AO J SDCTESf HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Y-d NEWLY ELECTED board members of the Oregon State Broadcasters Association huddle around radio in the Eugene Hotel's assembly room at the close of their annual meeting held at the University of Oregon recently. Left to right: Ted Cooke, Director and Pro gram Manager, KOIN, Portland; Chet Wheeler, Director, and General Manager of KWIL, Albany; Dick Brown, kneeling, Director, and General Manager of KPOJ, Portland; Tom Becker, Director, and President of KNPT, Newport; Bud Chandler, President, and Man ager of KFLW, Klamath Falls; and Joe Schertler, Secretary and KEX Auditor, Portland. Not present, was S. W. McCready, new Vice-President and General Manager of KUGN, Eugene. Long Time No See, Say Cons McALESTER. Okla., IP) Col. Jerome J. Waters Jr., warden at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary, was pleased with a bird house pre sented him by two long termers, but there was one hitch. The holes lor the birds werent as large as a dime. Waters pointed out to one of the prisoners the holes wouldn't even accommodate the tiny humming bid. "Well, warden." the prisoner re plied, "We probably miscalculated because we haven"! been close to a bird for 15 years." '"Robin Roberts of the Phillies was the toughest pitcher the Giants and Cardinals faced during 1951. New York averaged only 2.45 runs per Came and St. Louis only 1.71. NEW Rl'LE SALEM ' W Physicians who maintain their own drug stores can sell drugs only to their own pa tients if they don't have phar macists registered in Oregon, Attorney-General George Neuncr ruled Tuesday. DRAIN TILE Mi tni tar lift arala at aaatie Unk til field's PEYTON & CO. lafarkM St. Tal. SIN Klaaulk Falta "Monthly Pains" stopped or amazingly relieved In 3 out of 4 cast In doc Ion toittl Chances are you're putting up unnecessarily with the functionally caused pains, cramps and weak, "no good" feelings of menstruation! For. in actual tests by doctors, Lydla Pink ham's Compound brought com plete or striking relief from such dis tress in 3 out of 4 of the cases 1 Lydla Plnkbam'8 is modem in its actio! So get Lydl B. Plokham's Vwtibli Compound or new, improved Tablet with added iron. See IT taken Ihrouga the month It doesn't give relief Irora those backaches, Jitters help you feet better beore and durinjr your period I Or It you suffer from functional "hot flashes" of "change of life," find out horn iconaerui nncnam 9 u or iuii, 100 II hu a tMiettag effect BlriH contractu tfcai ofM earn Beaetraal aalal KB 9th and Pine Phone 3188 4 SUPER ONE-COAJ FUT WALL PAINT fF a... I .rr ll '-4l0 MIST 0K" Q U A JJJM I MP D r II r I 11 .i .111.1. m J&- WHY PAY MORE PER GALLON FOR FINEST QUALITY FLAT PAINT Wards Super, gal 3.85 In 14 colors Wards Super Flat Wall Paint has been tested and proved to have all the advan tages of other more expensive nationally advertised flat finishes. Super's rich oil base keeps it tough and elastic lets you scrub it repeatedly. Has excellent hiding power 1 coat will cover . a similar or lighter color. Easy to apply Super's self sealing; no primer needed.' You get the finest quality in flat paint yet you pay less. Visit Wards soon and see this fine and complete line of paint and paint supplies. SCRUBBABLE lovely flat finish that stands up under repeated scrubbing. Super stays full bodied, tough. EASY TO APPLY Brush or roll Super on goes on easily, smoothly, h 14 soft colors for walls, ceilings. SELF-SEALING No undercoat needed one coat does the job. Covers wall paper, old paint, plaster, etc i SEE WARDS FOR WALLPAPER OVER 400 PATTERNS British Yet Blasts US Tanks. Says English One Is Better, Tougher . . LONDON Wi A British Army officer says Amcrlciin tanks in ho tion in Korea nro "made for Holly wood, not for fliiluiiig." Lt. Col. Sir William Otiv Low- thcr, commander of the Dili Royal Hussars Armored Relmont, de clared one British Centurion tank is worth two American Pnttons. Ha told 3.0(H) workers at tho Centurion plants in Leeds Tuesday:, m Korea we did not want tue Patton, but the Americans wanted the Centurions. They used to say. 