TUESDAY, MAliCIl 11, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATII FALLS, OREGON Electrical Inspection In City Poses Problem For Dads As Hitch Shows Up Klwtrlrlty Iltiunr mid nuiiltiitlmil tli city limits for antiltary rraMMia. Klni.'! ,1 ,,?.y 1,1 iilglifa City Ally. t'crktiia atnlrd whh-x-?', flii v , , alkm foiild lie .tone without ft vote Coimcllinrn i hmm it t ip city ui u .11 .. ,., 1.. .1,. ri!!iiieltri(,"!.',r,,m tl! fHlni.m:p Hve uimiiIiiimm comcnt. Otlicrwihi- Jury May Eye Timber Deal PORTLAND UI U.8. Dist, Atty, Henry L, Hen said Monday Ut a Mleral grind ury might be called to InveHtlKiitc disputed sales ol Indian llniberlandn, flcsa aw Id he hud received a re fluent from the Justice Department ritriiti'ni at CoDaila, he aaid. Selection of the Dungeiieiw rite w announced by the State 0e siartment Ui January, It aaid tta decision wag prompted by lower COt, Mack ha challenged fissures vrhich he (said were furnished him it would Iihvo ti b put to a yule. jn niner council action: l'erkin was Iniitrticted to liittlntc a resolution fur paving improve ment unit on Lawrence Ht, ti block eiieh Kle of Pacific 'lerriice. wn uiiiimiitf ticnn t tola 111 approve!. tmtil a atate liwprctor BDiienred iiefura them mid nikrd that fine be formed no he could do hi job here. The city han been gcttliu? rlrc liical liMlieelltm tuidrr the stain ordinance alnco a ymir or so nil". It alo ban been lli'rnMim alvnninn lor the actual erecting or electrical !tjt c', wci colnerl I, , ,,lem," Um ""i't .., the Police and Fire 'nf at. e nd, nrnvi.1. BWnenla r February, indlcat- L ir2f .t 1 "J'ni" l ,rCit,i " "'"y ' dur- aid ha hart . ir,Ti,V. I'" u """"' w- :cHrd. man a licence bcrniiko lio wasn't a tiualllled rleclrlclnn. A committee wna Hiipolnted by Mayor Robert Ttiomnnon to bring an electrical ordinance Into hemic It there Isn't one already in cx Litance. The Counrll alnn approved de termining it the city could not bring lu fines In Municipal court State Lists Road Delays SAt.KM P The Orcifon Illoh. on drunk driving and arllm liquor J.;' ,71 1 Without a licence u,. l he level ol u'V.f. J 'L"y".T"?y 'I Diiiriii f:nmt wrraiy rono construction report Cltv Ativ, ii.rv P.rn, in. I tolinnUlg River Highway from mated Dlnlrlrl f:.,iiri w ir. ic."c?" ' n "Mel River; Pa mi 10 pwilt drunk drivers Mtmiftn.t rn.ir . Perkins opined the fine, for i ?.'"ch!;1 lfl;al" (Wrung driving could probably be rlct Cuurt had been trv. icde Ick, to Hood River; Pa h oH iVmerSi n;'c"ic "'hwy from Lane County era t HT ?a ml onto ! ,a An""'f ,Kl ln Canyonvillc; Cour Oregon Coast Highway from Reed- Voice Site Row Grows; Change Seen 11 W8hliigton O, C to bring ult;(,rcd Tuwlday whether the wlee 0 stop the Bale ol KM acre, of tim-ll0 , , Mu.'sl UunKenei. W,h., , ,,,U ohU.by fH"per tl;'ft,5?;f'r coiwtructlon of a huge Voice o! Harold F. -mornton, coastal ludi-1 America tranamlttlng station Is ii ' 'nal Hew Mid he had written to Wash-1 Rcp. Mack tR.-Wash.,! Wd a limton lor further Iratructlon be-! renorU,r he te prcMIm hia protest cause ear er In the day a civil ,ha( thR M-iceJjo,, wall prompted suit wa 1 led by an attorney p-jbv ..p0ilUc,.. Macit wanU the ta rc,eimng the two Indiana. Uon bui!l at a s!te in ,he CopSto( i he suit contend Uiat Grant arid jj,,,,, afs(,, arcs inornum receiveo oniy . m.rf. n,ihii . If "1 ,?UKry COUn,y.PS 'etter from Wiiron Compton, d though It haa a value of I350.0W1 mintolraU,r , ,hn 8taU! DeDar,. A Pnrtlami hunk enmervaior of i ai the e,t.te of Orant nd Thornton J 51n,lSh,a, '"ih,ih the for" i Dune1" wh,ch. hc id Hied the atllt. I ill" S... J.n . N uversight nine an laMalla- The