PAGE TEN HERALD AND WEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Emll (Dutch) Leonard, oldest pltober In the majors, lirst played pro ball in 1S30 with Canton, O. The Cub knuckle bailer will be 42 on March 35. Be won 30 games for Wiuhlnfftnn In 1B39. Merchants Spring Opening Slated To Be "Best Ever" Everyone Is looking with enthu- vice president and promotions siasm tnis rriaay s spring upeii- cnairman or me Klamatn Mer Ing. was the word of Carl Sparks, . - - . vi;a mmwmrmr nnnn tOVea. . - - - - - w . .rcj V."'-. .. . -.. . . W: : MR: FARfAtlt! v - I:; IRRIGATION CONTROLLED ' 6f: ; IN CONCRETE PIPE WILL :,:' P1Y VAII TUDCC IMUinrunn lvt . . erw iiiaiK wi t iiyKiiv3i K'vV'V 1. ACRK SALVAGID FROM 4 ; DITCHES ADD CHATTLE VAIUI . Z PRODUCTION PROM THBI ..' . ACRES WILL SOON PAT FOR TOURST5TfMJ ! V3. YOU SAVI MUCH ON IRRIGA. TION-LAIOR COSTS, 4 WIID- . CONTROL EXPENSES., , . mmmniraaiiif MMimiian ' PGYTON&CO. . I 833 MARKIT OT. .HHIUIinilll chants Association which Is apon soring the show. "From an audience standpoint we expect this year's fashion show to be much Better than ever before. In addition to the regular seating capacity in the balcony, the main floor of the Armory will have seats arranged so all mav be seated and all may see," sparks said. There are several other tnnova lions to Spring Opening this year. The event will get under way with a preview showing of spring fashions and new merchandise when merchants unveil their win dows Thursday evening. At least 40 units of new farm, Industrial and automotive equip ment wiu oe snown maay after noon on downtown strees. Seventh and eighth streets, between Klam ath and Pine, will be roped off for this big equipment. Bob Mest, chairman of this phase of the opening, has promised a big surprise in the equipment end. and a "grab bag" feature will be held in the downtown show. Merchants have donated Items from their stocks ranging in price from one to five dollars, and these will be sold from the grab bag, sight unseen, for a dollar each. Arlen Sanders of KFJI will bave charge of the grab bag, with Boy Scouts assisting. Alt proceeds from Spring Opening will go to youth ac tivities, ana oy ana uiri scouts will operae concessions at the Ar mory. Spring Opening will be climaxed by the fashion show and new ap pliance displays at the Armorv Friday evening. The doors will open at 6:uo ana ne lasruan snow will start at 8:00. Bob Frederlckson of Miller's Is chairman of the opening and Is directly in charge of the fashion show. Clark Blair of Sears has ar ranged the showing of appliances. Tickets to the fashion show are 60 cents, including tax, and are available at most all stores. M TV .TIT "s -Ml J mi I fir. CLASSIFIED RATES One da; . per word 4 rhre Days per word Ho Week run . per word 50o Monti) run per word tie MINIMUM The minimum churn for any one ad is sou. BOX NUMHIiR8 Answers to au may be handled through box numbers at tho paper for a service clmiifo of BIG AND LITTLE OF THINGS shows up in this shot of little 4-year-old Kenneth Iccnbice, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Icenbicc, Merrill. The big tractor behind Kenneth and his Farm all tricycle is a Farmall Super "C", a two-plow tractor with 22.5 horsepower on the draw bar. It can be seen at J. V. Kerns Implements. The French and Indian War peace treaty was signed in Paris in 1763. rVOuwl Hi Jf I . What makes Olympia so r 7 rN rejresmngr 4$ Its the Water It is widely recognized by scientists and master brewers that one of the most important factors in making good beer is the natural brewing properties in the water. ' "It's the Water" from our artesian wells, combined with pre mium quality grains and hops and the skill of Olympia's master brewers that gives such refreshing taste and rare good flavor to 0 LYM PIA . . . Amejica's Original Light Table Beer. Kickbacks To Docs Okayed WASHINGTON Ml In the ab sence of specific laws to the con trary, "kickbacks" paid to doctors by optical companies may be de ducted as a business expense for tax purposes, the Supreme Court decided Monday. The tribunal noted that several P nUlT Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS ClifrYaden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th (Open 24 hn. Every Day) ' states have recently passed Legis lation outlawing such kickbacks. -Monday's decision was on an ap peal by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B, Lilly, owners of several North Car olina firms which grind and fit eye glasses. The government said the firms m 1943 and 1844 paid to present) ing physicians one-third of the re- tall price of glasses bought by pa tients sent to them by the doctors. Justice Burton delivered the 