WEDNESDAY, MAUCII 12, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACT! FIFTEEN 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SAL! ".MAUN RANCH r HID Al ien. All Irrlwilnl. All fmrrtl. I'n vml if in r I . mi iicri'D In i li ci. I M 1 1 nimily Ion i n mill. Thrro pouil linnim, two potato cellars olio I'Xil'llrllll, lillinr HUUll utlt billlillliuii. (inly twn MHICK front MiiIIm fur n I mill tloliilln lili'iinn cmiliirt thin ulflrn. CATTLE RANCH B'.'O Acres. Iii'IkiiIIihi. Two lininm. Clnnil In i ut" hn in All miizlnu lit ml hrriliil to uniiH. Only 311 mlli-a (nun Kliiiniilli Cull. On piivrd Muni rlii'ic to Mmtll lnwn mid Ktinil (li'iule nml IIIkIi Hrlinnl, Priced tn nrll ijnlck lit r.o.oiio. Hunk terms. WALT DIKTZ, Willi T. B. WATTERS IIKAl.TUIt nml INHUKANCK 107 Hu. 7lh I'llonc 4IU.1 IKH'I. 04(10 MILLS ADDITION Two bedroom liiinhlird liomn with lnrn llvlnu and dlnliiK rooms alio nmullpr room Hint ciili bo used a Ion or child's lirdiuom. ExiTllrnl lieulliiK nyMcin two iinlln. Hrrvlcc porch, iiiiliiiiil.ihril mill' nnd 54 (mil (runt nn Kunt Miiln. Can li adapted (or busman. Price (Y&UU. ALSO MILLS Lata model two bedroom home. IlPkiitKully drenrmrd. Kxccllent rnivMructlon. A renlly nice yard mid lirlRliuorhwid. Onod Karaite nnd paved drive. tmo trrim. Anne Maaon Eddl Hoaley Eves. 8714 2-0168 BOGUE DALE, Realtor Vil B. till Phone 7208 HOT SPRINGS 8 BEUriOOMH irnbihed home. Oood hot watpr kfll. (ull bnnrmrnt. Plrrplai-e. null to wall rnrpptlnx, two bntha, plr. ture wlntlowa. nllractlve yard. All ruonia have nice fiininlilnm ain-h ax three piece apctlnnul daveno. ilrape, rlKht piece dining aet, OK rame and retrlKPrator, llnena. Price 128.000 on terms. Summers Lane District Two bPdioom home only 4 yen old l.arce but h nnd kitchen, elpc trie hot wntrr lank, concrete (oun rtntlon. lame iiuruBe with cement tlmir. one nrre Rood IrrlKntcd Innd moMlv In pa'.ltire. Khoiild carry any type loan. Price 17500. Anne Milium F,'die llmlcy Evev 671 20188 BCGUE DALE, Realtor 112 8 Oih. Phiine 1268 i FOR SALE 1 hedtonm Imme In Hot Rprlnna Ulitrlct, hnrdwood Ilnnra. (Ireplnce, (nil ba.iement. new piped (urnace. double RnmRe. lot well InndM-nppd. Property In Rood condition. Quick po-seaMon. Priced to aril. Reason able terms. 8 room home with dinette, (ire place, venetlnn blind, lull meru. close to City Center, near Brnde and hlitli achools. Immediate IHissesslon. Price 87050. Terms. Hmnll (arm nenr city on lilRhway. Ideal lor dairy or diversified (arm Iiir. Planted to pasture (, alsike clover nnd nlfnlfa. Oood three bedroom home with electric heat and other buildings. 8ee Fred Colcr (Evenings 3503) Bob Blepheni (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency 112 S. Bill St. Phone 4105 MARCH IS MOVING TIME Time to move to a home of your own! We want to show you this Mirc-to-plcnse. modern. 