Pan Six HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALUS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 10H2 if Ilave You Ever Stopped to think, really THINK about the BEAUTY of WORDS that can pour from the PORTABLE TYPEWRITER you buy at VOIGHT'S Pionwr Of fic Supply Company . . that the clickip" ys can tell of the shout of a water fall as well as write a busi- .- . ness letter . . can put on paper the whisper of cur rents wandering from brook to sea . . of babbling rivulets unleashed by sun and wind as well as tell of sorrow Can mark for all to see the shine of sun on a green oak leaf . . can tell of the hush of a hot noon-day . . of dust on the feet of a barefoot boy . the crystal clearness of a new washed pane . . the miracle of birth and faith that healed? . When you carry awav a SMITH-CORONA . . a ROYAL . . an UNDERWOOD . . from VOIGHT'S you take more than an inanimate object . . you take the nucleus of a poem, a PORTABLE that can sing a song of happiness under your flying fingers. , . Drop into VOIGHT'S . . perhaps you know a boy or girl to whom a PORTABLE would open up new vistas of attainment . . GRADUATION days are near . 'tis a grand idea . . BUT Before you leave, stop short . . look TWICE at the new WORLD GLOBES . . the one that's LIGHTED from within . . a shining SYMBOL of ONE WORLD if we'll help make it so . . here's to a full and happy summer with your PORTABLE from 629 Main, VOIGHT'S There's a Bit of Cleopatra in every daughter of Eve . . like that siren of the Nile we love to preen (when we admit it) for the men we chance to meet and those we've vowed to cherish. Like the beauteous queen, we need help to be our most facina ting selves, so Helena Rubinstein and CURRIN'S have come to the rescue. Since women first smoothed color on their lips to make them kissable, they have sought a LASTING LIPSTICK . . a color that would last from peep of day to dreamtime . . NOW . . HELENA RUBINSTEIN has found the an swer . . a STAY-LONG, creamy indelible lipstick that STAYS luscious and color-perfect the whole day through . . you'll find it at CURRIN'S. ; STAY-LONG leaves no cupid's bow on coffee "cups, no smuges on a cherished veil . . no groans from the man you adore . . no embarrasment . . NOW forget your hps after they are once covered with STAY-LONG'S rich, glossy color. EXPERIMENT a bit . . choose your most flatter ing shade . . watch how the right one will bring out the sparkle in your violet eyes . . get a STAY LONG LIPSTICK sampler at CURRIN'S . . FIVE small lipsticks, each in a different shade . . see how the RIGHT lipstick can work MAGIC with your Spring wardrobe. This is a "nifty-fifty" package (50c for a limited time only) in the shades MOST women can wear . . Crackerjack red . . Red raspberry . . Apple red . . Plush red . . Tender pink . . try one, try all in this exciting game . . THEN if not one CLICKS, Helena Rubinstein has SEVEN other shades run ning the gabut from true red to corals . . LAST ING NAIL POLISH to match . . Spring's ROMAN TIC . . help hold the spell . . walk in beauty with lips that will be remembered long after you've passed by Ninth and Main, CURPIN'S Spring - With The Flair of a magician BURSTS on the world on waves of enchantment . . whiffs of lilacs . . scent of hya cinths . . budding primroses . . balmy breezes and Spring MILLINERY from LA POINTERS . . Gay, giddy UPSWEPTS to show a cluster of shining curls beneath bouquet of blos soms . . HATS that dip like a 'swallow to shade your merry eyes . . HATS with BACK in terest to catch a masculine eye as you walk away . . Gib son Girl . HATS almost BURIED in posies . . tiny crescents that arch from ear to ear with jewel studded lillies . . head-hugging darlings . . delicate dainty . . angelic white ones and much-to-be-seen pastels . . luscious look ing straws, in versatile variety , . HATS posed on the level . . ALL sirens of the season designed by America's foremost fashion