PAGE TWO : .-:.,u..... -.v ,-v,.titW.n,J KFJI 11H Kc PST WednewUy Evenlnf. March 12 00 Uabrl! Header MBS IS Klamath Theater Quit (1:30 Around Town Nw :4A 8am HayaaNewa MBl :M BID Henry MBS 7.00 ramlly Theatre MBS 7:30 CUco Kid MBS 00 What'i Name ton MBS :30 You Never Know 8:43 Heidelberg Harmonatrei :00 Glenn Hardy Newt MBS 9:l.t Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS B:J0 Wreatllns 9 M fl-MIn Final MBS 10:00 Wreatllns 10:15 I Love a Myalery MBS 10:;t0 Out of Thunder MBS 11:00 Night Owli News J 1:05 Nlfht Owls Club 12:00 Sim Off KFJI 1150 Re PST Thursday, March 13 00 Muaicat Reveille tMI Kami 6:AA Reslanal News 7:00 Heminnway New MBS 7:19 Breakfait Gang MBS 7:30 Headline and Byline 7:4.1 Bent Buy 8:110 Cecil Brown MBS 8:13 Breakfait Gang MBS v B M Haven of Rut MBS ' 8:U0 Homrmaken Harmonies 9:13 Marion from Millers 9:30 Platier Party 9Ai Familiar Favorite" J 0:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 10:13 Tello Tett MBS 10:30 La Point e 10:45 Miniature Concert 10:30 Currins M:53 Ken Canon MRS 11:00 Ladles Fair MBS 11:23 News MBS H:U0 Queen for a Day MBS 1U:00 Name Bands 12:13 Noonday News 12:30 Your Dance Tunes 12:43 Muftic Box 1 ':30 Market Livestock 12:33 Klamath Notes 1:00 Jack Kirk wood Shrw MBS 1:30 Take a Number MBS 2:00 News MBS 2:05 News MBS Fyock's To Double Space Charles Fyock. operator of the appliance and hardware store at 1001 Main St.. has announced an expansion plan that will approxi mately double the firm's floor space. Most of the new space is to be devoted to a complete line of hardware, Fyock said. The firm has leased the next door property formerly occupied br the Richard Fur Co. The wall separating the two store rooms is now being torn out. ' Fyock said he planned to put in a complete hardware stock, includ ing power and hand tools. He also plans to greatly expand the firm's sporting goods line. By movirit the firm's present sizable hardware stock into the new space, the firm will be able to also greatly expand its appli ance line. The remodeling work is expected to be completed about April 15. Check the loops on the terry towels you buy. These loops should be close and thickly packed for absorbency. He Ucftie Cast Gnat TYRONE ANN f A POWERBLYTHf fryi forgeP I you LIMITED 3 DAY-ENGAGEMENT THURSDAY MRnyA d V If U I k AUDIE MURPHY-yvette dugay JEHuniti-ion ira-iUEs sr-iar erickson-noah m n- J.15, Two at 2:15 2.4. Answer Man MBS 3:00 RU-ky's Request 4:00 Behind I he Story MBS 4:15 11rmingwa.vKev.-a MHS . 4::i0 Curt i mihey Tmt MBS 4:45 Sam Hutu MBS .voir Sergerm Pre i-m MBS 8:.K Sky King MBS 5:5.1 Cecil Brown MBS 6 00 Gabriel Header MBS 6:15 Klam. Theater Quit 6'30 Around Town Newt 45 Sain Haves Nrwi MBS 6:55 Bill Henry MnS 7:00 Voire of AmerU-a ?::) Elnbliy Hen.rMl 'RS B OO Clytle Bealty MBS 8::l0 Burl lvcs Sinn R'45 Heidelberg Harmot.alre 9:00 (ilenn Hardy News MBS 8:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS 8:30 Mutual Kevvsreel MBS 9:45 Sports Final 9:55 J. Mm Final MBS 10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 Serenade In Blue 10:30 Banrintand USA MBS 11:00 Kit IU Owls Neni 11:05 Night Owls Club 12 CO Sign Off. KFLW 1150 Kc PST Wednesday Evening, March 13 6 00 Sports Hlghlighta 6:13 Home Town Newt 6:23 World News Summary 6:30 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:53 Coming Attraetioni on ABC 7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7- :0 Myaterv Theater ABC 8:00 The Top Guy ABC 8- 1 Hrgue Gnrv ABC 9:00 Proudly We Hall 9:30 Faster Seals Parade ABC 10:00 10 P M Headlines 10:13 Dream Harlwr ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off KFLW 1450 Kc rST Thursday, March 13 6:00 Sign on News Summery 6:05 Corn