PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 12, TfM2 ' ' Service Clubs Get Behind Drive For "Y" Equipment MRS. HAGAN A. MOORE ."(above) has been elected fTA County Council presi S ?-tent to succeed Mrs. Dale J "Baxter. Other new officers "to be installed in May are: I Mrs. Curtis Stockstill, vice I president; Mrs. John Baker, secretary; and Mrs. Jerry. 5 -4Jlson, treasurer. ' - Announcer Signed For Big Roudup Service clubs of Klnmnlh Fulls lire showing unprecedented unity in project to buy equipment lor the YMCA youth center. Much has been written (bout the need of the youth of our community for ft rec reation center. Any rccrentlon cen ter should have:.l. building; 2. supervlson; and 3. equipment. The local "Y" has both the building and supervision, but needs equipment. Equipment needed in cludes squash bail equipment, box ing gloves and bags, medicine balls, chest pulley weights, hori zontal bars, wrestling and tumb ling mats, game standards, row ing machines, bicycle trainers, phonograph and radio, moving pic ture equipment, shufflcboard ta bles, baskets and lockers. More expensive equipment needed in cludes a Craft and Hobby Shop price-tagged at $5,000 and Snack Bar and Kitchen at 12. 000. Oene Woods. Chairman of the Program Committee of the "Y" has been actively engaged in con tacting the various service clubs, telling them of this need for equip ment. The Uiought was, that if each service club in Klamath Falls would buy equipment to the amount of 5 per club member, several thousand dollars would be raised. Progress report shows: Toketee Lions Club: Agreed to donate S5 per member if enough other clubs participated to make it worth while. A project under consideration could raise several hundred dollars for the fund. Rotary Club: Started work im mediately, and already has a fund of $565 plus two items of equip ment donated, with drive contin uing. Kiwanis Club: Has committee ac tively at work and has promised $600 to $1,500 for the Equipment Fund. 20-30 Club: Has started a pro ject that should raise from $250 to $500 for the fund. Exchange Club: Definitely prom ised to do something. Committee actively at work on a ways and means. K.F. Lions Club: Has committee at work. Junior Chamber of Commerce. Recently gave a ping-pong tables to the "Y". Are considering ad ditional donations. Business & Professional Wom en: Are to consider the sublecl at regular meeting next Monday. Soroptlmists: Are to consider subject at regular meeting Thurs day. quota Club: Has' offered the balance in their community serv ice fund. New officers to consider Uie project after election. Venture Club. Has the project under consideration. It appears that already several thousand dollars have been raised or promised for this very worth while protect. Individual donors are reminded that donations for this purpose are deductible for In come tax. The "Y" is available to all per sons, regardless of race, creed or color. Dues are set at the very low figure of $3 a year for graoe school children, $5 a year for high school students. From 70 to 200 youngsters dally are using equip ment the "Y" now has. British Get Tax Boost LONDON Wl Britain raised Inxes and food prices and slashed imports anew Tuesday In an el tort to stem Inflation and head oil bankruptcy. A new excess profits tux of 30 per cent was ordered, retroactive to Jan. 1. The tax on gasoline went from 27 to 3a cents a gallon. Food sub sidies were slashed with the re sult that bread will go up 1 'a cents a loaf, nieut nearly 5 cents a pound and milk a cent a quart. The bank rule for loans was raised to 4 per cent in an ellort to i.;ake money dearer and thwart In flation. Last November the government bad raised the bank rate lor loans trom 2 to 3 l4 per cent. The ef fect Is to make money narder to tbtaln for enterprises that do not fall within government planning, Wlns'.on Churchill's chancellor ol the exchequer, R. A. Butler, an nounced these chanties In present ing a peacetime record budget ol $11. 872.000. 