Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, March 11, 1952, Page 9, Image 9

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1 952
"Howl 301 Kd ln I he pool for
(he player rriulrln' Hit noil
Kllti'tira In tonight' gmnr !"
IIONAN'.A linn liluli prulnn coin
Imk for the etroiiK but the Antler;,
iiiude In their quarrel with rumor
Hlver tor tho DM. & bi rth In the
Glaus U Btnte bunkclbull tourna
ment. Thla inuV full In the liofiMnor-
leiut (lepurlincnt, but Ilonanzai Lincoln not one tlrkl-pliice vole and
could well have been headinn lorlinouKh oilier point:, to become the
ttnlem today If the Antlers had No. 3 tnini,
eleeled In "lull the iuit minute of Owe more Mur hlleld was rated
Wtdnc.Uuy'a (amc, rather than run ti tbe best of the up.late hope
with the Chleltalna. ! fuK kcIIIiik the No. 4 position.
Here Kaa tho allualiun: . j followed by McMlnnvllle. La
. rtnuuei f..t Oraiitlc and Klamath Full.
Bonanx led tho ; Next mine tbe newcomer. Mil-
Willi something llae W wcond to;wuukl(. w,h ,UIll(w(, lnl0 the 0,
I .y' i ii. i. ii i.n,ni-' "Her earning n. slate tournament
bonanza hud l e i 11 '" ", berth bv d, "tvMnx Oreuon City.
capalie of controlling tho ball UeM.M orriion City ranked No. II In
real of tho wuy. liml ueck'n iioll
Bui II w a liun.e thul ""Vi lor '
''', ir, .n'r-i ,,'ivc' l"'""''' MUwnukie came Sulem
Couch Mlo Wh'W" aiU ' UV'.'H. Ihlx time In place of its
tune-or O.o op iorluiilt-lo iclaj, . .
tho freeze BWimi.
in lean time then It tiiken to tell1
auouv ii, iwkv-.v.,v. ..... 1
it - til.,.. i,,.,i iiaii Dm
.ouni to miiU mo liume .mo over-,. -A 1)C(l(lr(1
Ti lilMory row that the Jck,oi.
County champlotia won In overtime, l-jg. Mllwau-
o-4J. .... .liriM nli-iHiHu iu NMNiirrH ntrv.
Iloimnxa Lounctd Duck .he nxi i
niBhl to even lite aerlra Willi a bo t0
w in ail J inc
ball Ilk velerana 111 the waning
momenta of that contett.
lhlt liO l intended to be aecond
('je.winj. but aimllar Control lac
lea III I lie first came could have
given Bonaiua the wui.
With Iliuri.duy'a Melon-, that
ould have meant the Klamath
Couikv chumplon would now be;
one of the tlvhl teama aeeklng the
bli blale prlae.
You mlgliv ay the Antlers came
Within one inuiulo of latKllnn in
the Dig Show.
Mo iie, icust or an your wriicr.
la diaaupolntcd. Kogue River cuinc
lunued with pre.-.a cIlpphiKa ihiit.'"' "Ir """"
IndJcated the Chieia would cut the
Aiwiera alive.
Winning the district ahowdown
the Kogucn won the deciding name
, Saturday night didn't 'come tvty
lor the hlghly-rnuxl Chlcflnliia.
R I. MORS IIAVK been 10 persis
tent that Henley would go A i next
year, thla corner qulied George
Elliott, Henley principal and prcs
. ldenl of Ute Oregon Schools Activi
ties Aaaoolallon. on tho aubjeci.
The answer won't come until
Highl now Henley Is below Ihc
ISO-population level, maximum lor
Claaa B participation,
The school haa been above on
occaalon thla year.
But 111 June an average will be
taken for the entire year. If figures
nhow Henley has hit an averugc
thai exceeda 160 during the year,
then the Hornets would automat
Ically fall Into the A-3 bracket.
Rogue River and Phoenix recent
ly announced they would go A-2
next aeanon and will Play In the
Cratrr-Illlnola Valley-Eagle Point
lamlly In Rogue Valley.
