PAGE EIGHT ' HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 10B2 As Parent, What Do You Want In Your Child's Education ? TT 7 li Is " J ;MI - 'If IN THE SPRINGTIME young men's thoughts sometimes turn to suits and things. George Demetrakos, modeling for Reeder's, wears a hand-tailored Spring suit by Louis Roth in a brown doeskin gabardine emphasing the new shoulder line, brown Florsheim oxfords, earth brown four-in-hand and cocoa snap brim hat i " - - V . 4 ,w imrTf WT i 'fm 'ill " hi iii i i i Ti " ini ' n'lfll ALL READY FOR SUMMER PICNICS is Katie Paup of i Miller's. Her Romany striped, full skirt with lightening flash, zig-zag bands of red, yellow, green, on a black back ground is a perfect start for a warm weather wardrobe. rThe clear, true red is picked up in the little sleevless cotton ' blouse, frosted with white piping and pearl buttons. A mandarin collar adds interest. Katie, a soon-to-be-bride is 'admiring the pert, downy sweaters in Miller's new Teen-Shop. 1 If III JOHN JENOTT and MARIE LOBAN OTI STUDENTS DESIGN COVERS The covers for these two special Spring sections were drawn on as signment by two students of Jim Floyd's Commercial Illustration and Design course at Oregon Tech nical Institute. ' Marie Loban, IS, whose home town Is Carlton, Ore., drew the fashion design for Section II, and John Jenott, 24, of Fort Jones, jtenned the rural scene for Section Mis loban 1 to be a June graduate of OTI, while Jenett will not finish his course until March, 1953. The engravings and color print ing were provided by Herald and News departments from drawings submitted by the Oregon Tech students. Photographs were taken by staff cameraman Don Kettler, and the information was rounded up by Mrs. Ruth King and Malcolm Bp' ley Jr. i By DAID TAYLOR MARKE AP Newifeaturei Writer What do you, as a parent, want Johnny to gel out of his educa tion? Are you the kind of parent who husUes Johnny off to school and then breathes a sigh of relief that he Is out of your hair for a few hours? Or are you the kind of par ent who is concerned about what Johnny Is learning and how he Is learning and who is learning with and by whom he is being taught? These are Important questions to ask yourself, in the opinion of one child, who has two boys, and lives In Scarsdale. New York, is a for mer school teacher. She is a trust ee and vice-president of the school board In her district. Says she: "It is impossible to spell out what one wants In education for one's offspring without clearly de fining one's own beliefs and Inner most hopes ... If you believe, as I do, that the past experiences and culture of man are a common heritage and bond, that a know ledge of the past is needed for an interpretation of the present, that education should employ the techniques of modern science and that It is the promise of a better world, then you'll not denounce modern education or the principles on which It Is based. "If you have faith In the ulti mate triumph of world cooperation o a world at peace, then you'd expect and urge the schools to shape your children's attitudes in that direction. Because of your trust In our form of society, you'd Insist on your children living dem ocratically at school. Because you cherish freedom, you'd Insist on your children's teachers being free to teach within the framework of a democratically conceived admin istration and school system." Turning to what alio wanted the schools to do for her children, she said. "I expect my boys to gain a thorough knowledge of the basic skills acquired by methods based on a modern psychological ap proach . . . While mastering the 3 R's I expect my boys to gain many important concomitant learn ings, such as experiences In under standing to give and take of group living and the responsibilities of cltiienship in our democratio so ciety, These understandings are not develoled by reading about past leaders nor bv hearing of the glor ies of one's heritage, but rather bv practicing patterns of behav ior in group activities of the class room. These patterns should ulti mately call forth their own sense of responsibility and need for group cooperation, I hope my sons' at titude will b Influenced by their ganlsed along sound, democratio principles. Such experiences in school living should affect their ac tions outside the school and In adult life." But group living Is not enough, she points out. "Through tho use of all the techniques and tools available, I want their individual abilities and talents developed to the utmost ... I trust Uiey will become fine splriual and moral men. I am convinced that the day to day contact wlUi finepeople in their schools, their teachers land other personnel) will furUier their spiritual growth. For though I be lieve the religious raining and mor al development of my children Is the responsibility of their InUier and myself, fortified by their more formal religious training, I do know that teachers ..can give much to my sons. 