000. Butler told the House of Com mons Imports will be cut 100 mil lion pounds a year, making a total slash of 600 million since Churchill came to power last October. Truman Has Praise For Church Plan NEW YORK Iff" President Tru man says the inter-church "One Ureat Hour of Sharing" campaign this month will bring "material well bring and splrltiml comfort to the distressed people nt Korea, India, the Near East and Europe." The President Tuesday sent a message expressing appreciation In the 21 denominations which are conducting I ho appeal through ( KAHII KM, I.N 113 RIO HIS JANKIUO 111 A truck Church World Service, a part or the National Council of the Church es of Christ In the U.S.A. crowded Willi rnliw'tvt 'nun noi'Miniat ilnmuht collided with a bus near Tucano Wrdtft day killing 33 pciwins and IhJllllluf 4U olhci ii, press dlinlchc an Id. Construction In West Picks Up PORTLAND Construction nicked up In the west in February, the trade journal Western Build lng reported Tuesday. The gain was 13 per cent In the number of building permits issued in 283 western cities and counties, compared with February. 1951. For the 25 leading construction areas the gain was nearly 8 per cent in valuation over a year ago, and 36 per cent over January. Pet Lotran one of the country's top rodeo announcers, agreed over long distance phone late last night 1 to come here this year and handle the Klamath Basin Roundup, July 2, 3 and 4. A combination of good luck and quick acUon added up to obtaining 2 Logan. The announcer had written , .that he had recently bought a w home . in Medf ord and would "eensider working some shows close TeJ home. The Roundup Association directors, in session at the Millard -""Hotel last night, decided to phone Lozan then and there. Assoc. Pres. Bob Robblns got Lo- gan on the phone and quickly ce- mented the deal. Logan, a big name In the rodeo world, regularly handles announc- lng for the nation's biggest rodeos at Boston, Ttew York, Houston, San " Antonio and other points. . The Roundup Association, in a k long meeting last night, also closed several other deals and set tent. tive dates for some Roundup ; events. p Several applicants for feature spots on the rodeo program were considered. Two acts, both girl trick riders, were accepted. Addi " tional acts are to be contracted at the next directors' meeting. The two signed last night were Jackie Carstens, Roseburg, and Marg Thorn, Portland. The latter girl was featured In last year's show. J Candidates for queen of this year's Roundup may begin filing applications Apr. 15. Three signup points were designated: Charlie Read's Saddlery The Townshop T"ld Drew's Manstore. ""Tentative dates for the queen's horsemanship trials and the w Queen's Ball were set. The horse- -.. manship event was set lor June 15 " and the ball June 28. . " The new Roundup event inaugu JJ rated last year, the queen candi w dates' outing, was also discussed and several possible sites consid aered. Last year, the girls, their horses and a big party of Round-up officials and fans visited the Johnson Ranch south of Malta. m Several of last year's Roundup rm. princesses are expected to be queen ' candidates this year and last year's queen Marjorie Brown, is to have featured role. Next meeting of the Roundup di rectors is set for March 26, 7:30 -P. m. mm- . - - - I 2 By MARY EG AN 52 "We have a secret we won't tell" . are the words frequently uttered by the students of the journalism " class as they continue their mys " terlous actions in preparation for M something. But what is the some . thing?? - m ; The Magazine Drive for the "Chimes will come to a close Fri- dy morning. Although it can al ready be termed a success, the w students are going all out in these last few days to make it an even better success. , J 'The Madrigals thoroughly en mm Joyed their singing engagement for "last Friday night. After singing their songs, the girls were treated Tto milk shakes, sodas, and cokes , at Neal's Fountain. In appreciation for this courtesy the Madrigals say "Thank you I" M. - ' JJ Already it is time for those w dreaded third quarter exams. Al though the students will suffer this week, they will be rewarded next "week with Spring Vacation. Dalles Dam Rites Mark Work Start iv THE DALLES Wl Ceremonies, marking the beginning of construe lotion on The Dalles Dam, were held Cohere Wednesday. Among those invited to attend were Gov. Douglas McKay and Col. Thomas H. Lipscomb, Portland "" district engineer. 