WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12. 11)52 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE F.LEfclfo 7(18.000 IIIH.OIM (11)0,000 State of Basin Report Shows '51 Farm Trends In 111 minimi "Nlulr tit Ilia Huln" rrpiirl, Klainalh ('ouiily Agrnl I'. A. HiMitlrrsiin miiiiiiinrril llir following llturra for MM's airlrultural Inriiine as rsllinalrtl by lilt offlre for In flasln a whole! I.IVKb KK K tilirrp JIUIIIO rwrs .. Wool, 'JiM.tmfl pimmls Lambs, tfl,U0il ill 7du llrrf Cntlle, 0B.OII0 head 7,405,000 i Hit Irs I fl.&IJI) rims ill 1M 1,4:10,000 I MM nilvrs m IHIl 2 1 11.000 TM) lirlfrm lit $'.'no i:i.(KH) fm almn nl $300 : 3.BOO.0OO li.vio rum atrwa nl $a,'i0 hi.' W00 trrtli-ri lit $300 400.000 Dairy 4100 lows 1,010,260 iHiiIno 4I',H.000 llm. hiiltrrfnt ill $1 50 iilO.UOO llm. Iiiillnliit lit $ .05 1W.000 IIm. Iiiillerfiil lit $ 05 lla 1 100 lll'IKHl SOWS . iHnlrnl 7500 mnikrl houj at $42 Poultry Bonanza Girl Vins State Breed Award A M-linlnrshln to Hip 1052 num- inpr arliool lit (Jrcuon Mule rolli'iie linn Ijppii won bv Miirliiiiiui lMli,c hum, 10, it nionivr of Ihc Hnuth Hiimilia "Triple li" 411 club til MinRlix.u. Thin Id the Hulewiiy Htoi'pi' ewnrd for the tup livestock brcrillnii project In Ihc county, uii liminces Harold Howlies, niiiiuiKPr of the South 8lxtli Hired Hiifewny nlnrp, and county extension iiiient FriinclH 8klnncr. Miirlnnnii him hern 11 beef club rnPinbpr fm' plKbt years. In Hiphp yciii.H nbi! Iiiik built u herd of clKht ii'KiKtcri'U hrrploro cultlc. lli-r club leader In John lfeydcn, 720,000 1110.000 100,250 : 15.000 316.000 who linn led the Bonanza "Triple II" bepf club for seven years. .ylHiliiiinu la the dnuxhlcr of Mr. mill Mm, John Helleksou of Lunncll Vallpy. Hlmlliir award! were made In 20 counties to 17 Klrla and 12 boya. Last yenr the boys led the Klrla, 21 to cl(llt. Walter Prlcluird Jr., 10, Bend, won the $100 college scholarrhlp the 4-ll'cr who linn the beat llve ntiKk breedliiK project In the atate. Only club mcmbera who have won the auinmer achool scholarship in a prevloua year are eligible for thin atate award. Youna rrlohnrd'n forreillnir pro ject Include: four Ouernaey females a rciditered produclim cow and three ycnrllliK hellern, and a pure bred Hpolleu Polnnd China now. 'I ho dairy onlinuls arc bred through the Deschutes county dairy hrMH,.M nKMne.lntlon. I Walter rcnta 2'-, acren of pasture i labor, and ralnen oatn and alfalfa. I Hn nayn that 4-H dairy, pin and crop protects are natural combin ation: The skim milk Is fed to the plK and the hay and luand feed from his father In exchange for the diary animals and the pig, , Ilia ambition Is to becotnc a dairy farmer after studying ari culture at Oregon State College. ftunners-up for the state award were Jlobert Barnes, Monroe, and Larry E. Kaneberg, Wasco. Winners of the county awards are: Baker, Avon Love: Benton, MarJorJe Parsons; Clackamas. Law rence Barney; C'laUop, Jerry Hhreve; Columbia, Kenny Gregory; Coos, Lynn Rood; Crook, Betty I-ou Michel; Curry, Gordon Britton; Glllliim, Jay Wheclhouse; Grant, Prances Deardorff: Herney, Donald Rlchey; Hood River, John Meyle; Josephine, Kathleen McGregor; Klamath, Marlanna Hellekson: Lane Terrell McKenzie; Lincoln. Donna Kennl; Linn, Betty Stellmacher: .110 110.000 hrns iHlllPM 1.200.000 do., egg nl. $ 200,000 fryers at $1 05 60.000 hrm at $1.40 40,000 turkey at $7.00 , Other livestock been. fun. hon,e, rabbits: .... Total for llvrslmk III5I- KAI1M CltOPH Hay Total Alfalfa; 24 W.I aires; 03.007 tons at 2c Grain: 14.000 nirrn; 2R.200 tons at 20c (iniM, ilover; 610(1 arren; 10.000 tons at 24c .. Ureas; 17,000 cre; 21.700 tons at 22c ('rain Total ' Hurley: BH.'