Page Six HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 10!52 T 1 M M m 'l I'l . . Porf rays Tomorrows Trends in a Preview of the Styles for Spring , .... . , f-J , !. :- . -...: .":..... (;. vf5Pf ' 7 - r . .. ft -t : f )v : . : 7; f a A ..iff r - ' f-- J r -x YJ? - - Jlilleik THREE PRETTY GIRLS WAIT IMPATIENTLY for a balmy breeze on a snowy day on the" dock at the Yacht Club as they model this season's peppiest fun-togs. Mary Lou Lawrence wears a gorgeous Bamboo Blaze Sarong satin lastex swim suit by Catalina from the Town .: Shop, in tones of green and bronze and yellow with yellow ruffled lei. A Nani of Hawaii, golden yellow broadcloth play suit, imported from the Islands by La Pointe's is worn by Sue Ramsby. Color of the three-piece sheen cotton suit blends charmingly with the ' golden tan of her skin. The suit, with Oriental trim" includes bra, brief shorts, jacket and pedal pushers, comes in other colors. Barbara (B.J.) Johnson with a brand new honey blonde poodle cut is set for any weather in Dallas sportswear Western Jeans, navy with white piping and slightly fitted trouser legs, red plaid "Ship 'n Shore" blouse and natty neck kerchief, from Leon's. Male Trend Toward Tweeds and Flannel Beauty has been listed in one pnrase as being only "skin deep.' For that reason, and perhaps be cause some persons are thin, skinned, fashions, particularly in the female whirl, play an all-im portant part in the decorative scheme of exterior being. , The cause for such a constant changing of women's fashions cir cles is a source of never ending speculation among the other sex. In the male, department of the fashion show, seemingly there is not such a great changeover from one season to another in design, although there may be admitted a definite trend one way or the oth er. Take the 1952 trend in men's clothing for spring wear. A close survey Indicates the trend is def initely toward tweed and flannel suits. What's more, the tweedy, com fortable look will be interchange able and compatible with the smooth appearance of flannel and gabardine slacks tweed sports coats on the top, slacks below. . The whole atmosphere oi spring clothing is informality. Snort and long sleeved sports shirts with wide-spread collar in wool or cotton. Next in favor, ap parently, are colorful seersucker . ishirts 'In short on' long' sleeve style. Something novel in the way of tnforrrlal "wear is -the - slipover- or tailored vest, mainly in hounds tooth check, with .cloth or knit back. : ' r " Summer time will see many of these vests worn over a white hirt,, topping off a pair of gabar dine slacks. A novelty 'in the way of sports wear to be featured - bv . a local clothier is a unique pair of golf slacks. ' Included in the slacks will be every convenience for the mashie- he pro or amateur, excep a long straight drive down me lairway. These novel slacks will feature an elastic waistband for keeping the shirt tucked in: golf ball Dock et; score card pocket; towel hold er lop: pencil holder; four section teeholder slots, all fashioned from lightweight fabric. Also seemingly favored in the shirt line will be cotton and wool r snirts witn varied, colorful de signs: turtle-neck T shirts: a cool and crinkly crepe-simulating ravon sport shirt;' a white-polka dot de sign on dark background, and on and on. Interior decoration is definitely colorful, too. Shorts have blossomed into every color oi the rainbow and various shades and designs. Neckwear is definitely narrower, getting away form the "colossus" look. Predominant in the youthful He sure garment is the suede jacket. , long and short style. Colors range from peaceful pastels to shouting reds and greens. At the bottom of this fashion trend is a swing to suede shoes and nylon net weave effects with composition, soles at the fore. And looDin? off the whole trmri is the swin? to narrnwpr hrimc fnr felt hats. . I Much Color In Luggage Luggage and leather accessories, designed for Spring '52, mean as much fashion-wise as new Spring clothes. Now costume cued, in col ors and fabrics, they can be the finishing touch to ensembles, and also a most impressionable asset. An abundance of color, style and texture in luggage gives a wide choice to match or blend with tra vel clothes and accessories. For those who desire the smoothness of leather or plastic, there is much variety to be had now in color and style, witn matching or contrasting trims. Along with its fashion conscious outlook, newest luggage is lighter ana maae to ne more lasting than ever before. According to the Lug gage ana Learner eoods Associa tion, one-third more can be packed in today s luggage than In its coun terpart of ten years ago. Along with luggage, there are new innovations in leather acces sories that supply accomodations for papers, tickets, bills and change. New feminine wallets, that are capacious enough for all such necessities, yet small and slim, are available in a wide range of colors. These can be matched to other purse pieces such as key, cosmetic, cigarette and eyeglass cases. .SHEER BEAUTY Transparent wools are on hand to provide warmth as well as a peek-a-boo touch this Spring. For wool cninon and "soap bubble cloth for coats, suits and dresses are all featured by top New York and Paris designers in their SDrinz collections. 0 0 8 0 nnroToo o o"o"a tooooaacooojoas 0 You Are Cordially 3 Invited To The Merchants Spring Opening FREE Orchids To The Ladies Orchids To The Ladies with the Compliments . ; ' Of . . . O Suburban Flower Shop ' 3614 South 6th Charlie Mack's the STYLE SHOW offers us welcome opportunity to show you our all star cast of the newest models in women's wear, sportswear and youngster's lines. See them at the Armory 8:00 o'clock Friday evening, The New Fashions In Dresses In Coats Never before has there m a? f m fa been such a Spring of new fashions such a completely new world of style new lines new fabrics so excitingly new and fresh that every womon's wardrobe will be transformed with new glamour. the delightful new fabrics such as crisp paper taffetas, impeccable Salynas, exquisite orlon jerseys, . qleoming shantungs and scores of other feminine fobries draped in exciting new lines. In Suits a complete new approach, the most petite jackets in years, molded to the body and bounded by the hipline handsome new fabrics highlighting ornaments os o part of the garment new fobs and buttons. nothing could be more dashing than this springs array of coats short coats, long coots, jacket coots in new nubby fabrics new flannel fabrics with revolutionary lines and treatments, particularly in cuff and sleeve In Sportswear watch his eye fwinkle when you step out with this spring adaption of blouses, skirts, sweaters In new brilliant colors, lustrous fabrics, ond superb styling set to the magic of this springs new arroy of sportswear. All This combined to bring woman what she has been woiting for TRUE FEMININITY Fashion is closing in, woman is coming out in a naturalness, not forthright, but with meditated simplicity. Discover these exciting new worlds of fashion when Miller's models display them for you this Friday evening. A Separate Show for the "Tween-age" Set Ready for you this spring, the exciting eye catching lovelies in formats, party dresses for sub-teen beauties new taffetas, nylon nets in dreamy sophisticated styles. Girls coats in shortie and full length styles. New fabrics, designs, exquisitely tailored for weorinq qualities. Stunninq creations for our "tween age' 'set for Spring '52. See these "Fashion Firsts" Modeled by O Klamath flower Shop . 1211 Morn , , . o O Kohn's Flower Shop 430 Main