It's likely Henley would Join this
loop If the Hornets full In the A-2
But a achool can elect to play
independently u ii ao wisnen.
A year-end average will be the
determining lactor.
.PORTS BOI fll'l T nt lh v..lr
goes without question to Big Jawn
Wlite, ex-Klnmath Falls prep wrest,
ling atar, state champion two years
4 lllilllllg.
As a freshman at Oreonn nui..
Wltle won tho Pacific Coast mnt
- 1 College Basketball
Jy The Associated Press
MT at New York
(.Second Itoiind)
MSalle 61 St. John's (Bkn) 45
St. Bonavcnture 70 Western Ken
lucky 69
(First Itnund)
Holy Cross 77 Seattle 73
NAIR Tournament .
(First Round)
Montana, state 82 American Inter
national 66
Murray (Ky) Slate 73 Centenary
(Lrtr 40
Ilamllne 1)1 Tampa 65
James Mllllnkln 101 Elon 69
Whltworlh 71 Wisconsin State 60
Indiana State 79 Falrlelgh-Dicklii-son
Eprlngfleld (Mo) Stnlo 87 Chnidon
Teachers 66
Portland 84 rindloy 82
Columbia 67 Cornell 48
Kansas State 79 Oklahoma 68
Kansas 72 Colorado 65
VOI, A 60 Washington 60 (UCLA
wins PCO title, 2-1)
, Hlrli School Basketball
By The Associated Press
Clam A Tournaments
District t (Championship)
The Dalles 60, Pendleton 46
District II
Elaylon 46, Salem 44
. CHICAGO, " Lightweight
Champion Jimmy Carter and a
loading contender, Luther RawN
Ingfi of Chicago, wound up drills
Tuesday for their overweight 10
round boxing; bout In Chicago eta
ilium Wrtnertnr r.'"!1.
The Dalles
State Hoop
lly Tim AuMicluIrd l'rr
Two mid probably Uirra more
Iriiiim will fiuiilllv for the state
liluli school Imi.kHbi.N tournament
In ill.iliict iiliiyollii Turndny nliiht.
In Moniliiy ucllon The Malles
Mined Die DMiloi 2 title by do
Icittlnu I'ciidliton (10-40.
2 Debut
In Cage
Top Ten
lly The AMirlatrd I'rrnn
Two luli'-rlMiiK litiiiim climbed
Into the ton 10 In (lie weekly
A.ssorliiird Press poll on lilxh
school hin.lce tbull leunm,
JuM one week brlora the final
lioll of tbn seiihnn mid before the
:,lnlc totuminient nlurU, Mllwuiikte
find I'millctoii moved Up among
the lenders.
mill doinlnntliiK tbe noil of
loi-l)Wrllf7in mid hiiortfK-iiHters
were the Mime three Portland
tennis tbiit Imvo led from the Hen.
Kiiii'n Murt Cenlnil Catholic,
Clevclund lind .Incohi.
Cenlriil embolic t: hid In No. 1,
Iirtllnn nine voleH lor Mr: I plnce.
ClevcliinU iiiovmI up h notch After
drfemhMt Lincoln in it playoff
twine, 3ll-3n.
Cluvluiul itot two vole for first
pluce, nnd wound uu as No. I
Ivr.ll.i.,,, became the No. 10
teiim, ellhoiiKh enrnlnti only 11
,,,,., , .... votinu.
: V c,-i "
Cenirul Cuihollc. Bnlem. T.a
In win berth. this week.
Ilie poll with bcujon record listed
for each team:
1.. Central Catholic M-1) 111
2. Cleveland 2l-2i 0f
3. Lincoln U0-3I M
1. Mnrhfleid (20-41 80
5. MiMlnnllle 120-41 63
0. I.a Ornnde 113-0" 48
7. Klamath Fnlli 10-4) 47
S. Mllwaukle (10-d) 38
U. Snli-m ' 18-11 37
10. Pendleton 115 0) 11
Othern: llllbboro end Medford
. V... '..J. ,, .,,
3. Baker nnd Astoria 2. Oregon
idgets, Grduge Row
Shares Mat Spotlight
Imnressnrlo Mack Llllard pre
sents matdom's men of mirlh, the
wrestling midxcts, as an Interest
ing highlight on tomorrow nlght'g
armory muscle menu.
