PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAItCH 12, 10!2 GENERAL NOTICE FIRST ANNUAL V. F. W. CRAB FEED SATURDAY -MARCH 15 at the V.F.W. HALL 515 KLAMATH AVE. FROM 5 TO 10 P.M. LEGAL NOTICE SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH Equity No. 113 LAURA EASTWOOD, Plaintiff BIMEON WILBER EASTWOOD, Defendant TO SIMEON WILBER EASTWOOD, Defendant ' IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint , filed agatmt you in the above entitled uit within four weeks from the date of tha first publication of this lum- . mona In tha Herald and News, a news paper printed and published tn Klam ath County. Oregon, which said date Is the 1st day of March. 1052. and if you fall to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to this Court for tha relief prayed for In her com plaint. This summons Is served upon you hy publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vanden berg. Judge of the above, entitled Court, made and entered February 25th. 1P52, which order requires that summons herein be published once a week for four successive weeks, and that the date of the first publication of said summons shall be March 1st, 1032. ,s. U. S Ralentine Attorney for Plaintiff I.O.O.F. Bid. Klamath Falls. Ore A CARD Of THANKS THE1 J. Luther Hanklns family "wish" tii extend their thanks and appreciation to the KAHRU for the efficient rescue work In locating Doyle's plane which era had Saturday evening. Also to our Eastor Rev. Milne and all of the other Ind neighbors and friends who assisted tn the rescue, in any way. whatsoever in giving of their time, sympathy and loyal support during the anxious hours until Doyle and his friend tlene Hill were found and brought to safety. Mr. Legal Notice NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of tha Estatt of LAURA A. W1LLITS, Deceased. Notice Is hareby given that the tinder signed The First National Bank of Portland has filed tta flnl ccount of the administration of the above en titled estate and that the Court has appointed March 37. lMa at to A M. as the time for hearing objections to such final account and tha settlement thereof. The First National Bank of Portland, Executor Ganong Jk Ganong Attorneys for Executor F37-M5-12-19 No 897 Ml-S-lS-22-No Every time you clean the re frigerator, wash the rubber door seal with warm soapsuds, rinse wen, ana ary. A C0' THANIC$ WE WISH tii extend our KearUeU thanks and appreciation for the act nf kindness. infAAAges of sympathy, and beaulirul floral offerings received from our kind frtrmls and neighbors during our recent bereavement in the loss of my beloved wife. Edwin E. Poppa and Retha Turner. MEETING NOTICES Crater Lake Lodge Na 311 A.F. and A.M. will hold a special communi cation, Thursday, Mar. 13 at 7:30 p.m. Work In the E.A. Degree. Visiting brethren, Wm. PINK SECRETARY Klnmath Chapter No. 35 Royal Arch Masons will hold a special meeting Wed., March 13. 