WEDNESDAY. MARCH 12. 1932 TIF.TtALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN r fa. W H . c yym'IpwiMM FULL BLOWN BRONZE-TIPPED yellow roses on a lacy Mimosa yellow straw hat is worn by dark-haired Shirley Mason, La I'ointe's. A touch of black velvet frames her face and the alluring Spring cliapeau is complete with tiny black face veil. Her Van Raalte, cover-thc-wrisl gauntlet gloves arc two-lone with insets of the darker shade. NAJLA OF HOLLYWOOD designed these stunning pmK and black satin lounging pajamas worn by Mao Thompson of Miller's. Note the quilted design on pockets and cuffs . . tho bracelet sleeves, perky fish-tail back interest and man darin collar of the shell-pink jacket. Black satin trousers aro full-cut, with plenty of hip-fullness. One of the prettiest leisure time lovelies in the lingerie department. The New' Look For Spring . . cmrmrinrrmTrrrinnnrp "OR . . . perhaps your present icoat can be RESTYLED to "date ... let us RESTYLE oyour coat into a cape org "stole ... wo plso clean and Jqlaze for the smarr-new-look! Extra Warmth And Beauty For The Evening Or Street . GREGORY'S FUR SHOP We Have Cold Fur Sroraqa 815 East Main Phono 3573 More Comfort, Convenience Being Built into Furniture Now, mora thnn over, people oil over the country prefer to utay at home where they derive pleasure from (fHthorlKn family mid frlcnda, relax In front of the TV net or enjoy trcala that may center uboul the name room pluif poiiK table or buroccuc pit on the pullo. In knepliiK with the living at home trend, home lurnMilniin and netehi)rlri hold greater comfort nnd convenience for Bprlim 'i'i with mnny new Innovation land ing from liime acreen televlolon et that are portable to floor oolMierii equipped with built-in hcatMl)U. Now donlima with a almllar com fort and convenience theme can be found, for the new kcbmiii, lor every room In the limine. Take the llvlmr room, for rxiimplc. Mew weather-reililani unholalcry fabric enable chair nnd aofaa to be moved from llvlnu room to porch or patio with nary a fear of poaal ble htoimy weather (lamnfie. New upholstery fabrlcx, like fibre IS. vlbcowe rayon, can be wiped clean with a mvII of a damp cloth. And on hand for uniaii iiiki cany nciecuon are wallpaper ITlntw vlth their own niiurh:iu drapery fabric. Tor the render or bridge player who prefers to select hit acal to hla own dictates, rather than to those of Hie lighting lacllltlea of (he room, there are ullni atandlng lamps that revolve to face any di rection cleared, Desks, that can be net at rlKhl angles to the room. come with "floating" drawers de- Hlgned with handy finger holds, as well aa long bookiihelvei Incorpor ated rlKht Into the desk. eolfee tables have con venient drawer and ahelf apace. New convenience and comfort atrcralng fiirnlxhlnKK and accessor lea for the dlnlnK room Include ex tension tablei with functional hand grlpn at each end of the table. While auper waahablc wallpaper, In a varlcty'of attractive pattern, acrvca a noodlooklnir and eaay to lend purpoae for thin room. Noah'a Ark patterned wallpaper, featured In 8-Inch border atrlps, lin'1 been Introduced for use In a chllda room. Used ns a dado, thlx type of paper Is appealing to chil dren i well na a neat cover-up of dirty (inner marka. For the other bedrooms, In the house, there arc cheery matching wallpaper, drapery fabric and bou dbr chair upholstery designs. While three dlmn.slonal appearing on II led plaatle clonct linings and accciiiorles crve a good-looking, cu'iv-to-clcan function. There arc new Innovations on hand for the kitchen too. Foremost Is a fully automatic washing ma chine that wndhex, double rinse i and spin dries laundry loads, then automatically shut Itself off. Fluorescent lighting, that spans the entire length of the kitchen windows, offers an cflcct of day time brightness even at night. While anack bars. Installed to open to two rooms almultaneously, pres ent a cheerful eating center as well as handy across the counter serv ing possibilities to the room adjoin ing the kitchen. Even the bathroom conies In for Its share of new convenience In ducing Innovations. Foremost of these could be the double entrance, double alnk and duplicate fixtures Idea that helps eliminate