-'KI ears; 4.1183.580 bu. at $1 67 Oatn; 27.081 acre; 08U.4U bu. at $1.00 ltyr; 10.042 acres: 117.805 bu. at $140 Wheal: 14.1140 acre; 240.383 bu. at $2.10 tired Craps Total - Alulln; 60 acrri; 4000 lbs. at 45c (Mover; 11.000 acres; 6.471,000 lbs. at 41c Peas; 100 ai-rps; 130,000 lbs. at 6c Unas; 2820 acres; 471.000 lbs Held Crops Total . Potatoes; 15.445 acres; 0,1160.070 bu. at $180 Onions; 3'Jtl acres; 114,500 cwl. at $175 Heels; 25 acres; 375 torn l $14 00 trulls and Vrfclalilrs 1000 acres Total for Field Crops ....1 Total for Livestock Total for Uusln, 1061 Langlois Cow Sets Record LANOLOIH. Ore. I Opal Crys tal ljly. lo-year-old Jersey, set another all-breed butterlat produc tion record In the year which ended March 8. Kloyil B. Wolberu ol Oregon Bute College reported Tues day. The old cow, past what generally l 1'on.iidcred record selling years. In Ihc 13 months produced 1,078 pound 01 butlerliit In 20.278 pounds' of milk, her fourth consecutive 305 uuy luctiition yielding over l.ouO pound.'.. Average production nf dairy cows In lilt country Is 210 pounds of butterlat In 6.2D2 pounds ul tnllk annually, stale college records show, show. Wolberj said that Opal already was the only cow of any breed 10 complete three 1.000 pours! lacta tions. With four, her record should stand for ycurs, he said Wolbcrg Is head of the stale's official test ing program. Opal is owned by Ralph E. Cope. 20. lormer 4-11 club member, Cope ! got Opal irom his father who I bought her as heifer along with ; six others lor $125. I 1.280.000 720,000 210.000 70,000 280,000 .. . 180.000 $11,021,250 $3.1187.278 2.005.870 604.000 240.000 477.400 $0,019,430 , 7.363.220 I UB .4 II ! 171.005 604,804 $2,018,j0 1,800 .. ... 2.243.350 0.500 307.000 $12,718,108 12,511,7411 ; 100.200 1 6.250 $ 200.000 26.441. 5IB Z2" 11.024.250 37,405,708 1 Union Names 'Cattleman' LA GRANDE Ws Clyde McKen He, eunimcrvllle, Is Union County cattleman of the year, named by the Union County Livestock Associ ation at Its annual meeting at Is land City. McKenzle farms 700 acres of valley land and raises purebred llerefords. McKcnr.le started rafslnR Ilere iords In 1012, and began breeding purebrcds In 1020 when he bought two cows from VanBlokland Bros, of Island City, who owned the first registered herefords In Union Coup- - I.K.ATIIP.R CARE I Leather furniture, table tops and car upholstery need care to pre vent their drying out or soiling and wearing. Use t leather condi tioner occasionally. Wipe on with soli cloth, dry, then polish. it WOOD l l.OOIl ItF.l INISIIINC. I Use a commercial floor cleaner or solvent cleaner to take olf floor wax that Is dull or marred before an application of new wax. A bit of ateel wool. . .rubbed with grain of wood. . , scrapes off stubborn i,pot.i. Bulling, alter applying o new! cont ol liquid polishing or paste wax, hardens the waxed surface to repel dirt and grime as well as develop the gloss. I Your wrist watch should have 11 professional cleaning by a Jeweler nl least once a year. Esrre Work MJ Eaiy Kent A TTriwaitra AnniNO MACHINE ElMlrlo r Hb aitBlb'i raUI It sppllfi la thf pHrchsit price. Villi's Pioneer Office Supply fREEl Every Stop In Brooding Chicks, 8 pogoi of helpful hints and injlroctioni on Iht luccsuful development of high producing pulleli. Ask for your copy when you get your chicks. '".". When you pick up your free chicks, you'll find us able to supply feeders, wnterers unci Albcrs Quality Controlled feeds at reasonable coat. Wo also have Albera free poultry management folders to help you do a more successful joo of poultry raising. 10 Leghorn Cockorcjs To Each Adult Bcqinning At 9 o'clock . Saturday, March 15th -dm' idJWS.'&vip'iJl Standard Feed ' Store 2720 So. 6th Phone 8300 Don't Wait!! Let OGW Put Your Tractor and Implements In Good REPAIR NOW! We service all mokci - All Work Guorontecd Lott of Shop Room - Complete Facilities OGW FARM SUPPLY Your Money-Harris Dealer 3049 So. 6th Phone 8144 SUTLER Steel Building A Product of Butler Manufacturing Company Straight Sidewal Is . . . USE ALL THE SPACE YOU PAY FOR HEAT0N MACHINE and SUPPLY Phone 6691 428 Spring St. Your Malin Dealer for CROWN FEEDS MALIN GRAIN AND FEED Phone 555 Malin Start Your Calves on Your young calves will thrive on Crown Calf Meal or Crown "Komprest" Calf Meal. Both feeds are designed as milk substitutes to