experts . . G. HOWARD HODGE . . LESLIE-JAMES . . CASPER DAVIS . . brought to you . by LA POINTE'S . . WHERE . . we found perfect TREASURES on the HAT BAR that will draw exclamations of wonder at the tiny prices of $1.98 to $5.95. You'll, be the PROUDEST gal in the Easter parade if the CHAT EAU you wear came from 507 Main, LA POINTE'S Wake Up! Wake Up! and turn the page to "SPICE and SPARKLE", the scintillating, brilliant story of KORET of CALI FORNIA PAIR-OFFS unfolded at MARVIN'S . . the gayest, youngest, fashion-packed story of elegantly simple, exquisite ly detailed, mix 'em or match 'em ensembles in all America . . manufactured on our West coast . . sought after by women across the nation . . Ensembles that carry the same lush colors . . remark able, tubbable materials to a smashing Spring climax of blouse and skirt . . jacket and frock . . weskit and bras . . shorts and slacks and pedal pushers . . beautiful coordinates you ADD to until your summer wardrobe is com plete . . STEPHANIE KORET COORDINATES bring vou EVERYTHING to take you smartly through a busy day, a thrilling night . . ' We SAW the MIRACLE of these "money stretchers" at MARVIN'S . . the wonder of fabrics that wash like a hankie . . dry like a dream . . nylon and acetate . . linen and suiting .. . pleats that never "unfold" . . They'll play upon your heartstrings, these KORET COORDINATES but mere WORDS can't describe them. You have to SEE the flattering accents that bind "each to the other" . . the ouch of cording . . blend of fabrics . . repetition of colors, the verv SAME buttons, the perfection of detail in EVERY garment. Switch about . . make a dozen combinations, each lovelier than the one before . . wear them to work, to tea, to the golf links, to dinner, to dance . . KORETS are ACCEPTABLE wherever they go. Set your sights on a comfortable,- care-free summer in guaranteed sudsable, perfectly propor tioned, cream of the crop, wearables . . KORET of CALIFORNIA casuals from 520 Main MARVIN'S There Are Pixies in the world . . perhaps not riding to OUR TOWN on a butterfly steed but pixies CERTAINLY, who ' help weave BEAUTY into the GIFTS at the ART CENTER . . It takes imagination . . the FEEL of texture, the LOVE of line, an EYE for symmetry to create and BRING to YOU' the exquisite Chamberlain's HAND-WOVEN, summer weight woolen SKIRT LENGTHS and STOLES at the ART CENTER . . miracle weaving, shot with metallic threads lovely as a "fairy cloak" . . colors borrowed from the rainbow . . The heirloom BLOCK HOUSE TOWELS, woven from flax grown on sun-drenched fields in Ore gon . . PLACE MATS and NAPKINS, fringed and plain with dainty COLORED borders (new BLOCK HOUSE additions) in .time for Spring brides . . The "set to music" CZECHOSLOVAKIAN GLASSWARE in ethereal BLUE . . the S. CHRIST IAN line of GIFTS from across the sea . . the HUNDREDS of OTHER gifts, brought to YOU for GIVING by the thoughtful folks at 1227 Main, the AHT CENTER if You Won't Be tongue-tied when you open the door at LONG'S on SPRING , . you'll RAVE at the bursting beauty caught in costumes . . in the EXCLUSIVE with LONG'S . . LYLE and SCOTT imported 100 acotusn Uashmeres, soft as an evening breeze over the Brig o'Dee light as thunder heads above Loch Sheil . . colorful as Prince Charlie's flowers found only in Eriskay . . lilac and aqua, cherry and Mcintosh blue, Canary yellow . . slip overs and cardigans . . plus HEATHRRMir.K InnmpH In Scotland, correlated SKIRTS . . thistle down checked TWEEDS in colors IDENTICAL to the CASHMERES . . be picture pretty in a perfectly matched SKIRT and SWEATER ensemble from LONG'S . , you'll cherish these above everything else in your wardrobe . . the beauty of fabric ... exquisite tailoring . ... simplicity of line . . nicety of detail. You'll bubble with ecstacy over the wonderful wearability of these conversation SKIRTS and SWEATERS, an investment in PLEASURE and QUALITY from a leading shop in OUR TOWN, 719 