PAGE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1052 ' v jf ! THE WORLD IS ROUND SO WHAT . . all the hull-a-balloo about politics and the rising price of cheese and chops phases cunning Vicki Gail Bridge, not at all. The little 18-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bridge, 3501 Bisbee, is winsome in a permanent finished white, red dotted Swiss dress from Tots-To-Teens. Her chubby bare arms are set off with big white bows, the hem is deep for letting down and the matching bonnet frames her Dutch cut and big brown eyes. Black patent sandals are Robin Hood also at Tots-To-Teens . . panties dont count. Grand parents of the small model are Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bridge, 149 Hillside, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crow, 303 S. 8th. lI .ISO I ! I I in I) J7! i d ''IB jit" l! I 'fife's '' J "i WHAT THE WELL-DRESSED business man will wear, come summer, is modeled by Earl Clark, OTI student, for Hardy's. The hound-tooth gray and blue checked single breasted Style-Mart suit with two-button closing is worn with gray, snap-brim Lightlee hat with darker band . . Weyenberg Massagic cordovan shoes, red pin-stripe Co hama tie and crisD Docket handkerchief. A DIAMOND SET WRIST WATCH makes every woman feel loved and lovely. Harwin's is headquarters for fine timepieces such as this Diamond Debutante, L o n g i n e s Wittnaeur beauty, encrusted with fine flashing stones. Worn with black silk cord band it is the perfect choice for all women. It is shown by Noma Phillips of Harwin's. Study of Music Called One Of Best Character Builders NEW YORK tNEA Om of the greatest clinrnrtcr and porsonnltiy bullciers, In Uie opinion ol Fiomic Mercur, noted concert pianist, 1 Uie study ol music. 'If I could only speak to Ml the parents in America personally. says Miss Mercur, "I would try to exnlntn how mucli music means In the lives of their children." Music study develops responsibil ity, powers of concentration, mem ory and sell -commence, she minks. In addition, it is a natural outlet for emotional sinius and Mrrsses. 'The piano is the foundation for all other Instrument," Miss Mer cur explains. "If your child decides in later years to be a sinner or to play the trumpet, he or site win be wen-prepared. An Inmuortant consideration for parents, once they decide to give their child piano lessons, is the type oi leacner to picK. Very olten they feel that an Inexpensive teacher is best, since they're not sure the child lias any definite tal ent or musical tendencies. Tills Is terribly wrong, says Flor ence Mercur. Many so-called teach ers have actually destroyed talent because they did not employ Uie right methods. Before you allow a teacher to start working with your youngster, do a bit of Investigating about her background. Find out where she has studied. It Is also Important for you to know what she has accomplished in the musical field. It Is very simple for a womnn to siudy music for two or three years and then call herself a teacher, says Ml&s Mercur. If she has a good background, she is a wise selection, no matter what she charges. ' Impress upon the teacher you do choose that you want your chlljj to have a thorough grounding in Uie classics. Theory and harmony arc also vital to basic training. Oni'o your youugsler is well versed lu Bach and Beethoven, her capacity for learning will Increase two-fold, Popular music can come later, according to Mlsa Mercur. Once the teacher starts the les sons, show your confidence by giv- iK ner complete amuoriiy, Never sli.y in the room during die ses sion, advises Miss Mcrinir. Never question the teacher's methods. It's a good Idea to give the toucher and pupil at least a your to get used to each other, to allow their personalities to blend. If you are wondering about the best nge to start your boy or girl, Miss Mercur recommends six or seven. "Children at this aire don't have too many outside Interests." she says. "This olfers Ihein a good six or seven years for developing. Then, they will be so Indoctrinated in music, they will want to con tinue of their own free will." fit WHAT BRIDE WOULDN'T LOVE this table arrangement for her wedding reception planned by Rickys. Here, bride-to-be Karen Koehler agrees that the choice of Cinderella fine china by Lenox is perfect. Its beautifully fluted, gold-shadowed borders and delicate mossom decor is a charming-companion for Gorham's dainty Rondo'pattern in sterling, iso reception table is complete without a Regent tea service by Reed and Barton or tall ""'T." in three-light candelabra by Gorham. The pretty tiered wedding cake is wreathed in apple blossoms. v r ' b Furniture and Draperies CUSTOM-ORDERED! suit your taste " 1 111 l "1 1 ' i 3 ! mm mm mm -TO 1 ,. 'I ?: ivf ff y- ki .-. arm , n ..,. ..... ( jr jaggr gg-- la 1 I I fiX This New Service Gives You: A MUCH WIDER SELECTION . . . ony combination of style features from the floor samples we have on display. EXCITING CHOICE OF COLORS, FAB RICSi AND PATTERNS . . . ordered to fit the decorotive scheme in your home! FAST DELIVERY ... of YOUR creotlon ... the style you want in the color and fabric you want! MADE TO YOUR ORDER: Drprlil Softs! Chain! Choose from new patterns in Modern, Traditional, or Eorly Americon irylingt. no charge for estimates , . . phone for our representative "Four Floors of Fine Furniture and Floor Coverings" Kflamatk uxniturte Co. 221 Main Phone 5353 or 5339 TC tXVPA .Hue cornflowers on charming pink ribbon Jewel-like, enameled (lowers in colorful rock url!nd..5-piece place setting 51725 gardens. S-piece plate setting 12325 0 A O i N3L-L v.- bbimL LENOX CHINA BY LENOX The symbol of perfection a single full blown red rose surrounded by leovos of 24-k. (old. Creoted by the some craftsman, of Ida same fine, translucent, durable china as the Lenox services selected for the Whita Housa end for the Presidential yacht. S-ploce place settine, $23.25. Those who want the world's finest, choose Lenox china. It adds its own elegance to the tables of presidents and kings. What finer gift could you give than a gift of Lenox! pome and see the beautiful Lenox we now have displayed. You'll be delighted with its glowing transluccnce, its perfect glaze, its exquisite design. Only in Lenox china today do you get this flawless craftsmanship. We have patterns tor any wsie presents for any purse. Come in soon. jt i -jr. i - i 1 1 i lest 700 Main St. REGISTERED JEWELER AMERICAN GEN SOCIETY fUBIfft IT.TII (, Phone 3151 ft, FASHION SHOW .ind Displays ARMORY March 14 Friday t A.