2 - bedroom home In 8t. Frnncla Park. And speaking o( bedrooms these are really roomy with lnrgc, linrd-to-clutter closets. There's good quality wall-to-wall cnrpctlng In combination living room, dlnliiK room area, mid both bedrooms. Electric heat assures comfort nnd clennllness throughout the winter months. The kitchen Is compact, very practical, and a Joy lo work In. Also. I hero's n nice utility pnn li nnd ninny bulll-lns In the right plnccs. The 85x100 ft, lot Is a perfect sel ling (or Inwn, xlirubs, small garden. , nn nltnched garage nnd nn outside bar bonne grille. $10,500 nnd you enn move right In I DON'T WAIT PICK UP YOUR I-riunn K1UIIT JNUW AU UALLj Hon Kirkpatrlck, Knlcsninn i Evenings Phone 7(i(ll EVERETT DENNIS ' REALTOR i .ii in, mil j'lioue enn 'cm SALE, cue arra land. S:i7 Ensl Mum. OWNKft new Iwo beilronut modern home, Clean, gnriiRP. Tprms. Will trade lor ranch. Writa Una OH, Mnllii, Uta roii. . J-bit 8Vi.E, twni)etiioom contpTelefy (urnliheil house, Price 1111100. xiin Shni tnWny. HUMES tun SACK n.vr.nn.11 UBnCIIB HCAUlUn flnn arirbnBpl..l I.l..n,.n lMI N tit Phon( Phona awi ' M-.W IUIMK3 lor aiile" Wlliiam U. i,,v,-,i. i-,h,iio n.uii. INC'OMH properly, w'arrhniixp. unnll c Inveiilment earnlnff 11 .per cent afler Instiranre and Inxel. Call 4111 nr BI17B afler a p.m. 42 LIVESTOCK AUCTION BASIN SALES MANAGEMENT'S 1st Annual Purebred All Breeds Bull and Female Sale Selling At KLAMATH LIVESTOCK INC. Klamath Full.H, Oregon 12 Noon Friday, March 14, 1952 50 BULLS .V) Service Age 15 llordsirc Prospects CONSIGNORS W. M Wlllliiinn Kliiimitli Fnlln. Ore, Win. '.iiinliruin, l''orl Klnm nlli (nr., Clyde Dchlliiiier, Klnm nlli Fulls. Ore, Olnrrnre lumen, Ktovppisvlllr. Moiitiinn, Klllot Wll Kim, Cirnnln I'n mi, Oip., D. H. nnd Marie I'nilll, Kiikpiip, Ore . Jurk T. Harmon, Kwiene, Orf.. Ilnflord Hereford Ilnnrh, Urcnnda, Cnlll., NOrtMAN WARSINKE AHHIBTINC1 -HIIIIiiks, Montiuin IUNOMKN: Uob Yiincey, Prlnevllle, Ore., Kpii BuIIimi Williium, Cnllf. Wrile For Catalog To: BASIN SALES MANAGEMENT SERVICE ,r)n()4 Alva Slrcct 46 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON TILE FIRST CALL ! Dp to 1600 on your auto. On youi aalary or furniture up to 1300 "Pay Day- loana a apeclalty 110. $3S, 150 loaned Ull "pay day" or longer, lit coata but II centa lor one week. Ho other chargea. LOCAL LOAN CO. 119 No. 10th St. M-3M DON MclNTYRE, Mirr. 4S Veara Friendly Service 30 RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 ACRES Near Merrill. 10 acres under gravity Irrigation, 14 acres under sprinkler system. Improvements Include a modem one bedroom home with basement, small bam. potato cellar, other buildings. Kome machinery Including sprinkler aysiein goes with place. Full price I12.0OO. Terms. 123 ACRES All but nbntit 5 fifTM lintlrr culll Viitlon nml irriRnttnn. bulnuce undrr .prinklrr lrriKDon. 66 acres in i.Hiilfu. 17 ncrrjs in old clover, now rrndy for pntntocs, bitlnncr utaln liind. Improvement Include iwxlem one bedrwim home, a two bedroom Irnnni house, other build ings. Kenced. Paved road. Full prtre Ineluding uprinkltr system $;i7.000, Ternus. 476 ACRES (angell Valley, on paved rond. Kenced. Cattle ael-up along with dlverslded (arming. 118 acres under cultivation nnd grnvlly Irrigation. 33 acres In prrmanenl pasture, 15 acres In Alsike clover, 7 acrea In alfalfa. There are 358 acres which can carry 80 or more head of cattle. Kree water right. Also 30. 000 lo 40.000 board tect o( timber which can be cut Into lumber. Livestock Included In asking price consists of 10 cows with cnlves nnd 10 lo calve, 9 yearling heifers, 3 yearling steers, 1 Hereford bull. 3 years old. 17 hogs. Improvements Include a two bedroom home, large barn other buildings. Selling price Including livestock and some machinery, 818.000. Terms. CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Phone Merrill 2851 I'OII SAI.K filer level lot N.K. rorner Addlion and l-akevifw. Accept reason ahle oiler. Dona White. P.O. Box 133S, rrejoin, Calif. 