TUESDAY, MARCH 11. 1052 14 HHP WAHTID, MALI Harry t JIHI Otiun Mi....i. .11 'I tt.Mi.lt Sixth. , . WA.VT.IJ. i(jtofcit M.tomait ,wr. itmi'Ml in twill uw ami Meil rar wiling. I mat O M t l.rr, litve ami (Jiwt rnrf l ( Wtlte Hataitl " KAt.fcfcMAKr WANTKI) Jtt.Jar ,i 'Mtm '-. It fiua lifted mat Mint ! rtiiitil wMN grorv trarta ... Ca.itl.frn .ream, imrrittuv. Writ (Jot- iinn iliatil Maramttt (. till ..Mltti Ave.. Han MaiiMt')t California r tn iarvtW VANTf.f. Iw ahlTlrnrVd Pium ami ir araitars. Year armtml wrk. Tnp bv, timttl mipoMtmitv. rnbeiH" f.iiMt. j,r ;n. nc Ott. Yraka, California. I nr IP?. HAI.KhMAN-'artitf l larC appro rtfi ur nt.miti OpwtrhitiMir- to ad 1 HUP WANTID t :0-K?HtNrr;ti!.itr.t,ar fur Mf-fT-flltt. CaMl'irrtla trm-titlte firm. Iielsr t-itttftfrlej trtithtng e.iiariaiifa hut not ,.f-.arv. Write ll.ralfi Nrws. lift VI. T..w AMit.y Wuin nun imw avati attla. It sou want yiMir fiw timtiias .Ntt ttetlar then average inrom. will I .r tnfi.lmatlon tn Tit i. tt Walking In. I.rl Dealer, Haetlle . We.tiln. t" , WANTHO. exriartaitreft r! a.lef a.ia.itiait fitt tiMli.s ann rmnmarrl.l iri(Kil', PfawmiU." s.afaiv, Iff Kir. SITU Al IONS WANTI0 i ltlur CAttK. 2"rai Mmri lo II 110 day jthm W70, v 2 0.172 Wfi.L rara for rhtldran In my home. 1'lHMia 4fl4 roiaUIll.il gill watiU houf wotlt. Call wwin tMHiflt.V'ivtirit. i'iumm'ltm far fur thitilttjo mi my hnmi r your hn. avantug. Call J IMS t ii&t&ii! h- Viao'itliia ""V'ht.ne 22 ROOMS 0R RNT rW0H6OMH "aiid'"l0r Ailrartiva Hv". ii( tKt;ii wiflt llrrptmr anil ptrtura m I-arc ln-itfHifn wtth twin baiia j -(M-atttiti nfr htftn dittdrt. No cook ln (arllHlr. C-jiH ft?0. ! "liOOM (r ri-iii litriudtnf boafd'Ona'or 1 IWCt 1113 Ptr : liOOMH, lwjtfJ, garttltmtli. iMtf Ctt- i nil ! tt6ofcO rntir,Vit. rSaoCr'aacinl i.MJHT titmakpmg. varvlhin( fur (Hultfii KuMalita bachtlur or cou- plr tm N.tflh llroad. fJUtmilJS BOOMM. tm ht, Wand ? ir wi-kIjii.aHf!t, ptmna TXS. h6MH" ff rnl I'rtvata ntf anc. Crime inI'hmi 't'flOMK. pilra"faa.njoattiafihtira fJf r.OVr.l."rfm (of rent W -91 a weak" C.".o In. I'hona till. KHONT rtmi (or tatil. Craar Apart mn(t, ?lo Main. . 24 APARTMENTS fORRINT ISViTHOoM iufi)Uhat-dup.ait 27.30. I'hmie 4ifl? ytJH HKNT, lw rtwm "furiiuiieti apart maiil. Coiiiila nlv. Iiott 7316 1 Oil' BK.NT. " cluplax In "Hot "uprinf . Haal, hoi and rniij water urnMhad. . Call 37W attar 5 p ra, ftH KKNT. to rrlta.il party with no ptt. Nawly daroratad thra room anartmant. 4V ttlorka from Malm 41 T V I'HNIHHKB apartmritt. privata " 6t and t-ntrame. Heat furotHa, AQuiif, l'Hw S '1TR. ll fiplanada. rhfifXmS furnuhi'd apartment. tiai HUhit.e'f. Arroat from th Arademy. SMAlJ- turnUtti-d aoartmet. Liii and v,air H) i?2.l oak Volt Hr.N,7f, three room furnlihea apartmant. Centrally located. 131 South 2(1 KJilNISIIKJl 2 rootitii, ahVwar Uo'iw I'hnn 3.'IA?V KfWI.V "f!ci'iira.i Ihrae rViom fur- nuhed. Cli.e in. Cmtpta, UtiHUe furtilehi-rt Phone 44 32 or 34 ri.rXN '3-Voir"apartmat, 4Ja Uorih leiHh NEWLV rterftrateti aparlmanl. Crear Ant. 9-0 Main. t .N'H.KNttmfc,. tiatcmutt apart man t f-.f iiachcior m lady. Natural hut water liat and water rurnunao. wm. nerrte. ea(r arid riertric range available S'tl2 Main nr phme S4in. HTkAM KEATKM aparimaftt wttn ia'J - room. R38 Oak St. t ) tJlt.NJ.HMKD apertment for fant. Anartmnt I. 300 Matkal.-" .