Regular wrestling goers wilt re
member three of the little men
Sidle Hnla.stc. the Ethiopian crowd
plenrer; Little Braver, agile Indian
performer, nnd Irish Jackie.
Tlie fourth. Fuzzy Cupid, whose
name Is a misnomer, is currently
hailed as the most vicious of the
pint-sized performers, makes bis
debut here.
Hi.laMe and Braver team against
Cupid and Jackie In a tag team
match sandwiched between two
outstanding bouts with the big boys.
The main event is one that the
. . . draws Pop's wrath
fnns have wanted, for' some time.
It puts their Number 1 favorite,
Ocorgrs Dtisette, against Kurt Von
Poppenhclm, the arrogant German.
The opener pairs Jack Biltton in
a return to Klamnth Falls against
a newcomer to the local ring, Erlo
(The Orent) Pcdersen, Scandina
vian mat star.
Both -tho curtRln-rntser and the
mnln go nro down for one hour's
durntlon or less, two-of-threc-fall
matches. Tho midgets will go un
til ono tenm scores a fall.
This will mark the fourth time
in recent months the midgets have
uppered here.
They've never failed lo please.
Although Rtuntcd' In growth, all
Thoroughly Modern
llr. and Mrs. J. E, Earley
and Joe Earley
Lands In
Htayton upset Salem 48-44 In
District 11 playoff that threw the
double-ellinlrisllon tournament Into
a tie. HtayUin and heavily favored
Htilern will meet again Tuesday
night for the district championship.
Central Catholic, rated No. 1 In
the Associated Press poll. Is ex
pected to overcome Oreaham eas
ily In a District 1 title flash at
Portland Tuesday night.
La Urando can win the District
I title by defeating Vale Tuesday
night, If Vale wins the two teami
will meet lor the championship
Friday. ., . t
All other district titles have been
decided except for Districts 3 and
II, Winners there will be deter.
mined next weekend.
The state tournament will be
March 18-22 at Eugene.
Holy Cross
Rallies To
Edge Chiefs
NEW YORK I Eddie Hlckey
and Dudley Moore, whose Bt. Louis
University and Duquesne teams
mnke their first appearances In
Die National Invitation Basketball
Tournament Tuesday night, din a
little scouting from the upstairs
orens box at Madison Square Oar-
den Monday night.
Thev were aomewnav less iin
pre.wed by whut thev saw than the
18310 enthusiastic fans who watch
ed Si. Bonavcnture and LaRnlle
make their way into the semifinals
and Holy Cross come through be
latedly with a smashing first round
St. Bonavcnture, almost blowing
a hUKe lead, barely outlasted West
ern Kentucky. 70-09. LaSalle pro
vided the tournament's first real
upset, whipping third-seeded St.
John's of Brooklyn, 61-45.
Holy Cross came through with a
Mushy final quarter to route Seattle
University, 77-72.
LaSulles Norm Orekln broke
the tournament record lor foul
shooting when he netted 13 free
throws In the second game. This
new tournament mark lasted only
until the next contest when Seat
tle's little Johnny O'Brien, topped
It with 15.
O'Brien who scored more than
1.000 points In the regular season
was held to three field goals. But
his foul shooting equalled the Oar
den record of 15, made in 1447 by
MacOtten of Bowling Green.
In sharp contrast to the first
two games. Holy Cross and Seattle
had almost no defense, but they
made It close for three quarters. It
was 60-50 as they started th final
period and 57-56 after O'Brien aank
his 14th free throw. Then the Cm
aders and Togo Palaud cut loose.
Palazzl, the big sophomore from
Union City. N. J., netted seven
nnlnts by himself, then missed a
free throw which enabled Jim
O'Neill to bat in the rebound to
mnke it 71-62. Seattle couldn't do
much afterward but try to cut down
the lead.
have wide knowledge of wrest
ling noias.