replace whole milk as a calf needs coarser rations. LABORATORY TESTED... FARM PROVEN Crown Calf Meal is a starter feed which will partially replace whole milk during the first four weeks; After four weeks, it will completely replace whole milk. Superior in every respect, Crown Calf Meal is highly palatable and easily digested by any animal includ ing poultry. Protein 24 ; fat 5; fiber 6; ash 7. Ask Your Deafer Today for CROWN CALF MEAL Your Local Dealer For CROWN FEEDS OREG., LTD. 734 South 6th ' Phone 4197 Klamath Falls, Oregon ' Mnllitur, Anne Simpson; Morrow, Ronald Currln; Multnomah, Edwin Frank; Polk, Belly Ann Cllne; Mlicrrnnh, Sally Field; Tillamook, Kernndliie Bwker: Umatilla, Pat ricia McConnell; Union. Reva Mo dure; Wallowa, Diane Hhafer; Wasco, Phyllis Tldwell; Washing- People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! CAR STRING CLEANING There are cans of special clean ers and waxes to protect and brlnhu en car paint, For the car Interior, ton, Wilbur Zuver; Yamhill, Frank Maynard. NG ill ; c ClwMein Jgl ' C Something differ- KSSO V oodl Quick U) ft V lowincast.ftrrv.on.of J jfnr V th.nnChaBKiBfOn- i C lmtJtood.umiihti j qnem Welcome h menu change! i I Prefer Mrs. Stewart's Bluing For Best Results I Sayj Mri. William Harding, 3312 S.W. Spring Garden St., Portland, Oregon. "I have been an ardent user of Mrs. Stewart'. Bluing for years and am very pleased with the results. I'm especially pleased at how well Mrs. Stewart's keeps the baby's things white!'.' Mrs. Stewart's Bluing a (sundry necessity for really white clothes use it in either an automatic or regular washer. It's m economical . . ; less than a penny a wash! A bottle, too, in your bathroom keeps your "hand-washablas'' sparkling. ' ' Compare Mrs. Stewart's with any kind of bluing at any price. Like Mrs. Hard ing, you II find it does the beil job for the least cost! Get it at your grocery store. j Rainy spring weather j is strictly 4 for ft the ' birds. and J not f the i ones J in i the? poultry yard. Dampness often brings l on intestinal . 'coccidiosis, which t , . i ... can piay necK'wun a chicken's insides.l Vrri thankful we have Dr.' j Salsbury's Sulfa (Vet-j ! e r i n a r y) a r o u n d i ', ' Sulfa clears-up intes-. tinal'coxyfast! wWn'ou ntei eoultrij medic mat jsk for..f , Oregon . State Hatchery ?720 So. 6th Ph. 095 'J cre'am' wkx tmprovej the kiktstar ence o the dashboard and IJhlnt fittings. And' use" whisk aWom to ftct under plent.i In tin MioU stery eliige si collection . of Jju tends to wear1 away uphQery threads. , . r t3 . ONLY $1,615001 SEE ALL YOU GET in a... For LESS than Any Other ? leading 2-Plow Tractor! Low First Cost low Operating Cost Good Service Everywfcfr Forts Awoys Available Modern Design and Engineering Quality Clear Through Top Value At Traa4n Wm, KLAMATH TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT CO. 5616 So. 6th Ph. 8801 . lisimim ..ii 1 iTlsM ll IF FARM LQAIIS HmmOSIc. . Ntwrt, N. I. I If your. thinklBf sboit a farss kua, DON'T OVERLOOK THE LMAOKUl T)u PradQtUI Iasnn Conaaay t America la Ik matin's leadinf taaanuic wnpanr tana' i trader. Then But be a liw and tkera tal b tsrai Iradbs. PRUDENTIAL MEANS PRO-l TECTION! Protections Kka Fair Assnkak, Pair Tmtneat, Pees, Slock, or Comailasisaar low Kate, Loaf Tetss (La to 40 Years) tVeaaraMat PriTiiriM. Billd ProKttloa kit roar farm laancmg scofram wHk PradenttsI a farm lender siac 199S-T farm kwa kader todsf. for further Informal ion. Call, Wrllt or 8m Howard Barnhisel Agency J-. ' AtMhorlud Morlga ft loan Solicitor for ' THI PKUDKNTIAL D.8CRANCB CO MP ANT OF AM1HICA j Klamath, Lake, Modoc end Siskiyou Counties Simplot Soilbyildeirs Can Take Care Of Your Fertilizer And Chemical Needs For POTATOES ...... GRAIN CLOVER ...... ALFALFA PASTURES ; HEMQAIL iO IV, 24D Soil Sterilant, Dusi ancl Sprays For - -- CLOVER ----- POTATOES -.'!, ' ' H.I CATTLE SPRAYS For All Your Chemieal Nceds.. J. i l; See Your Simplot Dealers Ji Simplo'll: SoDlbyildeirs 1 2052 Washburn Way Phone 2-1438