HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY. MARCH 10. 19.V JPACt 13QHT tmiim and FINANCIAL Buying Sessions Boosts All Grains Chicago UK A strong buying movement late in the session took bold of the grain market Monday and 'left all cereals higher. Most 'contracts' ended at the day's peaks, made In the last few minutes of dealings. ' It was the sixth straight day of advancing quotations for com and oats.- . ..- . -They were aided by smaller cash corn receipts : at major- terminals than either a week or year ago. Wheat,' after - lagging most of the day, "Came 'head sharply toward the close on short-covering. ' Soybeans firmed in line with mgner prices tor cruae oean ou. Rye scored gains running to more than 4 cents; Wheat closed H-1 higher. Mar. IWt, corn l'i-l higher. Mar. I.2M, oeta H-IH higher. Mar. ifi-H,-'rye ;lH-4a4 higher. May '8J.044-. soybeans 4-3. higher, cents : a hundred pounds higher. Mar. 811-90. meat " ' ' ' ' '' Open High lew Close Mar 3.53 3.55 3.53 3.55 May 3.51 3.S3 3.50 3.63 Sep: ' 3.47 y 3.47 3.4 3.47 i Dec 3.50 3.51 3.49 50 i Stock Market On Decline; Today NEW.' YORK ' The stock market declined' Monday as rail road 'Issues:- weskened. The . down ward pace r quickened a 'bit. near the close; . ... ; ' ' losses 'were: from fractions to between 1 'and; 3 points through out the .list.; ..... . . At the same time "there "was a concentration of gains in the Wil ltston Basin OU group with Amera da, Petroleum sharply ahead. As a- general, rule the gains otherwise were cut .off. at around a point in any ares. . . . Volume- -came ' to an - estimated 1,300,000 shares... . . - , , '' Quotations '"."-New Terli Stocks By The Associated Press- Admiral Corporation . . 37 ' Allied Chemical '-:r" ' 71, AUis Chalmers ' , . 49 V American Airlines - 14 H American Power & light 25 American Tel. & Tel. . 155 4 American - Tobacco 57 H Anaconda Copper 47 Atchison Railroad ' . 78 i Bethlehem Steel - ' 49 Boeing Airplane Co. '. 48- Bora Warner 65 i Burroughs -Adding Machine) -17 California - Packing 37 vanaaian - Facuic Caterpillar Tractor: Celanese Corporatipn Chrysler Corporation ', Cities Service ' Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright ., . Douglas Aircraft duPoot de Nemours Eastman: Kodak Emerson Radio General: Electric. General Foods ' General' Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear. Tire -Homestake - Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manvllle Kennecdtt Copper ' llbby. McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated " Long- Bell A Montgomery Ward Nash KeUnator New York Central ' . Northern Pacific Pacific-American Fish -Pacific Gas tt Electric Pacific Tel. b- Tel. . Packard Motor Car Penney J.C. ) ' Co. Pennsylania R.R. Pepsi Cola Co, Phllco Radio -Radio Corporation . Rayonier Incorp -Rayonier' Incorp Pfd '" Republic Steel Reynolds Metals , . Richfield Oil - -Safeway. Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Soeony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific ' Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J. -Studebaker Corp, Sunshine. Mining Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox ',. Union. Oil Company Union Pacific . . United Airlines . -United Aircraft " United Corporation -United "States Plywood ' Un'ted States Steel " Warner Pictures Western Union Tel ' '''". Westlnghouse Air' Brake Westlnghouse Electric Woolworth Company 384 : so 43 69 108 ?4 33 S 17 84 sty 84 V.. 44 Vt 14 V, 55 43 H 51 31 V 444 36 34 48 67 7 8 K 31 16 ... 39 61 19 'a " 19 , 75 ii " 35 -.111 4 67 18 30 25 63 Vt 40 60 V btV, 33 51 54 37 4 63 61, 76 . 34 : 33 25 : 18 39 113 30 30 6 33 ' 38 "14 39" : 25- .. 36 . 43 ; Potato : Shipments ' 50-51 51-52 March 7 ... March 8 . March 9 Month to. date Season to date . 32 29 34 26 .... 220 ....10,210 ' 28 0 158 7669 Portland Grain PORTLAND Uft Coarse grains, 15 .day shipment, bulk, coast de livery: Oats No. 3 38 lb white 68.00; barley No. 3 45 lb b.w. 70.50. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft -white 2.64; Soft White (ex cluding Rex) 2.54; White Club 2.54. Hard Red winter: Ordinary 2.53; 10 per cent 2.53; 11 per cent 2.53; 12 per cent 2.53. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 2.55; 16 per cent 2.55: 11 per cent 3.65; 13 per cent 3.55. - Car receipts: Wheat 136; barley 10; flour 17; corn 3; oats 6; mill feed 8. - Let cur Clients tell yoa iat George S. May Service rjscoiforto ': ' t T " - I Wfffe) t) av , WHttn Vlvlelo . ' ' t.t.HUaaa' Ml ' Livestock Price Decline Showing CRTCAOO, W A fair-sired ac cumulation of hogs cleared well Monday but at mostly 25 cents lower prices.' Some t early sales were steady. Cattle were mostly steady, veal calves weak to mostly 81.00 lower, and sheep were about steady but with few sales recorded. The hog run was estimated at 13,900 head, which compared with 11,505 a week ago and 9.403 ono year ago. - Most barrows and silts sold from 815.50 to 817.40 with a top of 817.50 paid sparingly. Sows took iH.oo to tie. oo mainly. -Choice to prime steers and vearl- ings sold from (33.75 to 838.50 and choice to. prime heifers took 833.00 to W6.no. commercial cows topped at 835.00. like grade bulls at 833.80. and prime vealers at 839.00. A short deck of fallshorn clipped lambs at 826.25 and ewes ranging downward from 814.50 on good and lesser grades were the only- sales hi early trading.