8-0 decision. Justice Douglas disquali fied himself from the case.. Burton's opinion held the kick backs amounted to an ordinary business expense "in Uie generally accepted meaning of that word." "We voice no approval of the business ethics or public policy In volved tn these payments," Burton said but he added that if the pay ments had not been made, doctors would have sent their patients to other ontlclans willing to make the kickbacks. The baby's first shoes, which are put on when be begins to walk, should be soft, with flexible soles, have a slight heel, or no heels at all, and be full through - the toes. Dairymen Ask Curb Recall WASHINGTON W- A dairy In dustry representative called Mon day for removal of price controls on all foods, especially dairy prod ucts, by June 30. P. L. Haymes, speaking for a dairy Industry committee, told the Senate Banking Committee: "Price controls are a deterrent to production and we believe that price controls on all foods m gen eral and dairy products tn partic ular should be terminated not later than June 30, 1953." The committee Is studying PresU dent Truman's request for a two year extension of the Defense pro duction act, which includes wage price control authority. The present act expires June 30. Haymes said ne spoxe lor me American Butter Institute, the Na tional Creameries Association, the National Cheese Institute, the Milk Industry foundation, and the Inter national Assoclatlonof Ice Cream Manufacturers. In reply to a question by Sen. Robertson (D.-Va.,). Hnymes said Legal Notice SUMMONS row PUHMCATfON IN THR L'lMCIIIT L'UIIHT Of TIIK NIATK or unf.UON IN AND rim TMK t'OUNTV or KLAMATH Kuutly No. 113 LAURA IASTWOOU, Hliinllft HIMtlUN WIUnER RARTWOOD, lffmlnt TO KIMKON WlUltll EASTWOOD. DrfolKtNiil IN Tilt NAME or THK STATE Or OHKC1DN: Vim !- hllty rqulr! to appall and sniwtr III complain! tiled atfftlnat you In llta aoova ntltlad suit wltliln four waaha from Ilia dala of Ilia flral piinllratloii of thla aunt. mom In Ihe llerald anil Nvwa, a nawa papar prlntad anil puliMalird In Klam. all) Couiily. Orraon. yhlcll aald (lair la lha lit day of Marrh. I'M, and if ynu fall lo antiwar, (or want lharaof. Ilia itialnfltf will apply to thla Cmm for the relief prayad for In har com plaint. Tit la aummona la aervad upon you by publication puratiant lo an ordar of fha Honurabla Uavld R. Vanilan bars. Judsa of Ilia abova anlltled Court, mada and rntarail raliruary 2.1th, IflSll. which order reiiulree that auintnona Herein be pumialted once week for tour aucraaalva weeke, and that the data of lha flrat publication of aald auliimona anail Da ftlervn let, l3i. . II. 1 nalentlna Attorney for I'lalnllll i.u.u r. niafl. Klamath 1'aiU. Ore. TUESDAY, MARCH 11. 1052 Classified ails accepted up to 8:30 am. for following day ' pubilcarrfA). Classified display adi accepted up tc a noon for following day's pub lication. fr ADJUSTMENTS Please mane all .claims tor adjust ments without delay. Corrections or eancelUttont re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be mailt In following day'i publication A CARD Of THANKS KrtW.M'-.WawleH In thariirVlPnf our kind frteuila and tlelshbora for their mmny kind of aNprewtona of eympathy and Uia rariU from our rarant bereave, mailt. Mra. (Turtle Heldrlrh. MIITIN0 NOTICIS Klaninlh Chapter No. 35 lUiynl Arch Masons will hold a special meeting Wed., March 12, 7:30, Will confer Mark Mnitter Degree on rlitM of cantllilntrs. Vl.-lUng companions In vltetl. Chits, ft. Bonney, H P. he doea not favor elimination of all price controls outside Ihe food fields. The witness said controls are necessary In some cases to aid the defense program, but he did not aay what controls he had in mind. Church Enrollment Said Goina Ud uvuf VnniT im TV Vnltnnal Council of the Churches of Christ Ui America lias (-oauced ataus tics to snow uini cnurcn mcniurr ahln far from "dvlna" In till U.S.A. Is growing twice as fast as the population as a wnoie. tlrt.lta IV. nnnnl.llnn nt th rmin , v. . M.hnljt , . a.nwlne rmlv 28 8 per cent between IMS and 1650, the council aald Monday, the total membership of the larger church groups increased per cent. The council represents Protestant and Eastern ortnodox cnurcnes. FAST LAN8INO, Mich. tB-JIm Kepford. captain of Michigan State's Big Ten championship cross country team last fail, waa re elected , captain of the team for 1953. It la only the aeeond time in Spartan cross country history that the same man has oeen made captain twice. Be your ovrn car expert ! Lu alf. lets you compare vars lcatiire by feature! Symbol of Hospitality Visitors ire always welcome at ' ' ". ' Olympia Brewing Company, Olympia, Washington, "One of America's