7:30. Will conter Mark Master Degree on class of candidates. Visiting companions In vited. Chas. R. Bonney, H.P. how can you tell a farsighfted man? fi A farslghted man provides for th future. PJanning...buiIding... banking for "tomorrow" tie the characteristics of the man who looks ahead. He knows there's no substitute for a First National Bank of Portland savings account. He knows, also, that the bank that serves best stays open when con venient for most people and businesses. At First National you can bank Any Day (except Sunday) 10 to 5, including Saturday. Why not open your savings account today where you NOW ear" on your savings, regardless of the size of your account? Klamath Falls Branch 4T South 6tt trad trench. Merrill Branca tf9PK-4BHEe KLAMATH FALLS Aerie No. 3090 Regular meeting every Friday , night 7:45 p. m. '. o. e. Hall, 8th nd Walnut. Visiting members cordially invited. Buftet hours 10:30 a.m. to J a.m. LODGE MEETING " EVERY THURSDAY ana initiation every third Thursday, W. C. HOOPER Secretary 1010 Pine 10 ScRVICl MOVING? . . . Call 7435 'Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekln'i Moving and Stornge Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" 10 StKVICti roil TIIKK TMIMMINU Plume 3 1U.V1 12 EDUCATIONAL FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 Septic Tanks Cleaned TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of experience. All work guarantedd. PHONE 5731 LOST AND FOUND LOST, black fountain pn. Liberal re ward. Phone 3-W03. LOST. 3 two month, old puppici. iilonde female, brown and grey male, answers to Smokey. Vicinity South eth and Mar tin. Phone 97iil after B. GENERAL NOTICES CRESCENT SEAFOOD REFRIGERATED TRUCK Will be on So. Sixth Street across from Tower Theatre. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY MARCH 12-13 FINEST QUALITY CRAB AND BONELESS WASTE-FREE FILET PERSONALS NOTICE Anyone present at scene of injury to Russell Griffith on South Sixth Street in April 1949 please call or phone 3-2420. KLAMATH BEAUTY SHOP Permanent waves at reasonable pricea. Free parking Phone 7444. 133 North Broad. REAL SILK. 7152. FRATEX Plastics. Phone 8324. ZOE BRITCE Swanaon'l Beauty Shop. Phone 7161. STANLEY Home Products. Phona 609. 10 SERVICES ST MATIAMil It A MIT OF PORTIA NO -yeariasvssfc.ia-Ofal 10 TO I IIX DAYS A WMC un tuu omoon roamm easYer eeeeres Dap animate braareHaa NOTICE LANDSCAPING TREE PRUNING SPRAYING by Francis "Smithy" Smith, Tree Surgeon Let us work with you NOW on your landscape needs. ROSEBUSHES NOW IN STOCK Pantented and No. l's SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP 3614 So. 6th Phone 8188 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don t want, someone else needs I Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don t want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 355 East Main In Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 3803 South Sixth Ph. 9340 or 2-3133 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and rrench Ho Bulldozer Fill Dirt Topsoll Crushed Rock Driveway Clndeit Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. PhoLe 6641 or B110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Neweol Sanitary Method! Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Jleam Bewer Lines of Roots, Etc ED F. KINO 3434 Orchard Phone 9841 SHOWCARDS and sln. Call 0124. TRIPP'S Auto Painting. Body and fen- der wprk. Phone 4040. ALTERATIONS All" work guaranteed. Jennla Hart. Anilai, 707 Main. Phona 6333. CARPENTER work Remodeling and new construction. Phona 2-0617. INCOME TAX KETl'H.NS For appointment Phona 2-02M. Harvey BI-.Dhimv ELECTRICAL contracting. Work guar anteed. Phrri. ?-'lln SEPTIC TANKS Pumped, concrete tanks and drain fields Initalled. Orvllle Musgrave. phone 3070. Phona PAINTING and paperhanglng. 