3 2 B U I L Dl N G R E MOD E L I N G ROOFING SIDING Whatever your rooting or siding need might be. we have II! And you'll snve money by having your Job done belorc It's too Inte and expensive repair bills are necessary. INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglnss COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN it STORM WINDOWS All Work Guaranteed Kulilman Insulation For (ree estimate phone 4468, or Clcm Lesucur, Agent 2-2443 KKKl' WAIIMvlntVrlime and COOL atiininertlme. For rock wool or flhrp lunula Hon aee lianln Hulldlna Ma tertnlH, Inc. In eaiiy-to-lnfltall batla, pa per enrloned hollt aide. ,07p per foot. 47H1 South Sixth, phone 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Slove Furnnce Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check nnd Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Gunrnntec Of Heating Sutlsf notion FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels Unit Sntlsry Phis Service" Since 1919 St. Phone 413 STANDAnn ilKATtNO OIL " Stf e, furnace llRht fuel, coal, wnnrf. -hrirroil Pe.vton and Co a:iS Market Phnne 3149. !)h Y pin"'h)orp,!( for nnir. Upe.n avIF nliiR and wrekenflH, Mellfra Hroa. Pwr.tTOMTt.S pickup or dHlVereiT Cilff Vidnni SiRnnl Srrvic. 300 So flth Phonit Iftni or 2-02(1(1 SUTtl CHI KEN STAMPS Riven on hsaf in oil I'hon 3(iui or 3-0200 (or prompt delivery. CLIFF YADEN'9 SIGNAL SERVICE aflm So fith 38 BOATS PETSJPORTb H0BBIES T6JtVEiiwii.v, thepherd unci nreit dune pup. Plume 2-KM1. ANDKIiHON Bnnrdinn"" KenVieTfi Phone m47 ftflnn DelHWwe jM Homcdwie TlIltKK rnllie pup fnr mie. Three month old. iintd and while. Litter reft Interrd. Cnll .HWfl. I POULTRY 40 FEMALES 17 llrftl lli-rrroril IIHli-pi 17 Olifii Hereford Ilrlft-rs 6 llrrcdird Cows Merli- Cloud. Miiwlnrl. f.'nlK . Bru nt llnlini'll. Nrw I'lnc (.'reek, Ore. Henry I.. I'iiKP. (.'iinliy. Ore , I.. V. Optoma. Hlwilivlllc, Cnllf . Wll Innirllc Polled Hereford fluiiih, lliilncy. Ore, Ml, Cintt (dinili, Illll, Cnllf . Uii (lurry. Merrill, Ore, Al lli'iiry. Crnwfnrdr.vlltr, On-., Lcmy GiciiKPr, Clillniuln, Ore. G. W. (Jerry) FALKS Auctioneer - Klamntli J- a I In, Ore. Klamath Kails, Oregon LOANS Phone 2-2537 8-278 78 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES llnAimiNG Kr.NNK1.9 Doe hftirdinf hy dy. or month Hanllary krnncla Wrll lialanrrd dll Can Individual ratdnnr run for farh dot ! nandlrrt rturlia mating. Will pick up and deliver Vlaltori Walcoma Phona KI7I Marrltl Kn Rt J. Il ia SIM SHASTA CASCADF KKNNKI.S 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY fie'LKTVrKD - FEED GRAIN - ORDER NOW FOR LATER DELIVERY CUSTOM l-J.FANFD A TREATED MALIN FEKI) & GRAIN PHONE 555 POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for ny amount. Top market prices (or good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS BABY CHICKS ALL POPULAR BREEDS FROM UNITED .STATES AP PROVED PL'LLORUM CLEAN Fl OCK3 Available Every Monday ORDER NOW TO BE ASSURED OF HAVING YOUR CHICKS WHEN YOU WANT THEM MALUM FEED & GRAIN PHONE j55 KIVE rmr old Guernsey milk cow. HBO. :iS30 I.rUtol. KRKR chirk thit" Saturday Marrh l.Mri 10 lahorn cockerel lo each adult. Alt chicks will be 1(14. a hundred. AH or der taken on deliver' will he R18 4.. alto. Standard Feed Store. 