The D u s e 1 1 e-Von Poppenhelm
clash must go down as a trudge
affair after last Week's tag tiff
that saw Ivan and 6oldat Oorky
beat the German and Rumanian
Vorg Crelorlan. . ,
The Gorkys got an assist from.
Dusctte, who officiated the brawl
outside the ring along with Wally
Moss, who worked inside.
Cretorlan and Von Poppenhelm
had the match virtually tucked In
their shoctops with a vicious as
sault on Ivan. Yorg kept Soldat
out of playing territory with kicks
to the Russian's . face.
When Dusette entered the ring
to restore order, Crelorlan slammed
the French-Canadian aglnst a ring
post. Dusette. not one to take such
treatment sitting down, tied up the
Rumanian with his famous full nel
son. Ivan escaped Von Poppehelm
long enough to plant a paralysing
dropklck on Cretorlan's chin. That
gave the Russians the match.
Dusette wanted Cretorlan but the
Rumanian had other commitments.
Von Poppenhelm . welcomed . the
chance' to get even.
Reserved tickets are on sale at
Castleberry Drugs.
Mills Mix
For Title
Riverside end Mills' Number 1
team clash Thursday 4:30 p.m., on
a neutral court for the grade school
Clfl?s A basketball championship.
Riverside reached the finals yes
terday with a 22-14 win over Peli
can. Mills beat Roosevelt, 30-20, to
gain the finals. Wally Johnson led
Riverside with eight points; Butch'
Klmpton scored 12 tor Mills.
Suburban blanked Eagles, 4-0,
and Summers Lane beat VFW, 3-1,
in the only city ehuffieboard ac
tion last night.
Moelet ACR-IM: - :
1948 Model
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Machin Agency
29 Main Phone 7412
set of the year In the Far West,
UCLA's hustling Bruins wrested
the Paclflo Coast Conference bask
etball championship from the tow
ering Huskies of Washington.
Led by the smallest man on the
court, 6-foot, 10-Inch Ron Living
ston, UCLA shredded the Huskies'
defense apd won the deciding game
In the hectic playoff series 60 to 60
Monday night with a furious third
quarter scoring barrage.
The victory gave UCLA Its sec
ond PCC title In four years It de
feated Washington state In two
straight' In 1949-60 and sends the
team to the regional NCAA Tourna
ment at Corvallls, Ore., March 21
and 22.
The final game was rated a loss
up. In view of the underdog Bruins'
66 to 63 upset In the first contest
Friday and their rally In the second
Saturday that fell Just short as
they lost S3 to 60.
Monday night the Bruins, young
er, greener and shorter, were out
tc prove their late Benon hot
streak was no fluke. They had their
work cut out lor tnem.
The Northerners, sparked by
their little man, 6-foot, 11-Inch Joe
Ciprltno, held a 17-16 lead at the
end of the first quarter and moved
nine points ahead early In the sec
ond. Clprlano. a guard, looped in a
series of beautiful set shots from
20 to 30 feet out. He finished the
game with 14 points, 12 In the first
half, to tie with Center Bob Hou
bregs lor Washington scoring hon
ors. But a Bruin rally closed the gap
nnd the challengers Washington
best them in the playoffs last year
were two points ahead when
Charlie Koon swished In an unbe
lievable shot from 52 feet to end
the half at 33-all.
Outscored 14 to three In the third
and trailing 36-47, the Huskies in
the fourth quarter launched a des
peration drive. With the Bruins
playing keen away and making on
ly "sure" shots, six Huskies fouled
out while trying frantically to get
the ball. It was hit and run, with
the Northerners doing the hitting
and UCLA the running. UCLA held
its lead until the gun.
The Bruins meet Ssnta Clara In
the NCAA Tourney, In which Wy
oming and Oklahoma City are the
other entrants. Tho winner at Cor-
111s plays In the NCAA finals at
Seattle March 26 and 26.
