4. WKIJNKHIIAY, MAUCII 12, Mfi?. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Nly yM if ; - , i ,:. :rr:i : pan "fit. Vlff ' -V, Jf"1 p' rm'" iiuaiSwfc-ifa.Bjaif! f, j 3 ft . " 0" : v y Art 'Jf r MISS KLAMATH FALLS OF 1947 slips smartly toward Spring i' H'(! popular two-lone suit that is the working Kill's dronm. .toy Adrienne of llnrtfield's was caught in the c.niiera lens in a smoke gray gabardine, wrinkle resistant, soft, supple and wearable the year 'round. The beautifully flared skirt is topped with two-tone horizontally striped jacket, moulded, slightly stiffened hipline and plain trim. Note the five button closing. A heavy gold reptile choker with emerald eyes and rhincstone scales, black calf bag and pumps and whito gloves complete tlio picture. i J- . IN in ' hi i : l(V A DREAM N MOTION is the stunning strapless varigaled blue chiffon formal worn by Beverly Knudtson for Sears . . the muted low tone soars to a bright clear blue in the extremely full-gathered skirt that falls in folds to floor length. The tight bodice is criss-crossed over the bustlinc with two-tones of blue to swathe her lovely bared shoulders. Flower trim catches the drape. The attached stole of the varigaled color is worn over one shoulder. Her rhincstone choker and earrings compliments of Rickys. SNOWFLAKES MAY FALL and wild winds blow but Spring is hero and pretty girls in Chinese coolie hats, bluo denim pedal pushers nnd bright wool sweaters will soon be raking gardens and sowing seeds. Joan Bussman, KU1IS senior, shows Klamath folks what to buy to plant a perfect garden from the huge stock of seeds at Murphey's. Whether it's the newest eight-blossom to-lhc-stem fluled sweet peas or a package ofpkra, you'll find it at Murphey's. ft IP : 1 1 ,2i LITTLE GIRL FASHIONS with a grown-up look are new for Spring and Summer. Party cotton moire llert) looks like silk, washes like cotton. It has its own organdy ruffled petti coal. Plaid gingham jumper (left center) has separate white cotton blouse. Jumper can be worn as sun dress. Princess lines appear (right center) in a blue pique dress banded and buttoned in coral. Pastel pi'iue (right) is piped in while, has small buttoned-on cape-let. Mew Fmes Tile rxcltlnijly ilrslcnrd ihkI tr-x-l luii-ii lnl)iic Unit apponr. in nrw, Bpring coiiU, nulls mm drr.-ics will iniiki! IhPin Irrc.ilKtiblc to own. whether tlic plnn Ih to sew a now uullll or nclcct unc nlrcudy mudc. Two Iritrrcntlnii nd dlntlnctly dltfiirent "face" appear In these fabrlcK; the ley-smooth crackling (eel in new Bilk and taffeta shun turKS nlonK with the NponRe-IIke MMKy textured wools, both In the kinoolli-aurfuccd group . For contrant, there are ribbed, Hhibbcd nnd nubby eflcctn. U'a a textured look that can be Been In a wide varlly of twecd-llkc, llncn wool and rayon boucle.i. In tome new labrics, atrlklnx effecla are achieved by combln (nil the amooth and the textured, ax In a light sheer wool with a dark boucle check. All new Spring fabric have a womlrrlul llghtneFn of weight, no mutter how fluffed the texture. Thin can be bccii In a chiffon weight wool coming, woven In a loose weave with a nubby curled wool, a pebble effect without ex cc.hu bulk and even wooly poodle cloth that appearn Ih a much light er version thin season. r ft break RiGur f or At KODAK BlCiWiC TOURIST - SAVE $1 1.87 SPEEDS UP TO 1100 SECOND KODAK ANASTON P 6.3 LENS PRECISE EXPOSURE GUIDE SYNCHRONIZED TO PLASH KODAMATIC TOURIST - SAVE $17.75 SAME AS DIOMATIC: EXCEPT EQUIPPED WITH THE PAMOUS KODAMATIC SHUTTER AND ANASTON F 4.5 