Babe Zaharlas, who along wl h Louise. Pally Berg, Betty Jameson and Betsy Rawls makes up tho big five ot women' golf. BIG VALUE SMALL COST Flak Alr-Iiorne cost Utt per mil than pre-war lire! Be cause they're belter. "Cold ruliher" compounded for i extra mllrngc . , , balanced engineered for low pressure, bey give you smooth riding, easy Herring and mora mile for your money. Bn "Alr-liornr" tomorrow you'll feel the difference! WHAT A DIFFERENCE A small deposir and small monthly payments put FISK TIRES an your car. ASK ABOUT OUR BUDGET PLAN! DICK B. MILLER CO. X 7th and Klamath Ph, 4103 City Cage Banquet Tonight Princeton Qualifies For NCAA lly The Associated Press Princeton won tho Ivy League liiii.krlbiill chiiinplonshlp Wcdnns (iuy nle.lit and bncuiim the 12th Icnin to uuiillfy for the NCAA Tour niiiuent In Chicago March 21. The Tiger clinched their aec ond crown In three year by de lenllnit Columbia 70-l!i In a see saw buttle at Princeton. They will cijiiinpii. lit Chicago against one of lour "at large ' leaina ami 10 nei league, Metiers in me victory and named to the Eastern NCAA re-J Oregon Wool In the Olrl loop, gionul.i. I Certificate honoring all-star In Tins Is how the first round ol the Victory and Girl leagues will NCAA currently shape up: alo be handed out. The City KAKT I league did not name an all-star Kentucky vm. team lo be named team. 1 (ul Halclgh, March 21) I Emcee of the show I Bob Mc- N. C. Hlnlp vs. team to bej Vav of KWI, named (at KulelKli, March 21 1 One of the highlight will be the Illlnolft vs. team lo be named : showing of a basketball action pic (at Chicago, March 21 1 lure, starring professional cage l-riliceion v. ii-iuu m uc iininuu ciuos. Lee Ragsdale Out As Medf ord Grid Mentor MEDFORD Wl Fred Splegel- berg, 32, former Washington State College footbal player, will be- Uornc head football coach at Med- Klamath Falls' three basketball ""x School next fall, leagues-City. Victory and Olrl Join hands Uinlght at the Wlllard Hotel to cap the ear.on with an award banquet. Starling lime 1 8:30. Trophies will go to the three champions' Ricky In the City A line coach here four veara he will succeed Lee V. Ragsdale who Is moving up to head the city school physical education program. BABY TAKK9 SECOND EAST LANSINO, Mich. Wl Mich igan State, the Big Ten Confer ence's baby member, finished sec ond In the first conference cham pionship meet In which one of Its athletic teams was eligible to par ticipate the 1950 cross country race. lll ltl) IN( HK'ASKS CANYON FERRY. Mont. Wt-A small herd of antelope planted omu ol Ine Missouri Klver near here has Increased by five times in the past six years. Robert F. Cooney, state wildlife restoration director, reorntly made an aerial count of the herd and reported 107 animals from ii planted M lMd. (at Chicago, March 21 1 w r.r, i Kaunas vs. Texan Chrlntlan (at Kansas City, March 2) I HI. LoiiIk vs. New Mexico AJiM (nl Kunsus City, March 21 1 UCLA vs. Santa Clara (at Cor viillls. Ore, March 21) Wyoming vs. Oklahoma City (at CorvalllK, Mnrch 211 JUST BEFORE THE MASSACRE l.illlc Beaver is recip ient 4i a two-fisted beating from liis midget, foe, Irish Jackie, in this shot as Referee Wally Moss moves in lo break up the sock soiree. Rut the little Indian and partner Salie llalasie hotinccd back to beat Jackie and Fuzzy Cupid in last night's special event at the armory, the show-slealcr. Beaver Steals Show; Kraut Beats Dusette CAGE SCORES Ciillece Basketball lly The Associated Press N Alii Tourney (Second Itiiund) Mnrn km,,.iH Oa KnLi-rn Illinois Ot ll.