v; .iiHSI)AY, MAHCII 111, 11)52 HERAUl AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN' Homemakers Hard Put Variety Lenten Meajs Each year the Lciilcn aeunon ndg hoiiiriimkera scurrying to llnd IntrreatlMR main dlahr-a to aarva Uieir lamlllim, Old Invurlten ar ravurcl and new roclpca tried. Many tualy mtilii Ulxhcs llnd their ay to the tnble lliut ire ovrj looked during Inn rest of the year. Miny make mich lilt Unit thry win A pluco on llin I tttt ol ollrn arvrd family Imvoi llrn. Many tnnty l.rntrn (IIMici arr mide with dairy produHa. Milk, chnene, and uiillaun chesnr are all roinnlole prtiloln Inoiln which oiin be Iratured In a validly of flavur lul, aatlnlylnu main dlxhns. Mnro milk run br Included In the In mily llet by mlnu It. aa llio liinii for cream auupii. iraturliiK vritHublru or flat), crrainrd dlnhrn. raiarrolra. milk pt'ildliwa and cuntarda. C'hrenc arida It's tunny flavor tu crrain aaucea In many iniiln dliilira, hear ty aandwlchra, amilllca, londuen, cauerolra and oinclPtii. 0 o 1 1 u a o rhprne conihlnra perfectly with vatrtabln ol fruit anlnd plntea, cat terole dlahra, demertn and lunch eon apeclaltlei. Kern plenty ol dairy foodn In your relrlnenitor durlnir the I nnlen arnanu, and you will find that you enn feed your family holh economically and well. ' Because Huh and aralnod iiImi play an Important part In the did at til Ik time, todny'a reel pen lllim trate two every Unity romliiuiitloni of llih or aeiidwd and dairy pro ducln that will be valuable addi tion! to anv I.entrp menu. TINA IIAKK Tbp. butter 3 Tbap. Ilnur t cup milk j lip. aall Dnvh ol pepper 3 well-beaten esta yolkn cup grated Cheddar cheese 3 i'i nz. cam tuna, finked 1 tlfl-beaten rim whlte.i ' , tap. paprika DOWN-PILLOW WIIIHK Pown-lllled pillow ahould receive whlakbroom brmhliiii. The auction of a vacuum cleuntr Inula to pull the down throuuli covering. MaII hllltAr. -.1.1 ... Rn l.fnn gradually add milk; cook over low lie nt until anwotli and (hick, atlr HiiK conntaiilly. Add aeaaonlnga. Add ainall niiioiint ol hot enure to vug yolk'i, and atlr Into rcnuiinlng anuco. Bill' In chitraft and tuna. 1'old In run whIWia, Duke In Krniiand I'j quiirt caimrrolo In moderate oven Mb r., I hour. . Kalinon I'le Supreme (Hrvr l 3 'limp, btittor ',4 tup diced oiilona , '. ' , 0 Tbap, flour I'j t'P. milt (n tap, pepper , , ' 1 lap, Worcealorahlre aauco 2', cupn milk U cupa cooked celery, diced 1 aniall can muahiooma I'i cupa fluked boned aalmon 2 Tbap, inlnctd puralcy Melt butler, add onluna and cook over low llrnl until tender. Add Hour, aenKonlnita and Woicealer alilrr. antice: blend, (irndually atlr In milk and cook until thick ami aiiuiolh, Mlrrlng conntuntly. Add celerv, imi-ihromni, anlinon and liarrdrv. Nllrrlnir In hlenrl Turn I into a I'j quart buttered cnaaerule; top with cheeric blaculla and baktt In a hot oven, 1W for. 19 mill- ulea, Cheenr Manilla: Combine I cup' Kmlcd Cheddnr cheet.e and 2 cunn j prepared blacull mix. Add milk I and atir to make a aolt doimli. j Turn out onto llfditly Homed board. Knead .10 aeconda. Roll or pat to ! ' j to Ji Inch Ihlckneaa. Cut with i a floured blM-iill cutter end place on lop ol anlinon pie, I Hells Canyon Fight Grows IIOIHR Wt The Idaho-Oregon Hells Canyon Anaoclnllon Wednea- uny criticized inn lormallon of a water rlpdita protection committee by the idniio utute Reclamation Aaaocliitlon. inn nanociatlon announced ap pointment of the committee to light ''ledcral eiiroMchmcnt" on water rlghta. . A Klalement Ir.nucd by Oeorge H ft. Taylor, secretary of the canyon natwlutlon, aald the action "bring Into fucua the fact that the nigunl iuitmu Is morn couoerned over the InlerrntH of prlvule power com panies than In tho Irrigation rights of fanners." Taylor aald the latent reports of the Oregon and Washington Public Utilities CommlHsJon showed that Idaho Power Company and Wash Iniiton Wntcr Power Company each