LENS in fabrics Ovrr.Mzerl patterns, "blown up" versions of basket weaves, home spuns and herringbones, make truly dramatic new-scuson fashloas Unusual textures combined with practicality are the combinations of man-made Orion with shantung, Dynel with acetate and Viscose and rayon and spun nylon, shot through with gilt metallic yarn. Spring coaU are predicted to be popular In deep textured, nubbed tweeds or other loopy-faced wool ens. Suits, on the more formal side, lake to baratheas and worst eds, emphasizing grainy surfaces and a crisp dry face. This char acteristic Is also present In dress inhrics, as lor example the linen !T.c silks and stubbed worsteds. POSK A POSIK Add a fresh touch of Spring to every ensemble with flowers, pret ty as ronl, posed In eyecatching spots, such as a tiny bouquet at the nipped waist of a full-skirted dress: a flower cluster attached to the ends of a velvet choker; or matching little buds, one on one glove and the other at the suit, coat or dress neckline. in mm prihs TimtD just spRine PiauRHflKine. Im WAS $47.50 WAS $71. Classics In Wallpaper Look to the new . olassic and sty'lzcd wallpaper patterns. In a variety of color combinations and imaginative design treatments, to help create handsome new room ellects In both mood and dimen sion. Provincial prints, for example, a long favored pattern-type for smaller rooms, are becoming In creasingly popular. :or tne small scale medallions nd rosettes, fea tured In these patterns, do much for new smaller size apartments and homes. A' trend toward "quiet living" traditional over-all motif. However, nianv of these quicier paterns in corporate earth tones or black as a background thus lending a novel and striking touch to an otherwise conservative theme. Wallpapers with matchine dra perlcs or bedroom accessories are now available. Manufactures are offering these coordinated groups In a variety of designs, such as florals, geometries and stripes, all in blending tones and "feeling" fo they may be used In adjoining rooms. KODAK TOURIST at Grand Savings 63 PHONE 7063 ii Eagle Suits Van Heusen Knox Rough Rider Headlight Campus Paris Freeman Evans Catalina Louart Towne and King Day's Botany Santa Rosa Alligator Esquire Faultless Block Pacific Trail 774U6 nomt-i-bout Cot tfW ...,, ' . ... . fT mi V" ff Crry.U J Kr - jj r ' I V with i'YAT'i By Short jf f I . ViaymHntnt , 10- mm V Crew H. S-M-L I J . ',1 13 Ml 6 W M K Cov.ru,. ' " ' i4 ' : LAV 'l-10 ,!, ' I VfL:'.?1l i 'fj"" shrU'3'9 "Mawf i u ill ' - J -i Shorts Shortl S-H-b f I 'X tjuy Sum"' Wrio Skirl I VS Xi V Bat-Boy Cap ll.tl I J vai Trainman' Jarkl a n ySr " In aotld color only . Vv H rf-.s.' w y'v f io-ao .Bi fc, f f -CX. 1 'l Dck Trotnert ' 3 f VI 1 In dolid color only Bp , W' aV l'J'K io"20 ,5-m f TL KXll'rV Bobln Hood Hat W- ) 1 WfrSSv Tor anyhead aiza ' ...in Cool Sailcloth Mix 'em or match 'em to your fun! Sturdy Sailcloth . . . cool , , , sunfait . , . tubfast 1 . a sanforized, of course. Clean White, Coffee Cream, Summer Navy, Sail Red. Pollen Yellow, Depth Green, Tar Black, Iris, Turquoise. If A ' 4 '.'41 ''J Sure he is happy So is she, for they both know he is wearing one of the best quality . . . best designed men's suits in the U.S.! It's an EAGLE from Watch for EAGLE the Spring Style IV-i Short i ,i . noeoown sKiri, Ai tW LI si i1 T S From $Q50 6950 E SUITS ot Show! Sea the Spring Opening FASHION SHOW , March 14 ARMORY CtamdUaerfl 10-21) ll.VS Fopa licit (0 Halter S-M-L- M..M "For dlitinetlva ipertiwear, hep the iter, yeu enjoy" THE TOWN SHOP 500 Main m 11