-.inhnc 84 Montana State College I Ohuck Bedker and Ken Bigby, Gun Olrls t.eague all-stars are Beverlv Eells, Bherry Larson, and Darlene Oorden, Griggs; Ethel Whitlatch. Maxlne Johansen and J. Killers, Oregon Woolen; Nora Meeker and Shlrlce Ralston, Peylons, and Nan cy McPherson. Rockeln. Those named for honorable men tion are Margaret .Hatfield. Shirley Ortls and Pat Derby, Pctrofls: Bcrnadctte Mathls, Oregon Wool: Sheila Marvin. Griggs, and Betty Carson, Peylons. Victory League all-stars are Har old Metier. Tex Robinson and Ron nie Chcync, Metiers; Dean Ixiwell, Orland Dixon and Herb Barrett. Klamath Pack; Oeorge Vlahos. Da vid Cummings and Bill Pickett. DeMolay Number 1: Bud Mullins. start them on Albers AND DEVELOP A MORE PRODUCTIVE IAYINC FLOCK NEXT PALI FOUR TEARS OLD Saturday Chick Special 72 Southwest Texas AfcM bi Portland (Ore.,) 12 Memphis State 4B Murray (Ky..) 75 West Texas 73 i Overtime I Whllworth 72 Mllllkln 71 Sprlnglicld 1M0..I 82 Indiana State M Lawrence Tech 72 Utah State 63 Store; Bill Saunders, Trades and New Mexico Industry; John Maon, DeMolay Number 2, and Don Dexter, Cra ter Lake. i If a popularity poll were taken At Ihe armory last night, Little Heaver would have won hands down even over Georges Dusette, Mr. Popularity himself, who lost a heart-breaker to Kurt Von Pop penhcun In Ihe main event be fore a loaded of wrestling customers. The mat midget with the agile little Indian In the starring role stole the show. There's no doubt ol ihut. Beaver was never In belter form as he paired with the chunky, sober-fared little Klhlnplan. Salle Ha lasle, lo beat Irish Jackie and Fun ny Cupid In the one-fall allulr. Cupid and Jackie teamed up In the opening minutes of the bout lo hand Little Beaver a lerrillc beating. But Beaver finally managed to camper lo hi corner for a respite and turned the Job over lo HalaMe, who turned the tide with dispatch. CATCH He hoisted Irish Jackie above his head and tossed nun lo Referee Wally Moss like he was a hot spud. Moss tossed him back Just as quickly. By that time I.illle Beaver was reaily to git and the crowd never saw sn many dropklrks In so short a time In tho armory ring, ' He pole-axed both his wrestling foes lime and again nhd even caught Moss napping lo make the arbiter slagger. ' The little bu?.r.-saw finally caught Irish Jackie In a back press for the lull Duvelle had Von Poppeuhelm ready for shipment bark lo Ger many when Von Pop turned Ihe fans' cheera Into Jeers with a sud- I dofi reversal. ! Dusetle, wo won the flrl fall In I 3." with his powerful full nel son only In have Kurt even mat ters Willi Ihe Boston Crab In 1U minutes- had hi pel hold In work ing order In the. third go-round when the boomerang came. ! Von Poppeuhelm would run for Ihe ropes each time DiiTlte banged i Other eames him on the chin ond applied the Princeton 70 Columbia 65 (Prince ton wins Ivy League title and NCAA berth) HIGH KCIIOOL, District 6 University (Eugene) 53, Junction City 39 Angels Win FULLERTON, Calif. W filan Hack's I-os Angeles team was held to eight hits Wednesday, yet scored lull nelson. But the French-Canadian Strong man steered the Prussian to the ring-posts Instead and buttered his shaven head against the turnbuck les. Von Poppeuhelm wa groggy and bleeding from a gash on his forehead. But about the fourth trip to the corner, h managed to propel Du aette backwards by securing tool ing on the lower strand of rope. Krlc iThe Great! Pedersen, a lad with muscles and a knack for ,,,, ii in 3 win over Portland In agitating the fans but less than coast League exhibition game. It average knowledge of wrestling. 1 ,hc Angels' third straight vic won over Jack Brillon In the open- t0ry. !.,. I Chuck Connors hit a homer with TH RS lwo on na- Gene Baker and Rookie Pedersen. a vain welghlllfter. fl- ipave Cunningham hit the ball out nelly made a full nelson stick af-!nf the park with one on. Portland ler finding on several rudimentary i purlers gave up 10 bases on balls, hold. It took the Scandanavlan muscle merchant 12 minutes. 