Main, . LONG'S The Murphgs And Flannigans, Kelleys and Hannegans, Milllgans, Clanceys, Flynns and O'Shoas are all wishln' each other the "Top o' the Mornin' " and that Is what the SINGER SEWING CENTER is wishin' today io an MiNUttit enthusiasts who SHOULD know about the new SINGER fashion stitching machine . . the ma chine that can make a $10 dress look like a Hattie Carne gie original . . The machine that plus YOUR ingenuity and nimble fingers without a SINGLE at tachment, plus a few lessons In "know-how" given FREE at the SINGER SEWING CENTER can turn out "electrifying" whirls and swirls . . floral fantasies . . elaborate etchings . . metallic moon beams . . on the simplest garments . . You can lefyour imagination "go" . . put Wee Willie Winkles on your toddler's play suits . . spark your housecoats, blouses and aprons with geometric figures done in color . . etch Tom Sawyer on your small son's T-shirts and make a dream dress, splashed with silver and gold to dance the hours away. Learn it ALL in one easy lesson without taking a penny from your purse . . learn TOO that EVERYTHING you need for SEWING, to know ABOUT sewing down to a package of straifht pins and how to thread a needle is all included in the MASTER plan for helping women look like fash ion plates right at 633 Main, the SINGEIt SEWING CENTER Fly Above The Highest cloud . . make your way from here to there by boat or train, buckboard or bicycle . . waken in the morning, slip beneath your electric sheets at night by ELGIN Ume from RICKYS. ELGIN BANNER days are. here again . . take this opportun ity to get a history-making value at as low a price as $33.75. These are 17-jewcled, grace fully designed, enduring, accur ate and dependable TIME- Fifcuts lor AitN and wuMtiN . . BOYS and GIRLS . . with the famous DURA POWER main spring that will never let you down. MEN'S wrist watches with LEATHER or EX PANSION bands . . WOMEN'S dainty beauties with EXPANSION bands or black silk cords . . ALL in smart ELGIN craftsmanship . . Say your CONGRATULATIONS in a "timely" way when that boy or girl walks up for a sheep skin . . remember a birthday, an anniversary . . be a "look ahead Santa ', have an ELGIN tucked in your argvle too for that "someone's" Christ mas . . BUY while the iron is hot . . BANNER DAYS for '52 last just until Easter . . budget ac counts are invited by your Registered Jeweler, 700 Main, RICKYS Looking Just Comes naturally when you get to MILLER'S SPORTS WEAR DEPARTMENT and if you don't get Spring Spasms and Playtime Itch our name isn't Tom Tinker . . ONE look and you'll start charting your summer down the High Road of Fashion in SKIRTS . . skirts that swirl in Aztec colors . . skirts that flare and those that don't . . skirts with pleats and skirts with gathers in wool, rayon, cot ton, linen . . skirts in plaid and checks and heather, stripes and plain made up together . . Pass another milepost to "Morocco Denim Dusters", terrific tempsters with bat-wing sleeves . . tie belts, striped, button-down-the-frontstcrs . . a versatile idea in SPORTSWEAR that has caught like Spring fever . . slip these over your shorts after tennis and go gallantly gadding to Grand ma's . . wear them in the morning, at noon and while driving . . they're neat 'n sweet. Turn the corner at MILLER'S to Ship 'n Shore BLOUSES in all "thinkable" colors .. to the melodies in KNITS . . the TWO-PIECE signposts to satisfaction . . knit frocks in Botany wools, light weight with dolman or set-in sleeves, 1952 weaves with daring touches, colors haunting as a gypsy love song . . lilac, aqua, sand, white, daffodil . . sizes to fit "you-all." Turn off the engine when you reach MILLER'S sport JACKETS and listen to the whfsperirtg cam paign about the bright plaids and plains, the checks and stripes in all-wool "wanteds" . . boxy and belted bright banners for sharp BUYING." MILLER'S SPORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT is BURSTING