3720 Soulh Sixths FOR SALE. 10 h e n d of Angui b ti t it. Thee bull are purebred and coming 2 year eld. If you a-e Inlerrdled In An fu hull do not fail to re thee. You will find a lot nf wrll brrrj, Rood boned and Rood headed hull. There bulU are priced to Hell. Iook thrm over before voti buy. (ieorse Mnrttn, Old Midland rtoa(t.PhoneJl!0. "FRF.K rhleki lhu."R.Hi"rday. March 15th. in LeRhorn cockrels lo each adult. Stan dard Feed Store 271tOSnuth Sixth. Voir"SALK""ciive. uia ilomcdale Rond ON HAND Cockerels heavy breed. 10 per hun dred. OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 8th. Phone JWWV CATTLE-PASTURE FOR RENT for summer season, near Fort Klamath. Not less than 1"" heurt or over 3"0 hfun Excellent pasture and water available April 1.1 or May 1st to October 15. Renmnnble rates. Write Box 40, Herald ahd News. RED" FRYERS and roaster for wile, frejahlv dressed readv for the pn. ev erv Friday and Saturday. Phone &41 after 4. ART IKK "I A' . lift EK DING SERVICE Phone A72I M C. iChilck Warren Ht . Hnx If nn answer Phone 4400 Tfl?niVSf"prlcea" pa(d"(or-poultry, hogi and livestock BIG Y MEAT MARKET Ijikavlew Junction Phone 4W7n 44 M ISCELLANEOU S WANTED CO U PLwa n t " "to "rent wo bedr on m house. Modern and clenn. In near fu ture. Prefer good neighborhood. Phone 2-27112. , WANTED to rent, couple wants two hrdrimm tinfiirntnhrrt house tn good dis trict. Must be modern and clean. Fur nlih references and Rood care of the nronerly: Phone 72ml between 9 .i p.m. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Gash Loans Borrow Pa? Onlf $100 $7.27 Ma Repny In 18 Installments UP TO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Locution Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars ''nance it bank rate VVONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. JO years serving Klamath Bali See -C.uck" Bailey Mr 111 N. 7Lh SU Phone 332b 8-341 M-375 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED W(iTihl t" irnr.m or rent. Three ft f I -room unfurnished home. Call HWi or nana. VAN'I .U dflfnagcrj hay or graw hiiv fnr fr k fill lie. Miut he reasonable Ch-nf. a-n.wr WANTED, ly faintly nf four, nkely fiKnlatierl h(irm. Clone lo town, liefer ernes. Cull between B'lW and 7, 8111. K-'t. fl. t lKllMANKNTroiipl' winli to rent two bedroom house. Phone ftWtl. WANTED. II foot spring tooth harrow. Phone .1l4r. tVK NEED "CAHrV 01 top prlce'nowi Moif Motor Co mh and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash.' CASH LOANS 50 to 1300 Auto rumltur Llveilock Salary 150 to IM0 Automobile! (ptld (or or not) Private Sale of Autoi Financed Make your deala CA8H dealil Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. 8-251 N-223 107 No 0th Phone 1711 I ; : 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ; KOU LEASE, "07" Cafe. Chemult Completely equipped living quar ' lers, partly furnished. Available ' April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor. Bo)( 55, Chemult. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER At WINE LICENSE Building With Living Quarters GROSSED OVER 86000 IN 1961 LOCATED BIO VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 38 s.'0'Xf 1JOWN, Medford. lurniihed du- pJex. Clone In. Space for third rental over, double garage. Room for more rrnlali Monthly income. SI39. Write I .'