dupuwda.1e.wai approved . Z. uutt ol mHtJy.,"."' "i having tmmedtate attention." D"'U- ""'.'""lir'S hom tlw construction contract takenly Itoted IVtefl.JOO as the cost j was awarded, both 'l!fd con- ;0( butldlnst s power lin to Copslta, whereas, a a matter of fact. Use Cry Harbor POD would buiW Ihls line at Its own expen.se." Mack Mid his" study of figures i in the WM bid, accepted by the j Mate Department, "clearly reveal that 11 will coot the government ; iy Edward W. Barrett, then a. " ' .KS.JIfu'v.i" ! iHtanl wcrrtary of state. The fig- lSfjSL1 8ita raUitr Us, ! In addition. Mack aald Barrett urea allowed coniparatlye cost of the two altea, ejtcluaive of ton traction, t 11.255,10 for Copaiii and 11,S7S for DBiiStenes. The congrsmaii aatd Barrett had listed VY16.QW u the cost of clearing land at CopaUs. but that the Wtts Cormtriicllon Company, in a bid accepted bv the State De partment, agreed to clear the land lor MM.000. He took xlmllar exception to a figure nl tl 81,500 for road corwtrec (lon at Copalis, coettendlna tie Watts bid was only l,0O0 for this pnrpose. He noted also that nolhlnr wan Included lor road eMBitructlon at "admits that the Cooalis site te better from the standnotnt of radio i broadeatalng efficiency than the I Dttngeness location " I bv the regional Office of Indian Affair. Alter the aale wa aii- " ', ,)ro A construction .or relocation of luticed the Department of Inter-' ..., r , k.r exWn ods, no matter how well lor began an invjjrtigatlon of imiccMun m T final io hi, I'ortmim inuiaii miaira iic land olflcer and hla aaalstant were relieved ol their duties and placed on annual leave to answer undis closed formal charges. KF Soldier Has Long Korea Duty raised to maximum ot M in the city court and that an Increase on the fina for selling Honor to Indi vidual without a license would probably Increase, the city's reve nue bv at least llfXXI a year. Perkins wan Ituitructed to look into the matter, Unitarian Bill Orren was ap pointed to head a rommitte on bringing that section ot land from Washburn Way to Altamonl drive. Including eunnytlde addition into Fee used typewriters and adding aaachlnea .... Voitht'a Pioneer Oftlra Rnpply, t29 Main. Junker Hill to Drlnuir; Unity- Baker Highway from Bumpier Junction to linker; Umpqua High way from Rcedsport to Bcottsburg; Willamette Highway around Merid ian Dam; Shanlko Highway; and Warner Valley Highway from Drake's Creek to Add, In Ita dally road report, the com mission warned motorist to carry chains became of packed .mow In these areas; Government Camp, Timberllne, Warm Bprlnga Junction, Santlam Pass, Willamette Pass, John Day and Austin. Four or five inrhea ot new anow fell Monday night in the Cascade Mountain passes. knowlcdsie. He ala he knew of "no possibility" that a change will be considered. Setrick aald the contractor has been ordered to start work, but that hc could not aay whether con struction has actually begun yet, fn his protest. Mack eaid the Voice of America announced last ninriiu in hiirn In Korea selected the Copalis Beach area." nlority to burn in Korea. . rt lh hM . te , lie la M-Bgt ueorge u. r. ssey--i" 7. A" : . ... , , , ,u ha. K-. V . .i-.iU. waius til I V I lit, ! i ii) ! 1 i 1 1 , e , , . Dec, 19, 1840, with the U.S. Mili tary Advisory Oroup to the Re public of Korea, Seymour, a (raduate of KUH8, enlisted in the Army In JM1, and during World War II he served ln Europe, Before tils preuent overseas as signment he was stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. Hla present job i as assistant advisor . to, the Korean i Army Engineers. 