PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON US Chamber Urges End for Curbs WASHINGTON (3 The U.S. nhimhur of Commerce uraed Con gress Wednesday to end wage and price controls by June 30. It also suggested rent controls be wiped out since uiey n ceased to operate except In a, lew I localities. ' clem D. Johnston of Roanoke, Va., director and chairman of the chamber's policy committee, told the Senate Banking Committee other provisions of the Defense production aci snoum not do e tindMl bevond March 1. 1953. Inflation, Johnston said, should be curbed by credit control, tax ation, savings and monetary and liscai policies. The latter, he added should in clude reductions in federal spend ing and control of credit expansion by the Federal Reserve Board in- Etead of oy tne Treasury. In other testimony, an official of Safeway Stores Inc., charged that the "record of the administration with regard to the prediction of economic events to come is not good." Milton L. Selbv. Safeway'a sec retary-treasurer, told the commit tee that the administration "has asked power to control Inflation on several occasions when the situa tion facing the nation was a de flationary one." Bpeaking for the National Asso ciation of Food Chains Selby said grocers have been "seriously hurt" by price controls and by "com pletely inadequate protest and ap peal machinery and by maladmin istration oi tne law oy urs.' US May Get Spanish Bases WASHINGTON (fl Secretary of Citato Acneson said Wednesday ne gotiations will start with the Franco government soon for the use of military bases in Spain. The U.S. Is seeking the use of rjotn air ana naval oases. Acneson told a news conference that the negotiations will involve these bases and also "the use of the 100 million dollars already vot ed by the Congress for aid to The secretary announced forma tion of a four-member group of military advisers to assist newly appointed ambassador Lincoln MacVeagh. Ha said talks with Franco will start Immediately after Mac Veagh I THURSDAY, MARCH IS. 1053 He Took His Grog Seriously SANTA MONICA, Calif. Ufl Millionaire Turfman Lindsay c. Howard was so serious about his drinking he sometimes dressed for it in a metal horned helmet and a chain armor coat according to evidence introduced at his wife's divorce trail. The evidence was in the form of photographs showing Howard in the costume or tne viKings, a drinking society wnose motto is A viking can always drink one more." Mrs. Judith Barrett Howard charges extreme cruelty and ex cessive drinkintr in her comolaint. She asks $10,000 monthly alimony and child support and a share of community property. lefafauj OUR SMASH Si' I rf Grocery Specials Thursday thru Sunday I CORN f 3 Sisters . 303 l Whole Kernel It f J for 1 J t APPLE F JUICE J Wm. Tell. 10 ex. I tfHJ m . ' Meat and Produce, Friday and Saturday v . TERRIFIC VALUES CANNED FOODS Our Big Volume, Low Profit Policy Brings Your Food Costs Down! ASPARAGUS ALL GREEN CUTS, No. 2 tins 5 fOP STRINGLESS BEANS Saracen, Cuts. No. 2 tins 8 for PORK and BEANS HUNT'S. No. 300 DICED BEETS DINETTE, No. 2 tins HOMINY MARKET, GOLDEN, No. 2 tins PEAS HAPPYVALE, 303 NEW POTATOES HUNT'S, No. 300 CATSUP WESTWARD, 14-oz. APPLESAUCE TASTEWELL, 303's APRICOTS HUNT'S, 2 V4 tins CHERRIES DIAMOND "A". Red sour, pitted, No. 2 tins FRUIT COCKTAIL MARKET, 8-oi. WILSON'S mm DOG FOOD 1 Bingo 1-lb. Tins OTHER MONEY SAVING VALUES! With 10c Coupon Quart arganinie lb. essonOil to FLUFFO With 15c Coupon hortefniin)g,b3s.54c Gold Medol 10 rt.:.j Occident IDS I Worrell's 12-o. almon Alaska Chum 1-lb. tin Navy, 2-1 Cello Bag SI Gauge IS Denier First Quality, , pr. SHRIMP 0AP White King Large Coffee White House Mb. tin 79 BROKEN 5-or. tin lettuce Fresh and crisp Hearts "Freshie." Cello pack 90 t PINEAPPLE V TIDBITS 12-or. tins Radishes Ffesh Peas Crisp and crunchy Large bunches 3 bun. Small and tender lb. 9 Large i Artichokes Daffodils 2 for Long stemmed beauties doz. 9 SELF SERVICE Cut Right, Trimmed Right - Guaranteed Fresh! refiners Skinless, best quality lb. Tenderized, skinned. Half or whole. lb. Fresh Pacific. 8 to 10 count FRY pt. Ground Pure. Ground fresh daily lb. Roasting Oven ready lb. For Fricassee. Cut up, pan ready and guaranteed tender COLORED. Cut up. ready to fry lb. PEACHES Market, 2 'A Tins Heavy Syrup J m Tomatoes Market, Standard No. Vi Tins & for 1 j JUICE MARKET, 46-oi. ' I COVE OYSTERS "40 Fathom". 5.oi. 9'lSPINACH HUNT'S. No. Vi Tins Giant Size With Coupon' On Page. 17 mmsm rcwwut0UM9 TSAVE OREGON FOOD MEAT LABELS 4480 So. 6th WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT! 2410 So. 6th NO SALES TO DEALERS 1749 Ore. Ave. 01 J V