7H17. TRIPP'S AtlTO painting, body and fen der work. Phone 4040 CURTAINS laundfed and itretehert Phona 4914 FULLER Brushes. Phone M04 or ST7. 1. L DEAN Ihiblle Accountant and Auditor Office at SM No. 1th. Phona t.liS IMAGINE! Within a few short hours after you order a Herald & News Classified ad. 13,000 subscrib ers are told about your offer or your need. To place an ad, phone Bill, DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NKKD several mechanic ally Inclined ami reliable men tn train for position! in the Tractor and Equipment Indust ry. If you are not making bet ter than tlio per week, or you don't have all year Job secur ity, you owe It to yourself to write for free facts, without obligation, about tills training and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAINING BK.RVICE Write Box 43 co Herald it Newa IIOOKKKEIMNQ, shorthand typing kin died subjects, office machlnee. KLAMATH UUSINK.IS COM.KUI 133 Plna Phona 47W 13 HEALTH CONVALESCENTS AGED - INVALIDS iH-Hour N ui. sine Cnre, with Rctjlii trrccl Nurse tn rhuriie. Attention Riven to Spriinl Dicta. Equipped for bed pat Ion 1. Fully licensed by Stntp of Oregon. Your inspection Invited. Courtesy to your family doctor. Private or penMon case el come. The Mitchell Sanatorium Jack. son vllte, Oro. Phone Jui-k.MUivillc (551 STKAM bfltlti, rxnri'Uca, til rr.Hii'ilift for "ci. anil women. Phona .HMX J6 NELPJrV ANTED." MALI WANTED I'onihlmithm nil nrmiiut ram'h itit'i'hatiK' ami wrlitrr. Steady jub fur twlttr and rnvriirttr 1114111, singl only, Ho 1,1. 1 tor n It. I ml Nwi. WAXTKl), rxpcrirmrd Mirotvnt.U'. A lutrly ftrt rUM working comttttoni, bout pay. (jttitrmttrrd alary Applv lit nrriutl. Dim hat Moton. U.IU Mailt. I'linn 77U3. II Hi INCOMIC" TAKING OHDKHS Every hoinv )rowol big repeat litia liiea fur Patrick quality lln of faintly rlolhlng offered only direct (rum far- tunc. mhj aumplek rurnlthed Jack el . tlarki. slurtt. hoalery. awratr, work I'luihlnjf, trinem, underwear, Unjfrrl, blunketa, children'! garment!. inuw mi It, etc. WltlTK TODAY. Patrick Duluth Gar ment Factory. Dtiluilt, Mlnnrola WANT one nmture inun uf proven aalea ability, with enr and willlnimeu to trav el. If vuu have earned ItkUOO up per year on rontmlalnu aalea our deal will dounla that. Nu "orditlera uleaae. Phone Aahland 3-lMl or writ tn V () Hox 07 for an appointment, I'lodurti Dlv. Oak Street Tank at Steel Company, Ashland. Oregon. AUTO mechanic. Muat b experienced. See Itarrv at Jim OUon Motura. M9 South Sixth. WANTED. ' automobile uiriman exper ienced in both new and uaed car eltn. Local fi M C. dealer. Give ace and naat experience in first reply. Writ Herald Newa, ilnx M, WANTED, two experienced Pine and Kir gratlen. Year around work. Top pay. Good opportunity. Penberihv Lum ber Co. Hox 933. Yreka, California. Phone U7 t SALESMAN - earntngi to atart, approx. t21i. oer month. Onourtuntty to ad vance. Agea IB to M. Apply Standard Stations, inc. anu ana main or upian- ade and Spring Sta. 17 HELP WANTED KXPERIFNCKD din. California commercial truck ncceaxary. Write "Biio KAMl'LY Wj able. If you wa with heller tnan for informAUon Co., l:r7 Dexter, Ion 18 SITUATIONS WANTED bwt.Mcr for Hed tmckinir firm. Prefer Ing experience but not lleraidPiewra. uox 9d. tkliu route now avail nt your own bualnema average income, wrii to The J. K. Watklna Seattle waaimig- hone 3-uill aft- CHILD care anytime. ernoona. m WANTED. work cleaning