in the Morn. 6:45 Farm Fare 7:00 News Bkf.t Edition 7:13 Charlie's Roundup 7:30 Bab Garred & News ABC 7-40 Too o' the Mining 7:53 John Conte ABC 8:1.0 hieaktast Cluu ABC 9:00 Hank Henry Show 9:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley, News ABC 10:15 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:55 Whispering Streets ABC 11:15 Stop At Shop 11:20 Jimmie Fidler 11:30 Against the Storm ABC 11:45 Mu!rl Roundup 11:33 Market Reports 12.00 Nocii Edition News 12:15 Payless Sidewalk Show '3:30 Lucky 11 Ranch ABC s.00 Paul Harvey ABC 1:15 Better Living 1:30 League Women Voters Pgm 2:00 Basin Briefs 2:15 When Girl Marries ABC 2:30 Joyce Jordan. M D. ABU 2:45 Rom. Evelyn Winters ABC . 3:00 Betty Crocker ABC 3:15 Ted M'one A Br 3:30 Dean Cameron ABC 3:45 Mary Marlln ABC 4:00 Requestfully Yours 5:00 t,, cr-f.t, Sonce Patrol ABC 3:25 World Flight Reporter ABC 5:30 Chet Huntley ABC 5:45 Adven. Your Heritage 6:00 Siorts Highlights 6:15 Home Town Newr 6:25 World News Summary 6.30 Suburban Serenade 6 43 Headline Edition ABC 6:53 Coming Attractions on ABC 7 00 Mr President ABC 7:30 Defense Attorney ABC 8:00 Oris. Amateur Hr. ABC 8:45 Phil Harris-Alice Fave 9:00 Escape with Me ABC 9:30 Concert of Europe ABC 10:00 10. P M Headlines 10:13 Club Can Do ABC 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off '-? . nwiw WHUAM DOUGLAS PARKER BENDIX Cfnnr fVi STARTS THURSDAY OUTLAW RAPS ml "ill 111 M , ' '1JU Ill, Sfc W Mvtl&i. SjwlefWi lit i ii .iwiiiMtee GAINING POPULARITY this season is this Caterpillar No. 42 tool bar, exhibited by the Crater Lake Machinery Co. Here Otto Ellis looks over the tool bar, which can be used for cultivating, bordering, chiseling, disk ridging, listing, furrowing, subsoiling and num erous other things. Hydraulically operated, the bar should make farming easier. Johnson Sees As Top Oscar By ERSKIN'E JOHNSON NEA Staff Correspondent HOLLYWOOD iNEAl Exclu sively Yours: They're polishing up the Oscars for the 24th annual Academy Awards, March 30, and as my crystal ball sees it, there will be three places In the spot light for "A Place In the Sun." Paramount s remaRe ot the Tnco- dore Dreiser novel, "An American Tragedy." should win Hollywood's top awaros mr uesi iiionun picture. Shelly Winters' best per - formance by an actress and the direction of George Stevens. The other awards: Best actor: Arthur Kennedy In "Bright Victory" in a photo finish with Marlon Brando for his per - formance in "A Streetcar Named Desire." Best supporting actress: Thelma Ritter in "The Matin? Season" or Kim Hunter in "A Streetcar , Named Desire." Take your choice, Best supporting actor: Leo Cenn in "Quo Vadis." Best song in a movie: "In the Cool, Cool. Cool of the Evening." which Jane Wyman and Bing Cros by sano; In "Here Comes the Groom." Bing and Bob Hope finally got together on the scrip of "The Road to Bali," which the Groaner a few weeks ago was refusing to accept. But it took a two-hour conference with Bing, Bob, two lawyers and four agents. The script is due for a big re-write along Bing's ideas. And speaking of Bing: His fourteen-year-old soon, Lindsay, Is turn ing out to be a crack golfer. Play ing with Bing Bob Crosby and Peter Lind Hayes, Lindsay shot an 87. "And," says Peter, "he had the best swing in the foursome." ZSA ZSA'S LATEST There's another crisis in the life of Zsa Zsa Gabor. She's refusing to make a scheduled foiest appear ance on Frank Sinatra's TV show unless she gets to okay the script. The producers of the show are re fusing to guarantee her script ap proval and are threatening legal action if she fails to appear. Terry Moore's confiding that she Is about to file suit for divorce against