TlllIltSDAY, MAHCII 13. m HERALD A.v KWS. KLAMATH KALLS. OKKCON PAGE TEN AT BIG T AAARKET ej I, : ; " 1 COFFEE AND DESSERT is a new way to entertain. Serve ; it from the coffee table to conclude a formally served meal i or as a party in itself to conclude a pleasant evening. This "party" in miniature is set with a smartly modern dinner ware found in a Klamath Falls shop. Suit Filed Over Sale Of Indian Timber On Coast PORTLAND Wl The contro versial sale of 800 acres of Indian timberland near Cold Beach, Ore., to two white men came-under at tack by the federal eovernment Wednesday. A suit to nullify the sale was filed by Henry Hess, U.S. district attorney for Oregon, who said he was acting under instruction from Washington, D. C. , The transaction is being investi gated by the Department of Interi or. The sale was approved by a branch of the department, the Bu reau of Indian Affairs. Hess said the department's in vestigation is not completed, but il any wrong-doing is discovered in the Indian . Affairs Office here, the officials' names will be added as defendants in the suit. PGE Plans To Issue Stock '-. PORTLAND" m The Portland General Electric Company will Issue another million shares of stock to finance expansion projects, in the ' next five years, including the ' proposed Pelton- and Round Butte Dams. - Stockholders authorized the issue at the annual meeting here Wednesday, after Thomas W. Del sell, chairman of the board, said 80 million dollars in new capital would be needed in the next five years. The . Pelton and Round Butte dams are - planned for the De schutes River. Federal approval has been obtained for the ' Pelton project. Stockholders also voted to change the value of common stock from no-par to $15. This will lower the amount of tax stamps seeded ion stock transfers. Delzell said the company would sell about four 'million dollars worth of bonds before May 1, and would issue 250.000 shares of the new stock in the next few weeks. He estimated company earnings would hold firm this year, then rise slightly in the next four years. ; Directors were re-elected. '. The suit contends the oricinal cwners, Jasper Grant and Harold mormon, coastal imians, re ceived $135,000 for land that was worth at least $350,000. Named as defendants was Mrs. Ernestine C. Siniscal, who bought ine land from Grant and Thornton. then resold it the same day at a $25,000 profit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Taylor, who bought the land from Mrs. Siniscal. were on the list of defendants, as were William F. Brenner and Fred F. Marsh. who took an option on the land from the Taylors. Mrs. Sinlscars father, Elmer A. Reed, also was listed. , . Meanwhile two land officers of the Indian Office here are tem porarily suspended. They are Clyde W. Flinn, the Land officer, and F. E. LaGrance. his assistant, who were placed on annual leave status while the investigation was conducted. A similar civil suit was filed earlier in the week. It was filed on behalf of Grant and Thornton, seeking to revoke the sale. Canners Meet To. - Discuss Problems GEARHART, Ore." Wl Pacific - Northwest canners opened a two : day conference here Wednesday. Current prices, the labor situation and the supply outlook are up for discussion, i- Fred C. Heinz, Pittsburgh, vice president of the H. J. Heinz Com : pany and president of the National . Canners Association, is scheduled to speak Friday. akeW aft' 71 7 -fr ft; iinyorOVfnn J ft Enjoy tlit linelMt, quality flak But im roamthtimnuMt Eaiy on tht budiit tisytoprtpsril i f 11 Cbtict (f FM,Ch,f,! . This temptinf variety to choose from! FIUIT of ton nuiaur FIlltTI HUH mimon Fiurrt CHUM MIMON FILLET PACIFIC COO FILLETS FILLET OF NU00CK "ST HEYI THIS NEW V CANNED FRKKIES HAS A lABLC'WUALITr fU . SURE USES US.G0VERNMENT I M .INSPECTED INSREDEMTS! BOY, WHAT MEATX 4 WfcS RAinar amoVmjcc it i WMPR0V,PES IMPUTE Cf' NOURISHMINT, U FRSWK FORMULA HELPS US KEEP HEALTH AND LIVE LONG. ' t Mm V ? JELL MM MIIIINO COMFAMT A HVIIIOM 0 CAFNAIIOM COMM FRYERS Beef Roasts Ground Beef RED HENS Pork Steaks Corned Beef BACON s,ieed Ham Roasts OYSTERS Young colored 1711 RvnnirT. lb. m la II Six Oelicloui Flavors "AA" Large Farm Frtih Gradt "A" Ground frtih! Good quality 45: ST. stake lb. Hii Boneless Morrell'i Fresh For Sunday dinntr Fresh Ideal for Lent pt 3 3 ib.' 49 35 59 59 ib. t?Mi7nnn X.'V 1 I IWII IIILf Mm ALL FURPOSE OCCIDENT NALLEY'S Lumborjock squire Sauce 25' F00DS225' 00 i IGRO-PUP KELLOGG'S Largo Sit 'lb. Ul C save sAve sAve t 2 BATH TOWELS tzzx-Mc Cannon. 51 gauge, 15 denier, first quality, pair 3 NYLONS KITCHEN TOWELS Blue Belle Giant tsiie, pre-shrunk cotton. In re-uiable bag "JEANIES" ALKA SELTZER Full range of sixei, 1 year to 40 waist. Ladies sixes tide sir With Coupon On Page 17 67' SUGAR 79c 3 -69c ran nana 07t BRING US YOUR COUPONS! CASHMERE BOUQUET 2 bath size ?v With Your 'HOC Moil 3 Reg. Sii. J jj ' ."Coupon!"' " ilia La of one at reg. price. ilks) VEL c,, 69c CRYSTAL WHITE 8c m PALMOLIVE 'Z 3 ,.,25c 'rtTOWmHmttWWWWHWWWMWWWWWWWWWWHWtWtWW S ft W the royolty of the canned food line. LARGE SIZE White Satin 10 lbs. arganne s CRACKER! DEL RICH Colored SUNSHINE KRISPY (0 Cabbage 9 Celery . New crop, solid heads . Large bunches Green and fresh 5-r w 10': S mM Bumblebee, fancy grated No. Vi Tins. Crisp, green, long stalks aautiful, large. Long stems All green, fancy 10' r : SHACK innced Clams 27' Tomsitoes Sn 2f3 ilk Tissue MORRELL'S Lunch Meat 12 ox. Tin RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS 2b. a w i 1 mm OCCIDENT $)09 25lbs7 23' 24 ox. 35' V i 2 39' 39 032 IP 79 .27' 29