1IKRALD AND NKWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN WEDNESDAY, MAHCjl 12, 1W1 TIME OUT! "Cowh. I'd .like to try nut for llir Olympic IiIkIi Ji"I ti'imi!" f?ME)0C3 Knappa DH o Iq) Field Jelled LI.OVII I'KTKIIH" kimicI letter ft! Mm. 4 nlllilllll have brrll answered brliire thin, III n ilruillltie rush. 1 fmmit l' check tlm rei-inl cliwly mid made the rrrunruUH Miilemenl Unit Kluni- aih County hud not b i-prcM-nt- rd 111 the CIiikh 11 Hlule Ilii.ikrtlmll Tournament lor M yearn. CblliKiiln will ri line Ifiim to the HIu Hliow in ItHI- the year Unit Tourney Tips Off Thursday liy Tlif AmariBira rrr The lineup for the Ornnon Claas II hlih ni'hnnl hankntunll tourna ment wiin compl'iled 'I'upBdiiy nlht wneii Kiiuppu cnura wosipurv, ii VI, for the lilslrlct 1 cliiimploiinhlp. Tim eltrlit.teiirtl tntirneV UptS under wiiy Thursriiiv. el Willamette university in mucin, Hern 1m tlm fli-wl round Hrhedlllr I'nworH vn Knuur River. 2:31) p.m.; Wiillown V. Miiplrton, 3:4ft pin.: rccho vn. Sublimity, 7:30 pin.; mid Knappa vn. Culver, 8:4ft pin. C'niwnlullon pIhv beiilns Friday, mid I he keriilfinuln are scheduled VhIiI..ii ..I..I.I The clmmplnnslilp (cam will be plnyed Hnturdny nlKht. Vikings, Rams In By JIM COUK j AiKHM-iatrd lrrss KporU Writer f..lllr,,l rnllw.ll. f Unrflufirl lxwA Kimdv Miller, who Mill pcrlornm Siileni clinched bertlut TueMlnv lor the Clillitilu 'liiwiiles In the mulil in the Oreuon Class A hlKh Kluiiinlh Hiimii Independent leimue, j sc hool hiinketbnll tournament at took over the renin ol the club In'Kmtniie March 18-22. inld-wiinon. I 'Hint lenves only three vacant 'Hint year the Panthers won 24 j places m the lO leiun tourney line tiultihl mimes. Iiu Imlihn two in it up. The.ie will be filled before the row over Itnitue Hlver In Hie din- Iweek ends. tin t plny-olln Hut Ihe In kle Into Central Catholic, ranked an the of bracket!!!!! put ChUmpim ukmuM 'siuicx lop prep teiun nearly all JleiiAallt Hill In the openillK name. Kenton In the Annoclnted Press poll. I'Icniiniil Hill won und went on ' downed Orenhain. 61-38. to nuln the to cop the Male title. I Ulrrlrl 13 title. All-Staler Bob Thm was the year Chlloquln's I Alleuholen. with 17 polntn. led the (nihil llannlmin wiw named on the j Kama to their 24lh victory In lb AII'HtnU? second team. '(tames. Thev will meet The Dalles Uuylor Hatcher, one nf n funic in the tournev'i opening round, line of lllu.ilrious Haleber brother.. SM.I-.M WINS who null plays for the ChlloiUln fj.ilem, rated No. 8. swamped town team. wa also a member of piayton. BJ-27. for the District II thai team. jlltle. Balem will claim with Lincoln, 'the Portland League co-chamnlon A HNTIC Kt'SM that hnan't even land rnnked No. 3. In the first been aumr.il yet la cauilne the bid- round. 7et fu".re nlnee Uie second Demp- Vale prolong the Eastern Ore Vu'iinev ahlndm. DW 1 P vo,f by ry.Ma,U,ewA natural. ..Ill In the tc-ma play "-Wrt mK I. ON THE AM Hlf.l.,V Mllltfl Marclano. the Broikton, Mesa., Belter, la (tood. one of. the be.it wliiRlnK for awag In the heavy weluhl dlvtalim. Hul ll'a alao true that he (tinned hln repulallim by coolliiK a Joe Loula that waim'l even a ahcll ol Uie Brown llmnber In hla prime. He' a rouKh. lounh, briiwllnit lypc lluhler who Itoen In awiiwlnil wtih little Uioiiubt to whether he Beta hit or not. He'll take the av enm flchter wlUi little trouble will! hl bnrrel-hnune lactlea. Hut Matthewa lan'l n averaRB flKjtter. tV my opmlort' Marclano ii made lo order lor the Kid. Judmnit by the way tht boxing bunlnetui l operated now. If not at all