pro-football star Glenn Dav is after 10 months of haggling over a property settlement. "I haven't been worried about it, though," she told me, "because I'm in no rush to get married again." Gorgeous Terry won the coveted role of Marie Buckholder in the film version of "Come Back, Little Sheba" and is saying: "It's not only my best role but the love scenes with Dick Jaeckel are real smooth." She wears nine sweaters in the film and they're all off-the-shoulder models, Jimmy Durante's happv over re vived interest at MGM in his film biography. Rehearsing with Gloria Swanson for another "Comedy Hour" TV show, he told me: "They're all hot to do it. The only thing holding it up is whether I should play it. The studio says people won't pay money to see somebody Impersonate me. I'm not For used typewriters and adding machines .... Volant's Pioneer Office Supply, 629 Main. ENDS r4:F.nn:M$if.Mn.n TOWfC "rather Utile Dividend- MarMHMA'T37 VJ-i VrlS. 7 - - w ' r m v HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH 'Place in Sun1 Award Movie a singer, like Jolson, who cave Larry Parks those songs. Mavbe I can step in after the kid stud is over. That's the big argument. ' CENSORS APPROVE "Clash by Night." the Barbara Stanwyck-Paul Douglas Bob Ryan movie about marital infidelity, just won a Johnson office seal of purity and Producer Jerry Wold s claim I ine a victory for all of Hollvwood. j The movie censorship code has oeen on the griddle as outmoded Bnci Rs an infringement on freedom i 0f the screen. Says Wald: -The fact that the Producers As- Unrintinn hn missed 'Clash Bv Nlfrtif is to me, final proof ot what ; j. nave long contended that any ! sbject may be handled within the boundaries of the code, as long as jit j. treated with good taste." petcr Lind Hayes and wife Marv enlv are orminatlnn their CBS-TV show in Hollywood while working in Counties Get Federal Funds SALEM l.fl Some $4,292,056 was divided among Oregon coun ties Tuesday. The money Is the state's 25 per cent share of federal (orest reserve rentals and timber sales. It rep resents receipts lor the year end ing June 30. The counties will use 75 per cent ot the money for roads and 25 per cent for schools. This year's total Is nearly twice as large as last year's 2.230.093. Amounts distributed to counties: Crook $15,878. Curry $141,473. De schutes $199,730, Douglas $527,771. Grant $257330. Harney $159,687. Hood River $93,853, Jackson $126. 765. Jefferson $34,730. Josephine $332,107, Lane $728,418. Lincoln i $31,170, Linn 274.536, Malheur $411, Marlon $111,694, Morrow $5,385 Multnomah 30434. Polk $853. Til lamook $17,991, Umatilla $17,066, Union $48,353, Wallowa $57,268, Wasco $92,382. Wheeler 56,358, and Yamhill $5,369. -',v: ;?'.. 5..,' V.-'';i."v.v Wmmm SHASTA SEWING BEES At the March 4th, meeting of the Shasta Sewing Bees games were played. There were only five members present. Then the meet ing was dismissed. Carolee Singleton News Reporter KENO SEWING JACKS AND JILLS The Sewing Jacks and Jills met at the home of Mrs. F. L. Stro berg, January 21, 1952 for the first time. There are 14 people In the group. All are progressing fast. Seven of the girls arc working on Just So projects. They have com pleted a pincushion, ncedlebook, and are working on scarfs. Three members are making Charmingly Yours projects, they are making garment protectors and laundry bags. We are also proud to have two boy sewers working hard and progressing fast. One taking bach elor sewing, tne otner is doing Charmingly Yours, but Is making a shirt in place of a skirt. Officers were elected recently. ! They are Helen Scherer. president; Darlene Scherer, vice president: ! Rosalie