windowa, woodwork, gardening, pruning, painting. What have you. All work guaranteed by Old Pioneer or rtty. Apply ai wu Eaat Main, avenlnga or P. O. Dox ftM. City. 1 , fiiii.n rAiic IV, Eait Main. 1 45 to 9;.T0 daya phoneM70. v"-;.oa?; COLOKCD' irl wantaKour work. Call mm. WILL care for chltdreiT in my homa day or your homa avanlnga. Call 7tONING, home cleaning. Phone tl9. low and Wta...BIn,,mBmutul m z' jw IT HAS EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN A FINE CAR ... Tba comfotf of a smooth, quiet air -borne ride ' with road roughness- and vibration soaked up by rubber-cushioned springs, aero-type shock absorbers and drive system floated on rubber pillow Inferior roominess for six adults, with 61-inch-wide seating, front and rear. "TokMrf" performance with the new 90-h.p. 6-cylinder Hurricane Engim ... 7.6 compression ... uses regular gas. Panoramic visibility . ; ; all 4 fenders can be irum uie anvers seat. Aero-Design beatify . . . just 5 feet high . ; : streamlined from its distinctive new plane-wing hood to the rear air-fins. , Record economy up to 35 mike on a gallon of gasoline, with overdrive. Come in and see America's only Jull-sizecar that gives up to 35 miles per gallon LEE HUFF MOTOR CO. 603 So. 6th mat it m imcm IF M MlMH Iwilh billions of miles I ol lough service ng tn. tosiar on ed Childr.n nd Adults. By MARJORIE OVGARD A special half-hour vari.ty and dramatic show will b( broad cast ov.r ABC and KFLW tonight, ep.ning driva by tha National Socltty for Crippled Bun Adlam and his orchastra will supply the music and top Hollywood actors, including Ronald Regan, Frank, and Dennis Morgan will ba heard in tha dramatic portions ... The Easter Seals drive begins tomorrow, and our local chairman it Iris Pearson, one of our own Herald & Newt "front office" gang. Iris hot mentioned how grateful she's been for much willing volunteer help in getting tha Easter Seolt mailed. "Not Guilty!" it the verdict f Vm'?5WZ&. Mercedes McCambridge toils to win for innocent victims of circumstances as she portrays a battling barrister on the "De fense Attorney" series heard Thursdoy nights at 7:30 over ABC. In her crusade for jus tice, the female counsellor champions the underdog and the wronged, defending them against everything from shop lifting to murder. It's an excit ing race against time, as she Struggles to uncover the truth. Listen tomorrow night at 7:30! A new ABC series starts tomorrow night at 9:00, In which Kothl Norrit, well-known television per sonality, moket her first , vantura Info radio. En titled "Escape With Ma," each Thursdoy't presentation will be complete story and will take listeners into the private little worlds we dream about but are seldom able to escopa to, where roman lie drama lifts the spirit abova the reality of avery-day happen Ings. Well that's a large order for one small program, but lat't listen tomorrow night at 9:00 and escape. A special program slated for tomorrow ofternoon Is a Leogue of Women Votert transcribed broadcast In which a member of the stole League interviews former Governor Sprague on the topic "Are We Taking Liberties with Our Civil Liberties?" Mrs. John Yodcn, member of the State League Board, Mrs. Everett Dennis, local presi dent, and Mrs. Earl Redman, League member, hove auditioned this program ond recommend it as highly informative. Broadcost time 1:30-2 tomorrow, replocing "Mory Margaret