'what wouldn't we do with a tank like that?' "In one battle S3 Allied tanks- half British and the rest American OLDER FOLKS with ITCHING SKIN For the nnmtinE, ntudilenlnR, pomlat nt itch of dry kiit, to comimm to folks past middlo Rrsino) Ointmrnt il a pecial, ioothiiift roliff. AcU in I1 of mining natural kin oiU worki ft, and comfort lajta. How -ood it fwli not to hava to ioratch and scratch. Got Baainol and fl relief. All drug itorea. were damaged by Chinese mines. aii ine British tanks Rot away under their own nnwnr. lttverv American machine had to be towed oacic. "The whole world Is nwakentnuj to the lact that Britain can produce me orsi lanKS. Another Hussars officer, one of 14 Korean veterans who toured the plant with Sir William, told report ers alterward: "It's time people at home re- altred the truth. American tanks in Korea nro no uowl. They are outclassed oy ours in every way. "Ours climb belter, move aulcker sua can not in and out of a touuli Tpot before the Americans are half started." An embarrassed official of the Ministry of supply, which ar ranted the visit to the Leeds plant said, "The visit was arranged so that someone from Korea could say thank you personally to those wno mnne tanks, we out not know Sir William would speak out If your presont roof hat nor given you the protec tion your home deserves, don't experiment with the same outmoded type, but Investigate the proven superiority of the now famous Aluminum four-way inter-locking shingle. The Aluminum four-way inter-locking shingle it weather proof, fireproof, approved by the nation's leading archi tects, and is guaranteed for the life of your home. Ask for a free estimate, and the new low cost of this ultimate In roofing perfection from EARL MANCHESTER. 614 Klam ath or Phone 2-0213. IT IS TOMORROW'S ROOF TODAY NKW CHIKK ntisti'n in llnu Hnnhnrir Will become' school superintendent nl Pilot Itock next year. wiuiy orr bord announced Ills reslmiatlon, ef- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 10B2 as lulllcuo uilfcior mm uiinainusii conch at linker I Hull Hchool. strongly ngnlnst our Ally." A War Olllce spokesman com mented that Lowther was "apeak tiur lor home consumption, alter all." "I suppose," added the offlolnl, "mat he wanted to uucx ins won era up a bit." No PURER Aspirin Than 3 ,asmaa""" WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT 100 "BARGAIN BEAUTY- DAYS ONLY! 1951 OLDS AT 1950 PRICE CLUB SEDAN CREAM AND BLACK NOV!! CONVENTIONAL DRIVE Phone 2-1233 I. If you're looking for values, Newberry's has 'em! I INFANTS' WHITE SHOES, IV loili, iMttot cvihio teUt. Stiti 0 to J. LUCHEk $100 INFANTS' WHITE BLUCHER thee, llc leather, lea N thtr ioIm. For infants $T29 tfarting to walk, Siiai Mm pr, ) 1 to 5.,- INFANTS' GOLFER OX FORDS In sizes $O08 1 to 5 INFANTS' HIGH SHOE In brown $098 Sizes 1 to 5 . INT ANT?' MOWN OXFOIDS 1k wlM. SilVf S ' 9 l )59 P'- INFANTS' WHITE II mium nut-fm Imi itm. Slut t S'i la S. 98 INFANTS' WHITE BLUCHER SHOE lk leather 4 Q Q high (hoet for walk- Y90 ing Sites SVi to 8. I pr. SCOTTIE TOTS 'or m wolVtft Salii Eaallih chroma lolal. Siia lie 6. $198 si , INFANT'S A TODDLER'S bonnets TO $169 For infant boys from 1-3; rayon lined. For Infant girls to 8 mot,; cotton lined. Girls, sizes 13-15; cotton lined. chair pad set Make an old choir look like new with a new chair back and cushion in a colorful pat tern or bright solid color. LADIES 1 INFANT'S NYLON dress & slip set $nnn 9U HANDBAGS u Doll-like lace - trim med neck, smocked yokes and puffed sleeves. Dress in white, ilip-to-match in pastel crepe. In fant's size. ' GIRLS' PICALE DRESSES. Lots of lace trimming. Sizes 3x to 6x GIRLS' PRINT DRESSES Many styles and patterns to choose from. Sizes 3 to 6x GIRLS' BROADCLOTH DRESSES. Lace trimmed, many styles. Sizes 3x to 6x LADIES' RAYON BEMBERG DRESSES Sizes 9 to 20. ONLY CHILD'S PLAY-O-ALLS CHILD'S CORDUROY LONGIES BOY'S POLO SHIRTS Striped patterns vlm w ior mT Tata I II ps3F7 -; fur 1 1 11 'T BOYS' 2;piee suits I ?f98 $159 '' ,1 ' 3 to 6a lm Smooth plastic calf ' and smart faille bags in spring colors. All the latest styles . . . pouches, top handles, underarm bogs, etc. LADIES' 2 BAR TRICOT panties (5 Snut) flttin Mollrwood brlet st)rtot- le white, pink, WW. ronty nan. tlottk wolst i Bk,u crotch.Slzes: sm, imdlmti, mp - . - 1 ' . . , . 1 PLUS TAX )1 51 gaug , 75 denier ClVLOtlS 9 49 $100 iCombed cotton polo shirt top with cotton gabardine sus 'pender strap pants. Also with gabardine boxer shorts. Brown, navy, green. Your favorite sheer gauge n trnorl spring colors . . , Beigetone or Mistone. More wear per pairl 8 Vt to 1 0 Vt . 3- Size 8V2 to IOV2. Assorted colors for .1 I KLAMATH FALLS 825 Main Phone 4774