!. Pt. 1. Box -Wll. Aihland. Ore "''UKALFlVs wanted. We etUbllah you In the monument buatnejia. No exper I irnre or Investment required. Full or part lime Write Scltt Memorial Co.. V-tlF. Florence Ave.. In lie wood. Calif." SKPVICE station for lea- in down ' town Alturas. Good business location, t Wonderful opportunity for right prty. Write Itay Uarnell. Box 396, Alturas. l filirnrnia. 4 00" MON f IITy SPAR E TIME Refilling nd collecting money from our five-cent High Grade Nut machine in ihU area. No telling! To qualify for u nrk you muit have ear. reference. WtW cash, secured by Inventory. Devot ing B hours a week to business, your end on percentage of collections will net up lo MIX), monthly with very good possibilities of taking over full time. Income increasing accordingly. For in terview, include phone in application. Box .Vl. Herald and News. MODF.HN Dry-cleaning plant In North ern California. Prosperous and stable town. Nice volume with excellent net. Hhine 5563. SFRVICE station for lease tn downtown Alturas. Good business location. Won derful opportunity for right party. Write Kay Darnell, Box 306. Alturas, Calif ornia. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE, Hot point Electric ranie. Looks like new. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN. 6.'tl Commercial St. FOR SALE, rebuilt washing machines, gunranteed. May tags, Bendlx, Easy. General Electric and many other makes We have washer priced for any purse. MERIT'S BARGAIN BARN. 631 Com mercial St. LARGE trailer house. Phone 2-1858 aft- er a i p.m. TO KEEP Ol.'T OF MISCHIEF, get after those little building and repair JoIm around the house. Basin Building Materials Inc. has all the materials you need pi in FREE advice to turn out a pro let Ion a I looking fob. 47S4 Soulh Sixth, phone 2-23tX FOR SALE, Easy washing machine, spin dryer. Phone SM7. FOR SALE, 10 foot meat case, Coca Coin case,, caxh register, large wood heater, four show caes, bed spring and mattress, 15 gat. electric hot water heater, groceries at twenty per cent off. On furniture and fixture, any reasonable offer will he accepted. Frank J. Moon, Weyerhaeuser Camp 4, Keno Ore ffon. SALE, cheap large heater. Coal or wood Good for big house, garage or camp. B34 Oak. FOR" SALE, three Jersey cows. Rt. 2. Box 444. Phone 2-2030. 3000 GALLON 1 4 Inch under ground gasoline tank for sale. Phone 8178. FOR SALE, model 72 Winchester .22 automatic with scope or trade for .22 pistol. Phone 56.14. SPRINKLER IRRIGATION eliminates costly levelling and checking, require Irs water, provides perfect distribution. Write Box 40. Herald an News for free Information. FOR SALE, 10 foot Oliver off-set disc. $32.1. Phone 7-032S Tutelake. FOR SALE, Zenith trans-oceanic radio. Phone 5!) 10. B 0 Y" S 5 'CVCLE. $15. Phone 9664 REFRIGERATOR for aale. Phone 24294 s,t:L SUIT, sire 37. $13. Phone 2-1745. PRIMA washing machine, spin dryer. Round tub. $25. Phone 5554. FOR SALE, 20 ton first cutting alfalfa hny. Charles Lund berg. Tutelake, Calif ornia. CRUSUED rock and driveway clnden. P h n n p 2 - II (17 ELKCTROLUX CLEANER and potlVher m-.d supplies, Phona 7167 Tarkel Tweet. 921 Market SHOWCASE, Inquire Reames Country Chin. KOR SALE, Frlgidaire electric stove. Good condition. Best offer over $75 take. 4233 Clinton. 