- Bids on wooVd lambs were weak to 50 cents low er. Estimated receipts also Included '11,000 cattle, 300 calves, and 3,000 sheep. - Portland Livestock' " PORTLAND W Cattle: Salable 800: -holdover 150: fresh' supply mainly steers: cows and heifers sharply reduced: few steers strong to 50 cent higher-.' some commer cial low good grade" 1.00 higher: cows nearly 50 cents higher: bulls about steady: -'stock -cattle slow: load-choice 1,113 lb fed steers 35.00; part load: 1.015 lbs : 34.50: - othtr good fed - steers 33.00-34.00;' commercial-30.00 - 32.50; -utility steers 35.00-39.00; few good 725 lb feeders 32.00: odd good fed heifers 30.00 -33.00: commercial grades mostly 39.00 - -31.00; cutters 32.00 - 28.00; canner-cutter cows . largely ' 18.00 31.00; ahels down to 15.00. utility cows ' 33.00 . - 26.00; commercial grades up to ' 27.50: ' commercial bulls mostly 28.50 29.50. including load around 1,500 lbs at 29.00; utili ty bulls 25.00 - 28.00. .carves: s-iaoie loo; marxeisiow. weak to 1.00 lower: choice vealers mostly 34.00 36.00: odd nrime to 38.00; . utility commercial mostly 20.00 29.00; good choice 400 475 lbs stock calves 34 00 -37.00. Hoes: Salable 900: market active. steady;-choice 180. 235 lbs lareely 30.25 50:. few No. 3 type 19.50 -30.00; choice 260 - 300 lbs 18.50 19.00;- choice 150 170 lbs 18.50 19.50; choice 300 - 375 lb sows 17.00 - 50 : 400 - 500 lbs 16.00 - 50; choice light feeder pigs 18.00 - 50. Sheep: Salable 400: market ac tive, generally 50 cents higher: good - choice 90 110 lb wooled lambs 26.50 37.00; scattered lots mostly choice 94 - 107 lbs 27.50: large lot mostly choice 110 lb No. 3 nit lamb 25.50: sood choice 103 lbs 24.50; odd good yearlings 21.00 -23.00:. cull : ewes 8.00; good ewes salable around 13.00.. Potatoes ' CHICAGO (' Potatoes: Ar rivals 361, on track 464: total U.S. shipments Friday 914. Saturday 711 Sunday 13; supplies moderate; de mand good: market steady at ceil ings for best; track sales, local a hundred pounds: Idaho Russet 85.94-6.15. standards 15.366. utili ties, 84.86-5.06; Montana Russets 85.66. , Guard Units Meet - a-..n.i.. mxtinff nf the K and Service companies of the Eightn Oregon Infantry, Oregon National Guard Reserve; ;is scheduled ior Tuesday,- 7:30 pjn. in the Court house Basement. ' Accordins to Cant. James L. Bar ..... tk. w n romrjanies are now nnen lor enlistments, veterans re, the two companies are now non-veterans, aged 16 to 66 who may not quality tor. regular mili tary auiy may uc ...yvm these units, he said. . National Guard Reservists, the rants in recoiled, are not to be used in combat duty outside Oregon but in case of attack will have the pri mary duties of policing and pro tecting the people and property of the state. Persons interested in loinine the reserve are asked, to contact capi. John Stewart at the courthouse, nhone 4271: Capt. Jack Benner, 6996; , Lt.' E. W. Moore,- M575 or Capt. James L. Barrett, 2-0364. Former KF Couple Visit Pormer Klamath Palls residents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cochran, now operating a hunting lodge near Bar kervilie. B. C will arrive today by United Airlines for a brief visit here. They are enroute home, from Los Angeies. They will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Myers, 711 Pacific Terrace.- Mrs. Myers is a niece. Mrs.: Cochran is also, a sister of Mrs. George B. Llndley, 1034 River side. . , A dinner' at the Yacht Club . is being arranged for them tonight with places to be laid for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil B. Matt and son Bob ble, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cleve and dalghter Blllie Lin, . Mr. and Mrs. Rowland L. Ulrich, Mr. and Mrs. George Myers and son Georgle and the guests of honor. . ON THE HOOF . MIAMI Ufi Owner-Trainer John H. Clark of Lexington, Ky. has brought the popular Confederate theme to racine at Hlaleah. When one of his horses wins, Clark flies the stars and bars over his barn. His exercise boys wear T-shirts with the Confederate flag on the front.' Clark himself wears a bat tle cap.: The stable colors are red and white with bars on the sleeve. The plant mercury i a mean distance of 36 million miles awav irom uie sun. US Suburban Service I On Your Worn Equipment lHfcWlnyr .. 