- h HHK8 flUOM furnished apartment, 3001 Vn .... ONE lieiifiHm unlurnHTieHl apartmatTT- .itnnd Tat! 2-flAtK ioit"Rk.r.twoVoom"apartrnant. t5v rrvthiftf ftirnUHrd Cloe In. Phone WOT; M(Hr.JtM( (urnunea iwu oaaruum mpmtv '.V'tCJ APT. S07 T. MMS V-n!IKttth rip tin anartment. etiiilpprd, lUrigeratflr, for outat roupt Vflia MarotiUe inaitlra 1334 oaK 1 HRCK room YiirnHhed "apartment and hath. Aduita only. Phone am. i wat- SMAM. a'parlment. ro In. Untitle furiiiahrd. al aleeping room. Phone iV!37. llfnVr r'nnm rr.ll aat furnlthrd. COm ftrtablv and completely. Immaculately i-iean. Verhmey. JidulU.Phona 43.W. MWtY decuratad, private bath, kit chenatte. Steam heat, alactrte range tn werk Wax Arma Apartment. MrWNiSHlfD three room apartment .vj V): two room unit $35; alt utilltlva tnrludfd. 41fl N.JTcntft 26 HOUSES FOR HINT tlNrt'RNISHKD home. three roomt and hath. WT.Sfl par month. Ho pau, ftre owner at tan EaM Mam. VOtt flENT, moetaro two room hir mahed hnua. Inquire, 3111 Cannon. Phone 8123 after five. Viu.r iifmiw rntBhetPhotiaa for rant atun two 3-ronm ftirnlahed cabins- Phons I.7P4 ik to eight p.m. TWO fwdroom furnished bou for rant fall I70, ton RENT, one bedroom partly fur ntthfd houe. inone g-taaa. ' I OII hENT, three , room furnlahad hmtae. Ivory St. 4J, Phona t hii bk.vT three room modern furn. ioned cah!n. Electric atove. Rent iUV See at t?.t5 Adam nr call P242. TMfplJX for rent. 1212 HomedaV, Von RENT, one hedroom furnlahad hou, ?1 Washington. iisir: hfrirnnm itunlex linfurnlahed cs rept range and refrigerator. Clean and newly decorated. Ha ohiectloi to one emifl. no neiK. no. none -wn, THREE' BOOM p'artlv furnlahed home for rent, azot an at. , TWO ROOM furnlahed houta for rent. Phone 9111. TWO BEDROOM houe for rantTPhon W77. I J U FLEX for rent. Phone 3037 "tWfort ft n.m, von RENT, two bedroom unftirntihed hotiie. AUo amalt cafalna, Inquire 518 Ttt'h hertrnnm home with office $n" front fomplefely fiirnishad. Extra good lo cation for iHistnena. tan aino. ONE bedroom partlv furnlahed houte, f loe In. CaH 2-DafMt. votifts rent, Inquire Piggiy Wliil7 28 'MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT. For Lease Long Term Service Station, Motel, Restaurant SITE Good location, UlRhwny S7 t Dla mond Luke Jet. For more Informa tion write Box 617, Chlloquln. Ore, BEEHXVS " u TRUCKS ,w DRIVE , y; Move Yourself Snve H : New Trucks Pof Long Trips i . 4 Pickups Stakes Vans i BEACON MOBIL SERVICE i 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 1 Oit RKNT, 10 acrc bnrtcy. clover and nr noislo land ni ! prr acre i . a'jt. write iieraui wewa. hiixji,, i i:OR RENT, hv nrihi. Hay or month, HTrRfl building next to Utile Sweden on . s, riouth SiKlli, for datices, parties, aatte, t ' ? ahowa, Haa aleeiric heat, pica danct f 3 floor, atage and piano. Alao banquat i -'A tables available and eight or ten jm F- ' 3 MMlala for I.orine Uas, Hniith Sixth Co L - ovkice 'for nt, 623 Main. Pho 10 RIAL 1ST AT I FOR SAll FOR SALE 3 bedroom home in Hot Bprln$a lilntrlct, hardwood floor, fireplace, full bur.rnirnt, new piped furmice, double minute, lot well Innihcnpecl. Proiierty In jowl condition, quick po'nevMm. Priced to iell. Reason able terms. S room home with dinette, fire place, Venetian blind", full bene- "rntle mid lilnh auhonlii. Immediate po.i6ealon. Price $71)50. Term. Kmoll farm near city on rtlhtey, Ideal for dairy or diversified farm ing. Planted to pasture fraaa, aliilke clover and alfalfa. Good Utrce bedroom home with electric heat and other buildings. See Fred Cofer Bob Ntephem (Evening 3593 tEvenln$ 9230) Bomhisel Agency 112 8. 8th 81. Phone 4195 SPLENDID BUY Very good aubstatittal home, cor ner lot, live rooma with bath, nice Kurnfcc, paved atreel. Extra large living room, dining room, utility room and atorage room plua elec tric heat, and large picture win dow. Better nee thla now for only I97&0, and will go any type loan. We Want A Bid On tlU attractive two bedroom home completely furnished. In aouth nuburban area. Take a look at till home and give u a bid. u worth your time. Acreages and Ranches 98 ACRES, MODOC POINT tl.000 311 ACRES. LANOO VALLEY $44,000.00 80 ACRES, 1 mile from Malm, All Irrigated 131.000 80 ACRES. LAKEV1EW, $18 00.1 Acrea, Chicken ranch 't nine from Big Y mkt. Acrea, Chicken ranch ' mile from Big Y mkt. Apartment House 18 unit all electrical equtped and and nicely furnlahed. 