' I MONDAY. MARCH 10, 1082 10 RIAl ISTATI A Home Designed For GRACIOUS FAMILY LIVING A brsuUful and distinctive hum with lsndsceped lot lint approaches the Ideal, hirnt living room with fireplace, chrerlul kitchen and break, fsst nook, dining room, Isme muntrr bedroom, two other bedroom f Ininheil In knotty pine. sewlm room or den, ismn modern both. Every room Immaculate, nd decorated In perfect tut. A truly line home lor (he dlscrlmlnstlni. A world of shrubs and decorative fence Irame thli lovely home. Painted rorral fencing and spotless while outbuilding complete this picture. The bulldlnga Include fruit room, atorage room, garage, heated chicken house, lack room and smsll horse barn. Lola of frull treei, berries and gool garden apace. Sweeping graveled drive way. Lorsled In choice suburbs!! area clone to anhnol and trnnsportsnon, FINANOINO ALREADY AIMANOED TO MEET P.H.A. TErtMS QUICK POHBEHSION. Make an appointment to see this today RON FISHER (Eves. 8070) PAT HOWES REALTORS 1025 Main DIVERSIFIED FARM 410 ACrtr.l 188 seres under grav. lie Irrigation. 4ft acre dry farming, balance ranae land. Thla ranch I lileal for atnek setup as well a dlveralfled farming. Ha warm aprlng piped to corrala for Block water. Improvement Include two 'bedroom modern home, large barn, gialnery and other buildings, Priced to aell. CHAS. A. BOLESTA ItEAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Phone Merrill 2)51 HARLAN DRIVE Want a baaement In the suburbs? Two car garage and large utility room with plenty of alorega apace In banement. Attractive living room, two bedroom, kitchen with loli of biilll-lna. Tub and ahower balh. Refrigerator, electric range and automatic washer Included In the low prlre of thla home. Low down payment. Balance like rent. RENTAL PROPERTY, Three aeparaU completely furn ished unite on one lot. Excellent relurna for the Investment. Thla won't laat long, to call in today. HOMEDALE ROAD Two bedroom home that la- neat and clean. Beautiful hardwood floor In living room, dining room and hall. Tub and ahower bath. Large detached garage. Lot la com pletely fenced. Immediate posses Hon. Large Suburban Lot . Planning to build? Thla' lot la 0x300 feet. Nice large shade trees, fenced. SEE US TOR HOTELS. MOTELS, BARS AND APARTMENTS Johnny Holuon (Eves. 2-3713) Dale Orubb lEvea. 3M4) Art rrederlckaon tEvei. 6725) I with AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. Ith Phone 3S3 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER la to 115 per acre buya good ranch and timber land at Oov't, State and County land Salea. FRE& LAND CATALOG. Paclflo Land 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. foU ALZ. fiva room houae, clner huildlnei. Two acne of ground. Phone eo,u. UH SALk nice level lot HI. corner Artdlinn and Lakevlew. AreeDt ration- ablt offer. Dorla While, P.O. Box IMS, l reeno, caw. 1rHHKfe room houie on comer lot. Ce mant foundation, aarafa, fenced. SI3O0. MOOSrotl. Thona 3-I0S3. huuu run ualx CVKRETT DENNIS. RCAL.'1-Oa Don Kirkpatrlck. aUleeman m n eta Phone aaai Nr.w HUMKS for tale. WuTiam fl. Powall. Phone U. II 33 ,UILDINQ MMOPiUNB i ROOFING SIDING li Whatever your roofing or aiding need might be, we have III And !S vou'll aave money by having your ton done before II a too late and expensive repair bills are neceasary, INSULATION Blown-In Flberglaaa COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN tl STORM WINDOWS All Work Ouaranteed Kuhlman Insulation Tor free eatlmate phone 4468, or Clem Leaueur, Agent 2-2443 "ALTlVtlNUM RooFTiJo ao hava aluminum roofing available or a limited time only. Delivery with n two weeks. MONTGOMERY WARDS tlh and Pine Phoney tlisa 7lKEWbnkiNO WITH TOdLsf Then at what you need to keep hmy at iRRln Building Materlale. Inc. We car y a complete Una of lumbar, trim AlngH, patnls, paneling and aurh. Stop y and look around. 