1 , V.VE KXKCLIED : TA1PEH, Porroosa, iPi Five : men were executed in Talpeh Tuea- ! day. Four were convicted of being ! Communist agents. The filth was ! convicted of raping nine-year-old : girl. . i nresent roads might happen to be located." Mack said Barrett also had "mSs- Ordinary wajhinsj usually re moves light scorch from white cot tons or iisens. For more aevere stains, use hydrogen peroxide so lution. Rinse well. AN IASY WAY TO HAVE A MAN Tv ftnl mw fUn if ym rfc, thtng trm tr t ma high tk a a rti. Or, ii ymm pre J mm to MiN'S STRAIGHT TIP OXFORDS Uthw Sal Leafher Lined Saniliitd , aatsat ONLYin NOW Scetsli Groin Cop toe Oxford .... 12.75 Plow Toe Oxford .. 12,75 Smart 4mm iht of fimrt try iavtstF, i(l shank f:a. Sa4yMr fmtftmM. fM (Mfhsr Maf. lr- $tss DOWNSTAIRS fyery Wednetdoy NOW DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS CiiHYaoWs SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 Sooth fh (Open 24 hrt. Every Day) Pemney's STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 5:30 7 ;' TRIPLE FITTED PERFECTION YOURS ONLY IN LIFE B RA5; BY; FORM FIT r ' ;:" y - ' "; i I t ; , . ,... .."'"p 1 ,:;s,' , a . 1 -A 1 .b,'i:!-v1' a) . f - 1 4 1.,- "( 1 VI - ;i .v. 1 K 1 e tt'?t .1 1 ! if Mnatfinraiaiw . r t -sjtetewwPaaaaaM A vital new measurement has been oddest Jq qive w; Mierfcction in bia fit. Nnw Fcrmfit ii you for.deqree. , ...,..... scporot'Cin os welt os sii one! two. t-or new etimfert . snd fwedenv-'-for a for (cvel.er busHme. Is.r us triple, lil you in a i ft firn hv FofnM i , f FREE EASY PARKING , , a- O Mi r I E KEYED TO YOU ter fashions AND YOUR BUDGET! 1 It i M i i f art in SHORT Nw Eo$tr Styles From Our Entire Store! COATS SPECIAL LOW PRICE! WW o Unlinedi CHECKS Nf PLAINS j NEW COLORS VIOLET WHITE LT. 1LUE , MAIZE , NAVY MNK RED MELON GREEN YouU fall to love with these on sight! They're crease-resistant rayon gabardines with the accent on smart, styling . . flattering lines. You 11 choose from the finest rainbow of colors, yet, and they're priced at a Special Low iMt Better hurry in today! - LINED RAYON GABARDINES , , . 9.90 SECOND FLOOR mm r r if ' ii a Tin ei f e f 1 wiiti !fjK'lSir 100oNYLON SLIP I I ' -' Straight cat six gore EtjSe for serieet fit I 1 1 and eomlsrt! WarterfuSy- eaty to f ' ... '- ' - - o I ' uh w. sizes mm a. - Se$ 'MAfH ttOOR II 1 SECOND NT,, ! I I FLOOR U j; . at- f Ul 0 SMARTEST For Spring! ALL WOOL Long Coot! CREAMY SOFT Texture! i nn checks l 2475 Wonderful Bods at this Penney prtai Creamy soft wool suede, or bas kettreave wool , . the checks big and or small and handsome- t( Sharp colors pastel tones. Used. Sizes 8-18. Spring -in to-Summer Treasures... i HIGH STYLE RAYOXS The styles arc right . cssvials, prints, tailored, fancy, contrasting trims, lull or straight skirts! The Colors,- Perfect! , , Soft spring tones, handsome . neutral shades, combinations! The fabrics, Won dcrfuli . . taffetas, bemberg 3, gab ardines, faillts, ottomans! And they're all priced at this wonder ful Penney Low! Misses awl. halt sites, , ,, .. SECOND FLOOR CHOOSE OTHER RAYONS IN CASUAL OR DRESSY STYLES , . . 5.98 . 12.75 I 8 neat . . m s-,,-" ? her way! ' IJy j or soft f i - T and fully ft NOVELTY HEEL GLAMOUR SHEERS 15 PAIR Slim, dramatic teg flattery! They're lux ury sheer SO gauge, IS dealers. Penney' own finest quality Osymsdes. Choose the seasons newest fashion shades . . . Jubilee, Gala, Mardi-grssl Sizes 854 to 1U MAIN FLOOR CLASSIC STLYE DRESS PUMPS 7 90 Smooth polished csiJ with snug-fittinf iasux toed yamp, izs'.tx top-line bind ing , , Sni tired, for deaner n6 better wear. Choose black, red or Brown . Sia M?iS AA astf B. DOWNSTAIRS