with bargains in beauty . . you'll be headed for fun in these prime fashion assets from 512 Main, ... MILLER'S r r l II You've Wished on a star to bo whisked away to a realm where the jewel trees glitter, that wish can como true right hero in OUR town, just by opening llio door at MURIEL'S 1023 Main where you'll gel all the s n t v e r y thrill oi peeking into an ex citing Christmas package. WE'VE scon tho exotic gorgeous ness of HUNDREDS of flashing gems in the most enchanting COSTUME JEWELRY your eye ever looked at . . dazzling, breath-taking numbers, brought by MURIEL'S to lift your Spring costumes to star light heights. These costume pieces shimmering with tho splendor of jewels of East Indian Princes flicker in shades of amethyst, ruby, Jade, topaz and emerald, tho clear blue of aquamarine . . rhlne stoncs blaze In icy beauty . . opals in fiery radiance . . all embroidered on patterns of princely metajs to fashion works of art for YOUR throat and wrists . . YOUR ears and fingers . . Jewels to scatter hero and there and everywhere about YOUR summer wardrobe . . Jewels IMPORTED from FRANCE, from ITALY, from CZECIIO SLOVAKIA . . jewels fashioned by "the" ROBERTS, one of AMERICA'S most famous de signers of COSTUME JEWELRY. EVERY gal OWES it to herself to look like a Princess . . you CAN with the help of EXQUISITE costume jewels from 1023 Main, Mill I EL'S . What Will You Wear my pretty maid, as you stroll along in tlie EASTER parade? Whatever your choice of a GOWN for the day, WE know the ONE spot to buy SHOES "by the way" . . VAN ORMAN'S . . una is a rstw spring . . a spring riotous with COLOR. FOOTWEAR too, has gone light hearted and It's no secret that the fashionable foot is out for an airing. TRIM TREADS at VAN OR MAN'S arc designed to step lightly, brightly, in town and country, to trip from teas to trails . . from dawn to dancing . . TRIM TREDS for discriminating WOMEN have the prettiest "look" in town, designed for every walking hour . . PLAY SHOES, frolicsome as a Spring lamb, airy as an open window . . in posic colors . . SANDALS . . all with a little or a lot of that nice NUDE look . . fragile, feminine, flattering, fanciful . . Smartest things on "two feet" TRIM TRED CASUALS, down to earth suit pumps with new BOXY toes . . heels to support vou and good, sturdy uppers . . LOAFERS and WEDGIES and little FLAT SLIPPERS . . HAND BAGS to go with them nt "price anpcnl prices", $2.49 and $5.95 . . sharp buvs at VAN ORMAN'S. For YOUNG Easter paraders. VAN ORMAN'S POLL PARROTS . . sturdily-styled, longlastintr. scientifically - constructed . . then for POPPA whose foot-gear "sometimes" needs replacing RAND shoes to relax in and work in . . ALL at 527 Main, VAN ORMAN'S Time Is llunnlng Out . . Hours arc slipping away and the day draws night when Klamath women will be all a'twittcr over a visitor to our town and YOUR STORE . . a charm ing, gracious gucsf with NEW ideas . . RUTH .VERNON, witty, wise, winning represen tative of .VERNON KILNS who knows tho trickiest tricks for set ting tables with dramatic flourish . . She'll bo showing you come St. Patrick's Day (the 17th) and the day after (the 18th) at YOUR STORE, all day begorra, the way to place the popular VERNONWARE dishes 'to make pictures on your table . . whether you pay the rent on a honeymoon cottage or hire a maid in a mansion. Make a memo on your engagement pad . go to YOUR STORE and watch her clever fingers fashion quaint decor to blend with the smart VERNON patterns . . amusing "RFD" with tho crowing weathercock and green plaid border . . "Organdio", a daring VERNON plaid . . smartly modern Bel Air . . She'll show you how to plan a parly . . to charm vour love at breakfast in the LANGUAGE of VERNONWARE . . take her YOUR table setting and dinnerware problems . . the service is free as the sunshine caressing the daffodils on your luncheon table . . 'tis ANOTHER way of giving SERVICE at 721 Main, . YOUR STORE ESS (