fAUE TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OUEUON WEUNESUAV, MARCH 12, lii;,k! WHIRL-AWAY SKIRTS WILL BE WORN from dawn to dark by all the girls in our town when summer comes. Here, pretty Beverly Ferniman, 17-year-old KUHS junior ..wears an embossed cotton with big splashes of color in a gay South Seas design for Penney's. The five-yard hemline is a complete circle'. . wonderful for square dancing and summer frolicing. Tapping is a white; sleeveless nylon, butcher weave-'blouse, -the neckline outlined in four tiny buttoned down tabs . . but this is news, neither blouse nor skirt needs to be touched by an iron. Here wisps of play sandals pick up the colors an her skirt. Note her tiny 22 inch waist. : 71 A FINGER-TIP LENGTH PERSIAN paw, sooty-black fur "shortie" with turned-cuffs, stand-up collar worn by Miss E. K. McMullen for . Gregory's Fur Shop is the choice of college girls, business woman and the suburban housewife in thes practical and economical times. Here it tops a gray gabardine suit. Her blonde curls are covered with a gray beret. i A K OFF TO THE RACES OR A JAUNT down Main Street, Lloyd Wilson of Don's Menswear is ready for any emerg ency in this new medium gray Doncaster flannel suit. Jacket has the smart medium shoulder line . . two-button closing, long-roll lapel and patch pockets. A famous Dobbs Gay Prince hat in lighter gray, a splashy tie and soft collared white shirt finish the mannish ensemble. Dress-Coat Ensemble Is Basic Look to the drc&s-and-coat en semble to serve ns the baslo cos tume for Spring 1M2. For It Is versatile twosome that can no ev erywhere and do everything In fine style. And It Is on hand (or selec tion by nil asos and all slies In many variations of luself, In every fabric and every price range. One of the most popular of these cotU-and-drcss combinations could be, for example, a rayon print dress worn with a faille or lalfeta coat. The dress might be In a sod blue and while floral print teamed with a navy coat featuring a shoul der scarf of the dress prim. This use of the dress fabric for a bright color accent on Ihe coat Is expected to be one of the Iden tifying marks of the 1053 coat-and-dress ensembles. Collar, cutf. belt and lining fabrics are all ued to coordinate the two. For instance, ii red and white striped tat'icta dress is matched in Uie lining of a clear blue Ottoman coat. Or a navy sheer crepe liress and a navy faille coat are coordinated by bright red taffeta in the belt of the dress and the lining of the com. The possibilities are numerous and the dress mid cout can even be selected individually then co ordinated with matching bells and scans. lv v: :J h If fs-:. h h If & More Stress On Comfort The stress is on greater com fort, with lines Uiat conform to long torso effect fashions, in foun dations offered for Spring selec tion. New high top girdles, with a minimum of boning, are some times built up as high as three to four inches above the waist to achieve a smooth, long torso line. To prevent rolling, without the use of power net and lenn elastic nffrr ated other safesuards such hiac Coats BO to all lensths-. this Topical shrug coat, or waist taped reinforcements.' While Insets I Spring, with new fashion emphasis length topper, featuring the over- oi puner nei ana leno elastic oner h"- iuhk" iup- siz, .-.., i, ,, fi. mvim,r, ,... .,, liirr nnH the full oncrlh ,,rl,,ri rIIe Slce OI1C 01 pastel lleCCe. " .....ui.i aiuuiui, Ul oilVVl ' r". ' " - IN SPRING A YOUNG MAN'S fancy turns not only to his best girl but to new Spring togs. Dick Douglas of the Ore gon Woolen Store is natty in gray sharkskin slacks, and worsted checked sport coat in soft tones of blue and gray. Shoulders are broad, patch pockets large. A black cotton gabardine sport shirt is a sharp contrast to the lighter colors. Any Length is Okay control. Corselets, too. are expected coat. i" siyieo Willi sloped shoulders. , Blown-up sleeves, sparkling new ju-il below the elbow batwlng ?!!? A neathj-'1''' new opnnir . empire, princess ana long torso fashions For U,!? ! en. h'" SC?P- . . . of foundaion offers the one-piece tor example, whe n, slimming most effective fo the I " 'rhpe LV 2?" new silhouettes. Often it is de-r re,ncnes ' 'he h era. Its sil signed in a strapless stvle suit- h0"e,1 ,s, ""'"'fj1 "y the exag able for evinini , riovtin,. termed size of the sleeve. For wUh derconeete'nnecklinesUme Mr .!