fUKSOAY, MARCH 11, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KI.AMATiI FALLS. OIIEGON PAGS SEVT.N J'ollurk The Unlvrrnlly nl Ore gon Mother' Cflul) will sponsor a iiotluck dinner nl Fremont iichnol Tueiday nlchl, 0 : HO p, in, Duel lire cnno'lMly Invited. Ilolti, the Mean nl Women, Mm, Ivan Wick ham and thn Dean of Mrn, flay Hawk, Unlvrrnlly (if Oregon will bo prenent, Inlerentert parents, parenh of prospective students mill other Interested am urtird o iirnrt. IMaane take aume loud to add to tlio potluck, Illrolrd Ann Mt'Laufthlln, rtiuiiih (rr of Mra. Martha MrlAtiKhlln, graduate of KUlia and sophomore uf Hie Unlvrrnlly ol Orriton hen been circled I'rrnlilent ol her auriir lly limine. Ahilil Omicron ri. Hhc l.i majoring In elementary educu Hilni Away Mr. and Mra. .laiuen Lacry ad drimlHrr llrlrn, Merrill, will leave by air March J fur an extended vlnll with rcla Uvea In Ireland. Ilia entire trip will be iiiudc by Mr, 11 ir iiunlly flylnn TWA from New York. Mr. I.acry In a native of l.linnrli'k, Ire land and will vlnll Iwo sisters and a brother there. Mr, l.arrv he been bark oner. Hrlrn la employed III Die Bank ol Amerlcu, 'J'ulelaku. Kri.W will pre cnl "Are We Taking Liberties wllh Our Civil Liberties?'' a tape recording In I . IVhlcli Ex Governor Charles A. I 'Iprairue la Interviewed by a Iiieni ber of the Leaxue nl Women Vol- era. The proitrnm will be sponsored by the local leKuc. j Rummage Bale Boclal Club OE8, ; Aloha Chapter will hold a rum inate pick up, rail Mrn. L, A. I Murphy, 3307 or Mra. K. lliirnden, , 46(10. liuniiiiuKn limy bo lell elsu i al the Temple 'ttiurscny, 7 p. m. Mrrtlnr Held The Mnrnnlha j Missionary (ioclcly of Uic Bible I Bapllnl rhurrh had a mnnlhlv 1 meeting In the evening of Mnr. 4 at the lioiiifl of Mrn. Buvd tiprnuue. 20 I'aclllo Terrace, Mrn. Waldo Hhoadcs wits co.hontcjis. 'ITie next inecllnj will be April lut III Cuslle Hall 3?20 Wlard. I.ravlnr Mr. and Mra. Glenn Knnter. Poe Valley, will return this week from the bay area where a Plane On -Way Home A riper Buper Cub aircraft ewned by Dovle llasklna of Mer rill, that crashed In anow and Ice near Hooky Point on the went aide of Upper Klamath l.ako Saturday afternoon, waa on lln way back to Klamath Falls by trailer today. Max Mentl, of Mentl-Newlun Air craft, Service al Municipal Air port, put akin on the damaged plana and taxied 11 2"i mllea to ehore and onto the Weal Bide roM. This mornlnif, a. crew headed by Mentl wna dissembling the alroralt and putting It on a trailer to take It to the Municipal Airport for re ' ielrs. p Doyle Htstlns, ptlofof tlWlr craft, and Oene Hill of Merrill, a Vannenner, were unlnlured when the plane crashed. Hawkins aald lit n Jockeying tlie plane so Hill could net a (ond shot al a coyote they were hunting when .the crash occurred., . , son Dunne Renter lias been sta tioned at Camp Atonemnn. He Is leaving Wednesday for Jupnn for servlres with the Air Force. An other son, Oleiiu Kenler Jr., nine In the Air Force la training In Tennessee. Meeting The Bly Home Kxlen nluii Unll will meet Thursday al the home of Mrs. Wlllard HnUI. Pro ject will be purne making. Mertlng The Townnend Club will meet I p. m. tonight at the home, of Bernlce MuC'rackcn, oUO u. till. Camera Club The Movie section of the Klamath Camera Club will meel I p. in. tonight, at Molilovan'a Dancing Hchool. 1028 Main. The profiram will be demonstration on titling by l.eo Morslad, AC1. movie "Bale Bl. I'auL" Guests Invited. Meets I.adlen auxiliary. Crater No. 7, meets S p. m. Thursday. Will practice forming linen and mustering In ceremony. Refresh ments will' follow. I.ladlry Helghta-Home Exten-don Unll will meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Kdgar fiemple. 