WHDNKSDAY, MARCH 12, 11)52 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Purs Flv FOR ACTRESS SUSAN HAYWARD in her movie role as singer Jane Froman, a designer created a wardrobe for the typical American girl. Bouffant gown (far left) Is while nylon net dusted with silver sequins. Daytime dress (left center) is leaf green silk lightly polka-dotted. High style pinafore (right center) is a dinner dress. Black organza pinafore printed in a white laco pattern Is worn over high-necked, long sleeved sheath of black organza and taffeta. Classic coat (far right) gets new styling In heavy oyster-white raw silk with lining and ascot scarf in black, oyster-white and yellow printed silk. SKYPIECES DECREED FOR TEENAGERS THIS SPRING St tWlirihrr nlie prefers it trim lllllc pillbox or Die Iruilllloniil Mower wremhril bonnet, Unit HprlnK (lie lern-mrr will wear n very Icmlnlnc lllll. Kor nevrr uelore Imvo mllllnrrii devoted r,n mui h limn uml tiilcnl In Ilia hpr;lnl ni-rcln ol Urn vounuT net. Her lavorlle liulr nlyirn, iirr way ul life mid lire lieurinlr.e na well hrr choice nl ros!uiiie. Inixo nil been cnrrlully considered will) the RrnlllyliiK rentilt that Vouiik HirlnK ImiH are exlreniely fluttering mid wearable. 'Ilir fuel lor "dllllcull" liulr hlylr mirli nn the "iMiiiy lull" and the "iwodle rlli". fm Imnlred a van riy ol very Minllow Utile lint ell liouctteii Hint nit neatly atop the . crown of Ihe. head without disturb- Inn the colflure. Lliiht as a Spring ; breeze, and cleverly contrived to .May In plncc, tliche little hnt nre a pretty complement to lull-skirted, j Uey-wlled clotlie.i. nonnet nlinpeit nre dellithtlullv Klrllnh. Their shallow crowns nre ml IiIrIi nl the hnrk nnd their ; brlins tnkc miiny dlllprent nhiipen to flutter every luce. Two of Ihe newel bonnet urimn nre tne one Hint Id minnred all nhove the hrow or the contrastingly curvy one with : a built-in rjpple. I Snllom nre more appealing than ever Willi their lint little rrowm I nnd nnrrow biliiw. Ttie niont Irmln ;hie iwllon have "buck lllp' brims. I lolded up at the bock nnd caught wllh a few blossoms or a bit of ribbon. Cloches are boiuirty, with Mini tower crowns and their character istic brll-nhnpcd brims frequently mopping hhort nt Ihe sides of the hend lo leave the buck nl Ihe hend free. Many clocheH nre iniirc bonnet than cloche, tliotmli their tiulored trimming miikcn them appropriate tor casual wear, Pillboxes arc round nnd shallow, komctlmes hardly more tlian a disc of color ful straw. fell or velvet. Snowy white piques, Spring nlrawn look new In nay combinations of two-toned stripes nnd plnlcli nnd surface decoration ol Inbrlc. ribbon or veiling. Straw cloth.i nre exciting In their variety. Sometimes they are combined with tell or vclves. Snowy white piques, colored butcher linen, silk shantung and novelty cotton fabrics also lend themselves attractively to the small, daintily detailed tints of 1052. Flowers are preferred In the more delicate varieties. WAIST NIPPERS Pert little waist clnchcrs arc now available to help make a tiny walit a miniature of Itself. Often made of rayon natln. waist clnch jers hook or lace about the waist , to eate away the Inches gently i but firmly. A dnily dunklnft In mild suds keeps It fresh and firm fur 'continued wearing. ft : '-'igmg. .I'. V "A DISTINCTIVE APPAREL Lff& CX' ' ' ' Phoni 8222 901 Moin q, fjrWXZ ,J . . ; ' j.',' . WKAH THE SLEEVES SHORT ".. 