Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 12, 1952, Page 31, Image 31

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    VEDNKSDAY, MARCH 12, 1052
page nvt
Official Ned Given
All Home Gardeners
; i , ' i""..v
a . i .i ,!
Al" Nefrtiire Writer
'Ilia Uepnllliient 01 Al'lmllllre
licit sunlit, lilts Klvin Hi iilllrlul
IKiiirneiueiit to the eitriiin nuemeiit
( llio home uardener Interested
ii loud pre lervi'llon.
II I' liliililv deliiiti lilr point
nheiher I tie home muiiener no
tmllv ever ncedn eiic'iiiiUKeiiirnt,
ml one "V preiiiimr lliui n noil
Tlllll (lllll'll'l MllllTeil hici Hie el-
rcl ol cltreellim hln m 1 1 f-nt .m mom
II Ihe tllierlHni nl 1 1'ti 1 1 - mid veite-
.r.blr-rulnliiK nd (IIvciIIhk hit lit
,r nl Ion Mintowlinl 1 ii i n lldwri'K,
H(('(hiii(ii find horllriilliu ,;:li
llio do their elnire Iti ftltmiihitliiK
hn IiupithIh ol llir home ituidciii'i'
yr fomilaiillv proilucliiK new
:yije8 ol uuIIm nml vcHi'tiiljli'':
r. Illch iikinI hulitiy Kiudciirin mc
lenuiied to liv.
Till vcur, lor InMlinre, Die All
ruierlm r(l'ctlonn InHiirtn iiao
told nx-dul awards. One In a In w
litihh mittplimn limned "Wr-de."
uhlcli luiluei In mnt nnrln ol the
rountry found lo If highly pioduc
I iv-. v.i I n MrKinhl, round mid
klt'lnnlr. odh. 'Ihe rieniiid In "IjhI.
nd fluivl" lelliire, hrai-rr-.l-slinu.
Ii.oae-Ienled, tender mid nweel. II
li ruperlnllv recommended lor
hoinn unrden tne. fli'tli were de.
elinied by Hie Depm linrnl ol Airl
lullinc. Hllver Inedl'lft were rcccllTd lor
a linut-rrr.lxtlnu. Iieavy-beailiik pl
ni h oiled "America," nnd lor
li Rdlld-llPithed piinipkln. "Allnerk."
Ilonornble mention went, lo
Kieneli horticultural bush brnn.
"Ptrlniile.in Hurl."
No Bold inciliilf. eie punied out
In the flower clnMie.n Ihli year,
but " Fiesta" co-uios pkked up
a nllver medal. Jt blooms early,
m a huahv type and Kro over
mo leel hlth. Hut the bin new
about FieMn" t thai It brlnga
a rrul K arlei hue lo Iho riiuire ol.
tomoa colore. 11 nrll-Miwa. too.
Honorable mention were re-
reived bv Dure new Mmnm ol
dv.iii i IrintiKl pritinlii ol a rli h
; iiluion rolor. "Per lan Carpel"
r.miliu biinu r'di ori-,ital i-lor
In en excellent ed'lnu li".
f.llobe" phlox K nnoiher nwnrl
plinii, with a color runge Irom
while to drrk u Inn on, n!rly
niiapted In rriulni!. rock giirdeiiii
or even vvinciow hoxr i.
The AII'Anici-lciin f.eleciloiiK, ol
cour.'-e, n:e Iclnit oti Die pm'deti
ipke i nd hold n pl'.ie ol dl'illuo
I. ml In Ihe hold ol Ibe yrnr'n crop
1 1 iTd-ciiltiloi-iirr. 'Ihrre are Inix
of olhrr new and Wninoviil ed
. and 1 1 1 ii 1 1 v ol the o'd nlundby.i
It'Vriil bei.i he-tcd yet.
'Hii'V are (IoIiik itrert thlura In
ll:c WHV ol lievi'l'ipuiK kllll'll-'"
vexpliiblea mil India now, lor the
unnll t:eidm and I'lii i.riall Irmllv.
Home 'il ihein are fuTliiMinf ,
MKI"et corn, tor lii-lance, I a
tiled and Ine ;ap:lrii alandbv.
Mill ran from four lo !x loihei
In leiulh and an lender and hand
Mime un llielr Irriter relative.