770 Damage Suit Opens Today A 317,000 damage suit got under way in Circuit Court this morning with Yellow Cab Co. and one of its drivers, Tony Passarettl, as defend ents. Plaintiff in the case. Russell Orlf ftth. is represented by Atty. A. C. Yaden. Griffith claims permanent and lasting injuries when run over by a Yellow Cab ou So. 6th St., in April of 1949. Attorneys for the defendants are R. B. Maxwell and B. J. Ooddard. Griffith is seeking 810.000 gen eral damages and 87153.84 special damages. Funeral TOKKX Fun.ral Mrvlro tor Pre Dillon B. Yoktm 33. who wat kllltd in Korta will ba held from O'Halr'l Mamorlal Chap! Timday March II at 1 p.m. Tha Bav. David r. Barnalt Jr. of flciatinc Inlamtnt will ba mad in tha Kano Ctmalary. Pallcan Pol Vrw will ba in eharg of military honor. Reward Offered For Killer Of Sutton Tipster; Cops Comb Gotham Crime Mills NEW YORK W Rewards of $13.000 ' were offered Mondav for information leading to the killer of Arnold - Schuster, the youne sales man" whose tip caused the arrest of notorious bank robber Willie ine Actor ' Sutton. While police pressed a vast roundup of known hoodlums and searched for clues, two newspa pers and a television station posted ine rewara oners. Police Commissioner r,Mm P Monoghan said that "all 19.000" of the city's police "know what their No. l too is today to Iran the rais involved in tnis outrage." Schuster, a handsome. 24-v ear. old Brooklyn clothing salesman and ex-Coast Guardsman, was shot down Saturday night, 19 days after he put the finger on Sutton. roiice meorized that It either was - an underworld killing to avenge Sutton's arrest, or the work of a maniacal crank with a twisted hatred for police informers. Fearing that other persons with Information against Sutton might oe in oanger, is ponce were as signed to guard employes of a Weather Western Oreeon Considerable cloudiness and showers Monday and Tuesday. Snow in mountains. Little temperatures change. High both Monday and Tuesday 45 to 55. Lows Monday night 36 to 42. Winds off coast northwesterly and 25 to 35 miles an hour, diminishing Tuesday to 15 to 35 miles an hour. Eastern Oregon Considerable cloudiness and a few showers of mixed rain and snow Mondav. Snow flurries and a little colder Monday nieht. Partly cloudy Tues day with a few snow flurries in mountains. Highs both Monday and Tuesday 36 to 46. Lows Monday night 22 to 35. Northern California Partly cloudy Monday and Tuesday, with scattered showers. Snow in moun tains. Cooler Monday and Tuesday night. Westerly to northwesterly winds of 15 to 30 miles an hour off shore Grants Pass and vicinity Most ly cloudy with occasional showers Monday. Partly cloudy with a few showers Monday night and partly cloudy Tuesday. High both days 50. Low Monday night 30. '34 hours to 4:30 a.m. Monday Max. Min. Precip Baker 44 31 .07 Bend 49 29 T Eugene . 52 39 .26 La Grande 45 34 .30 Lakeview 47 31 .14 Medford 55 33 .05 North Bend 49 43 .70 Ontario 44 32 .14 Pendleton 54 39 .15 Portland 53 43 .30 Roseburg 53 40 Salem 50 41 .20 Boise. - 45 34 .26 Chicago 52 43 .09 Denver 46 . . 31 T Eureka . 50 43 .49 Los Angeles 61 SO T New York : 47 37 . Red Bluff 0 45 .33 San Francisco - 60 49 - .02 Seattle . 47 39 .77 DISTaiCT COIST Corneliuf J. Dufgan, overload, for feit SSS ball. Latha M. Landla, violation baaic rul. rme 7.;w. Cuataf Brakevelt, no operator's II. cense. Fine S0. MUNICIPAL COUBT Antonio Martinez, drunk. Fine SIS or vti aaye. conby Huff., drunk. Fine SIS or 7A aayi. Dewey. Jonea. drunk. Fine SIS or 7' aayc. Lena w won. arunx. to anoear. Manuel Martinez, drunk. Fine SIS or 7 'a aayi. joiepn snuck. drunk. Forfeit fis ban. Obituary JAMES Kathleen Suian Jamea. the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Jamet of Bonanza, Oregon died here February 29. 1SS2. Beiidei her sarenta the Is aurvivea oy a . oroiner, Micnaei co ward or Bonanza ana eTanaoarents. nr. and Mrs. C. A. Bickord of Prairie DuSae. Wisconsin and Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. James of Bethesda, Mary land. Funeral services will take place at the graveside In Klamath Memorial Park on Tuesday, March It at 1:00 p.m., Rev. David Barnett Jr. of the First ' Presbyterian church orriciatlng. Ward's Klsmath Funersl Horn in charge of the arrangements. BONE8 CELEBRATES BOSTON, i7P Bones McKlnney, captain of the Boston Celtics in the NBA, is joined by millions of folks throughout the world when ever he celebrates his birthday and marriage anniversary. They hap pen, to be on New Year's and Christmas Day. McKlnney was born on Jan. 1, 1919 at Lowlands, N. . C. He was married on Dec. 25, 1941. PAYS TO SKATE . PROVIDENCE, R. I. I Ray Powell of the Providence Reds is definite proof that it pays to stay out of hockey penalty boxes. Pow ell has been in the box only once and that occured in the opening game-of the season. Powell leads tha American. Hockey -League In scoring,-. . i .. ' . i uaaaaajeMMMi (Continued from Page 1) the system nearly 350 years ago. All Uie while, in Hyderabad, the rich have been getting richer and the poor nave been Rcttinir poorer, and I'd like to close tills pleco with this statement: THAT ALWAYS HAPPENS WHEN TOO MUCH POWER IS HELD IN TOO PEW HANDS TOO LONG. If. rlaht here In America, we leave too much power in too few Hands too long, we 11 mid eventual' ly that most of the nlensant thine." of life are sravltatinir into the nanas mat noid the power wnue ine rest ot us win ne nvinir more and more on the skim