- are batwlng. large lantern . Ulcexes Mousing from the waist- rAUllON l.N. h;ne on hand this season. Learn a lesson in geoeraphv from Bverv sleeve tvne is lull. In a new fabrics presented for Spring. I manner suggesting turn of the Cen There are French wools, Italian ; ury fashcns. And every sleeve, silks. Greek and Egyptian cotton. in this full design, Is usually corn Madagascar straw cloth, Indian ! o'ned with dropped shoulder seams gauze. American silks, denim and; welt details across the bodice and cotton. Irish linen and Swiss or- back, or diamond and square-cut gandies. armholes. sleeves. And It is detailed with small oeart-embro dered rollnr. Typical full-length coat style with outstanding sleeve treatment. Li a Meeveless coat vith the upper arms covered by the cape top o( the cout. The coat appears In a rough-textured wool and Is cinched in at tnc waist by. a sell-belt. The lull-length princess coat predicted to be the coat favorite In length for Spring, in many In stances, is designed with a figure hunting bodice and a full skirt One example is a snug top, whirl, skirted princess coat of grey flan nel with a deep cape collar cov ering the rounded shoulders and also serving to provide eye appeal 10 the slim sleeves. (MS) ROEBUCK AND CO. lift Here's solid comfort For men and boys ! Easy on easy of comfortable slip on. Tops for informal weer. Sizes 7 to 11. Our famous prcflcxcd shoe . . . No breaking in ... No new shoe stiffness. Sizes 7 to 11. 7.95 8.98 Gold Bond Casual or Dress 5-98 X. J Boy'i and Mn'i Sheet soio OMIY 11 SEAIS, DOEIUCK AND CO. Right for boy's wear defy inq . . . Tractor tread sole and heel. Sizes 3Vz to 7 . . B-D. 6.98 Boy s long wearing . . no mark Searsoles. Popular mohogany shade. Sizes 2 to 7 . . B and D widths. c . J villa! BL.,,. 5181 New Jewels Are Chunky The textured look, so piipuhir In fashion lubilcs, and rellevtluns ul the Oibson Girl era, Is now lea lured In Hie exciting now treatment of Spring Jewelry. l'upuliu- new "Jewels," n pas tels, bright blue pud red, appear in chunky npurkllnii crystal, tiny feed and procelaln beads as well as Interesting nuuget-llkc barooue pearls. They are combined Into Im aginative chuckcrx, elialrliitnea, tubs, twists and matching earrings. The over-all elaborate lienlmeiil of Spring Jewelry appears In the touches of gold leal on beads, the big chunky proportions of necklaces and earrings, and Ihe use ol glit tery combinations of crystal, gold and silver bends, Kan-Inns, too, lire slrlklimlv dif ferent, ,n crest-like shapes, Inter preted III seed beads, while pastels and multicolors. Siiunrc porcelain or IniKO inverted dome shapes are also to be seen. Contrasting smooth and rough textures, as. for InMiince. bnionue pearls and round procelaln beads. produce truly dramatic ellecls. Blue, shghtlv underscored wllh green, Is slated for procelaln Jew elry, and Is olten combined Willi coral reds. Hair Stylings Are Shorter Hair stvles lor Spring reflect the Empire feeling of new In; hum m shorter. ofMhe-nerk styles tlutt can be varied lo flatter Individual fac ial contours. So comlortable, cpcclnllv dur ing the warm weather months, this short style can be swept back Into soft, natural-looking wave, ending In turnrd-up ends for a completely feminine look. " it.-'' II ! 0 l A NAVY, MOST POPULAR COLOR year In, year out in feminine wardrobes is worn by Kranccs Dmliner for Craig's. The beautifully detailed gabardine suit jacket Is the new cut-away style with long lapels, softening frame for ni'laily's face. The full-flared skirt falls gracefully from V belt to hem. With it she wears an olf-the-facc while straw hat with tiny wired navy bow. A white blouse, black patent handbag, medium heeled pumps and white gloves complete the ensemble. irm:l.:..tl.l,,n,.,,,lr,,ia FAIRLOOM Regular 79c yd. embassy rayon crepe nn 100 patterns specially priced Our Fabric's Foir fcoturc! Printed ond solid color crepe in a wido selection of colors at this low price. Buy Now! Fairloom rayon gabardine Values to 1.29 yd.! 35 V1- Scars four star quality in wrinkle reiistant dcluxt quolity gab. Choose from 12 shades in 39 inch width. AT XV ( SEARS zzfateTafrt i tttt a n n-' ' " r W Vat dyed colors 7 m Sport 'n Play denim 65c yd. Mix and match denims! See our new line of plaid ' denims for smart spring styling. Solid colors and stripes. 36 inches width. Permanent finish Organdy Pastels! New dark shades! 49c yd. All new color for spring! Crisp, sheer organdy in new dark shades! Check these new colors in 36 Inch widths. Fairloom deluxe Percales SO sq. quality! 39c yd. Our best quality percale! Just arrived! New border prints. Hun dreds of new solids and gay prints. 36 inches wide. FARBICS FAIR FEATURE! Remnants 'A to V2 Off Choose from dress goods, drapery yardago, curtain yardage and plastic fabrics Phone 5188 133 So. 8th