McBride" one time only. "I'll Never Forget You" . . . Now don't YOU forget that's tomorrow morning's big free show at the Pelican for "Better Liv ing Club" member!. Need we say more? "Joyce Jordan" It due for mora trouble, when her younger lister Kitty arrives in the big city for a visit ond threatens Joyce's romance with Michael Hill. 2:30 P.M. dally for this complicated ttory. Talk about escaping from real life . . , Real life is disgustingly simple, com pared with the involvements of these daily soap operas. Mtrcedei McCimbrldg 23 ROOMS FOR RKNT TwiyT(H)Mftiiin.tit. AttiMrtTvVliv. Ini room with flriUt' mul iilrttiir Hintinwi, lifti'ii btMlrinJiii with twin lirdi L.m'Mtlnn nrtr ltunhiM dlilrti't, Nu vmik ih fftrlMlM. Cull 4170. HOOMH.' board, emltn.flll. '.OUT Cifi-vrn- ., ..,..,, M()()M, gifnrnn. lnnTrritVt'nV t-IOiri hiiiinrkrilnK. tCvvrvlhliig fur nuhd Mulliilil obrr iMi'htlor or cou- plf. lnO Noilh llrimiJ. HOOMS for" rtn I'riv atfi tnlriiuV CUi In. I'hnn 4444. ItOOMB. urh'ijypiiiutil""'Ptimi irtaf. rdVKt.Y ntonn for rtinC N'-ft. wmi' Clou inPhont 4JM. riuVH? riKtni fur rvitt. Clrvtr Apart m.nti. Tto Main. hodmm"io;m nigh. 34 APARTMINTS FOR RENT KumKlfN TriiliTedVpHrlnirnrli rnun mid Jialh. Adulli only. a)7 Knal Main, iSV'6 IIOOM fiirnUhcii" ai.fti linont. M Mum. I' JHHIW VlMtNINIIRIl two ro.iin apnilinrul'. bath, refrlgaratur. utllMlva II day. Mailu rlor iirrltirTcd. 220 Honlh Kouilh. l.AitliK ailrartlv lhr rixutt fiirnlihud aim r tine it I. CIom In, Phona 11.143. yOH HKNl. two four room atinrltoritla, on) avalU)ta Marrh 1A with llMhU (ur nlahad. llnth cIum In, Adult. I'huno IU1II. V't'ltNlSIIKI) two room aiiarlinritt, lath.ltrdt'(iratrd. .10 W. Pluinn 2 -:ift7, TWO iWdrooni. iinfiirnllird itpnrlinvni in duidr-n, Adiilta. j:i4 North Bth KiHt HKNTr two room furnlnhpd "apart ntpiit, Coopta only. Phona 7:IIH. KOHitKNT. "duplfx ' in Mot MpilnicV. Ilrnt. hut and void watar furnlihad. 9M. Call 37in after S pin. Von HKNT. to rllahl0 parly wlitt 'iio Hta. Newly drroratcd Ihrer rooim apartnivnt. 4 Mi blutlta from Main. SIT North 4lh. ri'HNlMIIKO apartmant. prlvata )ath and rntraitra. Mrat (uniltird. Actulln. IMnnr 3 .17711, 14111 Kaplanadr. t PSTA 1 118 f urntghrd apartmrnl r(iulivd. Arroki from tha Arnflrtov. roil HKNT,"' lhrit room fiirniilttin apartmant, Cautrally loraitd. UI Houth 2nd NKWi.Y drcoraled a"art"inant. Jrrr Apt. 710 Main. t'NKlMtN18HKI, bVrmvtit aprtiiint for hiichfllor or lady. Nnlinal hoi wnU-r hrat and water furnlhrd. M5. Itofriir rmlor and lrlrlc ranga avallalile 3itl2 Main or phona :14IU. KTKAM IIRATKI) aparlmrnt with brd- room. 1)311 ()ak8t. rtlMNlSHKIl aparlmWt ior rant Aparlmrnt 1. 200 Maiktt. THItKC HOOM (urnlahd apartniant. 3l White. ON E "Yidrmiiti unfuVmihtrpartmani Cm rqiilpiwd. Call 3 0111. TIIIIKK room furnlihrd ai.a'rtmenf und halh. AdtilU only. 1'huna S472, till Wal nut. T!IHKlfroiim cntiaita. furnlihrd. com fortably and completely Iinmai'iilatelv clean, very homey Adult. I'fcnne :liu, Nl7Ycrrdrrlai"'uth."" tilt chanaU 8 team heal, electric rant fit) week Itex Arm Apartment flMHiNISHKiT tKree nmm apnrtmriit $M SO: two room unit 13. all utilities Included. 4IB N. Tenth 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALr Illsideavenue" Cnnifiirtnblr five room hmne. ISx rrlli'iil liicnllnii nil liirite enrnrr lot, Two bnlinnmr., iilrnnnill kllclirtl n ml tllnliiR riMim. utility nml Imtli. AIo riimpii" nw'in nr rlr br( room. Knnwil ynrd mul iinrnKe. Kor quick Mtlr. niKIO. 