Exceptional Brewarles" " U)u et the facts you need to judge car value. . . . . and save money! Tyjow raa can be your own ex- . safety, convenience and econony 1 1 pert on car vaiue. i ne uoaee Trade Merita Rif. U, S. Pit. Off. "Show Down" booklet gives you proof instead of "sell." For example, you can compare Dodge - head room, sent width, eai an features -entry doors, wheelbase many, many other specific that mean extra comfort, ny with cars costing hundreds of dollars more Come In today for your copy of this valuable, free "Show LVrwn booklet. Take it home arid make the money-saving comparisons, at your leisure. There are no "strings" , , no obligation. to this offer. g UDOUDdilE i7 atifltola oarf ararlpil aabfarl f oSonoa wMwat (Mrice NOW ON DISPLAY- DUGAN and MEST 522 So. 6th. St. 2 LOST AND OUND fV&Hirs two tnolltlta old puppiea. Hlond. female, brown and Srev male, anawere l ainnkey, Vlt Hilly South Sill and Mar- tin. I'liona P7HI alter o. 4 GiNIRAL NOTICIS carafKNT acA roon itKraicirn- ATKII TlltICK WILL 111! ON SOUTH sixth aciidss riioM rowrit tiika. TEH. W.IINKSDAV ANI1 TIIIUINIMY, MAIICII U . 1.1. riNtST OIIAI.ITV rilAII ANU UONtLaSS WASTtS ratB riLKT. PIRSONALS , . ki.amatii nrAiitYTiiof" ' Permanent wavaa at rea.itatile prlfaa. rrea parXllif. i'liona 7440, 14S Morth Broad. a r a intiiTOiii: ' rilATICX 'iMi.llra.'Vhone Ktli. 7.6k' nftllCe-awanaonalauljrhorfc Phone 1111. tet'KHEti ' IfomeTrianTcT., PKona Wf. 10 SfRVICI Septic Tank Service TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of experience. All work tuarantedd, PHONE 8731 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU ' What you dont want, someone else Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This is the kind of service we are offerini . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 2M East Main tn Klam. ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR IflRE Honest Rates Weights Scrvica Innurerl ANDERSEN FREIOHT UNS 3802 South Blxth ril. 9340 or EXCAVATING , Mobil Shovel and Trench Hoe ; Bulldoser nil Dirt Topaoll l Crushed Rock - Drtvewax Clsdtn Compressor CRANK SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 5M1 or Olio Septic Tanks Cleaned newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clean fiewer Lines of Roots, Eta. ED r. KINO 1434 Orchard Phone M4I I KilOWC A nDS and ntfm. Call 0134. Ksaiiava i.r-,.,:r,.-- ...r der work. Phone 4O40. ' ALttHAtlONS-AU work luaranteed tennis Hare. Aniua. 707 Mala- Jhona SOU. c X a pKSTrni worf! n.nirln.j an3 new rontlrurtton. Thnne S-OI1I7. LAflriaCAPINfi'. ipraylni. tree" pruning ii fiinuron mwt r nef, Frtnrit "Hmtlhv" amllh-Troai Surmtnn. tut tic worH with you ttOW on your INCOME TAX kKTDKNS Tot appoinUncnl Ptiona 3-0231. Harvey BUpham. ELECTRICAL conlrnctln. Work ftuar- ntaed I' hone 2-lulo Pumptd, rone ret Unki and (tram flalda trikUHad. Orviila Uuuraivti. phona 3070. ! A ! NTiNQ ud paprhaniln. Fhoni " V tvsiiii '"ll frVUf aUlU der work. Phone 4040. f una wnta, riwni ww. I tan TAINS launduetl and atratcba. fULLEfl Bruthen. Phone gflf4 or 5gff. "5 iTr.trir" Pubiio Accountant .a iMrfll.a OHfcaat D0 No, 7th, Phone 3t FOR TREE TRIMM1NO Phone 30.1RS 12 EDUCATIONAL DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanic ally Inclined and reliable men to train for positions In the Tractor and Equipment Indust ry. If you are not making bet ter than $00 per week, or you don't have all year Job aecur Ity, you owe It to yourself to write for free facta, without obligation, about this tratninfc and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRA1NINO SERVICE Write Box 43 co Herald & Ncwa &OOKKEEPINO. ahnrtnanri tvntne ktfl. dred aubjecta, of fir. machlnee. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE TM Pin. Phone 47S0 HEALTH 1J I8AGE. Ihrranriltfr axerrUaii for women. Spot reduclrif featured, PHon. 3IW.1.B.10(1. 14 HUP WANTED, FEMALE APPLICATIONS am now heme taken for aalea ladlra. 8ra Mr. Buck at r'enney Lompnny. 14 HELP WANTED, MALE BID INCOMR TAWfwn nnhirna Every home a proanert big reprat btw imia for Patrfrk qiinlltv Hne of famtiy clothin offered only tfirert from fec- torlen. tfi(X) satitn!.a furnt ah H Jarkti. ll,Br.i?' "hlrt' honlery, awenta'", worK DiiniM(i, irmiflern, undRrweai, lingerie, blanket i. children's tarniinii. mnow WRITE TODAY, Patrick Diihith Uar- TIBINfl NOVELTY CONCERN. MnKH AJk.C05?MIfislONS. STANWOOD.IUU.- t 2PJt.-CO" RROOKMNK H, MAi3:;t WANT one mature man of proven aalea ability, with car and will In fin cm to trav- ji. it ym nave earned wwnra up per year on rommllnn nnien aw deal will Phone Ashland 3-1231 or write to P. O. dux of ior an appointment, hohuk ProdueU Div. Oak Street Tank ek Steal Company, Athland, Oregon.