PACK THRU WEDNESDAY, MAHC1I 12, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON fashion Show To Highlight Merchant's Spring Opening Sabres Score Air Victory BKOUL, Km (in Ml American Bubro let pi lulu Mint down four mora ltcd join Wednesday, Inr a tntul ol 15 destroyed In three (in vn. Klovon other ftusslan typo Mia 1ft cln were luimi(eil In Iho three iIiivk, the U.8. Filth Air Force re pulled, Ainiirlenn Iohsos, II iifiy. Hie announced weekly. Pour MIOs were destroyed itnd two damaged In seven-minute buttle Wmlni'sdiiy morning over Northwest Komi between 110 F-UU Bullies mid 17 Hedn. The UndK did not how In the afternoon. 'Ilia Wednesday iniiriiliiK nlr but tle streaked from Pyongyang, the Ited capital, to Blnullu on tho Muiv dun Inn border, Mil). Felix A, Anln, jr. 681 Fast lUlh Hl Eugene, Ore, wan credited wllh one shot down unci ono dam aged, They warn bin flrnt. Air buttles overshadowed ground action lor tha third successive duv. 'Ilia U.S. F.lghth Army reported the only Inliuitry notion wnn In liuiunlnlns ol the Eastern Front. In tho early morning Itcds fired mien Ironi Ioiik ruiiKe at (he U.S. S&lh Division lor ten minuted and -. 'is.lrl.U Inr 1 h mm Ules. Landlord Loses Out To Tenant In Heat Battle NKW YORK W-i 'Hie cold war belween Tenant Mclvln A. Curler and Landlord Clnrence Cndognn has been nettled. C'nrler won by attuchlng a ther- mostnte In bin lourlh-Iloor Brook lyn apartment to record plnyer with loudnpenker tuned down dtimbwutter nhnll. It wan tlxed no Hint every time the hent dropped below 65 deitreen the following recording blnred down the nhnll to Cadognn's aparl ment: "Mr. Cndognn: Under section 33ft ot the Bnnllnry Code, land lord who doen not provide 66 de gree hent when the outside tem perature (alia below 88 degrees in liable to n S5O0 tine or a yenr In jail. The temperature In thin apart ment la now below 68 degreen." Tuesday Cndognn told Magistrate Fnul Bnlnnm thnt the recording "In driving me cruxy." Carter nald there would be no noise l( there wnn hent. It wnn Cnrler'a complaint thnt brought tile landlord Into court on a charge of providing liuuftlclent hent. The landlord promised to nblde by the Magistrate's order thnt there be hent The fashion nhow for Friday's Rprliig Opening went through drens rehearsal hint night itt tho Armoi V, nnd nil wnn pronounced In readi ness lor "the biggest event yet" by Hob Fredrlckson, chairman. 'I'hn fashion show will ba the highlight of tho Klnmulh Mor chimin Association's Hprlng Open ing. At limnt 50 inodalN will MioW "Everything New lor '63" starting promptly in n.uu. Kliimiilh Fulls Ilorlntn Muck'n Klumnlh Flower Hhop, Knhn'n Flower Hhop mid Huburuun Mower 8hop huvo provided a surprise gill for Kliiiimlh'H feminine, nlde. When the doom open nt 6:00 Fri day night KUIIH girls will start pinning orchids on each woman, The florist hnve ordered 1.000 or chids, nnd they will be passed out us long as they last. The new appliances; nnd musical liiHiriiiniiiitH will be III one maim dlspluy around the alden of the niuiii Armory noor. The BO-voIca KU1I8 girls glee club will open the program. Olber fon turen Intersporned with the showing nt new mun'n. womcn'n nnd chll- dren'n fashions will Include a bal let diinco number oy me inn imran Moldovnn ntiidlo, bulbing beauty cventn, surprise numbern, and or gun muslo from the L. R. Mann Piano Company. A big Improvement thin yenr, Fredrlckson suld. will be providing tenia on the main floor on each side of the fashion show ramp, In addition to the full seating capacity of the balconies, The admission charge U 60 cents pen person, Including tax. All nel proceeds will go to youlh activities, KUIIB students will assist through out the evening. Boy and Olrl Bvouti will haftYlle the concessions. Hprlng opening officially will get under wny Thursday evening, when "all thnt'n new for '53" In unveiled In downtown windows. Industrial, automotive nnd farm equipment dlsplnyn will tukc over the roped off streets on Seventh und Eighth between Klamnlh and Pine on Friday afternoon. This Burglar Had a Rough Time PEORIA, HI. I Thmgn Just didn't go right for the burglar who nmanhed a window to gain entry to the Rosseter Motor Co. Police Inventlgnled Monday nnd said evidence indicated the bur glar crnwled through a window nnd atenncd Into a pan of crunk cane oil. Then, the cop decided, he slipped and fell Into the pan ana net off a fire extinguisher which, presumably, sprayed him with foam. No money wan missing, I.OHKH OUT SOUTHBRIDOE, Mann, tffl President Trumun not only lost In the New Hampshire primary but also lost out In tills Central Mas sachusetts town. , . m Votera at the annual town meet ing 1 Tuesday night changed the name ol Trumnn Avenue to Lang loin Avenue. " ' Purse And Pants Snatchers Busy PORTLAND I A burglnr Is golnit around atenllnK Pomanders pnntn, That'B on the east side of the river. Over on the west side, the menace Is a purne-snatchcr. Police Tuesday reported Unit al least five homes had been entered and punts stolen. One householder saw the intruder make off with his pants and an the man fled, the wallet dropped to tne grass. The west side purse-snntchrr hns been at work lor aevernl nights Ms Sagebrush and Brown Mesh Grey ond White Beige and Br Black" Suede 15" Red Calf Blue Calf Black Suede V SO SV .If. 1 Blue Suede, Red Trim Eggshell Suede, 2-Tone Brown KM Grey Suede, 2-Tone Grey Kid While Suede, Blue & Red Calf Trim 16" ...PRETTY FEMININE, 'DIFFIft'tMT 16" SHOE SALON 'AesW-pwPJ -) ,. ., acony suits ofllm Beach . . . NEW DELUXE VERSIONS 2 5 00 Come and see famous Sacony's new collection. Fashion-fresh colors, sil housettes .details . . . jewels of Sac ony tailoring in ffgz&-s-fM wrinkle-shedding, ft Ciwifinv enduring Palm ft -Ony Beach Cloth. FREE EASY PARKING 'V, II? l