certain the two bny 'will ever be Binned lor a UkIU. Mill I'll make an early predlo II thev rto fight, my choice la Matthewa by a knockout Home- where beiorn uie sixin roiuni here beiorn uie aixui roiuin U-hamnlon t v,i. i iff i.n'i nut on. box ng cnampion. promoiera win e iniifmn wic -office hit ol Uie year. When fnna on the street, on eof- i Cy.JJJki Irr hnnn. aaloons and over a lame mh '. nf ninnehle Htiirl arguing In icm- I r. phatlc tones about a light that lan'l even closed yet, brother, you've got a natural. I , I've aald before that the only logical move would be to give the Marclnno-Mntthewa fight winner a ahot at the winner of the Jersey Jne Walcott-Ei.ard Charles title fight. ,' ' l Hut fight promoiera In genet-Bland the 1BC In particular have nut been acc uned recently of fol lowing a logical pallem. Harry Oravson. NKA sports edi tor. Is so right every lime he has snld and he's said It with mono tonous regularity that the ring biz la being run backwards. Baker. The winner will meet Mil wnukle in the opening rouno. l-. .na AllmlnnteH from the District play-off, which It had been lavored to win. wnen u mm ii- ihirH Nniim nf th season and second of the play-off to Junction Citv. 61 40 NKKf) REPEAT I1.I...V.IH, tflok nf Vncren can ...i ivM riKtriet title Wednesday night bv repealing a earner pihv nil ii .mru nvpr jmieiiuii ijiiv Another came will be piaveo m,..rf..,i nlnht If Junction CltV wins. The plnv-off victor will meet Corva la In Uie first rouna ai r-u nA.A turn llnrh thp Central Orron District 3 title by defeat Inn Hrnd Friday nmm. n nmu ..... in DntiirHn v nlLrnt ' HKi Ef.ee Klamath Falls In the onenlng tournev rouna. m.- i....Bn.n. i r i mii 1 1 ii'.-. I nr nun imni- r..-- - - ft-" nl"ht. w'" Astoria piaving HllKboro and McMlnnvllle meeting Cleveland, the peruana ucague c OVI ItHANI) Oftl.ANDO, Kin., Hll Hudson, the Washington pitcher who awlUih ed lo side-arm and underhand ul,..,lij In 'Inference to a JUll'e Brill. titrn the overhand riiute agnln.it .lie Boston lUrd Hox inuiaiiny, Hudson, counted on heavily lal yenr, won only five games alter Ills arm went bud. HIUT OUT ' BT. PETKKUBUltO. Fla. ih Alter knocking off the Boston Braves twice, the Bt. Louis Car dinals take a crnck at Ue BosUjn lied Box at Baiawila Wednesday. Behind the smooth two hll pitch ing ol Wlimer I Vinegar Bend i Ml 7.ell Kurt Krleger and Wlllard Hilimldl, the Cards shut out the Braves, 3-0. Tuesday. HACK TO WOltK WEBT PALM BKACH, Fla. i uun.i.i..Vila Alhletlen nut their l lie riiiiuui..,i." - -- .j baseball noses back lo the grind stone Wednesday alter a 24-hour vacation from Grapefruit League competition and spring training. The A a, vicionuun u. three exhibition contests to date k..nl. ullh the World Champion New York Yankees here Thursday. I.OOKH CiOOO ., .lowiTrn pia. ur Day by day Smoky Burgesa Is nailing down Uie Job as number one catch er for the Phliaaeinina Obtained from the Cincinnati Reds In an off-season trade, Bur gess has shown MnnBgcr Eddie S . ' .u.. i,. eon throw, run sawyer uifc it - and knows how to handle pitchers. And Tuesday he snowea he can poke a long ball. '8PPed. the second offering of Righthander Ed Cereghlno over Uie centerlleid wall to give the j-niines a iu. a 10-lnnlng. 