Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 12, 1952, Page 29, Image 29

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    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1052
Not Happy
With Your
It vou haven't been satisfied with
ly dusting with an untreated dust
mop Is all the care they need. The
Important thing to remember Is:
Never use soap and water to
clean wood floors. Soup and water
will Injure bolh the finish and the
wood and sometimes even cause
the floors to buckle.
' When water Is spilled on the
floor it should be wiped up and
the floor dried Immediately. If wa
ter Is allowed to remain on a fin
ished floor, It leaves white spot
which is almost impossible to re
move without reflnlshlng.
The modern way Is to use a
waterless, wax base cleaner which
"dry cleans." Such a cleaner will
remove the top loyer of old wax
In which dirt spots and heel marks
have become embedded and leaves
a protective wax film. This film
can be Polished lo a soft natural
No matter how much "the 'house-
wife smiles In the floor wax- ads
keeping floors gleaming Is no pic
nic. But there will be lots more
time for picnics and parties If you
follow the advice "f professional
floor men In caring for your floors.
sheen which makes additional wax
ing optional.
Linoleum needs the same eart
that hardwood does, but because
It in usually used In areas whet
there Is more traffic, It needs at
tention more often.
your home permanent results,
lhi'it'w trtit tyi Iim a Iniiilltln ri.ii.
Once hardwood floors have been
thoroughly cleaned ami waxed, dal
son, und here are a list of pos
sibilities for you to check.
Do you always remember to give
your hair a prc-permancnt shain-
An f.ll li,t lll.n ftn ,,
r nit "II "I MJ"K ! J.
hair strands will make It difficult
lor tne waving juuon to pcnui,raie.
Never use waving lotion "saved"
r.... ....... Ii.ul hfl.mnnnnl nnf
l"IH Jui ion- ,. ...--.
the bottle has been opened the lo
tion Iohcs us sirengin ana biiouiu
be lined Immediately.
rt rrr
'it ir nrinrraniniiii
HUGE BRONZE QUEEN TULIPS with sun yellow edges and gorgeous daffodils named
Fortune, with lifiht yellow petals and deep orange centers, formed this graceful arrange
ment, of Spring flowers at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bane, 3U51 Summers Lane.
Tho spray, placed In a black and gold pottery planter by Kohn's Flower Shop was re
flected In a crystal mirror above a satin finished table in the entrance hall.
! 4'
IN PERFECT SYMMETRY, this poem In posies, arranged by Charles Mack of the Klamath
Flower Shop is a stunning background for a table set for a buffet supper in the new home
of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Miller on Pacific Terrace. The arrangement in a long copper and
brass planter has a base of delicately tinted red and deep green croton leaves, tea leaves
and anthuriums. Orange Bird of Paradise blossoms, fragile and fairylikc arc topped with
graceful sprays of spiral Eucalyplis blossoms in a misty blue. The arrangement was placed
against a coral wall and complemented with tall while tapers in sterling holders. Five-year-old
Mary Ellen Miller agrees It's "a pretty setting for the Audubon print above the
lace-covered table. . '
Stubborn Child of 2 Typical
AT Ncwafeatures Writer
One of the age-old problems we
fr.ee. ull.i'iM from blrlh, Is Dint of
liitiln;' n.ong w.'.h other people.
Tlin child between 18 months
ami thret year of age, Uie typical
two-yeu-old, often linn a particu
lar!. hard MruiiKle with the prob
lem nt ttuing his wants to these
' ,:hr wople. He Rets "cranky"
and ftubbjrM or downright rrhcl
l oin At unie.i, toys Dr. Katharine
M. Panhain, associate professor of
;isyc!iolof;y at Duke University.
Their are reasons why. she snys,
J'juior may be more Iracublo at
:.nme time. and pure "nrneiy" nt
f.thcrx. We have to ro buck a lit
tle m the ase of junior to under
hand the pmiuulnilv niiibboru be
havior often noticed at this ape.
Until he wan one year of axe, he
cnnld not net around very well. Ho
stayed In one place, either lyuiu
clown or silling up. When he cnuld
pull himself to a hlundlim position,
he had to hold tlxhtly to somcthlnir
for support. Bui by the time he
rrachrd tho nxc of elRhlcen
months, he could ro about the
room himself. There were so many
more thtnits to do, more thlnits to
reach, to handle, to open and look
Into. In other words. Incentives for
action multiplied rapidly after the
child learned to walk.
"All the time that the child had
been leurnlim lo move about more
easily and to ro further, he had
been building affectionate attach
ments with the kind people, who
had been tnklnit care ol him.
whether these were parents, crnnd
parenu., or foster parents, tic had
them, especially when the parents
demonstrated their appreciation
and affection with smiles, comfnrt
Iiir caresses, Rifts of food, and oth
er drhk.hU. He had ample Incentive
to bo obedient and amenable to
their requests.
"So long as a child -stays In one
place, there are not many UiIurs
he can reach that would cause him
harm or that he mlRht damage by
rouith handling. But once he move;;
about an ordinary room, not spe
cially prepared for young children,
he encounters many thliiRs that It
may be dangerous for him to pull,
push, poke, or throw down," says
Dr. Brnnham.
Here's where Mom and Dad
come In conflict with Junior's will
to explore and handle. Thoy scold
and sometimes punish Junior lor
actions prompted by natural curi
oslty. ' Junior's power of Imagina
tion, on the other hunci. is not de
veloped sufficiently to envisage
possible dangers. He hears only
the scolding or feels the punish
ment at Uic hands of the people
he lias grown to like and wants lo
obey. The connection between what
he has done and his parents dis
pleasure Is vague in his mind. He
resents the punishment, feels of.
fended at his parents, and has less
wish to please them. Dr. Bnnhain
"With some children, parental
disapproval Is too painful . . . .