60 TON b.iled alfalfa, $36 per T. Phone Tulclake. 7-10114. . ADDING MACHINES, calculators, type writers, cash registers, desks, chairs, files for snle or rent, PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY B2!tMaln Phone 74U DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phone Joe Bart. 0755; WANTED, lie st 1937 4 door Chevrolet sedan about $113. Write particulars Her aid News. Box 51. 6110x16 KKCAPS 9.1.(13 EACH EXCHANGE We buy ued tires. O.K. Rubber Weld fri 2391 So 6th Phone 4313 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-16R4. 'I HIS week is the lt week on .he big carload sale on BlltweU davenport and chairs, bed divans and chairs, swing rockers. Small down payment. Many months on the balance. Save money now at LUCAS FURNITURE. 193 E. MAIN. SAVE $ $ 9 Buy a Chris Craft Kit Boat also Cruis ers nnd Runabout. Johnson Sen Horse motors, lion t a lioilRht, sold and ex changed. Boats lur rent to fisher men. MONROE BOAT WORKS 928 Front St. Phone 2-lfHlfl HANDY WITH TOOLS? Bnsin Build ing Matertnls Inc. hn.i evrythln ou need in building supplies. Whether you need lumber, trimmings, paint, picket fence, garage, doors or Just advice, thi Is Hie plac to come. 4784 Soulh Sixth. Phone 2-2363. 31 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MONTGOMERY WARD CATALOG DEPARTMENT Phone 3373 See Ward's 1952 WALLPAPER COLLECTION Two large decorator alze Sample books are available for your selection In Wards Catalog Department. The Ward Book contains over 250 papers, a fourth of them fine HALLMARK QUALITY DE8ION8. More of them than ever before are color harmonized to help you achieve the greatest decorating beauty most easily. The nationally known quality book presents over 200 of the choicest elections of leading manufacturers Including 15 beautifully IMPORTED PAPERS. Visit Wards aoon . . see this lovely collection. Prices are as low aa 14c a single roll. You may borrow a WALLPAPER BOOK to take home to see your selections with your furnishings. Wards will welcome a visit from you . , A trained clerk will be glad to help you. SEED POTATOES NETTED GEM COLLEGE GREENHOUSE TEST COUNT 794 FOUNDATION J. LELAND POPE & SON MERRILL, OREGON Phone 2139 or 2344 WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF ECONOMY PRICED DIMENSION and BOARDS NO LOWER PRICE IN TOWN SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY I SPECIAL LOT-PRICE ON CARRIER LOADS Economy Better 2"xr t ft 24c ea. 43c ea. 2"x4" 10 (t 30c ea. 53c ea. 2"x4" 12 (t 36c ea. 64c ea OTHER PRICES COMPARABLE LONG BELL LUMBER COMPANY Main and Spring Phone 3144 SALE! GOOD USED APPLIANCES Reconditioned and Guaranteed USED ELECTRIC RANGES $0050 U7 UP USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS $5950up ' VERN OWENS' Home Furnishing Co. CASCADE 124 No. 4th Ph. 8365 SPECIAL CLOSEOUT WOOD KITCHEN CABINET UNITS 'A .PRICE; WAS .NOW 48 Inch Base 36.00 417.95 48 inch WaU $26.00 $12.95 36 inch Wall ... $20.00 .