18 unit all electrically equipped building and well worth the price. call u today about this buy. Jay P. Orlgg Evea. Ph. 42J4 Oene Favell Evea. Ph. 6045 Claire Ellis Evea. Ph. J-3568 W. W. Thompson at Matin J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Ph.l52i 240 ACRES On list River. Sandy loam, mostly all in alfalfa and clover. Ready for spuds. Pasture for 80 head cattle. All machinery In good con dition. Five room modern home, large potato cellar, good big hay barn, machine ahed and other buildings. Thla Is well worth the money at $85,000. Terms, HENLEY DISTRICT 214 acres, 180 acres under Irriga tion bordering Lost Rrlver. Good buildings, no eel worms. Moany pasture and Clover. Good share of It ready for potatoes. $74,000. Terms. HOMEDALE ROAD 75 acrea In pasture and train. All tinder Irrigation. Priced $31,000. $8,000. will handle, balance on long terms. , JACK GARDNER Phone 8371 Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 8th Phone9831 LISTINGS NEEDED We urgently need listings on city and suburban homes. It you're thinking of selling please call us now for interview and estimate of market value. Quick & courteous attention will be given to all calls without any obligation to you. WALT D1ETZ. with ' T. B. WATTERS REALTORS and INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Phone 4193 (EveJ4891 Are You Interested? In a well built 3 bedroom brick house Fireplace, dining room, full basement, piped oil furnace, trees and lawn, beautiful view, $7000 with $2000 down. Claire Ellis 3-2669 Oene Favell 6045 Jny Griggs 4254 W. W. Thompson at Malin J, W. SANDERS REALTOR 1313 Main Phone 7521 rem SALE, on, acre land. S3? Cat! Mln. OWNRR new two bedroom modern home. Clean, garage. Terme, Witt trade for ranch. Writ Box (14, Matin, Ort on, POR SAI.K, two bedroom eomplately furnished housa. Price $MM0. 3301 Shaa la Way. FOR SM.B nlr level lot N.. corner Artrllnon and lJikevlew, Accent reason sine offer. Doris Whlta, P.O. Box 1X13, NKW HUMES tnr sale. WUIiam B. Powell. Phone IW.. rOR SALE, furnished 4-room home, two acrea food aotl, chteken house, eoot ar. Near bus. 440T Bartlatt Avt, INCOMat property, warenouse," smati Investment earning It per cent after Insurance and taxes. Call 44U or 6876 after 8 p.m. 39 MAI. 1ST AT I A Home Designed For- . GRACIOUS FAMILY LIVING A beautiful and dUtlnetlvt home with tandacapetl tot that approach the Ideal. Large Jlvinj room with fireplace, cheerful kitchen and break ft nook, dlnihf room, large master bedroom, two- other bedroom finished In knotty pine, aewlng room or den, large modern bath. Every room Immaculate and decorated In perfect taste, A truly line home tor the dUcrlmlnatlng, A worid of ahrubif and decorative fence frame thia lovely home. Painted corral fencing and apotleia white outintMfnw eompttU thU picture The building include fruit room, storage room, garssfe, heated chicken homie, tack room and amaii horw bam, Ute of fruit treca, berrlea and good garden apace. Sweeping graveled drive way. Located In choice auburban area rtJrttemn FINANCING ALREADY -ARRANGED TO MEET P.H.A. TERMB- QOICK POSSESSION. Make an appointment to see this today RON FISHER (Eves. 8970) PAT HOWES 1025 Main MILLS ADDITION Two bedroom furnbhed home with i,. ttvina and dlnlni rooms atMJ imailer room Uiat can be used a den or child'a bedroom. Excellent