4714 South Sixth r phone a-2ssa. Mill HIATING f STANDARD HEATING OILS r Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill Syatem METER PRINTED TICKETS Vour Guarantee OI Heating Satisfaction V FRED H. HEILBRONNER Fuels that Satisfy PI u Service" Since 1919 tl Spring- St. Phone 41S3 STANDARD' rOR SALI JOHNNY B LAY LOCK Phone 2-3545 14 FUEL HIATING 'BftAill' ftlATiflfjru'iL Hove, furnare light fuel, coal, wood, :harroel Peyton and Co. SM Market Phone Bias bll'Y" Dine blnrRRTor Rale Open ava nlnlR and TckenrtR. MRIlRfR HrQR fMir.l!Tol.Of; pickup or delivered Clff Vadene Rlgnal Renrica. aoaO go aih Phone SflSI or l-S2oo 11 fi'tiaggN RTAMPa given oTTheaf in oiIr Phone seal or j.ssso (oi prompt r?urrr''rADgN sionai, bervici asno So eth 31 IOATJ MTS SfOKTS HOJMMM 'rbR aALr?. rRaTliTeVed fterroRn Riorl hRlr pointer, t. D. Rockhlll, Tuleleae Phone-oatS bniltnMAN PlN'ac'lirrrrTor Rale. Two leara old, female. Very gentle. Phone aeiB. MAl.t" Irlah Re'lter pup,, jiiiy ha aeen at 4017 flrlRlol Ave. A'rnwnSbrho'ardlns-Rennali Phoeie W47 Bans Delaware off Homodalo noAnniNO kENrrcxs Dog boardlna by dev. week or month RRiiltary kennelR. Wall pRlanred diet Clean Individual enitdoor rune for eerr dot Doge handled durleg maUng. Will pick ua and deliver. VUllorR Welcome Pkone S078 Merrill Rd Rl , Roe S04 enATAarAjrg;NRmji t'tleitr rnlfle b'upr for Rale. three monlhR old. sold and whIU. Litter reg literRd Call SWX. 40 TO IXCHANGI TRADE lata CMC ' Inn for Irir mod'. el far Phone a-0.tao. ISW Lookout. 42 ilVISTOCK eV ouitr . FOR SALE GOOD. REGISTERED HEREFORD RANGE BULLS One or a Carload Mostly OJR Royal Beth and OJR Royal Prince Breeding. Priced to Sell JOE FISHER - HEREFORD RANCH Prineville Oregon Farm . KOUL1RY WANTED Cash paid -for a.ny amount. Top market prices ror good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTR? FARMS nrtalr enroo."! a.us iau. may 30. ReflRlered end commercial rattle at Salem. Oreaon. Abardean-Anrua A'- RorlRUon. Ben Hilton, Chairman. Grant PR" I OH VALE C'aUea. 1323 llomedala Road. ON HAND CorkeralR heavy breed. S10 per hun- """bRECON 8TATE HATCHTRY njO Ro. Slh. Phone 1093, Cattle pasture for ri!nt tor Rummer eeaeon, near Port Klamath. Not leifl than l(n neao or over aw fwmn. E:rellent paeture and water available April 13 or May IrI to October IS. ReaRonabla ratea. Write Box 40, Herald and NewR. effsH PP. YERS and roailera for RRle. freRhly draRRad. ready for the pen. ev arv rrlday and Saturday. Phone Ml altar . ARTIKKMA.', BREEDING SERVICE Phone S131 M. C (Chucki Warren Rl . ftoa ST?. If no an, war mono RRtai, Hlt-.HEST prlcaa paid (or poultry, bogs and Uveatoek. . BIO Y MT-AT StARKXT Lakavlaw Junction Phone eeit. 44 MISCILLANIOUa WANTED Wanted To Rent By busings man. J or 3 bed- room home, zumt&iied or uniurn lahed. Call 6604 or 6473 WANTtO daniid hay nr fim hv for utock cnln. Miut b rtatvenabl. ffXlNTifcb to ltA or rent ntc two tpedroom houit unfumlhd In Frmnrit rhool dIMrlcl. Reliablt family of three. Wftr?nrti. Call MM. ( Wanted. ud btauty aquipmant Phona tuio. WAf TE uTby family of four, nicely furnlihtd horn. Cloia to towft. Rtfer ancaa. Call between 8:30 and 7, 8111, Ext. a. W A N TKIji to Wuy. aecond hand electric drill. Phone a-338!t. WAK'IHU lo huv. two bedroom modern hame ah airraaere. Not mori than SA00 down ana ma per monin. -tan air, al ter 2-2.VU. neiwaen i-a p.m. rHMANfNt couple want to rent two bedroom noma. Phone aroi. WANTED, s fool iprln tooth harrow Phone iMMfl, "5vk Hlc'i:D'cTAfiSI Gat ton one now' Roe Motor Co ith and Plum 4t FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS ISO to 1300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary ISO to 1500 Automobllea (paid lor or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make jour deale CASH dealsl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Uo. 8-361 Nm ' lot No. ith., Phone nil 42 UVtSTOCK AUCTION BASIN SALES MANAGEMENT'S 1st Annual Purebred All Breeds Bull and Female Sale Selling At KLAMATH LIVESTOCK INC. Klamath Falls, Oregon 12 Noon Friday, March 14, 1952 50 BULLS 35 Service Age 15 Herds! rc Prospects CONSIGNORS W. M. Williams, Klamath Falls, Ore., Wm. Zumbrum, Fort Xlam ath Ore., Clyde Dehllnger, Klam ath Fall", Ore., Clarence Hagen, Stevennvllle, Montana, Elliot W1J aon, Orants Pm. Ore., D. S. and Marie Prultt, Eugene, Ore., Jack T. Harmon, Eugene, Ore., Hufford Hereford Ranch, Grenada, Calif., NORMAN WARSINKE ABRISTINO-Bllllngs, Montana RINOMEN: Bob Yancey, Prineville, Ore., Ken Bullen-Wllllams, Calif. Write For Cataloe To: BASIN SALES MANAGEMENT SERVICE 5304 Alva Street Klamath Falls. Oregon 4t FINANCIAL $$MON EY$$ - ON THE FIRST CALL, I Op to ISM oo jour auto. On tout salary or furniture up to 1300 "Pa; Day- loans a specialty - no. 125, ISO loaned till "pay day" or longer. 125 ooats but II cent for one treek. Uo other ehaifee. LOCAL LOAN CO. lit No. 10th EL u-m DON MclNTYRE, Mgr. tears Friendly Service 44 MISCIUANtOUS WANTIP WXs'l'gU lo leRaa or rani. Three bed room unfurnlRhed home. Call a3S2 or ejaj. 44 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pay Only $100 17.27 Ma Repay In II Installments VP TO 1300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY 0P TO 11300 ON CARS rEZ IDEAL PLACB TO BORROW Coavenlent Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally ' otmed Me Cera ftsavneed tank rate "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 year s erring Klamath Bavtir See 'Chuck'' Bailey, Mr, lit N. 1th su , Phone t32t e241 M-m 41 BUSINISS OPPORTUNITIIS FOR LEASE. "S7" Cafe. Chemult Completely equipped living quar ters, partly furnished. Available April 1st. Inquire W. M. Taylor, Box 55, Chemult. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER & WINE LICENSE Building With Living Quarters QR06SED OVER $6000 IN 1951 LOCATED BIO VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 31 SSO00 DOWN. Medford, lurnlahad du plex. Cloee in. Spaea for third rental aver double saraae. Boom for mora renlala. Montnly Income. SIX3. Write 1,1, l. HI. I. Box 461. Aehland. Ore. "DEALCHS wanted. We eatabllRh you In tlia monument buelneaa. No exper ience or InveRtment required. Pull or part lima, write aeuc Memorial io.. 7V3 E. norence Ave., insiewooq, waiu. SERVICE station for leaea In down town Alturaa. Good buRlnaRR location. Wonderful opportunity for right pR.rty. Write Kay Darnell. Box 3, Alturaa, WANTED, beet 1937 4 door Chevrolet eedan about SUS. Write particulars Her ald Newe. Box SI. - 51 MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALI SALE! GOOD USED APPLIANCES Reconditioned and Ouaranteed USED ELECTRIC RANGES $ir50 J7 UP USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS $CQ50 . . sJ7 . UP VERN OWENS' Home Furnishing Co. CASCADE 124 No. 4lh ' ' Ph. 8365 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 FOUITKY 40 FEMALES 17 Bred Hereford Heifers 17 Open Hereford Helferi 6 Hereford Cows Merle Oood. Macdoel, Calif., Em- t Robnett, New Pine Creek, Ore. Henry L, Page, Canby, Ore., L. V. Deforest, Suaanvllle, Calif., Wil lamette Polled Hereford Ranch, Halsey. Ore., Mt. Crest Ranch, Hilt, Calif.. Dan Barry, Merrill, Ore., Al Henry. Cravfordeville. Ore., Leroy Olenger, Chlloquln, Ore. G. W. (Jerry) FALES Auctioneer - Klamath