TUKSPAY, MARCH 11. 1082 PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON I 1 v S. (to r t ... t V :' 1 ! " '- '; n, . " ". '.. LAMB CROP . OFF - "WASHINGTON, lPt This sea son's early lamb crop in principal producing states is about S per cent smaller than last year, the Agriculture Department reported Monday. S.P. ENGINEER Arthur G. Selby, standing in locomo tive cab, had just brought the Shasta Daylight into Dunsmuir on time and -completed 47 years of serv ice with the S.P. when the above picture was taken. It was Selby's final run be fore retirement. S.P. offi cials and many friends greeted Selby as he stepped down from his cab. Fire men Jesse A. Stainbrook is at right. Continental Race Wire To Shut Up Shop Wednesday; Gambler Tax Said Cause CLEVELAND t.f Continental Press, harassed by federal crime hunters as a mulll-mtlllon dollar horse race result service for the nation's bookies, says Wednesday is its final day. The reason, it said: Poor busi ness, . ' But at least two public officials appearnl dubious Tuesday that the syndication of horse bet payoffs Is dead. Orantlmt that bookie and "scratch sheet" business is "way down" because of the 10 per cent federal gambling tax. Police Lt. Martin P. Cooney of the Cleveland Racket Squad said Continental sub scribers have millions invested In race news equipment. - "It may not pay them i contin ental's operators to keep on pay ing that western union otii. sam Coonoy. "But there's millions tied up in that wire and it would be too costly to tear It all out." Continental subscribers. Uie Ko fauver Senate Crime Committee said, fan out horse race results to bookies all over Uie nation. Con tinental insisted that all its sub scribers hurt legal operations. Continental's decision to shut down was announced hero by Jo- Iseph M. Lebil. the wire service's chief auditor. He said: "I have been directed by Uie owner of Continental Press Service to announce that due to the con ditions affecting racing publications throughout Uie country the Contin ental Press Service will be dis continued and the organisation dis solved at the close of business on March lath. 1953." This announcement received this nrcmna v.-,JM ... m 1 ! " Specialist auto iliu atrvlcr It available here . and that mean real - Blatter specially equipped by exper ience and training will do the work. Fine flaw, ftno workmanship and prompt terivce is guaranteed hare- T2C BTJ Than Any Oth Get set for a happy (surprise when you compare today's new car prices! Com parison proves Packard for '52 offers you big-car benefits at medium-car cost! Yes, if. you are going to spend $2500 for a car, then today's new Packard at just a few dollars more is well within your reach. And the record over the years proves Packard costs less to own for "Built like a Packard' means built last! Only' Packard effort you thrilling Ultnunatic the automatic drive that out performs all others. Only Packard has , Easamatic Power Brakes for safer, quicker . stops. With 40 less toot pressure required, . Packard's mighty Thunderbolt Engine is . the world's highest-compression eight. ' Batter In 70 ways for '92, Packard is engineered and precision-built to give you greater riding comfort, easier handling, . smoother aod quieter performance. look at ono mora carl Compare Packard against the field. Test it and you'll agree ' Packard is today's top motor-car valuel I COMPMF.MCMRD for'52 Costs Less ForWhatbu Get lerCar! 1952 PACKARD "200" 4-DOOR SEDAN delivered In $ Klamath Falls 2839 Optional equipment, whue sidewall tires (if available), and state and local taxes (if any), extra. Prices mar vary slightly in nearby communities due to shipping charges. Only Packard hot Ullro Ratic the automatic drive that excels all others in smooth per formance and dependability. N.w .mailt P.w.r Irok.t give ftster.easieytopj require 40 less foot pres sure, 29 less time to apply! Packard bulldi great an gln.il Packard's Thunderbolt Engine, world's highest-compression eight, has up to 25 fewer working parts than engines of comparable power! Packard's al.tyglaii area of 3.046 square inches gives yon all-around visibility. Handsome new Inferior! and fresh exterior color com binations accent Packard's smart, low lines. Seats are as wide as the car is high. iv.ry Packard car under goes 4,287 separate factory inspections. "Built like a Packard" means built to lastl- ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE Optional equipment at extra com. LEE HUFF MOTOR CO. 603 So. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Ore. Hospital Ends Labor Strike PORTLAND W A labor dispute which began In August IVM). ended here Monday when pickets were withdrawn from Emmanuel Hospi tal. Working hours for women will be reduced from 44 hours a week to 40 hours without loss of pay, and the AFL Building Bervlce Em ployes Union will be bargaining agent for union employees at tho hospital, negotiators reported. A union spokesman said the new contract meant an Increase of about 10 per oent In wages. Although there waa a picket line union employes have continued td work at the hospital. Some supplies have been left on the sidewalk In reaction from Frank Cohen, Con tinental's distributor In Reno, Ne vada, where the state has legalised Uie operations of four bookies: "We'll manage to get the results some way Just how la a military secret." City Leaders Meet Tonight City officials and civic leaders of Klamath and Lake Counties are to meet here tonight to discuss com mon municipal problems In a meet ing sponsored by the City nf Klam ath Falls and Uie Lkague of Oregon Cities. . . . Participants,' In addition to' local ofllclals and thoao of neighboring towns, Will Include Commissioner William A. Bowes of Portland; tier man Kehrll, director of the Bureau of uulclpal Renearch and Service University of Oregon: Arnold M. Wrstling, bureau planning and pub lic works consultant; and Raymond front of the hospital by Iruckera who Tefused to. cross the picket line to deliver merchandise. . ST.joa . assii FOB CM CklUfm llib JMJNJ ORANOI l riAVOR O. Coulter, former member of Uie titale Legislature. Hwes is i'tMieiH oi inn i .ennui: of Oregon Cities. Tun others are oi lier or nieiimoia ui mo w-i'tt technical stall, Commissioner Dowrs Is to-open the meeting with a report on cur rent municipal development" and league activities. That Is to be fol lowed bv an Informal dlsrusslon session and reports on problems o( the cities and towns represented. ,' The meeting wilt be held nl Bai l's starting at 6: 30. WURLITZER A msinlflcant piano, Meny lovely styles and finishes to choos I from. LOUIS R. . PIANO 1 120 No, CO. 7fh SAVES TIME; DISHWASHING 5te rn.i-m.-w i . Buy lhm focfoy 1 NOW IN COLORS... AT REGULAR PRICES r 9th and Pine Phone 3188 " iv ' is m in i m F ,' ' -i V ' .' . : . - V - - ,4 . M ""J ' " Mill i in ..i, i i i mmm mi DEPEND ON THE QUALITY ENJOY, THE SMART. STYLING; It , Famous Armstrung Floor Covering : HEAVY-WEIGHT RUGS AND; YARD GOODS BEST GRADE PRINTED ENAMEL YOU CAN BUY 912 . rugs I 0.95 .. 9 ft width. 89c ASPHALT TILS EASY TO INSTALL 7 c to 2V2C New Quaker d.iigns and tolort or at graceful and toft at wovtn carpet-' ' ings. Plume partem (top) or floral (center) have the charm you want In your living, dining or bedrooms plus th advantage of minimum (arc, low cost, Ake new1 scroll designs,, tes-l tured blocks, morbleiitd parterm. ' AH' appropriate for kitchen, dinem or- bath.- Quaker's wonderful K-99 makes tough enamels mora resistant to soap alkali, assures longer wear, ( gives greater color brilliance. ' 1 2-FT WIDTH by th iq.' yd. . .3 ! f tokay, beige, groy, off.whltt.i 9x9' tiles, (right, abova), pr'xad by ' color. Attractive, durable .asy to care for. Can be laid on . concrete; ideal for basement playrooms, work shops. Resiiti moisture, alkali; colors can't wear off. Red, green, eedor, J .r ; ' ' -wmrwwmm mw . w newtmw.Wj TWATa7mW mww.merr 0 m m Delicious emm mk ice cm mi mm froiti Mmfmm,msim mm ffi0MY0M-6t70CQ 08 CArf IAK MOT MA A. mit.mtwvnhJi' tM't-: f