They want affection so badly that
fear of forfeitllng it frightens them
Into Inaction. A stubborn child may
be a frightened child, one who
loves so much, wants lo please
others so much, needs their love
so much that he Is nfrald to act
lest his behavior should estrange
htm more than ever from those he
loves. This may lead to obstinate
behavior. He may do the opposite
of what he is asked to do."
your hair too tightly around the
curlers. When you do this, the lo-
llim CUIl l pi'llUtlUW UMUUftll IKHI
ll.a t..n tn ll, InttMa lnVOI M Ihp
curl. The wrapped curl should move
back and form easily.
Take care not to wind too much
hair on a curler, either. Follow
.... nl..nn n thn ill.
rCCllliU BllCCk KIIU JWU v iuii
into any irouuic. rccp m mum.
..... ll.n nmra hull- VAII nilf. tll
one cuilcr. the looser your per
manent Will uc.
Bunchy end papers can spoil the
nm.i,M.i rnwr the tin ends of
your hair with the end paper. Hold
ir. in place wnn inc iu.h iwu lin
gers of your left hand, as your
. ...I., v...n.i ...Aii Win enrlfr rnlllnu
inf'iv huiiu nwi -
under. Use only one paper lor
each curl.
Be sure to luke cneci curis iu
see how your permanent Is pro
gressing. These curls are guides
to the exnet sino. 01 wnvc j .v.
...,.. run Into dill I'll tV
iviuiij, vuiii-.. . fi
guring the neutralizing step. The
main thing Is to remember Is not
to rush. Allow the full lime Indi
cated In the directions.
Don t shampoo your wxvc
.... .i..- i, - ,,h,wa In not Two
or threo days should be enough
t"n- -ii
II you color your nair m mi,
i., nn rlvninrr Or bleach-
avuiu u;-tiiK "J -- -
Ing preparation for one week be
fore and alter your home perma
nent. Color products coat the hair
sometimes Impossible, for the wav
ing lotion to wor.
Winter Fun
Also Adds
To Health
If you're like the bear who hiber
nates at tne nrst sib i "mw
weather, you don't know what you
are missing, in tne ouvsiuc u
nennlc are skiing and fee skating:
keeping their figures trim and
their asoclations active.
Instead of running for cover,
lake advantaite of the season's out-
and-indoor snorts. They will not
only make you feel wonderful, but
actually change your appearance.
Aside from the invigorating as
pects, there arc important beauty
benefits to be derived. Ice skating,
for instance, slims the hips and
thighs. You'll be cutting a pretty
figure In no time.
Should pasture be your problem,
skiing Is one of the best corrective
exercises. It Isn't halt as hard as
It looks. Once you learn muscular
coordination, you will be well on
your way. ,
To develop flexible muscles at
your abdomen, arms, waistline,
chest and shoulders, try your hand
at bowling. It will keep you out of
Icy winds, If that's your chief win
ter sports complaint, and still help
to build a beautiful body.
There are other Indoor sports
which may appeal to you, such as
tennis, squasn and Dadminton. Par
ticipation Is the Important thine.
not whether you prove to be an
When you are considering winter
activities, dont overlook the new
friends you will meet, and the pos
sibility of enlarging your whole so
cial outlook. There s much to be
said on the subject of sports, but
you u una taxing part Is a lot
mure iun
Lady's Handbag
Getting Bigger
Bags are big this Spring, no
doubt echoing the massive feeling
in new season Jewelry. Black plas
tic patent leather and imported
straws arc designed lor striking
costume accents.
Pumpkin and half-moon shapes
appear in faille and patent with
piping and handles of faille. Box
and pouch styles are truly spring
like In pastel milan straw aDDli-
qued with roses.
young America's favorite
if ( ; X. Stooped low with
made for fun spring COLORS
a single strap . . . that's the shoe you've
your doyllme ond dalelime flattery. Slip
into a pair of these cuties al Sears
today. Notice that comfortable
fit . . . those luscious new colors
. . , and that good-to-your-pockelbook
low price.
Sizes 4 to 9.
ft inn rjiii
Reg. 259:95 9 cu. ft.
34.50 Down, 12.50 Month en Sean Easy Terms
Deluxe features save work year 'round
Big 9 cu. ft. size top to floor storage
Features giant size 41.2-lb. freezer
Large deep Chiller and meat drawer
Hi-humidity Vegedrator and full Crisper
Sears Will Deliver Your Appli
ance When The Down Payment
Is Completed Pay The Balance
On Sears Easy Payment Plant
Reg. 369.95 13.2 cu. ft.
48.00 Down, 17.00 Month on Sears Easy Terms
This freezer has many outstanding features to make it your
best buy today. Finest type of superdense Fiberglass insula
tion, separate freezing and storage compartments, wire basket
and compartment separators for easy storage. Stores up to
462-lbs. White enamel finish.
: j:
(r' """" '
41.50 Down, 14.00 Month
' On Sears Eoiy Terms
2D '5
Load it! Set it! Forget it! The hard work of washday is
banished forever when Kenmore does the job automati
cally! And the exclusive washing action plus 7 com
plete rinses gets clothes whiter, cleaner than ever be
fore! With Suds Saver ..: ..... 294.95
33.00 Down, 11.50 Month
On Scars Eosy Terms
No more back-breaking, basket toting! Kenmore gets
clothes fluffy dry, sunshine-sweet smelling! Clothes dry
. lint free! See it . . . save money today! ,
133 So. 8th
Phone 518S
Store Hours:
133 So. 8th
9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Phono 3188