Falls, Ore. LOANS Phone 3-S537 B.27I 31 MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALI SEEDS ALFALFA & CLOVER BARLEY-WHEAT OATS - RYE ft FERTILIZERS ft ALL KINDS CUSTOM CLEANING Sharp Grain Company PHONE 2321 MERRILL, OREGON SAVE $300 A YEAR Sew Your Own Clothes On A PFAFF SEWING MACHINE With the Zlg-Zag Stitch Sew on buttons, make button holes with no attachments. For free demonstration see or -call. GENE FINLAY, Repr. Phone 2-3671 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand ond Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 FOR SALE Blue Tag Klamath Netted Game. Phone T8S3. 'OR SALE, one uaed Frlftdalre. alec trle ranae, one crib and maltreat, eix year old aire. One Taylor tet-atroller. All llm like new. Phone S7S2. FOR SALE hand made natural maamel ia double deck coffee table. Phone UNU Duo-Therm oil Call MOI or S77t. heater Apl. y FOR SALE, laolaa bicycle, luce new. sas. Phone aeos. CRUSHED BOCK. . drlvawaj cinders. Phone J541. LANDSCAPINC. averareana. ahruDh and treea. We trim, spray ane reaaeve laraa tt.cr. LAKISHORI GARDENS MUltSZT Phone 42SS save sea Buy a Chrll Craft Kit Boat alio Crule. era and Runabout., johneon Uea HorRO motorR. Boats bougnt, eold and ex changed, Boats for rant to iliher. men. MONROE BOAT WORKS S2S Front St. Phone S-1SSB HANDY WITH TOOLS? BaRln Build, ing Material, inc. haa everything 6'i need In bulldlne .uonllefl. Whether vou need lumber, trimming., paint, picket fence, garase doora or ju.t advi?e thi. it the place to come. 47S south sixtn, pnone u-2ae;i. REX-AIRE vacuum cleaner. S3.S0 eown. a;i per montn. r-none aaoo. ELECTROLUX CLEANER and golliher and auppllea. Phone 71ST Tarkal Tsraal. SSI Market FOR SALE. 7 foot electric refriaerator. Exeallent condition. SSO. Phone 12)t aft- er 4 p.m. SHOWCASE, Club. Inquire Reamel Country FOR SALE, good second cutting alfalfa hay. Under cover. Call 594S. FOR SALE. Frigldalre electric etove. Good condition. Beet offer over g75 takes. 4333 Clinton. WASHING machine with timer and pump. Phone 4S45 FOR HALF. Black and Decker hearth .eat grinder. Complete pilot and alone.. s.to or will trade for hand tools. Phone 2-141 .,. so TON baled alfalfa, S36 per T. Phone rulel.Ke. 7-iom. . barnVard fr?u.ieer. for sale. delivered, rnone a-gojo. ADDTTia MACHtNES, calculators, tyew wrrt.r.. ea.h registers, daake. chairs. tiles, for .ale er rent. PIONEER OPI1C SUPPLY aart Main Phone 74U bRlVlr.WAV Materials, Phone ' Joe Bart. aiss. XNSCO Keflex Camera. Ca.e, K sun. New condition. S1S0. Call S-3100, DOOx RECAPS ts.ss EACH EXCHANGE . We buy used tires. O.K. Hubbat Weia. Or. XJai BO. Pin, rnone uib. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone S-iee. THIS week la the last week on the bit carload sale on Blltwell davenport, and chair., bad divan, and chain, .wing rockers. Small down payment. Many months en the balance. Save money now et LUCAS rultNITVRE, IM E. MAIN. t f6S"3ALE. davenporta and chair, wash m machine, phane too. 11- MISCILLANIOUS SEED POTATOES NETTED GEM COLLEGE GREENHOUSE TEST COUNT 794 FOUNDATION J. LELAND POPE & SON MERRILL, OREGON Phone 2139 or 2344 WATCHES SOLD FOR REPAIRS ONLY.& NO TAX, HAMILTON MAN'S WHITE GOLD 17 JEWEL POCKET WATCH ORIOINAL CASE . ELGIN MAN'S YELLOW OOLD 15 JEWEL WRIST WATCH. MILOS MAN'S YELLOW OOLD 17 JEWEL WATER RESISTANT WATCH , HAMILTON MAN'S YELLOW OOLD 17 JEWEL" WRIST WATCH. ORIGINAL CASE, ... C AMY MAN'S 17 JEWEL, WATER RESISTANT, SHOCK PROOF WRIST WATCH REPOSSESSION IN TRADE-INS PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX WYLER MAN'S 17 JEWEL, 8TAINLESS STEEL. SHOC PROOF, WATER PROOF WRIST WATCH BULOVA MAN'S YELLOW OOLD WRIST WATCH. NEW CONDITION, BULOVA LADY'S YELLOW GOLD WRIST WATCH. ORUEN