Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 12, 1952, Page 33, Image 33

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    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1052
Wise Gal
Arms in
I t
II w- EiB i !i
1 - EL tJ Ml ruiuRc ruTum i
"S I - I H ' LR BDR l 1 '
U 10 ",0 I K-i t.-.'i
A MASSIVE CHIMNEY and stone framed cn
with wood siding just enough masonry to m
note of the plan. Simple rectangular in shap
the house keeps building costs within range
S. Grove Ave., Elgin, 111. Without garage an
feet, a size that is practicable under currcn
basement the house contains 19,850 cubic f
kitchen plan shown in (he inset deducts 5,
trance give this house of wood construction
ake its facade distinctive. Economy is a key
e and with kitchen and bath close together,
This is plan 5R-85 by Elmer Gylleck, 120
d breczeway, the house covers 1,050 square
t materials restrictions. With a complete
ect. Bascmcntlcss construction with alternate
230 cubic feet.
VI VAntf UFA Tt 1
l... iuhn bntwi thai ihl1.
providing lor spring and summer
to come wnen sne ouys reourw
IurIiIoiui In winter, However, to buy
well and get the most lor her
mUt. V.a,iI,I mrrrt tlrlf In
advance with a knowledge ol fash
ion HlgimiCHIlCVB,
With such knowledge. he can
choose fashions that will take hold,
that will not die In Infancy. This
season,' ahe should watch lor
dresses with little tops.
These little tops are Jackets or
capelcts used In contrast to spread
ing ssirui. me ji;ct inn.y mo em
pire or K may be slightly longer.
Both the princess silhouette and
the coal aress are iinj'urwm ui
resort collections. The coat dress
Is years younger than It was In
seasons past and often wry dressy.
Bieeves are suapciy, unjiKn..;
terminating Just below the elbow
In an easy puff. Full aleeves some
tlnva blossom wide at a three
quarter length and are shown Just
as oiten wim a sum oairi. a. ww
a lull one.
Prom the resort-lnto-sprlng col
lection ol designer Paul Parncs,
.. th nnat ilrHI (inn in MV-
enil versions. One Is a slim pale
pink linen tautened with rhmestone
buttons. It has crisp white touches
in collar ana cuiib.
A second coat aress, in sua snan-
tung, is clear wniie wucnea wun
coral at the V-neckline and side
pockets. itninesKjne duikmis iiio
The lltle jacket appears in white
pique over a sheath dress in sheer
Dlaca crepe, a uicbicu nu,i
. i . . -II BtnA,
..l., l nfH a rnllnr trim
against the white ol the Jacket.
By DAVID O. BAREUTHER, AP Reol Ettaf Editor f
Tt you want something that will
,i floor you, try rubber tile, asphalt
1 tile, cork, linoleum, vinyl or the
, rest of the composition and plattio
iiialerials mat come in r.aciy-cui
rquares. They're all easy to In-
stall Hill the proper know-how and
I Instructions aro avallnble lrom
jv.ir local dealer In Mooring covers
or lrom department stores.
This matcrlnl, now available in
I at least 15 colom with a variety
i of ny picture designs for accents,
L provides a luxury floor covmlng
fcrlur kitchens,' bathrooms and other
J areas where easy-lo-clean. long-
veering features are needed.
A different procedure Is called
i for In laying these various ma-
terlals. For example, with asphalt
4 tile, ynu stretch a chalk line down
( the center of the room and start
' from tho middle, because, you can
walk on this flooring Immediately.
Rubber tile and cork tile, on the
i other hand, will slip underfoot, so
Mich paving Is starbd at one side.
i hoi until a third or more of tho
J? floor la laid is It walked on.
Detailed Instructions, Including
" special kits of tools required for
i the Job. and special cements for
". each type ol tile, can be obtained
3 lrom dealers.
5 The manufacturers of these pro
; ducts say that the demand for "do
i II yourself" Information la so great
"i that floor covering dealers. In
i most cases, would rather sell the
tiles than bother with ttv more
expensive details of Installation.
The basto requirement lor lay-
lug a successlul composition tile
I lloor Is to have a smooth, lirm
: subsurface. Rubber tile can be laid
on any such surface except con
" crete in direct contact with the
earth. In such cases asphalt (lie
' la best except out of doors, such
as exposed porch floors.
A plywood subfloor is ideal for
rubber tile base. Make sum the
subfloor Is free of dirt, dust or
other foreign matter.
' As a first step, determine the
square footage of the area. Prom
this figure, your dealer can tell
now many tiles you will need.
Lay a row ol loose tiles across
the room. Tills will show you how
much spsce must be divided to
allow lor borders ol equal width
Then atrclch and anap a chalk
line along the lonucst wall at Hi.
exact width of the border. Fit the
border lilts to conform.
From this stage, the laying or
Dorucr aim maintiiea proceols ac
cording to the maiiulucturers' dl-
Lrectlont. exnnndina or contractlni
vomers io coniorm wnn an even
number of tiles In the center.
Borders are cemented down and
then the Held tiles are cemented.
For spreading adhesive, use a
notched trowel or sprcauer with
notches 3-3J- Inch deep, 3-32-inch
wide and 1-8-Inch apart. Spread
six or eight leet of adhesive at
a time, and set the tile Immed
iately. A gallon of adhesive is sun-
posed to cover 90 to 100 square
icei mis means a kitchen 8 by
10 to 10 bv 10 fn t.