milk and tne potato peellnits. No lesson oi historv is Dlitlne r man mat. Queens ' bank which he ' and his gang allegedly held up and robbed m iao. Police also were posted at the home of the narents of voumr Schu ster, who had spurned a guard de spite a series of threatening let' ters ana teiepnone call.s The last of 11 threatening notes was slipped under the door of his father's clothing shop the dav he died. Printed with pencil. It read: "This Is your last day." Schuster got nothing but death :or nis tip leading to Sutton s ar rest. But Monday, the New York Jour nal American- offered 810.000 and the Brooklyn Eagle and Dally News Television Station WPIX. $1,000 eacn. lor the apprehension of his Council President Rudolph Halley, former chief counsel for the Senate Crime Committee, said ne win ask the council to offer a sa.ouo reward. In his cell. Sutton said: "This sinks me. Why did they want to ao anytmng like that? I had noth ing against the kid. I was going to get caught sooner or later. I feel very dad about this, and th nk it's a lerrioie Killing." some 150 detectives nicked uo scores of ex-convlcts for Question ing, ana pushed through the city hunting clues. The number one man sought was a convicted murderer and prison mgiuve, r-recericis J. l ine Angel Tenuto. an ofd nal of Suttnn. Thpv broke out of a Pennsylvania prison tuKciner m mr.. LEGAL NOT-JCE CITATION IN Tin! CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH ProhAt Unurlnwnl In the matter of the Esiate of ILA C. NEALEIGH also known as i. . nbALCioH. deceased. TO: Florence Zieglar. Cunha, Myrtle Ila Kelly. Martin Lowell Nealeiah, Bill F. Ross. Genevieve A. Barbaeallo Rob ert R. Ross. Marlon W. Rom, James n. jtosa. oereia v. Ross. David D. Ross. Nods Becker, and Mr. Glen A. Nealeilh. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF untwa. you are nercby cited and required to appear In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath. Probate Department, at the Court Room thereof at Klamath Falls. Oregon, in the County of Klsm ath. State of Oregon, within JO davs from the dote of the service of this cltaUon upon you If served within Klamath County. .Oregon, and within 20 days from tha date of such service if served In any other county of the State of Oregon If personally served, and within 28 days from the date of the first publication of this citation if served by publication to show cause, if any exists, why an order should not be made authorizing the hereinafter described real property to be sold at private administrators sale as prayed for In the petition of the administrator on file herein. Said property Is located in Klamath County. Oregon, and de scribed as follows, to-wil: The South one half of Lot II. In Block 8 of Pleasant View Tracts, Klamath County. Oregon. WITNESS: THE HONORABLE David R. Vandenberg. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath. Probate Depart ment, with the seal of said court af fixed this 2S day of February. 1D.12. ATTEST: CHARLES F. DeLAP Clerk .. ? JANF WEVER Deputy Clerk M-IO-17-24-31 No. 90S ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids wlU be received on or before 2:00 p.m.. Wednesday, April 2. 1952 at the office of Hnwtrri n ppp,n Architect 1121 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the erection of a six classroom addlUon .to Sacred Heart Academy. Klamath Fails. Oregon. The structure will be two stories and have a total area of approximately gfioo squere feet. The bids will be for the general work and will Include all of the mechanical items. AS a condition nr,PMl,nt tn ritu. Ing official Proposal Forma, the bidder must nave qualified ten days prior to w,e opening oi Dios.. an prescribed by wiMipter mj, urn or uregon, lyji. Plsns and Specifications may ba ob tained at the Office Of Howard R. Pr. rln Architect, 1121 Main Street, Klam ath Falls. Oreann A rfj,ru,all r h,-,u. five and no-fon il.lnn, win k r.,ipH for Plans and Specifications. Deposits w, rciunueo 10 ine oinaers upon return Of the Plsna anri Rnniriniinn. Plans and specifications are on file at the Builders Exchange Coop. ai7 nunoers exchange Building, Portland. The successful bidder will be reoulred to furnish a Surety Company Bond in full amount of the Contract Price, and he Shall ha rn,,lrrf , mrrtr Diakll- a-iauiuty insurance as .specified. A bidders bond or certified check In amount equal to five per cent (Si of wie jump sum ota must accompany the bid as a guarantee for the exe. cutlon of the contract and bonds, in case the contract Is awarded to the bidder. The Building Committee of the Sac. red Heart Parish rrv the rlvht tn reject any and all bida and to waive any iniormamies. signed: SACRED HEART PARISH Ttv T P ClSrV BAOTHD M 10-17-24 No. 907 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OT THE STATE OP OREGON FOR KF.AMATM mtlMTV IN THE matter nr thk fbtatt OF ELMER C. MANNING. DECEASED Notice li hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administra tor Of the Mint if r.lmar r. Manning deceased by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and has .qualified. AH persons having claims against tha said estat e are hereby notified to present the same duly verified at by law required to the undersigned. In care of the County Clerk of Klamath Countv at uM Clarke office In the Court House at Klamath Falls, Oregon within tlx months from date hereof. uated and first published. February 11, 1B32. Date of last publication, March 10. 