$ 9.95 36 Inch Over Refrigerator Wall .. $14.95 $ 6.95 24 inch Base $27.45 $12.95 24 Inch Wall $18.95 $ 8.95 18 Inch Wall $14.95 $ 6.95 Bookcase $14.00 v$ 6.95 LONG BELL LUMBER COMPANY Main and Spring Phone 3144 FOR SALE or trade, 16 foot factory launch on trailer or will trade on I's ton truck. Phone 3666. FOR SALS, wood and electric combina tion range. Excellent condition. MER IT'S UAHUAIN BARN, U31 Commercial St. LANDSCAPING, evergreens, shrubs and trees. We trim, spray and remove large trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY rnone 4uo USED FURNITURE values ran alwa.vs be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 221 Main. Phone 3333. READING 0 SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Ladak Alfalfa 45c lb Purity 99.98 Germination 93.50 Etna Mills Etna, California Phone Etna 55 REX. AIRE vacuum cleaner. $3.30 down. a3 per month. Phone 0200. REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS Our used equipment is all rebuilt and guaranteed. For a better buy that will protect you. See this large assortment of re built appliances at . . . Merit's Bargain Bam 631 Commercial St. FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. ... Your Choice Only SI EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6th Phone 5708 SEEDS ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY-WHEAT OATS - RYE & FERTILIZERS ALL KINDS CUSTOM CLEANING Sharp Grain Company PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OREGON Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 FOR SAtE Blue Tag Klamath Netted i.ema. rnone nun. KOR SALE hand made natural niamiul la double deck coffee table. Phone ON E Duo-Them otl heater Apt. size. i.nii nam or am. CRUSHED ROCK, driveway cinders. I'nnnr 55 AUTOMOTIVI 1M7 MERCURY sedan A-l hape. Ra dio, heater, overdrive. $930. Phone 2.1P5L KOR SALE, l49 Ford. Must sell this week. Best offer. New paint and seat covers. R&H. 1929 Sargent, 9 a.m,-(i p.m. FOR SALE 1931 ''.-ton CMC. ulcktio. Private party. 8000 miles. $149.1, Con sider traue in. rnone an uurm be tween B and 6 p.m. FOR SALE, Fisk tires to someone who needs tires now and wouia iikb to pay for them later. Ask about our Budget Plan, lmck h. miner .o Ilt4!l STUDEBAKER dump truck. 2 speed. Good fl. 2.1-20 tires. Excellent con dition throughout Will consider pickup in tranr. see at mcnueia service &ia tion. Phone 7-2431. ss AUTOMOTIVE Don't Shop Around if you're looking for a cheap cor at $300 OR LESS All Run All Are Clean All Have Antl-Frecze HUDSONS CHEVIES -SEDANS COUPES SPECIAL! 1946 HUDSON 2-Dor Super 6. Radio, heater, A-l shape, runs like a new Hudson "Hornet" 1941 OLDS Coupe $295 1939 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Sedan 295 1940 OLDS Sedan, radio, heater 295 1940 BUICK 4-Door, heater 295 1937 OLDS 4-Door, heater 295 1940 PONTIAC, radio', heater, an exceptional '40 modci 375 1937 PACKARD 2-Door Sedan. Radio, heater. . 145 A perfect '37 1939 CHRYSLER 4-Door, very clean, in A-l shape .... 295 1940 CHEVROLET 4-Door, heater, good tires, and runs good 275 1938 DODGE 4-Door, heater, good body and has had good care 295 1940 FORD 2-D00R, radio, heater 175 1935 PONTIAC Coupe 95 1942 DODGE 2-Door, heater, runs good 395 1937 CHEVROLET 2-Door, heater, best '37 in town .... 