6 seconds lo bring an "uncle" from Britton with the full nelson. Bui Brillon couldn't return for the second lull. Fans will welcome Pcdccn back as a target for their cat-calls. He caught on In reverse. Promoter Mack Llllard an nounced last night that Cowboy Carlson would be back and has challenged uie winner of Ihe main Hoop Tourney Tickets Available If vou're looking for a ticket to Ihe Class A stale high school bas ketball tournament In Eugene, Mar. 18-22. contact Klamath Un ion High School. Athletic Director Joe Peak said eight reserved tickets, entitling the bearer to a seat for the entire event. A Carlson-Von Pomicnhelm I tournament, are left over. Tile du- bout Is in the making. cats cost $10 per. PROMENADERS OPEN SQUARE DANCE Saturday Nitc MARCH 15 So. 6th COMMUNITY HALL (Petersen Holl-Neit to Little Sweden) OUR MOTTO: "More Square Dancing Fun for Everyone" Allen and Viola Howard Sugar Risks Title for $1 SAN FRANCISCO Wl Sugar Ray Robinson lays his middle-; weight title on the line Thursday night against Carl (Boboi Olson tor $1. It will be Robinson's first title, defense and first fight since he re-, gained his crown from Randy Tur pin six months ago. Both he and Promoter William Kyne donated their shares, less tl each, to the Damon Runyon Can cer runa. However Sugar Ray drew 7i00 expenses. Though Robinson has boxed only 15 rounds In training for the three times postponed contest, he will be a prohibitive favorite when the two step Into the ring at 1:30 p.m. Jack Howell, guard on the Uni versity of Arizona basketball team, sank 44.8 percent of his field goal attempts last season for a new school record. i Per Hundred We will olio book future orders at this price Sat. only. Newhamps Parmenters Leghorns , This year, be sure that your chicks get the kind of start that assure a profitable laying flock . next fall and winter. Start your chick on Alber feeds and keep them on Alber from brooding through rearing and right on into the laying house. Follow the Albers Plan also. It i a tested program of suc cessful poultry management, developed from years of scien- tific feeding and management trial at the Alber Research . Station near Carnation, Wash. '. Make it a point to call at our store and ask for full de tails on the Albers Plan the next time you're in town. We'U be glad to furnish Albers help ful chick brooding booklets without cost or obligation. REMEMBER FREE CHICK DAY THIS SATURDAY Standard Feed Store 2720 So. 6th Ph. 8300 PI IS teMtt I I VONtfll - BOURBON 'J AIu iir - 1 K lU YEARS lo.$43.-' j Ml Pint 86 PROOF WATiiMii and riAzm Diimiirrce). IAIDSTOWN. NIISOH COUNTY, KINTUCO 1 As UtC as the Chrysler Building has 77 Slorics Seagram's 7 (nin lias only one tlnry mil i's nnl a tall one. It's the true ntnry of si re pleas, lire, and stisr. tasle perfection in every drink inailc with. Seagram' finest American whiskey. Seagram's 7 Crown, lllrmlrd Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp., N.Y, flSiliiiwI fell Features and Performance jd$pkt never before mMIe Jgg, e - at such a Price! wyt v v vr FOR THE FIRST TIME AT THESE PRICES! V Stopping Power Skid Resistance lire iviiieaae ana tconomv Beyond all previous standards! NOW AVAILABLE AT YOUR U. S. ROYAL DEALER UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY SHOO!? and SCHULZ Main and Spring - - BOB'S UNION SERVICE STATION 4078 So. 6th COLEMAN'S UNION STATION . 1101 Main TIRE SERVICE CAHOON'S UNION SERVICE North Highway 97 Phone 7741 SCOTTY'S UNION STATION 1 Main St. RONNIE'S UNION SERVICE 201 So. 6th St.