2131 Laurel, the lensons will be "Kitch en Buirage" by the county agent. Take sack lunch. Conger Hchool Parent and friends are Invited to allcnd the reiiiilnr PTA meeting Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. Program of speclnl In terest to all parents has been ar ranged. Great Hooka (irouo Meets Thurs day, p, m., In the city library to atudv John Locke's Kssay on Human Understanding. Lenders will be rtowland Ulrlch and Gomel Cuaeman. Ye Old Pinochle Club will meet at 12:30 p. m. Thursday I the home of Minnie Padgett, 412 Up turn St., for lunch ajid cardn. Oregon Stale Mother' Club holds Its regular meeting Thursday. 1:30 p. in.. In the recreutlon hall on Wanhburn Way. No speaker is scheduled but card-playing hu been aubstlluled. All Oregon Stale mothers are urged to attend. Henley Aaaerlellon Women of the Farm Bureau will meet Thurs day. 2 p. m., al the home ol Mrs. Walter Enman. Iv JKAN OH F N Beverly P.ells. KUHH nenlor, has been elected by members of her clans, lo hold the Good Citizen ship honor and will receive the DAR award prenented annually to n deserving nenlor ftlrl el gradua linn. Three glrln were nominated by the (ncully and were then voted on by the seniors. When chosen, such inlngH were considered an truth fulness, dcpendlblllly and respon sibility, sportsmanship- and other qualities of character. Congratulations Beverly, for the high honor you have Just received. "Manners and Triple Farce" wan presented by the dramatic rlcparu inent In the Little Theater each period of the day today. 'ITie play wan a '15 minute comedy, admis sion wan a ulme. Students were al lowed to attend during their atudy halls. Putting on and participating In the production were Colleen Ben nett. Betty Busby. Bob Eastman, Zon Johnson. Raymond Kldd, Jean Phlppr. Lorraine Price, Bally Ro besteili, Linda Williams and Wal ler Zuinwult, "How to act and dress at a for in ii I and how not lo" was the theme cf the regular girls' league meet ing today, In honor of their formal lo be presented April 5 bv the dance-a-lot division of the club. President Beverly Eells and Sec retary Margaret Powell called the meeting lo order and read the min utes respectively. Both were dressed In formals. Barbara Custer also In formal attire, gave a talk on etiquette. Modeling formal dreir.es were two girls from each clans. They Included: seniors, Jean Owens and Marllvn Gerber. Juniors, Bhlrley Behorn end Carole Adams, nopho moren, Susan Geary and Mnrcln Wilson and frcshmtn, Buiian Llsloe nfv wsrrrn. . A comedv skit wan presented by Lyn Perkins, Barbara Solle. Mar ilyn Miller, Jcnneue jtui-ircn, oi via Hlllls and Barbara Rodgcrs. Marjorle Hhreeve, accompnnieu by Janice Larson on ine piano. rang severoi numoers iur iiu. Putnam Hits Top Record Record 1851 sales In this area of r .n.n,,n lnuaihnnl rjrtlflcatAK Enlisted John W. Lent., 2037 ,...., (und Khares has won Oarden: Frank F.. Boardman. lMa ilnn national reognllion for Martin Crescent: Dale R. Wlzner, 3 N-1 A. Putnam of Klamath Falls, local 8ih: and Thomas J. Leader. Lake- t ne (or investors Diver- Community Concert To Open Drive Headquarters opened In the Wll lard Hotel lobby at noon today lor new memberships in me commu nity Concert Anhoclmlon. At a din ner meeting last night, workers re ported a big volume of member ship renewals hnd been made but there are n few new memberships available, according to Marlon Shannon, association secretary. The Wlllard new membership desk la to be open dully from 11 a.m. until 4:3Q p.m. This year's membership cam paign Is being directed by co-chairmen Harriet Mueller and Mrs. Fred Ehlers. Third concert of this season I: scheduled for the Pelican theater, tomorrow, 8 p.m. Morley and Gear hart, duo piano team that has been winning enthusiastic acclaim from critics across the nation, arc