heating ayatem. two unite. Service porch, unfurnlihed attic and 54 foot front on East Main. Can be adapted for business. Price $7500. ALSO MILLS Late model two bedroom home. Beautifully decorated. Excellent construction. A realty nice yard and neighborhood. Good garage and paved drive. $S250 terms. Anne Mason Eves. T14 Eddie Hosiey 2-0563 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 132 S. Sth Phone 7268 TWO BEDROOM MODERN HOME One block off pavement on gooa gravel street. Comer lot. $1250, FHA or GI Loan. ONE BEDROOM HOME Two car basement garage. Overlooking lake. City water and sewer. $3000, $1000 down, $35 per month. LISTINGS WANTED JACK CASHIN E. Willord Cedorleof REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 3927 So. 8th Phone 2-0I&4 Eves. 2-3170 HOT SPRINGS Lovely, two story 3 bedroom home on Eldorado Blvd. About five years old, beautifully landscaped. Large living room with fireplace, ammg room, large kitchen and half bath downstairs. Large utility room, etc. In basement. New wali-to-wuil car peting, numerous closets. Extra tool room on rear of garage, bar becue, natlo. etc. Full fb-ice only $18,500. Will carry maximum loan of any kind. Shown by appoint ment only. MILLS ADDITION Very -well designed and sturdily built two bedroom house, about five years old. Dinette space off living room, large kitchen, utility room, etc., House fully insulated, in excellent location. Can be had for $9000, only $1000 down payment, YALTA GARDENS Modern, veil constructed 2'i bed room home, ideal location. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, utility, attached garage, completely insulated. 13 acre rich irrigated soil. Price $11,000. FHA terms. SUBURBAN We have several small acreages tn the south suburban area, very reasonably priced. Some with down payments as low as $500 and pay ments like rent. Call us now for further information. Open Evenings by Appointment 8ee Homer Stiles Don Sloan Fred Scott Ph, 2-2460 Eves. 8858 Eves. $703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. Sth St. Ph. 64 or 5529 HOT SPRINGS 6 BEDROOMS Furnished home. Good hot water well, full basement. Fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, two baths, pic ture windows, attractive yard. Alt rooms have nice furnishings such as three piece aectional daveno, drapes, eight piece dining set, OS range and refrigerator, linens. Price $28,000 on terms. Summers Lane District Two bedroom home only 4 years old. Large bath and kitchen, elec tric hot water tank, concrete foun dation, large garage with cement floor, one acre good Irrigated land mostly in pasture. Should carry any type loan. Price $7500. Anne Mason Eves, 671 Bidie Hosiey 3-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 113 S. 'Jth. Phone 7368 ROMXft fOR SAL1 CVERETT DINN1S, REALTOR Dnn Kirk p trie , Si1emjif, 121 N 8tk Phone t HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FOR 5ALI JOHNNY BLAYLOCK REALTORS Phone 2-3545 MALIN RANCH 185 Acres. All irrigated. All fenced. Paved road. 99 acres in clover. Rich sandy loam soil. Three good homes, two potato cellars (one excellent!, other good out buildings. Only two miles from Matin For price and details please contact 'this office. CATTLE RANCH 320 Acres. Irrigation. Two homes. CIood iarse barn. Ait grazing land seeded to grass. Only 26 miles from Klamath Falls. On paved road close to small town and good Grade and High Behoof. Priced to sell quick at $50,000, Bank terms. WALT DIETZ, with T. B. WATTERS REALTOR and INSURANCE 107 So. tth Phone 4193 iEves, 9469 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $!5 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at oov t, Mate and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG, Pacific Lanis 1821 KE Cahuenea Blvd. Hollywood 28, Caiif. TltllES room house on corner tot. Ce ment lounatnon. XaTsee, fences, aijtx. 