3-2 victory over the New York Yankees Junior varsity. n f -MORH BRADENTON. Fla. W The u'. .mn mt Cincinnati s rani wvumn . training site at Tampa Tuesday ao Uie trade rumors nmi "i with Pitcher Kenny Raffensberger and Outfielder Dick Blsler Uie names most often mentioned Redleg Manager Oabe Paul de nies there Is any deal perk ng, but the clubs need for a ll,ln"..0"t; fielder and an experienced Inflelde' is evident. Brooklyn reportedly interested In Ralfy, while the St Louis Cardinals are aald to have been Inquiring about Slsler. GI.OOMY SAN FRANCISCO (Pr-Telegrams of gloom are plaguing Manager Tommy Heath M ha preps his Jan Francisco Seals for their Friday night exhibition against the Cleve land Indians. One told ace rookie hurler. Ken ny Wright. 20. of his Initial draft notice. However. Heath plans to use Wright against Cleveland. Another wire said shortstop Jack Baumer ss house hunting In Tul sa but would be along soon. ! ,' gtp bup, tfotn sorrow -w : SAUEHALASIE LITTLE BEAVER r nVXi ff -' 1 ID CI. al ILMM NAIB Scoring Mark Tied by E. Illinois Dayton Upsets St. Louis NEW YORK. P) The University of Dnyton basketball team, which had Its first fling at the "big time" in the finals or the National in vitation Tournament last year, wanted to meet highly-rated Bt. Louis this year Just as a measure of satisfaction. Dayton got its wish Tuesday night and the result was satisfac tory not only to the Dayton players but to a majority of the 14.112 spectators In Madison Square oar-den. Sparked by Tall Don Melneke and cnunny Leiana uuniori nor rl. the Flyers whipped Bt.Louis the second-seeded team in the tournament, 68-58. Topseeded Du qucsne performed about as expect, ed. Holy Cross eliminated Seattle University Monday night. As a result, Dayton will encoun ter 8t.Bonaventure and Duquesne will meet LaSalle in the semi-final games Thursday night. OSBA Names Arlen Sanders KFJI's Arlen Sanders was one of four sportscasters named by Uie Oregon Slate Broadcasters Assoc. to handle tne uiass a rugn scnooi basketball tournament In Eugene Mar. 18-22. ' Others named by the OSBA were Ned Llebman, KSRV, Ontario; Ted Smith. KWRC. Pendleton, and Ha Byer, KWIL, Albany. Sanders will not work any games involving Uie Klamath Falls Peli cans, according to Oregon School Activities Assoc. rules forbidding a sportsca-ster to air any game in which the team from his home town is involved. KANSAS CITY. lP Two of the stronger darkhorse entries, James Mllllkln of Decatur, 111., and Whlt worth College of Spokane, opened second round firing In Uie 14th Na tional Intercollegiate Baskctbnll tournament Wednesday. Portland University and Mem phis State also were billed for a day game while Montana State, tne third Paciiio Northwest entry, was paired against topseeded Ham- line, tne aetenaing champion, Wednesday night. All survived first round play Monday In almost routine fashion. However, the manner in which some teams got through the first round wlndup Tuesday bordered on the sensational. New Mexico A&M, for example. hit 58.2 per cent of Its shots In eliminating Mississippi Southern 86-70. And at Uie same time the Southerners In losing averaged 47.7 per cent, good enough to win al most any game The Eastern Illinois Panthers of Charleston tied the tournament one team scoring record by beating Huron (S.D..) College, 113-78. Mar shall College of Huntington, W. Va. set Uie old mark in beating River f ans, wis., 113-bu, diu-k in ltMi. The Utah Stnte Aggies handed Clarion (Pa., State its first loss of the season, 8S-68: Lawrence Tech of Detroit walloped Washburn Uni versity of Topeka. UJ-tiu, and un beaten 8outhwcst Texas Stat of San Marcos outclnssed Arkmuaa Tech of Russellvllle, 97-63, Reames Holds First Tourney Qualifying rounds' for Reames Country Club's first tournament of the year, the spring beat ball tour ney, open Saturday. Pro Earl Schnelter