Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 12, 1952, Page 30, Image 30

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A BRAND NEW HOME CALLS FOR a bit of extra prettying so the Suburban Flower
Shop out S. 6th way arranged a handsome flower grouping for the dinner table at the
ultra-modern residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Putnam, 2742 Homedale Road. The com
bination of deep pink carnations, white stock, while hyacinths and wired gardenias was
in perfect proportion to the lace covered blonde table. Mrs. Putnam smiles her approval.
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COLOR! COLOR! COLOR! is the keynote of Spring costume
jewelry trends with matching sets of necklaces, bracelets
and earrings a must to accentuate the femininity of every
woman's Spring costume. Topping the list of colors in
costume gems is ice-blue, a delicate sparkling stone that
combines beautifully with the shimmering white opals in
this gorgeous ensemble of jewels worn by June Dyer of
Muriel's. This is a copy of a Dior original including the
heavy choker that hugs her pretty throat, earrings that
show the larger trend and the new idea in bracelets that
fashion decrees must be worn halfway between wrist and
elbow. Jewels like these would have swept Cleopatra off
her feet.
S m
Fashionable eyewear is
an important accessory to a
woman's good looks!
We've an outstanding selection
of modernly styled frames'
i in glamorous colors to compli
ment your new spring wardrobe.
You're invited
to use your credit. .
Ill SV Mo. IM III. .. . . '
Dr. Omar . IVolef, Pr. R. I. Alexander, pr, 9n?r, pp. h. R. Sfribfler, Dr. K. E. Mlu)
In Carpets
The comfort and warmth of car
pets and rugs in more rooms in
the house is more practical than
ever, this Spring, with the increas
ing; use of a variety of man-made
fibres for floor covering in excit
ing new textures, informal and
timeless designs and bright and
qheenul folors.
The big news in textures, for
1952, is the number of novel
weaves developed by using the
properties of man-made fibres to
create the weave rather than fit
ting the characteristics of a weave
to the man-made fibre.
Outstanding Is the super-textured
carpet weave which gives a
novel bulky effect much in the
way that the high fashion coat
fabric, poodle cloth, does. This new
weave gives carpets a handwoven
appearance and is complimentary
to the smooth sleekness of modern
Casual weaves, featuring hit and
miss textures which show no def
inite qatiern but which are
achieved by combinations of pile
height, diiferent yarns, and ingre
dients, offer a pleasing high-light
to informal decoration as well as
a comfortable - feeling of softness
and warmth underfoot.
Newest designs include shadow
motifs that have no set definition
of outline. Those patterns are good
with casual, informal. Provincial
and even simple traditional furnish
ings. Also noteworthy are the styl
ized designs that have been re
duced in scale to fit the confines
of the average room.
Dramatically new in outlook, too,
are the classic damask, brocade,
large-scale leaf or scroll motifs
that have gained their newness
through color, combination of
yards and materials in texture and
textured effects.
Green, beige and grey are pre
dicted to remain color favorites
this Spring, with the introduction
of new tones and shades In these
colors plus accents on both vibrant
tones and muted "off-color" tones
enlivening even more their already
pleasant appeal.
Most Youngsters Have
Some Tooth Trouble
NEA Feature Writer
Did you know that 93 per cent
of all school ae children are af-j
illcled with tooth decay? This Is,
a figure that must nut be over-1
looked. For In the majority of,
cases. It preventive measures hud1
been taken, there would be no such'
existing denial health problems. I
It Is jour responsibility to your'
children to start thcui oft In Hie
with good, healthy mouths. Two!
years old mav sccin a little young!
but It Is actually an Ideal age to1
Introduce a child to the rllual of'
tooth-brushing and dentul cure. j
liven though her methods may i
seem clumsy and Ineffectual, at,
first, what matters Is that an Im
portant habit Is being established.
This Is about the n$t when youi i
youngster's first 00 teeth have!
made their ppournnce. so a visit!
to the dentist Is definitely in order, i
Naturally, little or no dental
treatment will be necessary at thlsj
stae of development, but the visit :
will allow the child to become fa-j
miliar wilh the dentist and stinh.
fascinating objects a.s the mouth ,
mirror and other implements that
will be used In her mouth.
Another advantage of this corlv i
visit Is that it will build up the i
youngster's confidence In the den
tist and alleviate ony possible;
fears. Furthermore, early atten-i
tlon to small dental cavities U an-;
other important way to aid dental
health. In younger children neglect
can produce serious problems when
Uie second teeth appear.