5 l A ' '."'. ..; OR wear them lo. v A, T ''' ' 'V- Tale Hir choice klicn you wear tint ftevallaiie dollej , yf I fV'v ''.V-: f ' IweeJ. The diamnnil set ilree have lurnhait rufls that , 1 "'i S JM j ...J ffL-;vis,lr. voii ran adjust lo any height. The faliricVt a Ken y , jrffw til ' V 'V5v '? Vl'hilmnn cluMv.'Thi tort it lined with Slinntr rayon ) J?C$L' rfl iVi ' tsffela that runtlrs a you move. Il hn the toon ttraju, i- r.,S . V . Vvjl fY-Lf . 'he iwide glove porLel and the pipeil facing thai you 1 'II (' XaT ' IH 'w O ' nnerl nf Ken t hitmore'a fainom t' T'Jt At ' VI r,'l "Xaf 1 V'-'V eoiileni...rar) clai.-s. ' ' EXCLUSIVE 1 TIC-TAC TWEED I 'jl QffJ You'll find thit marvelnut tweed enly in this Ken Whitmore V I) A ,1 IK t 5 f ?v contemporary clatsic. Il't one of Ihe most dashing tweedt J ' K , ym flF 7 we've teen. Whal't more, it't tailored up into a ' II ,1 Mm I Ifdtj filled coat that hs a magnificenlly individual look. II lit 1 Jt' J'aicinating details include a conlour hell, deep armhnlet ff I M I If I that are so good over suits, a graceful skirl. jffuJTl'iitiwiaii I M S f Lined Willi rustling Skinner rayon laneta. $ j50 HI Muter 3 i STORE HOURS 9:30-5:30 ' ' S KEYED TO YOU Vashiom AND YOUR BUDGET I new) iN YLONS, High Fashion Style 100 NYLON PUCKERETTES . . . NYLON-ORION SHEERS . . . 3 975 JUST Brand new and wonderrul news 1 . it's all nylon in the newly popular puckcrette finish . . light as a breeze . . superbly sheer . . and so easy to care, for (needs little or jao (roning)! Very well made, too, and as for smart styling . . just take a look! New fashion shades, misse's sizes! SECOND FLOOR J h tils B I , I Li i ixgitH i- 'A m W Mm m m mm I A Keyed to Spring . . your CHECK COAT 100 WOOL AND FULLY LINED . . 2475 Wonderful finds at this' Penney price! Creamy soft wool suede, or basketweave wool . . the checks big and bold, or small and neat . . handsome either way! Sharp colors or soft pastel tones, and fully lined. Sizes 8-18; Spring Success .' Yeur Short Coat in ALL WOOL FLEECE OR SUEDE L775 Soft-textured wool suede . . won derful in new high colors, wonder ful in brief, becoming lines . . its interesting button-and-tap pocket . treatment picked up at the cuffs too. Nude, lilac, pink, coral, red, gold, limo or ice blue . . sizes 10-18. f j 1 y. I SECOND tLWK FRESH SPRING STRAWS 2'8 . . . a breath of Sprint to your winter-weary outfits, with their clear Spring colors, their dellcat small flowers I Little caps to ' frame your face . . . lots of flat tery for such a little Penney price I SECOND FLOOR . PLASTIC CALF HANDBAGS 298 PLUS TAX YouH choose exciting new' colon to flatter your Easter outfit . . . Whites, white with brown, red, green, gold, black, brown . . ever one an eye-catcher . and they're price is tiny! MAINFLOOR 60 Gauge 15 Denier GAYMODE HOSE if5Vo)c PAIR Wonderfully sheer, wonderfully sturdy; That high gauge means extra wear, better fit, more re sistance to snags! There's no sub stitute for Oaymore qualityl 8',i ll'a. Graduated lengths. MAIN FLOOR GENUINE . COBRA SANDALS &9 Amazing at this low price . . th! flattering sandal In snakeskin that looks far more expensive I Medium heeled, well designed, handsome . . blege and brown or red cobra: also black, green, or red Kid leather. 6-814-AA-B. DOWNSTAIRS