announced yesterday, After qualifying rounds, the golf ers are paired according to high and low scores. The tourrdV, match play, runs through Apr. 9. Mills Best In Gift Department Cnl Bonncv's Mills cagers ' won the free throw contest that preced ed the opening ol the Clnss B and Clnss A grndc school basketball tourneys. ' ' , Bonney's A-l hoopstcrs threw In 27 of 60 and the B-2 players 10 nf an ia. - tnlnl nf 4ft auecnsnflll attempts to edge out second-place , i, ...hi. jj Illiusuveib wiui it. The others finished In this order: niversldo 43, Pellcnn 38, Fnlrvlew 31, Jim Pnlmer's Mills team 31. Fremont 30 and Conger 23. CAGE SCORES COMMERCIAL LtAr.t r Tel. ma .W3 ,7S AM All .IBS NMtillt Ornf SJ M I-. Johnton lru. " OriMprh Faeully ---IS litut Tomlt . JS Ahlc.v Chevrolet M liaralioo Kleelrlr M l.ftftl HIM MtBHUH Ni-itiltt 3 CirtMK 1 riaraboo 3 Orelec-h 1 ... .,i-Atlley polpond. The cellaring Baraboo Electric iIia nmlnrllv nf honors In a 3-1 win over Oretech Faculty 111 uouillicrcini XyCBKUC uvnima miv last week.' The Baraboos rolled the high tram giimc and scries, 886 and 2855, while Chrlstensen notched the high scries, 572. The single-game high went to Clcvc Bennett, Oretech, with a 218. SHUFF STUFF Splits were the order of Uie night in the city shuffleboard league last night. Mecca and Bill's Place split, 2-2. So did Tat's and Roundup. The OCIlllSS-VVUl-UB IIIHWII, HtllCUUIVU tnnieht. has been set back to Fri day night. Exhibition Baseball By The Associated Pres Tuesday's Results New York (A) 7 Boston (A) g Chicago (At 7 St. Louis (A) I St. Louis (N) 3 Boston (N) 0 Pittsburgh (N) 4 Seattle (PCM Last Pitch IRISH JACKIE FUZZY CUPID Midgets Show Tonite College Basketball By The Associated Press NIT Tourney (Quarter-finals) Davton 68 St. Louis 51 Duquesne 78 Holy Cross 68 NAIB Tourney firiral Round t Southwest Texas 97 Arkansas Tech 63 1 .wrana Teeh 07 Washburn 80 West Texas 88 West Liberty (W.Va) 68 Eastern Illinois 113 Huron IS. D.) 78' Memphis State 60 Baltimore Unlv to nmh dial- sc. mnrlnn fPa I KR New Mexico A&M 86 Miss Southern 70 Morningside 84 Pepperdlne 80 HIGH SCHOOL By ' The Associated Press Class A Tournaments Tilatrlet 1 Vale 44. La urnnde 42 District JuncUon City 61, Eugene 48 (Eu gene eliminated i District 11 (Champlonahlp) Salem 62, Stayton 27 'District 13 irL.l..l.lKl 1 VlllllJiwHnilif t Central Catholic 61, Qresham 31 fjiass n tournament District 1 (Championship) Knappa 44, Westport 42 Four wrestling midgets supply the entertainment, Georges Dusette and Kurt von roppcnneim tne knuckles on tonight's outstanding wrestling card at the armory. The cromJ-pleasing midget match pairs Salle Halnsle and Little Beaver against ruzzy iupm ana Irish Jackie. The tag tiff a one-fall affair goes between the opener and Uie main event, both one-hour scuffles. The main go sends Georges Du- sett. Mr. Full Nelson, against Kurt Von Poppenheim, the arro gant Prussian sadist. Jack Brltlon and Eric (The Great) Pedersen tangle In the 8:30 opener. Brltton Is a pleasing performer who has shown here before. Peder- sen. Uie Scandanavian star. Is a I promising newcomer to Northwest imat circles. . , The Dusette-von roppenneim match shows signs of turning Into a Pier 6 brawl. It's a grudge bout growing out of last week's tag team row insv saw mc win; brothers tame Von Poppenheim and Yorg Cretorian. Dusette, as referee, interfered to turn the tide of battle toward the Russians. The German wants Dusette s scalp. . The midgets never fail to pro vide howls for the fans. The armory box-office opens 7:30 p.m. 1 ' "J i lost like the tiVJfl UL UM5 ! fcnfoy this GEEAT STRAIGHT BOURBON few-1 $4' T S I V PSryWj "The Bourbon Bay -. -OLD TIME QUALITY! Everyone like to blow hlf own horn once in a while. 