1832. i Howard KaKelday Administrator or said attata O. A. Helkklla Attorney for Admx. All Pearson 4th. A va. Bid. Portland, Oregon . r-U-ia-39 M-9-19 TiOt BBS CLASSIFIED RATES On day per word 4a rhree Days -. per word 11c Week run , per word 30o Month 'run per word 5o MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one ad is 69c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge ot 2oC t DEADLINES Classified aaa accepted up to 8: JO p.m. for following day' publication. . Classified display ads accepted up to 12 noou for following day's pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Pleas mane all claims lor adjust ments without delay. Corrections or cancellations re ceived by 8:30 p.m. will be made tn following day's publication MEETING NOTICES w ALOHA CHAPTER No. Wyf 61. will hold Its remilar -al,l4s. meeting Tuesday. Mar. W It at Mnsonlo Hall. 8 v p.m. Visitors welcome. Letha Murphy Worthy Mntron Elmer Briunli'tt Worthy Patron IOOF NO. 137 Every Tuesday 8:00 P.M. Fifth and Main Sts. Klamath l.ocluo No. 77 A . T. and A. M. Will hold a stated meeting Mon.. March 10, 8 p.m visiting brethren lavlt ed. Refreshments. Dale Bnbber Worshipful Master LOST AND FOUND LOST, female Cicrman shenherd doe. 18 months old. Nam Ideal. If found phone S226. GENERAL NOTICES PERSONALS KLAMATH BKAUTY SHOP Permanent waves at reasonable prices. Free parking. Phon 7t-M. lS North nroao. WISH lo rtirrevnond with lsdv. to 40 yrs. who likes to fish and hunL Write Box I N. Tulelake. Calif. REAL SILK. 71.12. FRATEX Plastics. Phnne 8.T24. ZOE DHITCE Swanson's Beauty Shop. r-none Tioi. STANLEY Home Products. Phone . 10 SERVICES Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 2-3133 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Ho Bulldozer Fill Dirt Topsoil Crushed Rock - Driveway Cinders Compressor CRANE SERVICB GRAHAM BROS. Phois 6541 or QUO Septic Tanks Cleaned Nfwet Sanitary Method! Alao ROTO ROOTER SERVICE' Clean Swpr Lines of Roots, Etc ED & KINO 2434 Orchmvl Phone 0841 ALTERATIONS All work luirtntteil Jennie Hare, Anit, 707 Main. Phon 6333. CARPENTER work. Rcmodrllnc and new corutnjcllon. Phone 2-0117. LANDSCAPING, ipraylnir. tree pruning call Sinfl Suburban Flower Shop. Franc It "Smilhv" SmlthTr fturenn. Lt ua work with you HOW on your landtcape needi. I N COME TAX RFTITHSS For appointment- Phone 3-0231. Harvey Rlsnham. ELECTRICAL contracting. Work guar- niito. rnnn A'l'H'i SEPTIC TAVKS Pumped, concrete tnnki and drain flCldl I m tailed. Orvlll Miiatrrave. PAINTING and nanarhanm "Thoi 7fll7. TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and fen der work. Phong 4040 CURTAINS Uund-ed Phone 4914 and atrctched. FULLER Brushes. Phone Dfi04 or 3077. Legal Notice Sale of Timber. Klamath Indian Res ervation. Seated bids In duplicate, on forms provided therefore, marked out side, "Bid. Wildhorse No. 2A Logging "nil, aaareflia io ine superintendent. Klamatn Indian Aaencv. Klamath agency, Oregon, will be received until :wj f.M.. Pari fie Htandarrl Time. April fl, 1932 and will be considered the equivalent of oral auction bids and oosiea for ine information nr all bid. ders. Oral auction hlrfs will he re. celved by the Superintendent, Klamath Indian Agency, beginning at 2:00 P.M., Pacific Standard Time, April 8. 1032, for the purchase of timber on the Wildhorse No. 2A Logging Unit. The oral auction bidding will be restricted to thotre who have ore v loudly submitted an acceptable sealrd bid in accordance wnn mis notice, ine unit includes ap proximately 7.800 acres of timber lands with a total estimated stand to be cut, which estimate is not guaranteed, of approximately 40,000.000 feet B.M. of pondcrosa pine, S.ooo.OOO feet B.M. ofJ sugar pine,, a possible small volume of uoiigiti fir, incense cedar, white fir li li. pcich. r.nc n mader must state the price per thousand feet B.M. Scrlbner Decimal C Log Scale that will be paid for timber, cut and scaled prior to any readjustment of rales as sped fled In the contract. No bid will be considered for less than .T7.23 per thousand feet B.M. for ponderous pine and sugar pine, $12.30 per thousand feet B.M for Douglas fir and Incense ,?r S.8t per thousand feet B.M for u m6 '. and 3.e.1 prr thousand feet Check for filvlv IhMl.anJ Jl,.!!. iwr oiner snec es. A cert f ed OOOi on a solvent bank, payable to the Treasurer of the United States, must accompany each sealed bid. Persons bidding for or on behalf of companies, corporation, or partnerships must at the time of bidding submit In writing conclusive evidence of their authority to do so. The deposits will ha returned to the unsuccessful bidders The de posit of the successful bidder will be applied ax part of the purchase price against timber cut on this unit only or retained as liquidated damages if the bidder shall not execute the contract and furnish satisfactory bond for Fifty thousand dollars i$30.000) within sixty days from acceptance of his bid. If an oral bid Is declared to be high at the close of the auction, the bidder must Immediately confirm the bid by submitting it in writing on an Indian Service bid form. The right to vaive technical defects and to reject any and all bids Is reserved. The contract will specify that alt designated timber shall be cut and removed from the unit prior to Aoril 1. 