DeGrande, secretary; Son- j ya DeGrande, news reporter, and j Jovce Farmer, cheer leader. ' This week is National 4-H Club Week. The club has displays In Rodonna Store, Keno Store, and Fred's. All are invited to see them. Spring Logging Operations Start ASTORIA ( 8prlng logging operations are starting in Clatsop County and there has been an up turn In seasonal employment. The county forestry office shows 106 lodging permits Issued, mont I of Ihem to major operators who ihad rocked roads permitting wet weather operations. By the peak of the season around 300 permits are i expected to be Issued. The total last year was 306. ' Meanwhile, the State Employ? men! Office reported more than iou men in uiaisop ana western Columbia Counties returned to Jobs In February, mostly In logging and p.nn.rlaa afflictions furnished by the manu facturer, nnd oil the machinery . according to his directions. Do not lubricate or adjust any part ol the washer, however, while the cord is connected to the current 1 outlet. FALLS. OREGON Stanley Kramer's fantasy about a child's wild Imagination, "The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T." When Peter told his pal Joe Frisco the film's title, Joe cracked: "You'll never get that on a mnr quec. Why don't you Just call It 'Tom Thumb'?"' Peter's verdict on Hollywood TV "The lighting is 100 per cent bet ter than in New York." V" KLAMATH FALLS. OHIOOU AMERICAN CHINESE tkeir heett ffc. 44 Orders To Take 04 Ben B. Lee, Mgr. SAVE W BUY NOW FOR SPRING PICTURE-TAKING AND SAVE: You'va never before been able, to purchoie thai famous Argui fwini at such a savings. Now when Spring Is utt around tht corner and tveryona woxi to own a camera' lo take color slides Standard Optical ftrs yeu this big savings on a complete Argus outfit. Known tht world-over for perfect piclurt combination, the Ar gus camera and projector art full guarantetd. i:IaWi I f UrAITID NUM1IR Of rrtUBi.Ti i nitre ftiiTeir i 6llTNT$ AVAILABLI . QWliWNsW COMPLITI 18-PIECI OUTFIT - JJ a , qjj YOURS TODAYI . 1?, PAY NOTHING DOWN ONLY 175 A WEEK REGULARLY $139.75 SAVE ARGUS Ttw 91 mm. camira wild tht asoit wantarf laatvrast CouaM ranga findar, coatad MS Ian, facfory.iyn hronlfd flash atrachmtnt end car rying cat. Only $69.30 NOTHINO DOWN $1 A WIIK 715 MAIN Atom Spies Ask For New Hearing NEW YOP.K W Atom 8)Iph Julius mid Etliol RiisenhriK, "n Ipncctl to die lor plottlim to lituu mlt NerretH to Rii.hhIh. Iinvo prll lltincd the U.S. circuit Court of enlol corn brcml mix. Cinch - Amor - Ua fluent, cusicst coin breoil mix. Cliuli-AmcrliVs Hn..l, cuslest corn nil - AmcrliVs fliipxt, cnslcal com ml mix, C'im nnaufljipat, icl corn broml MCy ' lincst, pasic icli-America 'h w Imt.hI mix, Cinv cimlt'ift corn hrcnil Irn'a lincst, pnsi Cincli- America 'h bmitl mix. Clni'L eastpst lin i Cine bmi leu In Cinch ( orvuil easiest it'n'N f'tiira Cinch - A brcitil m cnsiesl curie Ion's lincst, Cinrlt - Amp. brcitd mix. G rasient corn Iff len s llnrsl, Cliwh AmrT bread mixV easiest co! Ira's fine Clncli-A'' bread V irn's lir Cincli -) trend r p.isicsl I icu'a li( Cinch t brrad mi1 . easiest corn ico's finest, Cinch Amen bread mix, C easiest corn hi lea s finest, Cinch Amen bread mix. easiest corn v lea's finest, e' Cinch-Amen bread mix. C ewieat corn bl ica's finest, easiess Cinch America's fni bread mix. Cinch J easiest corn bread mi tea's finest, easiest c Cinch -America's finest. bread mix. Cinch Amenc ISO ADDITIONAL EGGS and MILK NEEDED! Cinch contains full amounts of freihest, hiRhcat quality inftredicntj. Everything necessary is scientifically blended for liitht, Roldcn corn bread. Next time bake Cinch, you'll like It! ON THIS beaut NOW ONLY $1.29.75 $10.00 