155 1942 Ford 2-Door, radio, heater, motor and body in good shape 425 1941 HUDSON 4-Door, radio, heater, runs like a new "Hornet" 290 These cars must be sold! Come in, look over this stock. EXCEPTIONAL TERMS LOCAL FINANCE Where You Can Buy a Cheap Car With CONFIDENCE I Salesmen: Steve Walker, I Harvey Wyatt, i REGISTER TO Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath 2 DAYS TO TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! That's what you get at Dugan & Mest. Try the car of your choice for 2 days then if for any reason you DON'T like it bring it back. Your money 1949 Olds $1597 1949 Dodge $1697 1950 Ford $1647 1949 Ford $1397 1948 Chev. Aero $1287 iz ir TRUCKS ft ft 1949 Chev. VA Ton .. $1497 1949 Ford a Ton $1097 1949 Dodge 'A Ton .. $1197 ALSO BIG STOCK OF NEW DODGE PICKUPS For the BEST in the WEST see DUGAN & MEST ' DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 522 So. 6th Phone 8101 Fur a NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES llth and Klamath Phone 2-2581 1949 FORDV-8 CLUB COUPE Radio, heater, light green finish. Very clean. $1345 JUCKELAND'S lth and Klamath Phone 2-2581 COMPLETE ; ; Radiator '. . Service. CLEAN IMG FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at EsDlanad BEST VALUES! USED 1 RUCKS - CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED YVest-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 677 a 7th Phon 7771 FOKD tudor. excellent condition. VKK1. 233 North Fourth alter 9:30. Phone 3506. Tb47 PONTIAC Streamliner "8" .edan coupe. Very clean Initlde and out. 1049 motor, good tires, life guard tubes, ra dio, heater. $IOB.1. Phone 2-0001. i'oSTToito "0'. Call 3127 or 4-ism. FORDS P0NTIACS - CONVERTIBLES SPECIAL! $535 resident phone 6702 residence phone 3454 VOTE NOW!! Phone 4103 will be cheerfully refunded. 1947 Ford $ 797 1950 Chevrolet $1647 1948 Dodge Vt Ton .. $1097 1944 Int'l. Vh Ton .. $ 797 1949 Dodge Panel .... $1197 Drum-Lot Oil Sale Special Contract Plan AT WARDS Get sale prices on Wards Premium Grade Vitalized Oil there's none finer. And get special contract plan that protects you against rising prices and gives the savings to you if prices go down. Stock up now on all your needs at sale prices. All prices Include Federal Tax. Reg. 86c gal. in 55 gal. drum now 63c gal. Reg. 86c gal. in 30 gal. drum now 70c gal. 3 five-gal. cans. Reg. so.98 now $4.99. Montgomery War'd 9th and Fine Phone 3188 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Four-Door Sedan Heater, overdrive, seat covers, light grey paint. A good economy car. $1545 JUCKELAND'S llth and Klamath Phone 2-2581 1949 FORD V-8 PANEL. Equipped With heater. Like new. $1295. Balaiger's Car Lot.2152 So. 6th. phone4354. 193! OLDS MOBILE "88". Extras, under celling. 740 Cal i furnla. Phone 2-1233. WHV WALK! DRIVE MORE MOTORS 302 E Main. Phone 3579. "We will sell vnur car for vou ' W- bur and Iradel BUS SARGANTS USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone 8203 va wttu cars: ut top price oow. Rnse Motor Co 6th and Plum WANTED, someone who needs ltrest who would like to use our Budget Plan. Pay as you ride on our Fisk Tires. Dick a. miner -o. nun Pi.YMLiUTH. Good condition. It. 8c H. See at OTI Fire Department. Onl v $32.1. 1932 BUICKS now available for tmmedi- , ate delivery in apeclals, supers and roudmanterie. We tilxo huve a few If Ml modelajeft. 1LK. Hanger. Phune SlftL DUMP 'tfHUCK SPECIAL! IH4T Ford" J ton dump, with 2-npeed Eaton. 9:28x20 tires. One owner. $1399. See Jack Mil ler at Balaiger's Used Car Lot, 2164 So . jBt h, phon e 4334. FOR SALE. T.D. 18 With straight hy draulic blade. About fix months runntn on rebuilt motor. New final. Price $.1100. C. E. R(B. Rt, 1, Box 423, Aihland.