10.18. Before bids are submitted full Information concerning the timber, tha conditions of sale, and ine sunmission of bids, should oe on, talned from the Superintendent, Klam ath Indian Agency, Klamath Agency, Oreson: the Area Director. Indian Service, Building 1, Swan Island, Port land IS. Oreann: or the Commissioner of Indian Afalrs, Washington 2A, DC. Lfaiea jMirt oin nay oi January im at Washington, D. C. Dale E, Doty, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. r-wi-iB-.tt ,ua-io-i7 no., us SIRVICI Septic Tank Service TANKS, drain fields Installed repaired. Years of txperlenoe. All work guarantedd., PHONE 8731 CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU wnat you nont want.' someone else needs I Let us find what you want or find the person who needs wnat you don't want. . . This la the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age oi this unique opportunity. Drop In at 355 East Main in Klam ath Fails and get acquainted or Phone 5670 MOVING? . . . Call 7435 ,' ,7 Local-Lout Distance Piano and appliance moving a specially Transfer and Storate Bekln's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse Since mt" ' , FIX THAT RADIO Our Business l Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone Wit Public Accountant ' ants Audlanr Official 30 No, 7th. fhana (Ml rem THKC THIMMINO Phon. j.o;im 12 IDUCATIONAL DIESEL. . HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED several mechanic ally Inclined and reliable men to train for positions. In tha Tractor and Equipment Indust ry. If you are not making bet ter than 190 per week, or you don't have all year Job secur ity, you owe It to yourself to write for free facts, without obligation, about - this training and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAININO SERVICE Write Box 2 co Herald & News BOOKKEEPING, shorthand tyvuuj kla isnsa iuoi.ru. time macmn. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLIXOI TO Pin Phon area 1J HEALTH MASSAGL. ' therapeutic exsrrlses for woman. Spot reducing featured. Phon 14 HELL WANTED, FEMALE APPLICATIONS are now being taken ior aaiea in h. n Mr. hlkk J, C. Penney Company. PERMANENT1 OSlflftW Nationally known company hat one nine m iocbi norm ior aiegiri. wonoarrui opportunity for right type person. Sal ary. commUalon. vacation with pay, hoioltalUatton olan and retirement nlin 30 to 40 eara of age preferred. Con taatri oiaiv r.rripioyrneru office (or ap poimmeni, 414 aiain. 16 HELP WANTED. MALI SALESMAN WANTIft Salary and commUalon to ouAliflerf man niun 1Mb acquainiea wnn grocery irane in Southern Oregon territory. Writ Got den Grain Mararoni Co.. 1111 130th Ave., ban laeanaro, California ior in tervlew. W ANTE 6. two exoerienred ' Pine and rlr graden. Year around work. Tod ilood ODDortunllv. Penhrthv l.unv ber Co. Box &U. Yreaa, California. Phone W7. ADVANCEMENT AND rtJTUR PER MA NltNT POSITION Nationally known comnanv ham Men Ine In Klamath EalU store for aaleeman. Man hired will alao be trained for high er pun uon wnn our company, salary, commlulon. hoao I tal Italian olan. vara. tlon pay and retirement plan. Only men who will work hard for advancement need apply. Contact Stat Employment ornce ior appointment, w Mam. SALESMAN- amlnea to start. aoDron. 275. per month. Opportunity to ad Ages in to 30. AdoIv Standard Stations, Inc. 2nd and Main or Kaplan- ne ana opnng an, 17 HELP WANTED BOO' FAMILY Wat kins route now avail 1 able. If you want your own hut l nets with better than average Income, write for Information to The J. R. Watklns Co., J 07 Dexter. Seattle 0, Washing ton. IRONING, house cleaning. Phone &470. WANTED, experienced real estate salesman on houses and commercial property. Newhoute Real Estate, 2040 so. aixin. WANTED, full time Janitor for man or can am ningicg uy man ana wiie. year around Job. Write, Herald News., Box WANTED, experienced a 11k finisher. Must be good. l-33 nr. Call J-e;W2, new service tunary, nose our g, ore. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED WILL care for chlldYen' ln my' home. Phone 4484. COLORED girl wants hour "worli." Call BrWB. ' HOURLY work. Phone 2-0214, will care for children In my home days or your home evenings. Call 2-1343. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM for rent including board. One or two. 1202 Pine. ROOMS, board,, gentlemen. 