'Ihcre are mldnel watermelon:,
and lino kineloiiH, too, a. well a
Ibe unnll vnrie'loi ol toiiialoen.
is.mt; I'iKiri'.ui Ftr,
l or I'ne benliiiier Rardener, hov.'-
i tvrr. V. S bc ;l n tVX to lecoin
lipendcd and e-lfbll'hfd vnrlet'c.
i Pick a repuir.b!e leeoiniMi mo
trke hla rccoiiimendallnn for the
brl varirllta of your loralc. i ll
ii'inie and anil. You'll hive to de
li Idc your.' ell Mich Important Hems
I r.a whether you like a abort amili
Ino.'.ed carrot belter Ihnn a lonn.
jirperlnii one, or Utile round red
, billion of ladn hen bitter iban
'while root which looks like all
.rlcle. , ,
In anv event, htudy lh seed
calnloaues carefully, read the fir
aciipllona and de-lde early what
you would I.IKE to (trow. Send In
vour aeed order a!-o early af'er
you have made your garden plan
and (lb-covered how much you 11
have room tor. . .
sty s
BOMBARDIER TRACTOR TRACK, a Canadian made track to provide traction when go
ing's heavy, is shown here hy Mac's Farm Equipment on S. 6th. Here it's mounted on a
'J'O-30 Ferguson tractor. Behind is a side-delivery hay rake.
P Newafralurea Beautr Kdllor
KaijlUon daa put pedal einpna
alt on the eyes. It doesn't seem
poaMble thai wo ever got iilontt
without eyrbrow pencil, mai-cnra
and thai touch ol eye ahaoow.
Wa have learned how to ire
theae beautv propa ao thai ryt
makeup (Joes not look theatrical.
We enhanre our eyea ao that eye
browa and jahe are colored mere
V.'e choore our eyeshadow either
to romplrtinrnl or Contrast with
the natural color of the eyes. And
e u: e It with discretion.
The brown-eyed iilrl chooses rub
er brown or Rieen eyeshudow. blue
rvea take blue. blue-Rray, vlulel
o'.- tuiquoisc. lirny eyes are Hal
tered by gray, blue, blue-nray or
..:ouei"' eyenhado. (lepen'im
upon the act ahade of eyes. Few
v.onie.i wetr eyeshadow lor day
t.me BppeBr(inceK. but It la fun to
u - for joie lal e ntmif weor.
The eye-liner la Indhpenslble to
Pie iilrl who wants htr eyca .to
rp:ifar larccr. Thl' I applied In
a verv line line along the lashea,
and carried out from the corner
ol the eve about quarter ol en
Inch. The fine corner line can be
bnnhed llchlly In toward the eve
with the finder. If more subtle
elfect la to be achieved.
Two evebrow pencil are ticd
usually bv makeup men. These are
applied in alternate feathery
atrokea to get a natural eflecU F.ach
airoke la about the aire of a brow
lnh. The velvet-black pencil It
combined with either the dark
brown, light brown or auburn for
brunettes. Blondr.s will prefer a
lisht brown pencil, and redheads
either a light brown or auburn pen
cil. The pencil la never drawn In i
line. It should be applied with
abort deft atrokea.
The best technique for applying
mascara Is thin one:
Alter Ihe face has been pow-
!i.ieil with shine, nowder chimin!!
lo Ihe lashea, mascara la applied
with a damp broth, beginning at
the biisc ol Ihe Iralich rnd swoop
ing upward and outward lo their
lips. The bru-h ahould never bo
too wet. Expert augger-t that al
ter the lushes have had time lo
dry. you ahould go over them with
a clean dry brush to separate the
hairs and remove any eurplus
mn.cara that may be clinging lo
them as well a to separate Inches
If they hove stuck together after
makeup ha. dried.
When making up la ihea for eve
nliiF, a second application of mav
cnr will give even a more dra
matic look to Uie eyes. Borne girls
claim that eves looic lamer II nin
cars la applied only to the tips
ol the Ii.iIich, and this la worth
an experiment,
Preityy eyes are re.ilcd eyea. of
course, When eys are- tired they
rod years lo a womun's face, so
don't expect eye makeup lo do
mlrrcle no makeup will mako a
woman look younger II ahe I tired
and drawn. Here's a good ever
clac, particularly If It la done dur
ing the winter lime wnen com, lin
ing winds are likely to make the
eye look tired.
8lare at something about fore-
i head level, then wunout remov
j mg your eves from the object awing
your neaa (o ine rucn:
and then left. Do this ten or twenty
times. At night fill an eye cup
with a good eve solution or your
own borlo acid and warm water,
and wash the eye..