4 Beclrooms-2 Baths You'll find excr-iillniuil value In thin nrvi'ii rniiiu home Incutrd nn nortlmiilr. l.m hp llvlim mul (llnlim riiiim, flirpliu'e, two bwlroonw rind full bath mi Main flwir. two rxtrn InriiP bntrooinn luul full bnlli on bhoikI floor. Ili'iiullful liiinlwoiKl floor throiiuhout. Ccmcrrlr bnnr niriil, nprlnklhiit ayKlrni In ynrd. A mil buy for tViMW. SUBURBAN Very nttnicllvr two brilrmnn home In flnn iiclulihnrlKHHl. Iliinlwond fliKiia In llvlim mum. Ilrrpliuo, well plntini'il klti'lirn unci ullllty. I.nme rliiMrln, niitoiiiullr hmt. lnmn miriuip. wiilk-lu liult room. Hrmuil ful fciirr-d ynrd, iinnlrn ace. 110.000 term. JIAItnY VAN (Kvrn. D30O JOK I.KONAI1IJ (Evex. J-OS'f) AL SCHMECK UKALTOIl mill INHUHANC'K 517 M In Fhimr 3311 26 HOUSIS FOR RENT rn'lT'T.r.AHr. two bedroom fuVnUhed homa, 33. No nhjectlon to on child. Cloavjn. Call I-.HO I. TWO room apartment for rent. 2i per month. Phona IHKW VtiH KfcNT7wo"'droom?ioujjva. one herfrontn anartmant. both nlcaly fur nished downtown. Phona 74R5. Vf)H "h'lt NT. two bedroom unrurnUhed home on Independence. Large garage, M per month. Inquire (MHO Independ ence. IINKIIIINIHIIEO hnute. three rooma and bath. g;O.M per month. No peta. See owner at in mi wain. rOH HKNT, modern two room fur- nUhed houa. Inquire 3111 Cannon. I'hone I23 after five , riVK HOOM furnthed tioe for tint, alM two 3-room furnuhed cablna. Phone B7'J4 all to tight p m. rnn HKNT. one bedroom partly fur- nUhed hue. Phona 2-13U4. FOR HKNT.' threa nom furnlthed houie. Ivory St. J. Phone 7WUI ht'Pl.r.X fnrrent 1213 Himiedale. KOH III! MY. one Itcdrotini furnihcil houie 2in Wahlnitfm , ON It" lietlroom duplex." bnl'urnlihe.r-. cent ranaa and refrlerator. "lean and newly decorated No objection to child, no pew. - rnnn n.i THRKE ROOM partly furnlihed hou for rent. 2201 Oak St. TWO ROOM furnuhed Koum for rent. Phone RI77. i TWO"BEbHbbMnfwtt for rent. Phono 177 )VV.t. for rent. Phona 3027 before Von RNTTTwo-bedroom unfurnlihed nmiw. Alio amen mh , TWO bedroom home with offlca In front. Completely furnlihtd. Extra good lo- t ""bedroom partlr furnlihad houia. SUBURBAN Ri'Unln Unit lunt rnlliunliim for llv- IllH lltl ml. n.n ...." mi... ...Mil iniHli-rn luinir. Hrpnriile (IIiiIiik linilll, , Wltni-iiii ii., ....... I ilnublc imrnitr. ' nrre rich (unily : limill. Vll invrii nirrii i till, riin iii. I to bun and xtnrpn. Price H'J.OOO. MIA Irrmi. SHASTA WAY ! Very nrnt mid ntlrncllvp mixlrrn one Iwilroom home. Concrrte fouiulntlon. tlntxhril rixmi 111 mi riiKr fur npnro bcilrooni. Well IiiikI acuprd lot, nniplp iinrdrn apnee, I'rlc IW100. FULLY FURNISHED i Tills very nttrurUvr 3 bedroom home In well nd complele ly furn Wird, ready to move Into tomorrow moniliiit. located on 2 3 acre on Clinton Avenue. pnvrd llrrt-t. Olfrrx nn Idrnl ehence for those looking for t) suburban home, lood niirdrn xpnee, jihkI nelKhborhood. Full price only )0.000. Terms can be nrrntutf-d. NORTH 9th STREET EXCHANGE Oood 3 bedroom home, within ey wnlklnit dhtullre of the Academy, down town and hlKh school. Tin. place hax a bin dry bajirment, lou of room for llvlim. Only I72&0, or will comlder exchiuiKe for an arre with KiH)d 3 bedroom home. Open Kvenlnitx by Apiiolntmrnt See Don Hlonn Phone SOM Evri, 1 iioiiiTT tnr Jam. niejuire Plulr wuily Phona . Jl MISCILLANIOUS FOft HINT For Lease