1607 Cres- ROOM. gentleman. 13.10 Crescent. ROOMS, 3. 020 Jefferson. LIOHT housekeeping. Everything fur. nlsherl. Suitable sober bachelor or cou ple, loo North Broad. OUTSIDE ROOMS, steam heat, $9 and per weex. ijine Hotel, pnone Tto, ROOMS for rent. Private entrance. clSi? fJf Hone?4444. ROOMS, prices reasonable, Phone "4riajf. LoVELYTrooms for rent t4.-T.V weeE Close In, Phone 4Jg. -FRONT room for rent" Greer" Apart ments, 710 Main. ROOMS 1034 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT, to reliable party with 'no pets. Newly decorated three room apartment. 4',i blocks from Main. S17 norm em, FURNISHED apartment, private hath and entrance. Heat furnished. Adults, Phone 2-2770, 1421 Esplanade. UPSTAIRS furnished aoartment." (lam equipped. Across from the Academy. SMALL furnlshea aoartment. Llaht and water. .10. 1723 Oak. apartment Centrally located. 121 South 2nd. FURNISHED 3 rooms, shower 939.50. Phone 2-IWS7. THREE room furnished apartment near High School. Large rooms. Large clos ets. Adults. Phone 6.142. NEWLY decorated three room fur nlihed. Close In. Couple. 933. Utilities lurnisneo. rnona or swj, CLEAN- i-room" apartment. 433 J North Tenth: NEWLY decorated anartmant. Oraar Apts. 710 Main. . UNFURNISHED, basement apartment for bachelor or ladv. Natural hot water heat and water furnished. 933. Refrig erator and electric range available. 2QI2 Main or phone 3410. STEAM HEATED apartment with bed- room, oiwi usk at. FURNISHED aoartment for renL Apartment 1, 300 Market. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 3001 While. ONE bedroom unfurnished' 'apartineaC Iudbi oeoroom uniumisnea Gas, equipped. Call 3-0611. 10 14 APARTMENTS FOR RENT foKRlNT1." iwo room aDarimeh erythln furnished. Close In. hone 3302. MUDcnn furnished two bedroom apart menl. F il H N I H Ht ft clean "apa runetTej equipped. Refrigerator. For quiet couple Villa Marquise. Inquifel3:i4 0k. ftrRKX r odinlur n is)ted aparunVnt and hath. Adults only, Phone M7J, gi Wa. nut BMali. apartment,' close In. Utilltiei furnished, also sleeping room. Phune tO.I(. f il H tt room collage, rfurnUhedi com" fortably and completely . Immarulately Clean. Very homey. Adults. Phone 4.ma. cheneli. tHim heal, aladrlo rust. tio well Ilea Arms Apartment rTftifalffE iKres room apaflmlnl MM; twn room unit Ml .11 ulllill. Inrlua.d. 41. N. Tenth. it Houm torn hint fott, ItKNT, ' three" room' modem furn. Shad ratiln. Klertrio atova. Il.nt lii. " 't..X2M '". r call 31. ISViPUtX for rant, liil lintneaaffT" fbH fiafSrs". one tttdrootn furnfin3 House, an Wsshlnllon. 6Kt bedroom 3upleN. VnliTrnliheil ok. c.pt ren,a and refrla.ratoi. Clean and newly deroretetf. no objection to one child, no pets. vMO. Phone eno. ttohYt HOffMp.rily lurnl.h'a'irTiouM tor rani. aolJali HI. WO 5c)M furnished hous ior rent. Phone.nr Tft'b B.bftb'd'Ki hous. for rent. Phon, am riFpljLX for rent. Phone m before t p.m. ' lr6 llltTfjT. two bedroom .' unfurnlan.d hous. Alao -small eabln.. Inquire All nian fWb b.droom home with office In front. Completely furnlahed. Katra good lo cation for bu.ln.si. Call 5070. 6Ml badroam partly furnished houM. Close In. Call 1-HM. RfTli'Wfi tor rent, Inquire Pligly Wllilly: Phone Mai. ' 21 MISCftUNlOUt fOR Nf For Lease Long Term ... . ; . Service .Station, Motel,', Restaurant ' SITE Oood location,-Highway 97 at Dla. rjiond Lake Jet. For more Informa tion write Box oHf Chlloquln. Ore. TRUCKS ' U DRIVE , Move Touraelf Save H New Trucki Tor Long Trlpi Pickups -, stakes Vans BEACON W0BIL SERVICE 1M1 E. Main " Phone 3M fbK 'AiOIT-y nlht. day or month", lare bulldlnf next Is Little Sweden on South Sixth, for dance., parti... s.t... .hows. Has electric heal, nlc danr floor, atas and piano. AIM banquet teblea available and eiaht or ten r H. astal. for Lodie w. South Sixth Com. muniir nan. pnone wa. SFrTct ibr rent. KO Mala. Phon. Tll GARAGE for rent. Inquire Pissly Wig. y. Phone 9UI. 10 RIAL UTATI FOR SALI .240 ACRES On Lost River.' Sandy loam, mostlv all In alfalfa and clover. Ready ior spuds, pssture for 00 head cattle. All machinery In good con. anion, nve room modern home, large potato cellar, good big hay barn, machine shed end other buildings. This Is well worth the money at I8S.000. Terms. HENLEY DISTRICT 314 acres, 1M acres under lrrlta tlon bordering Lost Rrlver. Oood buildings, no eel worms. Mostly pasture and Clover. Oood share of it ready -for potatoes. 176,000, Terms. HOMEDALE ROAD 75 acres In pasture and grain. All under Irrigation. Priced til .000. 16.000. will hsndle, balance on long terms. JACK OARDNER Phone 6371 Newhouse Real Estate 3060 So. 6th PhoneS 833 FIT FOR A KING ere Is a home anyone would be proud to own. Only 3 blocks to the School. Built In 1946. Insulated and stortn windows on all windows. Well built and conveniently ar ranged. Automatic heat, hardwood floor In nice large living room. Separate garage. Dandy yard all fenced. '4 acre of ground. Close to stores and bus. Priced for quick sale at 17.500. Reasonable terms. , H. A. financing available. . . DUPLEX FOR SALE Excellent location In MILLS ADDI TION. 24 room plastered units both In good shape and one Is fully furnished. , $120 mommy in come. Full price 12,000. Terms At . Longmlre . Eves.6734 Joe Perry ' Eves. 8333 BURTON E. GRAY REALTOR arid, . INSURANCE'.' 