Never go to bed leading masca
ra on the lashea. It can be removed
In a Jiffy bv folding a damp wash
cloth In half, catching the lashes
In the fold. With a gentle pulling
motion eve makeup can be re
moved quickly nnd easily. The pull
ing also helps stimulate the circu
lation, perhaps increasing the
growth of the lashe..
MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE'S UTU liquid-petroleum powered factory equipped Muinie, with
Phil Holt, Malin, up. The tractor shows 46 horsepower on the drawbar, and is a; three or
four plow tractor. This one's on display at Byron Johnson's near the Big Y.
Turn of Century Influence Noted
Most BE I 'lf tS0'J
Jm vU
Time to be thinking of
your farm equipment needs
Downtown - Friday
March 14
12:00 to 6:00 p.m.
. . . time to remember that we're in
business to serve you . , . that Croter
Lake Machinery Co. backs the earn
ing power of all "Caterpillar" and
"John Deere" equipment in the
Basin! Look to us for superior parti
... for superior service facilities.
Crater Lake Machinery Co.
1410 S. 6th
Phone 2-2544
Dreases will bo everywhere. dolskirLs. that are' lined to empha
rtcryihing this Spring. For v heth- s7.e their femininity, used gencr
er designed as a silicic unit. Ir.ckcl ou,v
ensemble or two-piece frock, new ' ' ' ..
lines and details ready the dres-; lhnf,X . ol toS drLs an
to iftrnd alone and hold greater . ""?rLn" 'p iL "frS,',I?
i Importance In wardrobes than in V,,Vvhinn. Ah frork for evere
eeasons post, . ... V . ,,- , lh, rtrnrllv Indnencerf
Simulated effect of -bolorosAad-
: Ingoles and. gllets appear as clev
erlv nianhiuliiteri trims on dresses.
, Other drcscs bloom forth, from
beneath their Jacket companions,
I with new decorative touches and
flattering decollete necklines. Even
I two-piece ensembles have slnplc
unit outlooka w;lh tiny, gentlv
molded Jackets, like apences that
end 1ul below the bustline. and
bv the lndy-hke designs of that
labulous era. -
Ali-o in evidence, and Just as
femininely pleasing for Scrimr. is
the princess line, the elongated
torso line and the Empire feeling.
Typicr.l of dresses Inspired by
turn-of-the-century fashions, are
thore that rang straiRnt ana sum
sfreat emphasis placed on sleeves .
Just as during that period. .
In some Instances, sheath-sllm
dresses are created with full-blown
crgondy sleeve which can button
in or out to meet ine aemar.as oi
the occasion. Tne Importance of
sleeve is also seen in milled cape
let types and oversize puffed de
&ipm5. Newest of the princess line
dresses are those that team with
princess line redlngotcs. both slim
from shoulders to hipline, then
Pared out at Ue skirt. Lending
elegance to Ihe slenderrc of
princess silhouettes are couariess
i.t front, aiid full at back, with 'recklines and newly Domi!irj!eeve
AP Netrsfeatures Writer
Around this time every ycar-
.i...i.iu mt ihi time ev-
ano pan".""" - - , ,
i..,ru we hear a 101
about a large, nebulous, u':
lied group of enfranchised Ameri
can clUiens called 'independent
In each local alnte and national
i.t ..ntinnni M election.
pariicuiui ij ,
these politically unntiached adu ts
are tne couricu ui.ii.u.o u, ....
..... Minn r,Brile The courtship
steps up in intensity from August
after party candidates have been
picked lo flection oy , ,
During this period, Ihe Independ
. 0i0 tn focllnir bla Dower
After all, It's obvious that he is
ihe guy who Is Hie determining
factor at the polls. Democrats and
llcpubllcans alike exhort the work
ers to get out and attract these
voters to their side.
And the independent voter, his
(or hen importance made ho ob-
..inn. hit alnrinrr KumlllR In (he
shape ol donkey and elephant acla
very nnicn mo inn, iiiisiimijr u
cep'tlng the wooing.