5 When completed the dam will nvtliave a generating capacity of m 1,092,000 kilowatts. ! aiitur how nnr rmllM ' trM for MfMnt of .fB, Porllo. T tnrMtlom, othlrte'i fool or "'"' and foot WONDER SALVE . - . . . i .. ,n,B a. kali. ,,L WUNUftK mooicoiew " - DovotojM-t 4,m a.. r . ! WONDKR SALVB to whlto. ""'"' anllnptlc No Ir opaororo. for rhlMron. Ofl WONDBR SALVE to WONDER SOAP rwollo or mf TOIOIiOM. tima Fold In Klamilh Fall! by Ptylew and waiar-tan Druo fitoroi: or your home k Ger o LOW COST LAND r rrsrs. PLANNED ESPECIALLY FOR FARMERS! Dividends to you ... as a member-borrower even further reduce the remarkably low inter est rate on your loan. Prompt service ... and NO red tape! Scz h. E. Hamaker Secretary-Treasurer National Farm Lean Assoc. Room, 10, Loom is Bldg. Telephone 6476 Correction . . . .' the USED CRAWLER TRACTOR TD-24..IHC.: : With logging cab, logging winch and angle dozer. Should Have Been Priced at $25,000 TD-6 - IHC - N.T. - R&G $3500 OREG., LTD. 734 South 6th Phone 4197 Klamath Falls, Oregon BUILD BETTER FOR LESS PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS oMIPROO YflMIN PtOO SiU MSUUTtNft ollAUTHHIl lASTTOIUllD COSTS YOU ISSS HEYTQN & r 038 MARKIT ST. mJ MM is AUCTIONEERING Sale Management end Ol iii.tlH..rlii. . . . nilHnf.. Mont, Crrtlflrd rrdUre Rrailer Sunrsjful Nalrs are tlie Result of Proprr Promollan, Management and Auollonrrrlin. Speeiallilnr In FARM. N'KKIIKMt I.IVK STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS. G. W. (Jerry) FALES, AI'CTIONHKR .VI04 Alva Klamath Falls IMi. ! 'i4.',J Frre Service on Cliurrh A llrnrflt Aui'tlom SEE 1952 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS PICK-UPS FARM TRUCKS LOGGERS From Vx Ton to 45 Ton Gas or Diesel JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 1 1th and Klamath Ph. 2-2581 , "IF YOU NEED A TRUCK, SEE JUCK" (fffflyitfT.sfjHryir PMORIOtUCIOUS MACARONI OVER Va OF A MILLION Tractors NOW RUNNING ON PROPANE "Also Known As L.P. Gat or Butane" Why? 12 30 90 50 More Power! ! Savings On Fuel!! Savings On Oil!! Savings On Maintenance!! We Specialize In Propane Equipment For Tractors . . . OPEN SATURDAY ... Ph. 2-2541 KLAMATH MoJ.ra Cat Appti.nca Moin Unit Rivtr Iridic flt'miK COMPANY Bill Steppe Mgr. Slor.f . Tanks f urniih.i' cut and wrap your beef and pork for your locker And we still euro your horns and bacon SMOKE HOUSE 427 Market A. G. "Butch" Zweigart Klamath Falls Phone 7060 NCiVandDmgnuJbr You A COMPLETE ELECTRIC SINK featuring Westinghouse X ,,.Wnil, v" oSSlSaBall U'. WmMiI The SKKT is In tht OM'OUT !! WILL RolU'Out to loodl Rolls Ifltk to Wash I The Wnah Well rolls out for eay, no-atoop loadin ... for greater capacity. Wain poll and pans with diaha or wash complete dinner service for 8 at one loading. The Wash Well is watertight, leak-proof. Jet spray washing and rinsing are thorough. Diahni dry in live, circulated, heated air. Top ia a full-time counter work surface. In Cabinet, Under-Counter and Electric Sink Models, latter with or without the Waite-Away Electrio Garbage Diaposer. SIMPLE TO INSTALL SAVE COST SEE NOW, a&iSida Appliances Corner 7th and Klamath Ph. 8886 you can of SURE., if m Wfotinghouse SAVE TIME & MANPOWER with the 2MhE1 ' I andJ WIRE vs. TWINE Baling with wire Costs less -Gives you heavy, firm bales Preserves food value better Gives you more saleable hay BYRON JOHNSON "Your Minneapolis-Moline Dealer" Mcrrill-Lakeview Junction Phone 9789 Malin Phone 309 THE VALUE TO TOP ALL VALUES ! 'UMPftfrniZ ft' ft :', ' xw i ink t Abu, (Mdimebill Suptr "8U' 4-lloor Atdan. A Utntral Afoforf i'rorfucf I HEW WMI'JR MMMHM ! NEW HYDRA-MATH SUPER DRIVE , HEW DM HYDRAULIC STEERIND ! Compare it frature for fratiirr, fant for fact. ' wilh any nar near iu caml OlflnmolHle alone , lin the "Koi'kel" ICnginc! 160 flaahine; home, power newQiiadri-Jel Carburetor new high lift valve! look over the Body liy Fisher, the ; l ; ling anil trim by Olilnmobile a perfect blenil. ling of roomy comfort anil smarlly tilurci Btyle! The "drive" in Olilomobile Hydra-Malic Super Drive quicker, imoothcr than ever this year with new "Super" Range. The ateering it new CM Hydraulic topi for iiafely, for handling eaiie! Compare Oldamnbile'a ilanhing new Super "88" with any car on the road. You'll di covcr you can't match it ... for VALUHI "ROCKET" llvdra-Afnttr Suptr Drhf tinrf 1,t llvthnnHr npttmuit ml lr rrttr. l.ijuijmmt. aeettiorhi. and trim ithtntrturd mhjnt to rinn tWrAotit natli, ' OLDSMOBILE SEI YOUR NIAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER DICK B. MILLER CO, 7th & Klamath "'town druislot.