2S0O Scott. Phone 2-J&52. 32 BUILDING ft REMODELING ROOFING SIDING Whatever your rooflnji' or siding need might be, we have itt And you'll save money by having your job done before - It's too late and expensive repair bills are necessary, INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN ii STORM WINDOWS AH Work Guaranteed Kuhlman Insulation For free estimate phone 4488, or Clem Lesueur, Agent 2-3443 ALUSHSUM BOOrtSO We have atammam rosftnj available for a limited time only, delivery wan- in two Keen. MONTGOMERY WARDS Sth and Ptne Phone 3tSS LIKE WORKING WITH TOOLS? Then set what you need tn keep busy at Basin Bultdtna Materials, inc. We car ry a complete tine of tamber, trim- minss. saints, paneling ami auch. Stop by and tosic sroin. HM South Sixth or pnane 34 fUli. HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove ' Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Heating Satisfaction; FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service1 Since 1919 821 Spring St, Phone 4153 STANDARD HEATING OIL Sttv, furnace, Ugh, fu, csai, wtxxj, :hrco.. Py$ss and Co. &33 Ma?kt DRY pine Oiocks for Open ttvt- mngs ana wg5g. signers nro. PHKSTOLOGS pickup or d-ivered. t-siif adens issjrui SPfT!c, sa SIR KRtm 3631 Or 3 tt H GREEN STAMPS tH'en on in oiit. Phon 3SSi or 2-$2jQ tot orompl CLiTT V ADEN'S SIGNAL 5ERV1C8 35SB SO B& 39 BOATS m SPORTi H0B8IIS TO GtVS awv, shepJttrd and m dsrif pupi. Phqn? 2-1041, FOR SALE, registereiJ Gerffism thert Phone T-S235. DOBEHMAN PJKSCJJKR ftsr Je. Two er old, amsle. Very senile. Phone mis, AN OCRSON Soardini Kenrh Phon m7 55oS Dlawar off Hsmedsie, BOARDING KENNELS Oof boftrdfnc by dy. week or ftjonts Sinilarv Jtennej. Welt balanee-d diet Cltmn tiiftivtduftl outdoor run fof eh dot, uof nandtea auruf msutc. wui Visitant Wtieam Phnn Metrt!! ftd. J. 2. Btm SO SHASTA CASCADE KENNEiJt TKHEE coitte pup for w.ie. Three month j old, jfsltf and whtt. Utter reg istered. CftfE 42 LIVESTOCK 4 POULTItr POULTRY WANTED Cssh paid tot fts? amount Top marl prices for goes quant?. For quotations 385? KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FOR SALE, tsesd Angus bulls. These bail re pure&red ana m.i vfirt A&f. If vnsi r itreied in mi bum da net frt its ee Ihete. Vou wtsi finrf a !nt nt w!t bred, eood boned nd good headed feuttf. These ball re priced to sell. trOok them over before you biiy, ef!rg Martin, Old Midlssd Koaa. Fis&ne svm, rm'c phSfi, ifif Saitirriav. March 15th. 16 LegiiGrn enpkreJs io each adnlt, Stan nera reea wore, j'-i? aawi FUR SALS Cfttves. Homed Jfl Cncfeerel heavy breed. per hun- area. nnr.n state batcsesY 27 2C So. Sth. Phon 6093. CATTLE PASTURE FOR FEffT tor summer statori, net fort K.mth, Net ! tHn tm hji or over 38& head. Kxcellent puture nd- water vUb Aprit 15 or May j in uciQtxr Kert'M rates, Wrtt Box 40, Herald 42 tiVKTOCff AUCTION BASIN SALES MANAGEMENT'S 1st Annuo I Purebred All Breeds Bull and Female Sale Selling At KLAMATH LIVESTOCK INC. Klamath Fails. Oregon 12 Noon Friday, March 14, 1952 50 BULLS 35 Service Age 15 Herdsire Prospects CONSIGNORS W. M. Williams, Klamath Falls, Ore, Wm, Zumbrum, Fort Klam ath Ore, Clyde Dehlinger, Klam ath Falls, Ore., Clarence Hasten, Stevensviiie, Montana, Elliot Wil son, Grants Pass, Ore., D. S. and Marie Pruitt, Eugene, Ore., Jack T. Harmon. Eugene, Ore., Hufford Hereford Ranch, Grenada, Calif., NORMAN WARSINKE ASSISTING Billings, Montana RINOMEN: Bob Yancey, Prtnevjiie, Ore., Ken Bullen Williams, Caiif. Write For