to be presented. The clever man and wile team offers a program for varied ta.stcs Almost certain to be a crowd fav orite Is the program llem offering selections from Oeorgc Gcrbhwln's "American In Paris." At last night's membership meet ing, talks were made by LouIj Mnnn. concert president. Andy Loney Jr.. and Lucille Schrciner. New York representative of the concert assoclalon. Seventy workers are active In the membership drive. They arc- to report progress at a meeting In the Wlllard, Wednesday, 4 p.m. Secy. Shannon says any worker! who can't attend the report meet ing should report by phone. ""ii,''-",'?1 W-'W fl"Mf WW '""" ' .n11"" ""fw BOY DROWNS PORTLAND I A 2 -'.-year-old boy drowned In a creek at the. rear of h s home In Bcnverton Monaay He wan Michael Dolan. a son ol Mr. and Mrn. Joseph P. Dolan Rate Increase To Boost PG&C Take BAI.EM Ijfi Increased rates aranted by Public Utilities Com missioner Charles H. HerUel Mon day will bring the Portland Oas As Coke Co. an additional $353,000 annually. The added revenue won't cover Ilrluel aald. The Increase, the amount asked by the company, will apply with meter readings ol March 17. Mr. and Mrn. Harry B. Truman ere married June 28. 1819. view, have enlisted In the Air Force through the local recruiting office and have been assigned to Lackland rield. Tex. To Wilmington J. Boyd Touhey. who was general office manager for the Hercules Powder Company plant here for two years, has been transferred lo Wilmington, Del., as assistant office manager for the eomoany'i naval stores depart ment. Meet Thursday The two groups of the Christian Women's Fellow ship of Flral Christian. Church will meet together Thursday. 1 p. m. In the church basement. Mrs. Emma Bchuremnn and Mrs. Lee Huff will be hostesses. In Army Robert c. jonanneson, i 4334 Cleveland, and Bruce M. Rlt- ! ier. 4ROR Rhasta Wv. have enlisted In the U. 8. Army through the local - recruiting olflce and were assignee, lo Ft. Lewis for assignment. Cpl. Rltter. a Korean combat veteran, was discharged from the Army In December alter completing lour years of service. Peterson School Parents and Pa trons meet Wednesday, 8 p. m.. wllh an outstanding entertainment schedule planned. Dick, Joe, Jean and Dae Blspham will present lap dancing, musical and acrobatic show. The fourth graders will put on a folk dancing demonstration and the sixth-graders chorus will appear. sifted Services. Inc., of Minneapolis, distributors and Investment man agers for the nation's largest group ol investment companies. Putnam will be given an awara by the company for sales and serv ice achievements qualifying him for membership In the Investors group's President's Club, an annual honor roll of lop Investment repre sentatives. He won President's Club membership In competition with the firm's nationwide securities distri bution organization of more than 2.000 representatives, - who serve more than 520.000 certificate hold ers and mutual fund share owners from coast to coast, ' It was an nounced by Earl E. Crabb, chair man and president of IDS. For used typewriters and addlni machines .... Vo'ghfs Pioneer Office Supply. f.S Main. IrlIIINDlV 8U UNI 904 Klomsth Art. Phone 4076 HOW I NABISCO SAVES YOU MONET! on easy-io-usa A liM-ER-SEAL PACKET? ENJOY FlMEST QUAUrrEVfcft ATlOWEgT PRICE IN YEARS! How tan NABISCO bring you this laving when food prices are highest in history ? More and more, you have been buying Snow Flake Saltine Crackers. More and more-NABisco'S new, modern r"V methods have meant economy of " operation in the bakeries. And inabisco passes these savings on to you! This is your opportunity to enjoy the goodness of Snow Flake Saltines, the wonderful crisp-protection of the casy-to-open, casy-tc-refold wax packets at the lowest price in yearsl Help cut your food budget, beginning now. Look for Snow Flake Saltines, baked by Nabisco, at your grocer's! MEW LOW P! 