In cementing down the field tiles
after three borders are laid, start
in one corner and carry three fir
four rows across the room.
The marbelltcd oattern of the
Ule should be alternated for best
euect. As each row Is laid. It should
be rolled, and when the entire room
Is finished It Is rolled.
Excess adhesive Is removed
from the surface of the tile while
It is still wet by using a moist
cloth. In any place the adhesive
may have dried It Is removed by
light wiping with a cloth moistened
in alcohol.
Tiling a floor Is not an easy
Job, although It is fairly simple
If you obtain compi le directions
and follow them. The main thing
to remember is that you are tack
ling a Job that Is fairly perma
nent. The wearing quality of rub
ber tile Is rated for 20 to 40 years.
So you want It done right. If you
have any doubt as to your own
ability, it may be wise to havs a
Hat for
professional do the work.
However, so'many people tackle
the work themselves that special
kits. Including all tools, chalk
cords, etc., are on the market and
havs sold In hundreds of thous
ands to date.- The Kentile people
contend that they have made In
structions so complete that the av
erage handyman can follow them
with complete succ ss.
Old razor blades have been used
tor a long time lor cleaning paln
lrom windows and other odd-Job
scrapings. The new lall-wlnter Is
sue ol the Family Handyman, now
on the news stands, reports that
wh n oroken up, these, blades make
line glaziers' points. A pair of i
pliers will produce at lent
glaziers' points out of one double-'
cagea Diaae.
Still Has
To Shave
Newest toiletries for men are de
signed to help make a fellow feel
handsome, well groomed and look
It, too.
For the man who prefers show
ers to baths, there's a man-sized
bath mitt that's soao and wash
cloth In one.
After his morning shower, he can
reach lor a special skin cream (11
he has a sensitive skin), that helps
prepare nis lace ior aauy wnisxer
removing. Then,. II he desires a
facial while shaving, he can use a
new snavlng cream containing
ozone, that acts as a skin bracer,
If a sudden after office hours bd-
polntment arises, and there's hard
ly time or place for a shave, he
can anulv a new rjroduct that looks
like his wife's pancake make-up
ana is appuca ine same way
For the travellna man. tolletrv
Items such as cologne, hair tonic
and talc come conveniently pack
aged in squcezeable plastic bottles.
There'll be a hat for every hair,
do this soring.
This prediction comes from the
American air f sign uuuiuic,
and tust in the nick of time, too,
Ladles who've gone all out for
those curly crew-type top-knots
plxle, young laun. poodle, pony
tall will have no fears about find
ing a hat to balance on those short
The trend to upswept locks de
termines the hat shape lor spring.
Hairdressers and milliners have
dovetailed their creative efforts,
and the r:sult Is a smart wardrobe
of chaDeaux. including sailors,
rockers, bonnets, berets and flat
tops, flattering frames for pert
There's more than one way to
pin a hot, too. One smart gray
brimmed pillbox with yellow straw
ccnC.r can nestle prettily on top
of a poodle cut 6r can be worn
with a gay lorwera iuv over uie
forehead. This Is typical of the
versatility 01 this seasons saucy
The modified poodle coiffures
with waves, swirls, fluffs and
poufs has gone to the head of th?
older woman, ateo, says the hair
design Institute. Even she can find
a hat to please ncr.
The latest eletrlcal appliances
quicker and more efficient than
ever, and promise a most pleasur-
ODIC opruig iur iiuiuciiinivcriB.
TU. nn... m.cli hultnn cnntrnl
stove that makes cooking possible
with flick ol the switch assures
easy cooking. Also an Important
Kucnen neip is un waaio uuvvoa,
....it Thlo Hftfa i-nn hA installed
In the sink and the dinner refufe
stmpiy scrapea aowu m u,n.
When there's cleaning to be done,
li M ka Anna with flK With A
new tank vacuum, with a swivel
top that allows extensive reach tn
every direction without moving the
cleaner. , .
After her dally chores, the lady-of-the-house
can relax and enjoy
herself in front of a new large
nnrlnhl tnlAVtclntl St that
can be placed on a convenient ta
me top anywnere in uie nouse.
IMl 1 lJ
ntjf- 311
o connsonata
o Baldwin
dmpne can play. Ih&M ohqwiA "
kyle morgan : ER
"yours for a happier future through music";
1 Spring Opening
Come in and see our wonderful array of new Spring fashions III
suits, coats, blouses, sportswear, lingerie, and hosiery ... from New
York and California to you.
799 . 1
r- ' to
SI9n I
j DELIGHTFUL TO OWN : . . HART- ' J&yi'''
j Delightful to own ... to wear! Hartfield's wonderful collection wiMii" ' f
of imart new in white and a rainbow of radiant colors and 1 tifM iMli " 'vV
Moderately priced from yf
SKIRTS 2" To ' .8ft )
Sheen gabardines, checks, novelties, y '
latins, picolays, cottons in solids, prints . " dim S
and quilts. oftr
at H.n,. ,n9erie
m Famous "Luxury"
Nylon Hosiery J"P$ SS- 7
VV joo j