MAN'S YELLOW OOLD WRIST WATCH REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 MAIN AUTOMOTIVI Don't Shop Around if you're looking for a cheap car at $300 OR LESS All Run All Are Clean All Have Anti-Freeze 1 HUDSON'S CHEVIES FORDS PONTIACS SEDANS COUPES CONVERTIBLES SPECIAL! SPECIAL! ; 1946 HUDSON 2-Dor Super 6. Radio, heater, A-l fror shape, runs like a new Hudson "Hornet" 4jOJ 1941 OLDS Coupe , f 295 1939 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Sedan 295 1940 OLDS Sedan, radio, heater 295 1940 BUICK 4-Door, heater 295 1937 OLDS 4-Door, heater : 295 1940 PONTIAC, radio, heater, an exceptional '40 model 375 1941 OLDS 76 4-Door, radio, heater, hydramatic, we sold this car new and it had one owner exceptional 375 1939 CHRYSLER 4-Door. very clean, in A-l shape .... 295 1940 CHEVROLET 4-Door, heater, good tirest and runs good : 275 1938 DODGE 4-Door, heater, good body and has had good care ; 295 1940 FORD 2-DOOR, radio, heater 175 1935 PONTLAC Coupe 95 1942 DODGE 2-Door, heater, runs good 395 1937 CHEVROLET 2-Door, heater, best '37 in town .... 155 1942 Ford 2-Door, radio, heater, motor and body in ' good shape : ; .. 425 1941 HUDSON 4-Door, radio, heater, runs like a new "Hornet" ; 290 These cars must be sold! Come in, look over this stock. EXCEPTIONAL TERMS LOCAL FINANCE Where You Can Buy a Cheap Car With CONFIDENCE Salesmen: Steve Walker, resident phone 6702 Harvey Wyatt, residence phone 3454 Dick B. Mill 7th and Klamath II MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALC FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXES SHOVELS PICKS SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. ... Tour Choice Only II EACH BARGAIN SPOT 707 So. 6th Phone 8708 SPECIAL ; WHILE SUPPLY LASTS ' Lsdslc Alfslla , 45c lb. Purity e,9 , Germinelion 3.M Etns, Mills Ktne. CiUIornie Phone Etne 5S . Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 135 Msrket Phone SM I1M1 rURNlTURB values fee alwati ha teuan at Kiamatn rurnirure to. ui Mam, Phone S333. COR SALI READING 0 M0M 29s4 26M ,2r, '237' 17 JEWEL 17 JEWEL ... 13 JEWEL ,.. PHONE 3151 erCo. Phone 4103 11 MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALI CRUSHED rocjc and driveway cinders. Phone 2-1187 For a NEW or USED TRUCK ' Always Sea "JERRY" or "JUCK" Tour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND . TRUCK SALES ; Uth and Kluiutb hone 2-3MJ 1950 rORU 6". CUU1 3127 or 2-16S8. iV40 PLYMOUTH. Good condition. K. lc H. 8e t OTl Fir Department. umy evaa. WuXmH ejqutiy encap in lSSlord tvidqr etUn. PhOW 2-3250. DUMP TRUCK SPCCUL: iM 8r"2 ton dump, with 2-spMd Eaton, :29x20 tirw. On owner. 13M. Sco Jack Mil ler at Balitger'i Uted Car Lot. 3152 to. 6th, phone 4354. FOR ft ALE. 1931 CMC ona ton pickup. rnone .to.. 1S4S FORD V-S PANIU Iquipped with heatar. Like new. 1S. Balslear's Car ua. aioa 3RQ. oin, pnona ajje. raa. calllnf. te Calltornla. Phone S-H33. 1SJ6 pi-yaiouth sedan, esv. seal s-rotit Phone 662S. VV1TV WAUIT DRIVE MORS MOTOai 903 B. Main. Phone 397. "We will eeli vmr car- far eou " We buy and trade' " BUS SAHQANTI USiSB EXrT" W UV,.SIXL AND TRADE . . Cerner IhssU Way end Arthur etreett is AUTOMOTIVI HONEST SAFETY-TESTED lt la not by accident (hat the DICK B, MILLER CO. holds the eruririt confidence and respect of Its customers. We have earned thai repuuijee" by giving honest value In every transaction lor men; yeara. We melaUln a good selection ol SAFrTT-TISTZD USED CARS, Our LOW mANO- rates have never changed through the years. No hidden ehargee, ni''.Th, financing done locally. FOR A BETTER DEAL 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE Radio, heater, good tirea, clean and interior. Priced to sell. 1946 MERCURY SEDAN - Radio, heater, tight and clean. A bargain In a poet war ear. ......... 