Pilots Win
University and Whltworth of Spo
kane, safely past their Initial chal
lengers in the battle for the Na
tional Intercollegiate Basketball
Championship, rested on the side
lines Tuesday wnne as yet untried
teams competed for second round
berths. -Portland.
Whltworth and Mon
tana Bute, the three Pacific North
west entries, and Defending Cham
plon Hamllne of St. Paul were
among survivors of the first round
Monday. They will be paired
against winners of Tuesday play in
later tournament competition.
Portland, seventh-seeded In the
tourney, turned on the steam in
the final minute to defeat Flndiay,
Ohio. College 84-82. Andy John
ston's hookshot with 4( seconds re
maining tied the score at 82-alI.
Portland won the same seconds
later on Million Harvest McGU-
verv'a tloin. ..
Whltworth. a dark horse entry,
blasted Wisconsin State 71-60 in an
afternoon game. The Pirates. Ev
ergreen Conference champions,
started flow but sharpened as the
game progressed.
Jim Dohertv netted 25 points for
Whltworth and Ralph Poison con
tributed 29.
Montana State whipped Ameri
can International of Springfield,
Mass., in another afternoon Rsme.
while topseeded Hamllne nailed
Tampa University n-tt in a night
match to maintain its rating as a
good bet to win the title for the
fourth time.
In other games. Indiana State
of Terre Haute defeated Fairleigh
Dlckinson of Rutherford, N. J.. 79
72: Springfield, Mo. State bopped
Chadron (Nebr.) Teachers 87-62:
Murrav (Kv.,1 State, fourth seeded,
knocked off Centenary of Shreve
port. La.. 72-46; Minikin of Decatur.
Tt., outclassed Eon .N.C..) College
By The Associated Presa
Salt Lake City Jack Melton
185, West Jordan, Utah, knocked
out Frank Buford, 2J0 Vj. Oakland,
Calif.. (7).
Bangor, Me. Charlie Slaughter,
130, Elisabeth, N. J., outpointed
Hermie Freeman, 133, Bangor (10).
Providence, R. I. Pierre Lang
lots, 147 si, France, outpointed Phil
Burton, 144 ', St. Louis (10).
Trenton, N. J. Charley Wil
liams, 146 i. Kewark, N. J., out
pointed Bobby Mann, 147, Trenton
New York ' Vihce Martlneu,
161 Paterson, N. J., stopped Sal
DiMartlno, Hartford, Com. (8).
Chicago Larry Watson, 181,
Omaha, outpointed Walter Hafer,
209, Akron, O. (8).
If you'rt
.( -t ,
Y-t ,'$V
Ii iiiaaf;:iM,.gL-f
FITZ FAMILY Freddie Fitzsimmons, his wife (right),
and 21-year-old daughter Helen soak up some sun on the
roof of their Phoenix, Ariz., hotel, where the New York
Giants are staying during spring training. The old pitching
star is coach of the defending National League champions'
mound corps.
Boston Braves sought revenge
Tuesday against Manager Eddie
Stanky's St. Louis Cardinals for
Monday's 8-5 setback In a game at
St. Petersburg.
Braves' Catcher Ebba St. Claire
Is still nursing a bruised right in
step Buffered Sunday in Miami
against the Dodgers and it was
doubtful that he would play.
MESA, Ariz. W) The Chicago
Cubs have made their first cut of
the spring by sending pitcher Andy
Varga to their Los Angeles farm
club now trolning at Fullerton, Cal.
If the 21-year old southpaw
proves ready for Triple A competi
tion he will be optioned to Los
1 a-- Vmrtrm tia ft 0-3 record
for Des Moines and a 4-8 mark for
Orand Raolds. Mich. In 1950 he
n.EARWATER. Fla.. (iW Once
again the big question in the Phil
adelphia Phillies training camp is
can Jim Constanty come back?
The right handed relief artist has
appeared in the first three Philly
exhibition games allowing three
hits in 6 i Innings on tne mouna.
Monday the one hit off Konstanty
in 1 ',j Innings was a three run
double by Joe Adcock as the Cin
cinnati Reds staged a six-run up
Team managers in the City, Vic
tory and Girls league last night
okayed an awards banquet, the first
of its kind, for Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
In the Willaro notei.