Catalog To: BASIN SALES MANAGEMENT SERVICE 5304 Alva Street Kiarnath Falls. Oregon 44 FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE FIRST CALL t Op to $500 on your auto On your salary or furniture up to $300 -Pay Day" loans a specialty $10. $25. $50 loaned tilt "pay day or longer. $25 cost but 18 cents for one sreefc Ho other charges, LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No. 10th St DOM McINTYRE, Msrr. 43 esrt friendly Service M-JM 42 tiVISTOCK I POULTRY SED rsVERS and roMter far Mle. freshly dressed rty for tiw part, ev ery Friday and Saturday, Phon SOM after . sHTtrtciA.'. Bitreoixc service Pitone S72J M. C iChacaf warren Rt Bo 322. If 1st answer Pftrme HlCitiKST prices put tot poultry, boat snd livestock. Bi& T MT. .Vi ISA niters tkrrttw JuncH-rs phona 4er 44 MiSCitkANRiUS WANTED WANTED to lease or rent. Three bed room unruratthed home. Call S362 or S2S2. WANTED darhased hay or trass ill (or stock catti. Must be ressonallte. Phon 2-OVfl. WANTED to Jesse er rem.nSee to bedroom hou unfwrrmrjea tn fit mom WAKTED. usetf Phew Kite. beauty equtpment WANTED, bjr famtty of fmir, nicety furnished home. Close to town. Refer ences. Call between 5;30 and I, Sttt. Et. , WANTED to bu two bedroom modern horns on acreas. Sot more than S.v down ana S43 per month. Call Mr. At- t-r 3-2558 oetween l-a p.m. PERMAKEKT eouste wants to rent two bedroom house, fnone 5wt WASTED, S foot spring tooth barrow. Phone 5045, sve STFirr CABS' Get too prtea BOW Rrwe Sfotor Co Sth and Phinv 4 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow PJ Onl $180 $7iT sia Repse to 1J Installments op to $a on . 1TJRNTTURS OR SALARY CP TO $1206 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW . Convenient Location , Corjenient io Bom Ootmaient to pa; Locailj osrned - Sew Cars ftsaseed at baak nte "yONE? m A HURRY Motor Investment Co. 20 rears serrint Klamath Basil; See "Cluclt" Baiiey, Mgr. U H. tm St, Phone 332S S-l M-J7 $ Commercial Furnishes Cashi- CASH LOANS $50 to $300 Auto Purnltur ' Lit esteck Salary $50 to $500 Automobiles (paid tor or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealal Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie. S-SSl K-23 Mr? Bo Sth Phona T?H 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES S40O MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refining ' and collecting money from our five-cent High Grade Nut machine In this area. Kg settingi To qualify tor work yoa must have car, references, S696 cash, secured by inventory. Devot ion S hours a week to easiness, your end on percentage of collections will net up to monthly with very good fsrostbtitttes of taking over futl lime. Income increasing accordingly. For in tervJear, include phone in application. Box 53, Herald and New. SERVICE station for tease irt down town Aliuras. Good business location. Wonderful opportunity for right psrty. Write Ray Darnell. Box OSS, Alturas, si sedan about StlS. wrtte particular! Her ald ?tews, BOX 31 ft POUtTRT 51 40 FEMALES 17 Bred Hereford Heifer 17 Open Hereford Heifers 6 Hereford Co Merle Good. Msedoet. Calif, Env e- t Rbnett. New Ptne Creek, Ore. Henry L. Page. Canby. Ore., L. V. Deforest, Susanviiie. Calif.. Wil lamette Polled Hereford Ranch, Halscy. . Ore.. Mt. Crest Ranch, Jfilt. Calif., Dan Barry, Merrill, Ore., AJ Henry. Crawfordsviile, Ore., Leroy Gienger, Chtioquin, Ore. G. W. Merry) FALES Auctioneer - Klamath Falls, Ore. LOANS Pfesue 2-2531 s-m 43 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITliS FOR LEASE. S7" Cafe. Chemolt Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 55, Chemuit, GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER & WISE LICENSE -Buildtne With Living Quarters CROSSED OVER $6000 IS 1S5I LOCATED BIG VALLEY IS CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 38 S500Q DOWN, Medford, furnished da- plex. f-tose tn. apace for over double garage- Room lor rsere rentals. .Monthly income. SS35. write Lisle. Rt. I. Bos: 6i. Ashland. Ore. "DEALERS wanted. We establish you tn the monument business. Jfo exper ience or investment required. Fuil or part time. Write Seiti Memortai Co.. 725 E. Florence Ave.. Ingtewood. Cam." SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SALE! GOOD USED APPLIANCES Reconditioned and Guaranteed USED ELECTRIC RANGES U7 UP USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS sj 7 UP VERN OWENS' Home Furnishing Co. CASCADE 124 No. 4th Ph. 8385 SPRINKLER IRRIGATION eiimtni rostJy IcveiHns nd etwcltinf, rjuir less water proviaes periec oin-jon. Write Box 49, Her id tnd News tot frte inffrrmatitm ion SALE, 10 foot Oliver olf-iet disc. Phcne Tutelage, TOR SALE, Zenith U"na-ocentc rdiK Phone 3S18. BOYS BICYCLE. t5. Phone 9664. REFRIGERATOR for sale. Phone 2-1 2H 5S5 SUIT, tiie 37. I5. Pftone 3-1? 4. PRIMA washing maehint. spin doer Round tub. S25. Phone 3354. lf5t BtICKS now avsilsblc for immtrfi- ate del tvery tn peias. supers mns rwtdmasters. We miftt have x lew 1951 model left. H. c. Kxuiter. nmrne sim FOB SALE, 20 ton first cutting altatr hay. Charles luunaoerg, luieotite, cttiii- or.it. CRUSHED rock and driveway cmder. Phone 2-tts7 KLtCTHOLL'X CLEAKER nd OOiihr aid supplies. Phon list ?k Tweet 971 Maricet SiiOWCASE, inquire Reamec Country t iub. KOR SALE. Krii'dirt eieettic sKsve. Good rondiHan. Best offer over $73 m TON bsted J6 per T. Phone Tutftaetet T-tqie4. BARN YARD FERTIUZER, delivered. Phone 1-3838. tot M.e. AUDING HACH1LYES, caicuiaton, typ wrfters. cash reguters, dtuXa. , C3iirt (Uea for sale or rent PIONEER OFT1C2 SUPPLY 839 Main Phon s t4JS DKIVEWAY MATERIALS. Phona Joe Bart. 9755. AN SCO Reflex Camera. Case, f.ft guzt, Kew conditton. I3Q- Cat! 2-3196. eOtixHt KECAPS EACH EXCHANGE - . - - -Wft buv tiwt ttres. O.K. Rttijbe Welti ar. a;t9t So 6th Phong 431:1 DRIVEWAY MATER 1 At. Phona THIS wee Wt the tM weeic ne bit carload sate on BtltweU davenporU and chafrs, bed divans ami chairs, swing rocker. Smalt down . payment Many month en the balance. Save money now at I.UCA3 fURNITUHS, 1R3 E, MAIS. USED FURNITURE values can aiwayi be found at Klamatfe Furaitur Co. Zil Mailt, Phon 3333. MIKIUANteUS SEED POTATOES NETTED GEM COLLEGE GREENHOUSE TEST , COUNT m FOUNDATION J. LELAND TOPE & SON MERRILL, OREGON" Phone 2139 or 2344 AUTOMOTiVI 2 DAYS TO TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! That's what you get at Dugan ft Most Try the car of year choice for 2 days then if for any reason you DON'T like it bring it back. Your money 1943 Olds ........ $1597 1948 Dodge $169? 1950 Ford . 14? 1948 Chev, Aero ........ $1237 .it ii TRUCKS it it 1949 Chev. m Too J$1497 1848 Ford Vt Ton $lWt 1943 Dodge Vt Ton $119? ALSO BIG STOCK OF NEW DODGE PICKUPS For the BEST in the WIST see DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated TRUCKS . 522 So. 8ta . Phone 8101 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOK SALE FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS I SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS . ETC. . . , Your Choice Only - . $1 EACH BARGAIN SPOT ' 70? So. Sth - " Phor.e K08 SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Lidaic JUIaB., ----- - s Ifc Purity GtSBEteatte S3.50 Etna MUb Etna,' GaUfenw Phone Etos 155 Build Better WM Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS -Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. S35 Market Pisone SUS DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sond ond Grovel Co, J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7859 ' PlJ. mi FOR sil Biue ttt KItmtttt Netted: Cerns. Plfsne 1S2X f OH SALi, er used r"r-.,' -ia'.