'LrJ'w j'j fill j V Zaz t A ii'Al I hinner,ot5percracfcBr. -(avorrrfK af your grocers NOV2ndSAV! BAKID BY NABISCO NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY (!0lt FLAK SALTIME CPMIWS VI 23 eaM, AjO. Mtnday, Mertli 1J, 12 The first shipmant of Hunoorion portrldoe orrlved In Klomoth Sundoy ond were llberoled In the volley souih of this cily. Members of the Klomoth Sportsmen's Assoclotlon who look the birds to their new home ore: Morion Bornes, district oome worden; W. E. Lemm, O. D. Molthews, C. C. Kellty, ond Cloude Houejhton. Tutiday, March 1J, 1J Moyor T. B. Wollers will speok before the Klomoth Reolty board ot the nest regular meeting, taking for his subject "Proposed Clvle Improvement." E. M. Chilcote, president, prosidad ot the meeting" on Mondoy, which wos well ol tended. Wednesday, March 14, 1929 Dr. E. D. Lomb, president of ' the Medicol Society of Klomoth and Loke counties, presided over the meeting held Fridoy night ot the home of Dr. L, L. Truox. Officers of the society serving for the ensuing year ore: Dr. E. D. Lomb, president; Dr. G. A. Mossey, vice president; and Dr. Charles Rugh, secretary and treasurer, Thursday, Merch IS, 192 Students home for the spring vaca tion from different colleges ore: Bill and Vernon Kuykendoll, Miss Edna Kerns, Miss Helen Anderson, Jack Dennis, Miss Doro thy Dunham, Miss Alexis Lyle, Miss Marjorle Peyton and David Totton. Friday, Merch 14, 1929 Through the offices of Dole ond Hos king, Mr. ond Mrs. Glen Terrlll purchased on ottraelive new home on North Second St., recently built by Lorson Bros, con tractors. Mr, Terrill Is with the county assessors office. Saturday, Merch 17, 1 929 Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Mossey enter- ' lained with dinner on Tuesday evening at the Blue Bird in court tsy to the second basketboll team of Klamath Union high school. Thomas Money, son of Dr. ond Mrs. Massey is o mem ber of the reom. Covert were loid for Mr. ond Mrs. Dwlghr French, Miss Gertrude Llndley, Miss Allsa Mossey ond members of the second team. THE "Iniure With Landry" LIABILITY FIRE. V, T. Johnson v John A. MeCall D. L. Thomas AUTO PROPERTY 419 Main Street Phona 2-2524 Stamford qutpmtnt, aecttterlM, md Iriia ' tlkntrotcd on iufejrt h hong wtthout noHca, VrMa ilsVwoll tiiti, wtvtn otollobk, at wire Met Mm Car oPOu-Tnt! EVERY sleek curve adds fo your im pression of balance, gliding move ment, and .controlled power. Every ounce of metal is working for you lo give you thrifty live weight, not waste ful dead weight. From "Jet-scoop"' hood to trim rear deck, this Mercury urges you to "get aboard and go!" And there's more than "Forerunner" design to make the new 1952 Mercury tlio most challenging new car on the American Road. There's a brawny, higher-compression V-8, now stepped up to new performance heights. Now's tho time to get into the act. Our showroom is the place! 3-lVAY CHOICE! Mercury presents three dependable, performance-proved drives: Silent-ease standard transmission; llirifly Tuuch-O-.Malic Overdrive; and Mrrc-O-Malic, greatest of all automatic drives, Ojitinat a arm coir FUTURE FEATURES STARRING CHALLENGING NIW POWER if Chailtnginflnaw V-8 pcrformanc a topptd-up, hlghtr comprtutdn. eon omy-provtd ngint Tfc Challenging nw "Forarvnntr" di)gn ttylfld for th yon oh tad, T Ntw "lntrctpfrn pontl for "quick tight" roadlng. Now "Spaco ronmd" httoriori p to 17 moro via bility and hoot-roiht nt( gkirordttcinf llnlod glon, tool Now "Floor-froo" fluiponilon mountod broko podoL Ar Now controlliod 'Hldoowoy" got cop for oithor-tldo fueling. it BASIN MOTORS 424 So. 6th. St. L Phono 7778 faul O. leadrj