Trophies will be given to the
thr chamoions Rlckys in the
City, Metiers . in the . Victory and
Oregon wool in me uins renur.
Certificates will be given to all
stars in the Victory and Girls
leagues. An all-star team was not
named in the City league.
Jayhawks Tie
Down Berth
en..- f -...lltl anrt his Univer-
aity of Kansas Jayhawks will rep
resent the Big Seven Conference
in the western negionm nvr.
playoffs at Kansas City March 21
22. Lovellette clinched the Big Seven
title for Kansas with a 41-pomt
performance that helped Phog Al
len's Javhwks to a 72-55 victory
over Colorado at Boulder Monday
Kansas State, which finished sec
ond In conference play, knocked off
Oklahoma's Sooner ' s, 79-58, at
V...--H v,.f Vtnnp nf Rharinff
muumiu.it v w -- --
the title with Kansas failed whan
ii. Y-...V, TvW,. ri.imnert Colorado.
Installed and Maintained
for a nominal monthly fee
N. J. Rosenbaum
1213 Main St.
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' I : i
rrs w
rising to down the Phillies, 10-4.
SARASOTA, Fla. i.f! The Bos
ton Red Sox were out to even the
count against the- Champion 'New
York Yankees Tuesday when they
met in a return spring exhibition
baseball game at Sarasota, The
Yanks won Monday, 7-4. in the
first 1952 meeting between those
TUCSON, Ariz. Jfi Steve Gro
mek, Dick Rozek and Red Fahr
held the New York Giants to five
hits Monday as Cleveland blanked
the National League champs, 4-0.
LAKELAND, Fla. tfl The De
troit Tigers pitching staff is so
slim the squads rookie hurlers
are getting extra-frequent mound
Rookies A! Yaylian. Dick Mar
lowe, Ernie Funk and Billy Hoeft
and a makeshift lineup that in
cluded only Vic Wertz and Hoot
Evers of last year's regulars lost
Monday to the . Washington-Sena
tors, 4-1.
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OTI Open
OCC Play
PORTLAND Ijfl Vanport will
meet Oretton Tech at Klamath
Kalis in the opening Oregon Col
lemate Conference football same
Oct. 4.
Other games announced at
meeting of conference ofllcials here
Monday; Vanport vs. Eastern Ore-.
Kon. at Portland, Oct. 18: Vanport
Hi roruanu Oct. 25; OGE vs. EOO
at La Grande Nov. 1; OCE vs. OTI
at Monmouth Nov. 8; OTI vs. EOC
at La Grande Nov. 15.
The conference vo t e d to open
football DTactlee no earlier thnn
Sept. I, basketball. Nov. 1, and
spring sports, Feb. 1.
A conference single elimination
baseball tournament and a track
meet will be held In Portland In
May, the date to be announced
Dr. Stephen Epler. Vanport pres
ident, was re-elected conference
president, vice-president: Joe Hnl
lon D. Purvlne, Oregon Tech
president, vlce-presi:lent: Joe Jol
land, Vanport athletic director, secretary-treasurer.
The OCC renewed its Invitation
to Southern Oregon College of
Education to Join the Oregon ath
letic famv. SOCE officials said
they would "decide in spring."
Mosby Also
Mat Champ
The Associated Press story yes
terday failed to include Bill Mosby
in the list of Northwesterners win
ning Pacific Coast intercollegiate
wrestling titles in Sah Luis Obispo
Mosby, ex-Klamath Union high
school matman. now at Oregon
State, won the title in the 188-pound
division. John Witte won the heavy
weight crown as a freshman at
Pacific Coast Hockey
By The Associated Press
Calgary 7 New Westminster 5
"91" Octan Ethyl 31c
2135 South th
iL"i'-'. i J-,-,.-irt a.jar,i
year - old Lonny Rogers,
garbed in a San Francisco
uniform, grabs a king-sized
mitt and joins the Pacific
Coast League team's
screening camp workouts.
Lonny was told ' to come
around again in 20. years.
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