1946 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN ' -Light green paint Job. Nice Interior, ' food tires, radio, heater, ........,......... 1947 DODGE SEDAN . Dark blue body, radio, heater, motor recently reconditioned. Locally owned and operated. ..... 1947 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB COUPE Full equipment and spotless in every respect. Mechanically perfect. 1950 OLDS ROCKET "98" CLUB SEDAN Bydramatlc, air-condition heater, radio, and many other extras. One owner, b service record on file. 1950 OLDS ROCKET "88" CLUB Hydramatic, radio, heater, good ' Interior. Service record on file 1950 OLDS ROCKET "88" 2-DR. SEDAN Good rubber, perfect body and Interior, alr-eondltion heater, Hydramatic. Had exceptional . care, service record on file. ... . 1950 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. SEDAN . ' 15.000 mUes. Redio, heater, light blue body. . ' One local owner. A real buy in Buick. 1950 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA Fully equipped, like new Inside Has only 14,000, miles. See snd WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OP REAL VALUES IN THE SOO',"," CLASS. SEE THEM TOR LOW COST DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTA- tion. : . . .. i Lr Buy With Lontidence ax . Dick B. Miller Co. 7th and Klamath ASHLEY'S OK 1950 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-DR SEDAN , - Fleetline body, blue color. ; . A one-owner car. .. .. 1950 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPEV ' A , Radio, heater, beautiful tutone color. . Power-Glide; transmission. Priced ?75 binder market. 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN Blue color, air-flow iieater, - good tires, one-owner, low mileage itua rHEViiol.ET FLEETMASTER 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, tutone paint. ... llAsl. Good tires and motor tops. Ashley Chevrolet - "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near DON'T BE bv fancy claims and guarantees. At Dugan & Mest you get ;mtt 2-DAY FREE DRIVING TRIAL with a money-back guarantee;; Prove to yourself that the guaranteed car you buy is every rc-j thing you want or we'll give you your money back! - j --WHAT COULD 1949 Olds ..... $1597 $1697 $1647; $1197 1949 Dodge 1950 Ford 1948 Chevrolet ..... : I TRUCKS -a- 1949 Chev.1 VMon .. $1497 1949 Ford ft Ton .... $1097 1949 Dodee Vz Ton ' $1197 ALSO BIG STOCK OF For. the BEST DUGAN & MEST DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" TRUCKS 1 522 So. 6th '' ' 0M 8101 1 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS BEPRESENTED West-Hitchcock' Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER m a. th - ' Phone mi el 'fflW'YVM:'''Jt too prtee BOW, Rose Meier Co. et end Plum. PAGE WNf g VALUE U fe ,erii 'Or" rt iStr ... SEE US TODAY! t AERO SEDAN body 1095 niu nit r89 , ,v eR ,10.3 ........ n20 VIM 'nMI re7 M195 '2)95: SEDAN ...... body and nice tOfiQ'',,1 .. y.J7Jn '2145. 1795 v'.' and out. vi drive it 2195 Phone 4103 - pre-war; : USED CARS 3 M685 '1745 '1395 Low mileage. ' I I T. , So.. 6UT FOOLED BE MORE FAIR ! 1 ,' ' " ', 1948 Chev.Aero . 1947 Ford 1950 Chevrolet ... : 1949 Ford $1287..-'. . $ 7071 .;$1647 ....$1397'! 1948 Dodge M Ton'-: $1097; .1944 Infl VA Ton 1949 Dodge Panel $ 797 - $1197 i NEW DODGE PICKUPS in the WEST see COUTUiRitR ' Radiator ,-. ; Service CLEANING , . FLUSHING ,! REPATiUNO BALSIGER ' MOTOR CO. . ' ' itala 4t Eielaaaalt i?i tt a inieii I art ,a,9e mrii's wRiftrs :rwt 9u0 .e iAaliaatt oVfttXi rea- Ritlil isnst 3HrlT ,"lhet fr"r-n rmmeS wlwi ,Mlwr nil lrT ,in,ave mtA eB ', I ( riinmrs r r 1SU Ot ...... i