Personally, I think Ihe Identifi
cation of this large group la Irrl
tntlngly incorrect, My own choice
of words would be "half voters."
t. I, riwat nlnf.lt ll.A nt-nilrl 111.
dependent voter unless he writes
in the name oi some pcrsonm
choice Is leas Independent than
the average party member. In a
final analysis, he Is confronted with
a choice tin a prcsiuenuai yean
between two major party candi-
rll,a oth tin. nlolMri ,n A re-Ulll
of a 'democratic process In which
no taxes no pari nun iiuin wiuum
he has completely excluded him-
The prldefiil boast of the voter
wunout political niniintions invar
iably Is that "I vote for the best
man." Usually, this Is a pretty
simple choice between two men.
He, has ftood by voiceless and with
ST. opinion unknown through the
preliminary maneuvering! which
Involve vitally Important things
like primary votes and conventions.
Secondly, to call a voter without
party affiliations an "Independent
voter" Is an Indirect nlur and Im
plied Insult to millions of think
ing, Independent-minded men nnd
women actively participating In a
functioning two-party system of
gjvernmcnt and who are willing to
aland up and be counted.
Politicians a word which does
not necessarily have to have un
pleasant connotations know that
the Independent Isn't the most re
liable voter in the world. He's apt
to come out In presidential years.
He's apt to slay away from the
polls the other three, unless there's
some big, wonderful exciting Issue
to capture his attention.
Almost all of the evils common
lv luld on the doorstep of organ
ized politics, from the capture of
a community by a corrupt machine
to the patronage appointments of
Incompetents, trace directly back
to lack of political activity on the
part of men and women who fall
to use the vote properly. The so
called Independent voter, whose
political activity involves merely
going lo the polls on election day,
certainly must shoulder a big hunk
of any blame which Is to be passed
At the moment, the presidential
lists are wide open, rne names oi
a double handful of men are be
ing mentioned in connection with
presidential candidacies. The In-'
dependent voters, not enrolled in
cither party, are powerless to In
dicate, except conversationally, the
way they feel about any of them.
They can't vole In the primaries
to send delegates representing their
choice of "the best man" to po
litical conventions. All they can do
is wait and see and criticise, too
what Is given them to make a
choice between.
Within the ranks of enrolled vot
ers, the parly faithful are one
group, the ones who can be de
pended upon to support the ticket I
and buckle down to the time-consuming
and frequently tedious task I
leading to getting out the vote.
There la another group within the
walls of party membership, too, 1
the truly Independent voter who
participates In his government by
the Intelligent use of the ballot at
what frequently Is a most Import-,
ant level: the primary, inti a-paity
Nw aprons, with the look and
teei or nniin or otner iauric, are
made of plastlo that can be wiped
clean with a damp cloth. Especial
ly designed for kitchen wear while
entertaining at home, the new ap
ron styles range from permanently
pleated half aprons to Invisibly
honed bib aprons.
Two famous fashion editors
help you select the correct shoes
for your new spring wardrobe!
Jukit Dmpaey. ukiM rtifar PkMevtay KiMa Dta, '
see their selections
featured in our store and windows now!
osked these two fomous foshion editors to help
you moke your new Spring outfit a success by
selecting their fovorltes from our new Spring line.
We hove these foshion-right TRIM TRED shoes
on display in our store and windows . . . come in
and see them today. These are the some shoes
now being featured In Redbook and Photoplay
magazines olong with the comments by these
famous style authorities. These smart, beautilul
shoes ore sensibly priced, too.
Your Friendly Family Footwear Store
527 Main
is here!
Don't take unnecessary chances this
Spring with tires that have been
abused during the winter months. A
Goodyear tire check up will give
you trouble-free Spring driving. Use
our 6-point plan to extend the life
of your tires. Drive in for this expert
service ... NOW!
Here's how our complete expert service'
Wt remoT casings and tub
from rims to chck lor body
bruises and breaks, tread cuts
and tube injuries. Inspect month
ly for puncturing objects.
Too much, or too little air mulls
In lost mileage. We check pm
iur weekly with as accural
gauge . . . mak sure valTM
and caps don't leak.
We check wheel balanc when
inspecting tires. Correct wheel
balance sores tire and wheel
parts . . . helps end rough riding.
Repair .
Cuts and bruise can mult la
punctures and blowouts. Our -pairs
are mad to last as long as
Hit Mrs factory aethods and
materials or used.
Tread wear Is ditfmnt on Men
whl. W rotat tim periodical
ly to dlstribut wear rnlr on
all tires ... increas mileage
up lo 25.
A sound tire, worn smooth, will
glv many extra miles serrlc
with new Goodyear tread. W
us factory methods, plus tb '
best trading stock, r
8th na' Klamath
Pheilt 1141