'And a man couldn't have a bet ter reaion, when he aervea drinks made with Century Club. Men Don Gloves For Unique Tilt The Oregon Woolies. girls citv basketball champions, are favored to beat Hilltop Cafe, men's city runners-up. tonight at 7:30 on Mills grade school floor. Don't rush to get the odds. The Hilltoppers will be wear ing boxing gloves. Girls rules will be played. WTLLITS. Calif. Wl Peter G, Daglia, 45, former Pacific Coast and Major League pitcher, died Tuesday of a heart attack. Daglia played with Oakland in the late twenties and went to the Chicago White Sox In 1932. He also played with San Francisco in 1936 and 1937. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Vancouver 4 Victoria 2 New Westminster 1 Edmonton 0 shaped for you . . .forever ( LEE TRINITY That natural look, strictly American and important this year, is handsomely interpreted in the flowing masculine grace of our Trinity by Lee. Of finest fur felt, it's pre-shaped for perfect crease forever by an . . exclusive Lee process. Arider-treated for trae water-repellency. $IQ Other Hot Style from 7.50 to 15.00 i t L. I MfihdA V MIA LMUIS r STORE FR MEH 820 Main Phone 677t Sale Prices Effective Thru Saturi i fssHT"" "f ....JjX A "Job-Fated" truck haul your loads economically, quickly, dependably because vt provides the right load carrying and load-moving units needed for your job. Why not join the thousands of truck owners who sowr every day the "Job-Rated" way? See u today for a Dodge "Job-Rated" truck one that's engineered at the factory for your kind of work. Prompt delivery. sy o buy! Wsfr us foeteyf ODD GEMM TRUCKS DUG AN and MEST 522 So. 6th St. - Phone 8101 WMiShT B0utBSMISKWw- U MOOFaWIMATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, NEW YORK, H.Y. M TOa i a, II II Vf Fxhraf f I g, ip (I " : $1645 t Hot Fwhral . . - ' ?V5ft ' C" ChmolsiSMns Cleaner Glaz ( lots for Otty-t v!2. 79c ' i Prices Slashed On AW Sizes! Four wen known brands lo choose from. Nw stock ond ofl FIRSTS backed by our double guoronte. Get top quality of nw low sal prtce. CREST "TRAVELER" 6.00x16 A terrific bargain. The "Traveler" is backed by a 9 monrh guarantee against all rood hazards plus a lifetime guarantee ogainst defects in ntateriati and workmanship. CREST "DELUXE" 6.00x16 A husky, tufl size kVe wWi heavy duty lion-skid 100 COLO RUBBER tread. CarriM 15-to. gwaronr . CREST 'MULTI-GRIP 6.50x15 Backed by an ironclad guarantee of 25,000 miles or 25 months agointt oil road hazards and against any flaw m materials or workmanship. Crest'Cushion Ride' 6.40x15 The lire that cushions the ride over rough, bumpy roads. You eont buy a better tire. Backed by an ', ironglod guarantee of 25,000 mile or 25 month. jV WHEEL SPINNER . Reg. 45c Standard size with smalt bo far easy cramping of steering wheel. C WHEEL COVER.. Reg. 3?c Sure-grip shirred surfoce. Comfort- able to the hand. afi C FLOOR MAT.;. Reg. $3.87 For Chevrolet 1940-48. Heavy rubber with for) back. 79c MONTI1IT" PLASTIC COVERS anil 1 WglMat . oxXtW Art HMttwr Ma, Salid Bock COUPE IAij lUg. $11.45 7 , SpMtlerk C00PI $llSt Reg. $14.45 II tfl.fcrt a I nil ISM tama nttalled FREE Softl far Ony ttr Soft, pfiobk 15"xI0 MW.d ahamoil, e vahio, and 17c Dupowt Ctltulow oono. rlnt coa of Vorcoe Cloanar-Pollik ond a pint eoa ol Ant. dan. Boot IVw (ob. 11th and MAIN in KLAMATH FALLS '! i i i i i '.-mrJ"al-4n'-J'4(l I