. i i.iMiAY, MAIU.II IM, ll),V2 IIKHAU) AND NKWS; KLAMATH FALLS. OKKCON PAGE THIRTEEN & itianij waijs to brglite.i L0ITBl MEALS wi rom o o o M1 Iff rf J lSSI 1 The big haul's in, folks! And the wide variety of fish in our display cases Is bound to make your : Lenten menu planning easy. Fish that's fresher and more flavorful because it's frozen within hours after the catch. Enjoy golden brown fillets, succulent steaks, dplirntp fiVirinrm mutter rita an A Valaa j, . . they're all protein-rich. Make your own selection of pan-ready fish from our open-top PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH 15 display today ! Shop ahead, too store in freezing compartment. Other Values in Safeway Guaranteed Meats .57 rami ww JmB WBK IDS "fc rKEdn raw era No straps fo Mo th meiinoj of this 'in, top quality, puf ground bf. PURE LARD Molte 2 lbs. 30' Slightly fteior.d by tfTh I fptrt uuiigi HhA wff I ike Disjointed Reedy Cool lb. 9 LUNCH MEATS Widt CQ Variety lb. 07 Select from this Wide Variety, at Money-Saving Prices Halibut Steaks ib.59c Salmon Steaks lb. 79c Fillet of Sole ib.57c Rock Fish Fillets ib.39c Whiting ."d lb. 29c Salted Cod Fish ib.53c Smoked Cod Fillets 55c Fresh Oysters pint 69c Perch Fillets lb.55c Breaded Shrimp, '63c Sea Scallops "-" 65c Beef Pot Roast Mmv Rlada Cult Bttf Pot Roast Hound Ictf CuH Sirloin Steaks t ') ! Ctl Sirloin Steaks T Bone Steaks V.S 6v't hoc 6d T-Bone Steaks U S 't 6m4 Grd Corned Beef I on I 41 trlilata Tom Turkeys Ready for ttta Pan Hen Turkeys ftdy for tK pan Fricassee Fowl Heady to Cool .75' , n si 08 tk. I 4 04 lb. I .1" .I" .69' .63' .68' .59' Beef Rib Roost US. Gov't. Choice or Good , G'octo. Standing Slylt Pork Loin Roast Loin or Rib End Cut Pork Chops lain CM Cuh, Pork Roast Round lone a'louldar Cut Pork Steaks Shouldw Hd CS Pork Liver T.ixltr.HMllKtuI Sliced Bacon Fancy tt m Sliced Bacon SUndr4 Net Piece Bacon k Stic II and Sev Smoked Hams Hill w Whole .89" .48 .68' .39' .49" . 29' .55' .43' 63' SKYLARK BREAD "f reotf of. Its Freshest Best" Potato Crash! Wheat Ac tye 1M Whole Wheet1 lb. 1 7 RAFS1N, Mb. 20c; Stenderwey. lb. 22c Miscellaneous Sovinos TUHjTfISH. Billmore.....No. can CHERUB MIK. Evaporated tall can 14 SUGAR. Pure Granulated 10 lbs. 83c ItfTTER. Shady Lane lb. 86c 'A' URGE E6GS. Breakfast Gems. Doz. 52c KOB HH1 COFFEE, lb. Boc 2 lb.M.71 AIRWAY COFFEE lb. 83c 21b. 51.45 EDWARDS COFFEE lb. 1c 2 lb. H.81 ZEE PAPER TOWELS . Roll 18 ZEE WAX PAPER 125-foot roll 25 FLEET MIX, for biscuits 40 oz. pkg. 43c HARVEST BLOSSOM FLOUR 101b. 87c KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR 101b. 89c VELVEETA 1AY0MM5E TUNA FISH Kraft's Popular Cheese Food Piedmont Brand White Star Bite Size TOMATO CATSUP 2-lb. Loaf Quart No. Va . .Can Taste Tells 14-ox, Bottle WE0LE APRICOTS S127' 89 59 29' 15 ...UIITS Potted Meat Ne. V caa 10' uiirs Potted Meat Ne. ft can 16 Lirs Cerae Ne. Hash ,.-38' Farm -Fresh Produce Features Bright grttn jackets twirled (round billowy white, solidly formed heedt. Florido Chock full of healthful Vitamin C. Easy juieen, Juiceful Grapefruit Florida White... lb. 10c Florida Pink---lb. 14C Ariiona...8-lb. Baq 49c AVOCADOS FRESH DATES . .... GREEN CABBAGE GOLDEN CARROTS.. CRISP LETTUCE MEXICAN PEPPERS ... RHUBARB .2 k 19c ..in. pi,. 29c ,ik. 8c it. 10c le. 15c ,...ib. 23c iw 23c Green Onons AUNT JEMIMA Buckwheat Hour 2V2-lb. 38 Pancake Flour 2V3-lb. 35c DROMEDARY CAKE MIX H-01. Modice or Heat lrod Plums No. 2V2 Con 17' lumberjack Maple Haver Syrup 24.0, 7QC Bottle Mm! Devil's Feed NIAGARA STARCH pkej. 30 'Canned SsllTIOn old Cove brand. Tall can 39 Ralston Rice Chex Cereal 2 Pv,.d.i 21 For smooth u.oi.o0c Royal Satin Shortening 3 ib.ca 79" Itarchlna oka. dfcw ' i Crisco Shortening Aii.NvegetbieMbean85 Snowdrift Shortening pUr. 3 ib.an851 Kremel Lemon Pie Filling 45- Starching pkg LINIT . STARCH Starching pkg. ' - I RINSO I White King I DUZ I White Magic I SURF I TIDE Granulated Soap ' Granulated Soap Granulated Soap Granulated Soap No-Rin'te Detergent Marvel Detergent 46-01. pkg. 62 ' I 22-o . pkg. 31" I 20Vi ox. pkg. 23-oi. pkg. 291 19-ei. pkg. 32 I pkZlie 83C I