'The educational alms and goals I hvo In mind for my children can be accomplished In a school system of not too large numbers, with a community responsive to and understanding of the alms and technlaues of the school, and with a school board wose policies give freedom to carefully chosen educators." Strong Hold On Fashions NEW YORK (NEA) The sep arate skirt has a strong hold on fashion. In current resort collec tions, surface decoration Is stressed and the variety in these decora tions Is great. Tho three-dimensional applique, braid embroidery and raised ruch Inas all are used as accents for circle skirts. And, because these full skirts look best when they're teamed with tops designed for them, coordinated tops and stoles are also olfored. Seperates, as shown In the cur rent collections of de.iljiner Juli Lynne Chariot of California, have a one-piece look. This smooth ef fect Is achieved through careful fitting of tops and through use of wide cummerbunds. Hibiscus bloom down the front of a circle skirt In black poplin. The blossoms are In colored felt and are layered to achieve a three dimensional clfrct. The felt Is re peated in a narrow strip at the hemline. NEW BLUEGRASS WILL PROVIDE LUSH TURF Home gardeners who spend the summer waging bitter warfare against orabgras and other warm weather weeds will find a new ally In Merlon Blucgrass, a remarkable new turf grass developed by th united states Ciull Association green section. Merton Bluegrass not only helps rignt weeds, but offers a number of other Important friitiires of equal Interest to home gardenors. Turf scientists have spent years searching for a slriiln of blucgrass resistant to lenfnnot dlaeuae a se rious dlsense which often complete ly wipes out new bluograss lawns mm seriously cimnimri older lawns. They were not successful until a lenfspot resistant strain of blue grass was discovered on the Mer lon Country Club near Philadelphia Perhaps far more Interesting to Parlflo Coast home gerdenera timv resistance to Icafspot is Morion's ability to fight olf weed attacks. Researchers report that Merlon not only resists Invasions of orabgrasa but, under proper manauemcnt, has I even successfully crowded out crab grass. Similar results have been reported by the U.B. Department of Agriculture. Of only slightly less Interest to over-worked gardeners 1 tho fact that Morion doesn't require mow ing as often as ordinary blueurnu. D. V. T. Btoutmyor, division ot or namental horticulture. University of California, reports that "It (Merlon umegrassi Slioiuil uo inuwru iiiugii lower than ordinary blliegruss, and we (Ind tlinl It lakes about twice as long to grow to a given height, " Most people like close-mown lawim lor reasons of appearance, Pill, In order to keep out cialigriiNS where it Is prevalent, uiey nave oecn forced to let tlielr grans grow high. Merlon thrives on close mowing even In tho face of crabgrass competition. Perfume should be applied to the "Dulxo snots" such as Inside wrists. Inside crook of arms, at the temp les, at the side of tho neck, even behind the knees. 9th and Pin Phone 3188 BUY IT AT LOW COST INSTALLED Wards big-volume, direct selling brings you top-quality home improvements for less. And with Wards low-cost Installation service, you get the whole jab done right. Come in today. ONLY 10 DOWN ON FHA TERMS f J Reg. 112.50 JET PUMP rWTTH TANK I0288 Mi -HP, pumps from a depth of 20 feet. 1 8 gollon pneumatic lank with a pressure switch setting of 20 to 40 lbs. Automatically self priming after the initial prime at installation. Compact, quiet, long lasting no moving parts below ground. Low priced at Wards. ,6ii ' J ' I INSULATING .WALL BOARD 5 hitalhd,lotrai J Monthly, FHA Ttrmi Convert attics and basements Into comfortable liv ing quarters. Build partitions, Insulate, decorate with these attractive panels Vi-inch thick. Factory fln ished on face side with Ivory paint. pjfjpjfjieM STEEL BATH OUTFIT Oa terra t II 50 Completely installed. Only 10 down, up to 3 full years to pay on FHA terms. Add new beauty and comfort to your bathroom with these modem fixtures. Outfit Includes porcelain-enameled steel Tub and lavatory, vitreous china Closet with Seat and Fittings. ' .1 . ' T'QV r I s "isrr 63 "pr 66' STEEL CABINET SINK 10 down oa FHA Itrmi JS monthly, in$talld Double basin, double drainboard. Porcelain-enameled top resists stains and household acids cleans easily. 5 drawers, 2 compartments give plenty of handy storage space save steps. With fittings. 7TTTT1TT--J , 1 ' V U,1 Is FIR FRONT CABINETS $ FHA Termi, Low ai sJ Monthly, loilalled Choose natural-grained wood cabinets for kitchen beauty. Complete selection of styles to suit your taste sizes to fit your kitchen exactly. Formica or linoleum counter lops in wide variety of colors, BEAUTIFUL PLASTIC TILE ( Initalltd, Low ai $5 Monthly, FHA Term install in shower, bathroom, kitchen unaffected by water. Slow-molded for toughness, durability will not dent or crack. Color goes all the way through. Wide selection of lustrous marbleiied or plain colorsi LUSTROUS FORMICA Low oi $5 Monthly' Durable Formica resists fruit acids, boiling wa ter. 4 patterns, IS rich colors. 'Minimum, In stalled on FHA terms. COME IN OR MAIL COUPON TODAY MONTGOMERY WARD 9th and Pine KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. I would like, without obligation, further information and a fr estimate on installing the following items in my homei laHiroom Hwtlng fj "ooflne Mlllwork Kitchen . foot, Coolers Siding E Trough Water Syilem Wall Tile . Inulatlon Plywood Name , Address Town ' it. Phone V