. wwilNKSHAY, MAItCH 12, 1052 PAGR SEVEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FBI Quizzes Woman In Theft Case US Papers Widely Read I'lllLAOKU'llIA Thr 'um bliicil circulation ol KiiKllnh-liiii-iiuiiun iicwi,iHiH-r In Iho United Utiiln ln.it year totnlrd 03,6(13,000. Tho riKiirc, printed In ho- 4lh minimi edition of N, W. Aycr It Hun'n (IlircCor of iicwMiii)crii mid imrlodlcliilH, nearly ruiil the Mi lium record eHtiilillhlicd In ll50. Meat, Milk Supply Falls CINCINNATI, l -- A CornHI unlvri'Hlty cdumlur Hiild Wrdnes iliiy thiil Urn Miniily of milk and incut In tliln country Inn't kmpliiK piico with tlio IncroiiHliiK popula tlon. Dr. Ilrrrcll DrOriilf ol Cornell' Hchoul of Nutrition uolrd Unit thr population In rlnlnK t Hid rata ol il.MM.OOO person n year. lie (tilted, "meal consumption per capita wan 17 pound ill per cent) lens In 1101 limn In 1017, and milk consumption, cxpriwd an total milk equivalent, wan down I a at year 70 pounda mine per cent) from the pout-war hlKli In IU40, DrOriifl spoke lit the kcvciiMi iiiiiiiiiiI coufrrrnce of the Distiller Fend Research Council. C. M. i'.ly. research sciential here with the National DIMiller.. I'rnductH Corp., said that chickens row laster and latter when a launderlnK detergent la sprinkled In their feed but the experts don't know why. MIRRORS j - "V lor any r $ V Vlooin In tht Homtl i Main , MII.WAIJKKIC I Andrew Rob til Younu, -id, mi vx-couvlct, wan mlml by Fill auentn Tuenday In .'oiuiccUim with tho Ihnll ol 1 Tlio auiitial dlrenlory pulillnlu'd iiilllloii dollain Ironi the home of hv the advertlnlnu firm noluled nut i lleno. Nrv., millionaire 10 diiya 1 tlint. despite, ncwiiprlnt shortages, i a", evening newspaper him year uau per cent to their circulation while morning newspapers have lipped their llxurc Id per cent. 'Iho auentn nel.ed Youiitr alter trncliiK lil 1 1 1, they mild, throuuli an iLmriivi. fiiuK.miiri'ii invninrv woman who attempted to pass a 11.000 bill at a llcuo gniubllng table. Alter hour ot (lurntlonlng, during which Young drilled taking part hi the l''eb. 3D burglary ur even bring In Iteno at tho lime, he wan brought belore U.H. CoinnilsMoiinr Floyd II. Jenkins. Preliminary tiuiiKpiirlallou ol stolen property wan adjourned lor a week pending lieurlng on a charge ol Intcrntntc arrival of a, warrant from Iteno. Young was held In Jail In &0,000 uowl. II. 8. Attorney Timothy T. Cronln 'Mild Nevada nulhorlllea told him 'f Young wan charged there wllh be- lug Involved In the burglary of thr manilon of l.avnno V. Redlleld. u Whether olhern were Involved, fed feral nulhnrltlcn ref lined lo nay. ' The FBI men who arrested Young Mild Ihey found live 1100 ..till In on him but none of the rent -r tho cash, nocurltlen and Jewelry 0 m from the Reno millionaire's Inline, 'llie mystery woman In Reno wan liieslloned by FBI men Monday viiluhl after alio nltempted to break -n 11.000 bill alter losing at the "Itlvernldn Hotel Bumbling casino. 'The casino canhlern Identified the ' bill by lln aerial number an part , of the loot taken In the Redlleld . burglary. ; Rcsuscitotor Used rfr Local Case ( A Randall. 