contributed M.rQ to . the reclama tion asaoclallon. He noted that the aanoclallon did not protect when "Idaho Power Company filed a water right on 1(1.000 cubic second feet of Bnake lllver waters, which will be bind ing nBiilii.it future upstream ue of water for Irrigation forevermore." SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA cMirallr Trtk rirl.H.. Mllkfl n K. us ell... mi Caimprftrll rhrilrian BIO KIIAMI'OO IN CAN An inatant loam lather to sham poo ruts and upholstery la pack aged In an aerosol-type can. A press of the finger lip to the nnuJe : and a pull of lather Is dpensed. When shampooing rugs, clean a small area at a time. . .overlap ping each cleaned portion. j Sl I.K-rOI.INIIINO W AX Floors covered with asphalt, rub-! fctr tilt and cork ahould bo finished j with sell-polishing wax. , , which has a water rather than a solvent! base. (Solvent has a deteriorating fleet on these floor coverings i i Dell-polliihlng wax en)oya popular' use on linoleum because of Us easy I application and removal when, soiled. St. Patrick's Dance Saturday. March 15 Dorris City Hall Dancing 9:00 Until 2:00 Music by Vern Emley and His Harmony Kings Sponsored by Dorris Boys' Club A brand new Wtilml recipe A lift GMAnnV'mn AicU mi r i No other egg noodles taste so good or cook (O firm and tender, for Mission Noodles are made from the very finest of Durum Semoi lina hard wheat and are extra rich in eggs! For a real treat, serve Mission and enjoy the finest noodles you've ever tasted. , r?W4 7Xtiiio4 Cum Tgceifit , 1 SAUTEED SHRIMP WITH EGG NOODLES. 8-ot. Minion T.fu Noorilr 3 Mf.rn shrimp (or , i 2 rapt frrilil, cookrtl)- X tMrtftoM likfHfr I nip brrl rmmU - Krotvnril in buiirr Cook llir MjMion Nooiltrl In rjipiilly bollinp'Mllnt walrr until trntler. Dm in. yna5 ftlirimpln bnltcr until ligliily brownril. In i Mirlr bowl lutltir rooked rptt iiomllr mill crmnlin loflf tlirr. Till on hot plfiUer unit nrrmipr lite Miilcrl ilirimp on lop. niilt with ilirtd lemon. Recipe scrvei 6. iilMArADOrJI CPAftUFTTi tr.n. MAr.ni cf. fl d 1 1 1 1 1 ( M I L'J-i) I r m. m M M. r n mm TOPQUAUTK i9T MCNeviStmmiPmces Anniversary Celebration ' At Our Stewart-Lenox Store Free Balloons' for the Kids! linUilSijS Q( KKRNI, Jello Assorted flavor 3 , 25c CUNCHY, WAffLY, GOOD . . . BITE SIZE HMnr ami NEW TUNA White Star Bite Size 29 PREM Swift's 12-01. tin 39c Petit Pois Sun-Blest Cigarettes All Popular Brandt caw 1-59 r-t Hunt's S CATSUP 14-oz. 49c 2 Reg. Size Or one Giant size 69c With Coupon on Page 1 1 119: HONEY, ot.-2-ib. 49c HUNT'S FRUIT COCKTAIL fS NIBLETSs . o one Wlh tht Crete Cienf on th fete jgLBBlg IV No. 1 tin i M mm pmn m&$i mm 37-. Slab res'1 '"e 'e b Bacon Sliced Salmon lb 69c no Rmd Halibut Steaks ,b 69c i lb. PRODUCE FEATURES CELERY s 4 10 CABBAGE - 8l GREEN ONIONS . 17( AVOCADOES 33' GRAPEFRUIT 9' GRIGG'S A. M j I ai - aw I I - w a w FOODS Prices affective Friday ond :! i Saturday, Klamath Falls, Merrill, Stewart Lenox Delrich Colored MARGARINE 29c White King Granulated SOAP Giant Size 59c Kellogg VARIETY PACK 35c POST VARIETY PACK j 35c PEP Reg. pkg. rt RICE KRISPIES Reg. pkg. 16C HI HO CRACKERS 29c Sunshine SODAS, 26c 2-lb. pkg. 49e Del Rogue TOMATO JUICE j 46-oz. tin r 29c I Royel Club ORANGE JUICE 461. 29c Royal Club BLENDED JUICE . 46-o. 29c DEL MONTE TOMATO JUICE 46-oz. 29c Royal Club TANGERINE JUICE 46-oz. 29c v Grttn Spot Orong BEVERAGE 46-oz. 3 f0r 51 . Libby'e TOMATO JUICE 46-oz. 29c Church's GRAPE JUICE 46-oz. 59c APPLE JUICE 46-oz: tin 35C ' V-8 JUICE 46-oz. tin 39c PINEAPPLE JUICE ... , 34c APPLESAUCE : Med. Six I Ptrs. Six , . ay Both Six fQ V'2 ,or 6825 fZCrx laf9 Mm g31 largt H'31' 33 Reg. Sixe ,1 lb. iRiscob lb. 89 PRUNE JUICE 46-oz. tin 53C Royal Club 17c 303 tin M 1 EDEEI 0Nt - Q m Ml EE I BOOTH l-OUNCI CAN or BOOTH'S DEVILED TUNA Siiain mm tf J CANS BOOTH'S CRESCENT FANCY SOLID PACK TUNA 49 .jfK Large) : iFilniaie i ' . IB fx