As for the actual brushlnir of the
teeth, the old "scrub" me! hod Is
outmoded. The best way. as your
destlst will show both you and
' HfHw
your child, Is lo brush away from
the gums. First, brush the "chew
ing" siu'laees; Ihcn brush up on
the lower teeth, and down on the
uuutvr tccih.
The bristles should get between
the teeth, If they are tu do a Job.
And train your youngster u brunh
her teeth within ten minutes alter
evory meal, lor at least throe nun
mat at h time.
Food should not bo overlooked
in the process of curing for your
child's troll. She should drink pirn-!
ty of milk, und have a wclll-round-;
cd diet which Include.! meat, eggs,
butter, cheese, fresh fruit, .green'
and yellow vegetables and whole'
wheat bread. Try to keep the In-!
take of sweets at a minimum.
If your community docs not have!
floui'kiutcd water, ask your dintlsti
lo apply the flourldc ti'cutmenl
locally ifor ony child under IS!
years, t This method can reduce
tooth decay by 40 per cent. I
Naturally, before you tnko your
youngster lo the dentist, you will
want to be positive he Is the best.
If you are it a loss as to where!
you might locate such a dentist,,
cull the office of thelocul denial
society In your community, and,
ask for the names o," three quill-,
tiled dentists from which you may,
In caje you have no such society,,
ca'l a reputable hospi'al ami ask i
lor the duel oi denial tervice or
the attending dentist. He will glad-;
ly recommend several dentists. '
Another source Is. Of course.
your family physician or any rep
utable physician you may know.
In evaluating a dentist you should
determine whether he U a member
of his local denial society of If he
Is en the staff of a recognised hos
pital or clinic.
JMW 1 8
Little Girl
n Cottons
NEW YORK (NF.A-Crh,p cot
long with meticulous detailing und
an adult look mark the Kate
Oreenaway spring and auimnrr col
leoilon for little girl. . Theso arc
budget cations but they aro cot.
tons handled with cure.
The mast striking single leutuit
of this collection Is that each dress,
whether for a thiie-ycnr-old or a
sub-teen has Individuality,
Each la designed to mako a little
glrl look pretty.
There are miiiittiurc jackets nun
are detachable, there aio 'nil.
brief skirts with their own iiililco
pettlcouls, there are tiny 1 lime
stone buttons unci slim princess
lines borrowed from adult (u-lilotis,
and they "look like mother's."
Jumpers that double as sun
drosttes and rmall biitlon-on cape
lnti with a romantic air have us
much llalr as b'.g sister's atyleii.
Fabrics for these dressos all lake
lo soap-nnd-WBier like tuicks to u
nond. For some party-going fault.
Ions, there's a cotton niolie thai
looks like silk but washes like cot
ton. There are pastel piques Iced In
white and cibecd pl'iifs thai
kp their .shining look alter a suds-.h-g.
Colors arc cleur and refreshing
Pil e ploue, for , Imi mice. Is com
bined with coral. And conil H urcd
with green In another combination
Hints pretty lo nee.
Gold and turquoise get touches
of black velvet or perhups an eye
let or organdy trim for contrast.
Both mother and daughters will
be plea.'ecl to know that the sI'Hiv
problem for the fashions ha
lira been solved by a special Inr
that llsii helghl-and-welght meas
urements. -5?
You Gazed on this
Decorators across the nation arc hailing SERENADE.
Deep . . . soft . . . villi an exquisite sculptured effect.
Woven by skilled masters from the very finest of the
world's wool yarns, specially processed so their loveli
ness will stay alive for years. A graceful repealed sweep
of leaves in chalk grey and six other rich, true tones.
You'll sing a song of praise for SERENADE , , ,
you'll live with it and like it !
RHINESTONES HERE, THERE, everywhere- spark frocks,
suits, dresses, huts, gloves, even footwear. Bci'iit'lta Irnigqr
innnniipr of Muriel's Heatitv Salon draws , all eves to th
cuff of her .smart black suit with a smaller miniature of her
twin, snow-flake patterned scatter pins, Today's rhiiicslonrj
are lavish, with the flash and fire of diamonds. Wear
scatter pins In pairs, or triplets.
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Even Prettier
than the Picture
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q. yd.