1710 Menln W.v In leellng much beller today after urilill saved iroin anpuyxiaiion oy - the City Fire Department emer Henry crew. Randall was working on hla car in ihe garage shortly after a p. m v Monday when lumes lrom the car v began to effect him. The department reniincltator wan f brought Into action and naved Ran' '"dull from being overcome. dally circulation totalling 22.22b, uou iiignent over, rccorueu. The combined dally circulation ol morning papern wan iWMM.OOO, while the nation's three all-day dalllen bad a combined circulation ol 011.000. Hundav ncwnimpern at lb" "nd of 1051 had a circulation ol 4.6 D07, IKK). Kundny papern nlnce the end ol World War II have added 19 WURLITZER A mognlficont plgno, Mony lowly itylti ond finishes lo fhooio from. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th i Ernie Funk, 31-year old 6-2 right i handed pitcher. Is the youngest . lilnver on the roster of the Detroit Tigers. He will be 21 on March '11. lie woo six games at Toledo , ln.it year and three at Williams port. Pa. f STILL AVAILABLE " I g NEW MOTORS! plSHORT BLOCKS J We have been able to secure thete brand new, complete Motors and Short blocks, either 93 or 105 HJ. II a.. n tannine en Intuit ing e saw mtr er sharl alack, DO IT NOW klls ht ere still vellaalsl USE OUR EASY BUDGET TERMS and take your time to pay.' ASHLEY CHEVROLET OUR BUDGET PLAN COVERS EVERYTHING ! Tires Painting Motor Work Body Work Mechanical Work All for your car needs Any Make of Car TLJ I C Spend $25 and pay if off in 3 small monthly payments. IsfVsF I ril3 You won't suffer with high finance charges on our Easy Budget Plan! mm i. mum Co. 7th and Klamath OLDS -CADILLAC Register to Vote Now! Ph. 4103 Try it -you'll 'know why- 5 th mji M a. Jf 1. Vk ft a ATII : -"el ' Gfeerfaasftstfame' lj Sold u itm? I unnv Brook RPAlin KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY . 86 PROOF . 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. THE OLD SUNNY BROOK CO.. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY 1 1 -1 niir. zi n o. n rr ii i a ini w n n r iiiiii iiiiii i ! p f THE NEW INCOMPARABLE j 1 IJJ ml PHOnOGQAPH-klADIO 11 : o m (1 SAVE vbUUV-J L-Z-U-J JJ O Usiiy LP j VSX J BREW 661$ the smoothest, tightest beer ever. jf A IJy That can be proved ' I Q " jT It's tlie brewing that counts. 'I l v Yearshead brewing methods make ' I Y BREW 66 o pleasantly different beer. That V can be proved! 00 I ill The "new taste", of BREW 66 is beer fP "L lllni I IIA Vti at its best. The proof is in the brew, so prove Ll0 ' ; i ;V rJ -;. &X "V..r.f.Tr,BREWl only t-jr- ... . I 1 1 . : $229". " Vc.5 "4 i Oregon's fP ! II . . L ' A C V EL.af -A-' 1 1 1 sT,v V ' V if VTlll I IIIIII IIIIII 1 1 k W The CAPEHART "Georgian" ExquUiie mshogsny vsnfers in 18ih Century aiylitlst lo gre your home. Tnie-limbr Capcharl Symphonic-Tonr. AM IM radio. Pliyi sll lypei, all in. all spccils of records all automatically. A luperlative value ai , Tht Vliimatt in Mi5col noymnf Brine the world of music to your liv ing room. Hear for yourself how the worldrrcnowncd Capcharf Sym-. phonic-Tone System releases- every, delicate tonal shading locked in your records . . . faithfully captures in all . its glory the flood1 of melody hi- the air. Sec for yourself how master- crafted cabinetry has been wedded to the ultimate in electronic sound re : production to give the finest in music ' the finest in furniture. Consider tiie reasonable price, the inherent Cape-. ' hart quality, the prestige of Capchart ownership. Then wc know you'll agree you can and should have the " best phonograph-radio a Capelurt. 1)whtj$ Mmic Co. Ph. 4519 120 No. 7th