-t. elec tric rsr. sr. ons ertts and mattress. A year old aire. One Taylor tot-stretSee, A stent lilt new, s-npne af,ga. FUR S&LE hand, made natural .T-J ii - one iue-Therm cl heaters-Apt. 5. Call ssst or 5"i. FOR SALE. taaSes hSeisIt, mx sew. 123. Phone $608. CP.USHED BOCK. Phone 55t. i . a nsr A p;t; evergreens. ahrsiss and szeea. W Ulm, spray astf Ttimni targe tree. UlKXSiiOHI GARDENS KOSSEBtf Mse save t S rrts Craft Kit Boat slss C?sb- ers nd Bun&mia. Johnsori 5 Hon mators. Boats IsosslW. old s4 x- champed. SoaU ior rersS is men. 9S& front SI. Phor 2-tS3 HANDY WiTH TOOLS? Basis Build in Mtri3 I?5C, has e-yervir. ?t'3 need in buiidinf auppSies. Whlhr you need lumber, tnmmiRji. pa J hi, iise imc anna door or its dvsc, thla is the piae- to tome, 4734 SauiS StsitR. fitone -i-slj. REX-ALRS racy cleanr. 3-30 down. 33 per ?nonth. Phcne r.jQ, $$ AUTOMOTiVi For a NEW or USED THUCE Always See J1EE or OTCK Your Issensatfimaf Tntar D?ale? JUCKELAND " TRUCK SALES 11th snd BDamstlt PJioas 2-253) VOn SALS ISSt '-.-ton SJst,C piikyc. Private party mi, Can- aide? trade in, PhijTje 241 Corra be tween s ana sjj. rs ; 4 1 . r Ffc iir te sememe was needs tire now and would like ts pa? Cor them later, Ak abei.4 ui Sadjet Plirs. use a, muser vs. ewd fiood a 23-20 tires. Exc51ni con dition thfoufhout WSE ?f5!dr in trade. See at mennem jjerv.ca t!on. Phone 7--5, Fun isM-,i., t.iiv ta -Sfiwt -ti- draaJie blade- Abotii ilx month runnel 33m C, 2. Bom, t 4, Boat 432, AH WANTED, someone who ntfdi Hr?j, who woy.d like in tu syr Siidl4 P Pty as you rid oa oaf rWt; Tira. prion rii ni3? fif 2-!5. 1540 PLYMOUTH, Seed todHiST ft H. set t UTi i sr if" WLL is equity cheap in luaor aeaan. f-nsssu -j PAGE ELSVftf MR SMt READING 0 wut be cheerfully refunded. 184? Fort m IBM Chevrolet 1949 Fort $ ?9? $14? $13T 1948 Dodge Toft 1844 Int'L VA Ton . 1949 Bodge Panel . .. $108? f TO? f Hi? (: 1950 ' STUDEBAKER ; CHAMPION Fsur-Docr Sedsa aster, mexUm, sst covers, V$hi grey pitat A good economy car. ; 41545 JUCKELAND'S Utit srsd Ktsmash Phorse S-3JS1 Drum-Lot Oil Sale Special Contract Plan AT WARDS Get sate prices sra Wards Preirsram Grsde Viiaaad OU there's mm floer, At s special contract plan that protects you agaiast rtatee prists mi gives Use sa sings to you tt prises go down, Sioci up fsotr ort sll smt seeds t sale prices. Aii prices tBritKJe Federsl Tax. P.es-. S6c faJ. iS cut. dram jtotr S3c pet, Reg. S6c H. In 3S gal, Srata am We gal, S five-sL ctss, Be. fSM mm ttM, - ; . ; . Montgomery Ward Sth SBd Fir,s Phofie 313J 1949 FORDV-8 CLUB COUPE Rsrtto, hestte, light green 5 fetish. Very sisaa. . . - ' $1345 J JUCKELANLVS 1th and KHamsllt" Plioi 3-25S1 COMPLKTE Rodiotor Service CLEANING fLOSHWO REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR.CO. Hals tt EiptkBcd BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED West-Hitchcock Corp. YGUB CMC DEALEE m a its w B KEItt CASai Cm too oris awwt ito Motor Ot eat rag Paget. 47 CHEV, f ' toasts? iou? sfeoe tsttsn. gagsoffr. FOB SAtJE, 33il CMC eon too oiciaB. tt rOBO V- FAMEt. Iq!l!cpJ tteater. fce ."!. t3S5, Bsssijar's Csf 1st. so, s. pfegaej est, JS$t faJSSKOBHJE Sf, Etra, udae aelMBT W eaBtamta, Pfaaa aetata. tis ftsutt DSIVi MORI iittBWt 3C5 I Mat Wisb MIS " Ml v..., .-s- .o- r-j - Wt &-JJ- t f ' we sij, emit akb Ccer.sf Stattc War khE Artha nrtS) ta ttatat t TSUCX SPiSite.' ti Tvril iirss. o4 evrew, f5h Mil iar a. Bslsisif S B Csr 1S. 355. So. tfc pssr.a i s.