Long Term Service Station, Motel, Restaurant SITE Oood location, Highway 91 t Dli mond Lake Jet. For more Informa tion write Box ti, Chlfoquln. Ore. BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Bave H New Truck For Long Tripe Plckupa Stakea Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 WANTED to Tease, hay aniTfrarrnand. Phon. num. rb'n flKNT, by nlglit, da'y or mnnih, larxa bulldlnf neat lo Llllla Hwaden on South Sixth, for daneas, parties, sales, shows. Has eleetrle heal, nice danre floor, alaxe and piano. Also hanquel tables available and elRht or len ped estals for 1-odee use. Houth Slxlh Com- munllv Hall. Phone WMia. OPKICE lor rent. B2.Y Main Phon. 7ini. 30 REAL ISTATI fOR 5ALI 80 ACRES All under urnvlty Irrigation. All In year alfnlfa. BulldlnRX arc old but unable. Thin farm well located and RRlllnp; for the low price of only 121,000, $6,000 down, balance low yearly payments. 160 ACRES This ranch Is all In alfalfa with 100 acres ready for potatoes this year. Well located on year around road. Immediate possession. Sclllns for only $45,000. HARRY VAN (Eves, 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves, 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 617 Main Phone 3211 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER 5 to $1B per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOO. Paclflo Lands 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. THHKE room house on corner lot. Ce. menl foundation, garage, fenced. $1300. 2900 fcott. Phone a-UM. Homer Sulci Fred Scott 2-3460 Eves. 8703 Evet. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since lOOfl 111 N. Sth St. Ph. 4S64 or 5539 1565 ACRES 10 miles from town. 1000 acre under Irrlnntlon. Waier cost $75 per acre. 200 acres aandy soil, river bottom land. Modern home, elec tricity. 'a mile from railroad eltllnj Just off Main Illuhwnv on Rood market road. Price $150,000 with good terms. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Ph. 1)832-2-3387 CORRECTION Our ad appearing In Monday's and Tuesday's paper was In error. It should have read; Apartment House 18 units all electrical equipped and nicely furnished. 18 Karaites and lockers. Brick build ing and well worth the price, call us today about this buy. Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4254 Ocne Favell Eves. Ph. 6046 Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 2-256t W, W. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7531 Owner Will Trade Equity For Good House Trailer A good 2 bedroom modern home. Electric hot water. Wired for range. Insulated. Fenced lot. In A-l condition. Prlco only $3060. Equity $2300. Monthly paymenU only $21.73 Including taxes, Insur ance and 4 Interest. 'Don't miss this. CLOSE-IN 2-Bcdroom modern home on paved strcpt. City sewcr. Close to High School. Basement. Price reduced to $4500 for quick sale. Terms. WALT DIETZ, With T. B. WATTERS REALTORS and INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Ph. 4103 (Eves. B4(l) FOR SALE, two bedroom (urnlshcd homo, harjy terms. Needs mm, rcimiil cling, will sell accordingly, 211 Ncvila or phono .'IWIII " roil SAi.1 by owner, amid two bod room homo. Plrcpliico, automatic henl, close to town. Phone g-oaill. OOOD ranch with reasonable term.. Hhown by appointment. No phone Infor. motion. See Faye Travis. VKIIN W. EMI.EV , Real Iitala end insurance JOOl So, ath. phon l-MJ