ARGUS FBB200 PROJECTOR Pint blwffo!d pofsKtor whrt i btit ptltol lyitom mod fof mr Il0hr, bctttr Itlumlnotlofi. ProlKti your volyobl color iTIdoi. Only $49.30 N01HINO DOWN, $1 A WIIK STREET IN KLAMATH FALLS. v i vjll i ti ii ; i'Uti 7n i ij- i j i I mJt I -r?l rvm. i iu mm, niir . rw .ij a. .. V Si r i r Appeal for a new lirai'lutr. The court recently upheld their convictions and ilenllt nciitenep.i. Einiiiuicl Dlocli. counsel lor the fliiitlonmoil Ii u n b n nd "" wife, Tueniliiv lencwrd llirlr bittlln to es cape nip elcclilo chair. IHui'li con IpiicIpiI tliPlr Uliil waa "uncaiullltl- 1 rn.nie.l corn lirentl mix. Clm-h-Amer- I Ira's lliir.l, easiest cornliLuttil mix. Clmh-Am-i i.iLiJaiitJ or" snrn brenil iiUiT Vj' .It.ies A "San. 1 l if f 'W 1 I M H X M II g i il r s sw m mi x m U B -J MM MM A J AT til M r M W MS AW Mf M AW M I n l II H m Tk UI A 'As I H lll'J 1 II ."ff- . VI V i " " i i 1 1 i i in i f Every tiling's In! Add Only Water! No Tiresome Beating! Just add l'-i cups water to Cinch Com Hrrad Mix. Then mix and bake. The whole family will eniov pipinx hot com bread made with Cinch. Serve it with your favorite jam, or honey. mm o k Famous Argui C3 35 mm, nmirt with f 3.5 Itns A Fin Argui PBI200 blowtr-cooltd prottor Factary-tynchrenlitd sturdy flash unit sVBIg 40x40 btadtd tripod tcrttn Attractive leather camtrsj MAILTHISCOUPON, NOWI 1 TATTrjAR'rr op fi c aT coIFk n y " 715 Moln Street, Klemelh rolls, Ore, I 0 ".7.7..""' SI 39.7$. 0 ," me en et Sct.Se. 0 "Z'L.'Z AMriil City ., IAIT WAYS 10 SUV 0 Inilese dick c meney o AM le veer eeen ertcr ancimt 0 C.0,0. (lata en. 0 Sa-eesn e rfrllvtry) ecisvnt 0 Cheftc (nrml el 0 lend SI te eut advertised) In leyewey (ll'l easy te eecn an aitcunt. feitcit isrvln, . nemcc end eddremi d credit rclcrcncci.) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1032 tlonnl" and tlml Uiey wrre tried aa "tiiilloin." in Ll'nr- minor buriw, apiily . alFillo nelniliiliini. uiirn uliitmciit, olive nil or inliipiiil oil antl cover th biiriipd area with elcillo guu.o drcMhiK. cnll corn bread mix. Cnc,,-A,"l,,r" h.'a'i flnol. lt curn iirtttU mix. Cinch -America flnoal, Malnl corn cine I l)rem J odiel l bread mix Cinch - America i linnet, i mix.L,inxii-mnr t corn brain mix. Wjtejileerf corn Inch-Amor-Shread mix. Iraslesl corn 'ica'i llneit, Vh-Ainar- . ytiread mix. . easiest corn; . jorlca'i finest, j Cinch-Amer-urn bread mix. (iirnt, enslost corn inerlraa lineal, '.Cinrh-Amer n bread mix. eaiicat corn neat finest. rh-Amer- read mix. uleat corn Va'i finest. nch-Amer i bread mix. I. eaalenl corn tnerlra'l flneaU Inch-Amer-sjireatl mix. Vlrst com a flneit, lAmrp. d mix. at com finest. - Anwr 4 d mix. at corn ot. nch-Amer-bread mix. L easiest corn mer Ica'i Anaat, x. Clnch-Aner corn broad mix. tlnevt, eaileat corn HV tlNai CAKE MIXES, TOO Pnnr dellrioui Ravon-Whlt. Splc. Golden and Devil's Fudir. Uke Cinch Corn Oread Mix, they need only water. Yea, hist add water, mix and bake. Enjoy all (our Cinch Cake Mix flavors soon. It'i alto delicious with chill or tamalea. And use II in place of patty thellj a creamed chicken shortcake). At ths tore, be surt you el the on and only Cinch Com Bread Mix. Ci OUTFIT r- X cast and strops - k Handsemt projector carrying cat Roll of color film 20 xpours 10 Press 25 photo flash bulbs Midget bulb adapter 18-PIECI COLOR OUTFIT Regularly 139.75 Now Only 129.75 YOU SAVE no.oo Free! W.'ra i itrloln yau'll lava losing and shewing yaur awn cdlar ilia's! wlih iKIi tint Argui outfit we'll let yeu we It let to days. If yeu're net cemejetely setli (led, return the equipment, nd get YOUI MONIf SACKI ' ll-elwe Artm eeH et A,u Ci eamtre wild U S leni ',, H,M I'ltul" d eese Stete .