morning and evening rush hour Jains, Blonde Fur In Fashion It'a a blonde, brief Spring for fur fashions. With light tones, fea tured In every fur from mu.skrat and rabbit to mink. And a huge variety of small furs, on hand, to complement the illin, long torsos and full, full skirts of the season, as well as the many collarless necklines. Bhearcd raccoon. In a lighter weight, beaver, squirrel and even fox are tome of the other fura featured In new blonde and lighter than ever tones. By being waist length or above the waist la the manner In which small furs attain even smaller pro portions lor Spring. They can be seen as boleros, liny Jackets and capelcts. One designer transforms a short stole Into a short bolero by wrapping the ends and fasten ing them with hooks and eye3. The extra small designs, to ac cent collarless necklines, can be had an pull-through ascols, nar row boas, one and two-skin scarfs or chokers and circlets. Synthetic Subs for Wool Felt RENSSELAER, N. Y. Wl One of the world's largest manufactur ers of papermnkers' felts Tuesday announced successful use of syn thetic fibers In place of wool. Greenville R. Holden, president of F. C. Huyck and Sons, gala a highly successful run of a new ivpe all-synthetic felt developed by Huyck has been made at the Camas mill of the Crown-Zcllerbach Corp. at Camas, Wash. Papermakers' felta are wide con tinuous belts wnicn carry puip dur ing its gradual conversion into pa per. These felts have hitherto been made of wool! which had the pe culiar characteristics required for this purpose. Some felts have been made of a combination of wool and synthetic fiber In recent years but use of all-synthetic felts has been thought Impractical until the present de velopment, Holden said. The run at Camas was made with a wet felt on a high speed Yankee four-drinler machine mak ing light-weight paper. Holden said the all-synthetic felt ran considerably longer than the normal life of a wool felt and was outstanding In Its performance for water removal, free runnmi? qual ities and resistance to frictional wear. He added the results Indicate that synthetic felts may permit higher operating speeds than have been thought possible. Also, he said, the synthetic fiber la Immune to attack by bacteria, a cause of short fcjt life in many mills. EVERY BRINGS NEW FASHIONS TO HARDY'S! MAY WE SUGGEST THESE TOP BRANDS FOR YOUR NEW SPRING WARDROBE WORSTED TEX SUITS Tailored exclusively for Hordy'i by Michael Daroff STYLE MART SUITS For the finest fit of your life! With exclusive neck zone tailoring STYLE MART SPORT COATS Your key to a flexible wardrobe. New spring stocks just arrived. ROUGH RIDER SLACKS Action tailored for men who demand comfort, quality and good looks. CHAMPION SLACKS Designed for casual living. We've a grand selection of fresh patterns. ARROW DRESS SHIRTS A compliment to any outfit! In all the popular collar style. SPORT SHIRTS Arrow! Cooper! Lancer! All top names in handsome, new styles. WEYENBERG SHOES Quality and good looks combined with comfortable Massagic air cushioning. NEW SPRING TIES Freshen up your wardrobe with several Fashioncraft tics from our new collection! -A r 'if i O.T.I, student Earl Clark modeling Style Mart suit in popular Hounds Tooth check , . . topped off with a fine, Lightlee hat. Mohdith &Mh WINDOW UNVEILING M II Thurs,, March 13, 6:00 p.m. M fW STORE FR MEN, BIG EQUIPMENT DISPLAYS Downtown, Friday, March 14, i4:uu ro o.-uu p.m. 7 . Armorv. Friday. March 14. ' .nn - k- SPRING FASHION SHOW Armory, Morch 14, 8:00 p Benefit Youth Activities 60c At The , show! rueW FRIGh mm ! i SEE ALL THE NEW FRIGIDAIRES AT OUR BOOTH AT THE ARMORY FRIDAY MARCH 14TH VISIT OUR BOOTH FOR FREE GIFTS! VERN OWENS' . CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS CO. 124 No. 4th Dress Better For Less BUY AT W S TT-r-wnU The New for '51! Polka-Dot COAT DRESS Sflfft99 Resistor.' RAYON & COTTON 6-PLY FAILLE FULL CIRCLE SKIRT Removable Picolay DOUBLE COLLAR NAVY ONLY... WHITE DOTS SIZES 9 TO 15 THE FASHION RAVE OF THIS SEASON Fancy Heel NYLONS See the fancies . . with duo tone, confetti or Empress heels! They're out of this world. OTHER FANCY HEEL NYLONS TO 1.9S Ph. 8363 SKETCHED FROM MOCK 820 Main Phone 6778 617 Main v