1037 Main St. Phone 3605 or 3431 LISTINGS NEEDED We urgently need listings on city and suburban - homes. If you're thinking' of selling nlease call ua now for' Interview and estimate of market' value. uicx courteous attention will be given to all calls, without any obligation to you. . ' WALT DIETZ. ! ' " '. with ,T." B. WAITERS REALTORS and INSURANCE 107 So. 7th Phone 4193 (Eve.409) Are You Interested? In a well .bullti 3 bedroom brick ttAtia 1NMnl.i. 'rflnlnar room, full basement,, piped oil furnace, trees ana jawn, oeauuiui view. iuw with 82000 down. ... Claire Ellis 2-2659 Oene Favell 6045 Jay Griggs 4254 W., W. ; Thompwn at ' Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1319 Main ; " ' , ' Phone 1821 IS RIAL UTAH FOR SALI HOT SPRINGS Lovely, two story 3 bfrlronm bom on Eldorartn Blvd. About live year old, beautifully lantlacaped. Larr living room with fireplace, tlliilni room, large kitchen and half batl dowmtalra. Large utility room, etc In baaement. New wall-to-wall car petlhg, numerous cloaeUi. Extn tool room on rear of garage, bar bocue, patio, etc. Full price onl: 18,600. Will carry maximum loai of any kind. Shown by appoint ment only. MILLS ADDITION Very well designed and aturrill; built two bedroom house, abou five years old. Dinette apace of living room, large kitchen, utlllt; room, etc. House fully Insulated In excellent loratlon. Can be hat for loooo, only 11000 down payment YALTA GARDENS Modern, well constructed 3 '4 bed room home, Ideal location. Largi living room, fireplace, dining room utility, attached garage, complete!; Insulated. 13 acre rich Irrigate soil. Price 111,000. FHA terms. SUBURBAN We have several small acreages li the south suburban area, ver) reasonably priced. Some with dnwr payments as low as 1900 and pay menta like rent. Call us now ioi further Information. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Don Slosn Fred Scott Ph. l-im Fives oflM Eves 6703 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since IMS 111 N. lh St. Ph. 4SM or SS2S FOR SALE bedroom home In Hot Bprlngi District, hardwood floors, fireplace full basement, new piped furnace double garage, lot well landscaped; Property in good condition. Quirk .p,errn..prle(,lo'l, 8 room home with dinette, fire. piace, Venetian blinds, full base went, close lo City Center, near grade and high school., immediate possession. Price 750. Terms, t . . ' Small farm near city on highway, Weal for dairy or diversified farm P1,ntl to pasture grass. fhreVhiiZ' Vnd oUi three bedroom home with electric heat, and other buildings. See Fred Cofer (Evening. 35M) Bob Stephens (Evenings waoi Barnhisel Agency 113 S. 8lh St. Phone 4105 HOT SPRINGS 6 BEDROOMS Furnished home. Oood hoi v.tsr well, full basement. Fireplace, wait to wall carpeting, two baths, pic ture windows, attractive yard. Ail rooms have nice furnishings auch as three piece sectional daveno. drapes, sight piece dining set, OE range and refrigerator, linens. Price 136,000 on terms. Summers Lone District Two hhlrnfwn hnm. Mnlw . Old. Large bath and kitchen, elec- wic nov water tans, concrete Inun dation, large garage with cement floor, one acre good Irrigated land mostly In pssture. Should carry "f .l" ui, i-rice .tow. Anne Mason Eves. 671 Eddie Hosley 3-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 113 8. th. Phone 7366 SPLENDID BUY Very good substantial home, cor ner lot. flVM mnmi With hath nl.k garage, paved street. Extra 'large living room, dining room, utility room and stor&tre room nln. )... trie hent, and large picture win dows. Better see this now for only 19760. and will go any type loan. We Want A Bid On this attractive two bedrnnm home completely furnished. In south suouroan area. Take a look al this home and give us a bid. lis worth your time. Acreages and Ranches 99 ACRES, MODOC POINT 816.000 311 ACRES, LANOO V ALLEY J4s.000.00 80 ACRES, 1 mile from Malln, All irrigated 821,000 80 ACRES. LAKEVIEW. 116 0V 6 Acres, Chicken ranch ',4 mile from Big Y mkt. 3i Acres, Chicken ranch '.i mile from Big Y mkt. Apartment House 18 units all electrical eoulned and and nicely furnished. 18 units all electrically equipped building and Well worth the nrlre. call us today about this buy. Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4264 Oene Favell Eves. Ph. 6045 Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 3-2569 'W. W. Thompson at Malln ' J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Ph.752l FOK SAL-, furnl.hed 4-room home, two acres good soil, chicken house, cool' r, Near bus, 4407 Barllett AveT'' INCOME property, warehouse; STaTl nveatment earnlna II per rant after '"""rsnc. and taxes. Call 4411 or 0876 THERE'S NOTHING LIKE Herald' tt Newa Classified ads wrier It comes to tllmlnw unrl.hl. i t- - WW cash. Phone 8111.