MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN CCILAMATInl DIM; TIME OUT! m m ' II ;! y v'ir MONEY BUNNY Typical or the glamor and beauty that abounds the Roller liciby today is Barbara Matecr, 19, of tho Chicago v Westerners, all dressed up for Easter. O'Brien's Chiefs On Tonight By Tlx Associated TreM , Seeded teams will be on display for the first time In the lMh Na tional Imitation Bimkolball Tour nament at Madison Squaro Onrdcn Monday night when the field ol 13 will be reduced (a tlx. Tho schedule culls lor the second straight trlpliheadcr composed ol two quurtrr-llnnlH gumct mid one first round allalr. The nuiirler-finiils will send the fourth-seeded Bt. Bonn venture (19 'bi againsi tWolcrn Kentucky in I he opener mid third-needed Bt. John' ol Brooklyn 123-3) against highly regarded LuSiilla (21-6; in lut second game. Holy Cro;. (23-3) (ncca Johnny OHrlin npiukcd Belittle i3fl-7 In the lirnt round encounter im the knind tiniilc. iopseeded Dunucsne 21-1 and Bt. Louis 121-81. No. 2 need, will Ret their toiirniiment baptism Tuesday night with the Dukes taking on the holy Ciuis-Ucuulc winner mid the lllilllkenn matching baskets against Uu Vlon i25-8, Inst ycur's Nil' run ner up. Mciinllmr, 3J smaller colleges will a, art the wet-ding out process In liie NAlli Tuiiniiimcnt at Kan sas Clly untl three game Willi an liiipormnl bearing on the NCAA i Tournament will be plnyed In the ll.g Helen untl Piiclllc Coast Con 'lercncca. NCAA ploy open March ai. Wa;,hlnglon's Huskies, No. 6 In the I inn I Associated Prcsa poll, inert UCLA ill Los Angeles In tho rubber gumc ol the Lucille Coast pin ol I lor the riKht to enter II 10 NCAA championship play. UCLA surprised with a victory over Wash Inuion lust Friday niRlit but the liu.ikics emtio buck to square ae counts with 63-50 triumph baturday. Kansas needs ii victory over Col nnidu nt Boulder, Colo., or de fiat ol Kansas Suite by Oklahoma, lo win the Bin Seven spot in the fCAA poil-scason piny. II the Illg Seven nice 1 nettled Monday night, only one, conference berth will be left In the NCAA Tournament. That noes to the win ner of the Ivy Leaitue, which could end In a three-way tie. , One NCAA bracket was filled over the weekend when North Car olina Stale whipped Duke. 71-68, for the Wolfpacks sixth successive Southern Conlerenco crown, Saturday's NIT openers saw Western Kentucky edne Louisville. M-59: LaSalle beat Seton Hall. BO 70. and Dayton trounced NYU, 8J-60. B Field One Shy ! Iv The Associated Press 1 1 The line-up for the Oregon Class B high school baskctbull tourna ment will be completed Tuesday wlih a game between Knappa and ..Westport al Tillamook. The winner will Join Sublimity, Maplrtoii, lowers, Rogue Klvcr, lulvcr, Echo and Wallowa In the tight-team single-elimination tour ney, which begins Thursday In Salem. , Westport edged Knappa, 48-47, In overtime Saturday night to make necessary another play-off game between the two teams. Meanwhile Powers defeated Elk- ton, 40-35: Rogue River walloped Bonanza 69-44; Sublimity beat Val plz, 60-50: and Wallowa swamped Elgin. 76-44, to win tourney berths. Miipleton and Echo, two unde feated teams, and Culver had clinched spots In the tournament tniiler In tho week. Hero la the Thursday opening round schedule: Powers vs. Rogue River, 2:30 o.m,; Wallowa vs. Mapleton, 3:46 p.m.: Echo vs. Sublimity, 7:30 D in.: and Culver vs. winner Knap-pa-Wcstport play-off, 8:45, In the soinl-flniils Friday night, ihe winner of the Roguo Rlver Powers game will mrct the winner f the Mapleton-Wallowa contest ind Ihe winner of the Echo-Sub-tmlty game will (angle with tho sinner of Thursday night's final lonlcsl. The tiinmplonshln frame will be (layed Saturday night, r. . ti Ty Cobb received $60 a month Mini he played for Annlston, Ala., )l the ago of 17 In 1004. unrci c f'OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modem llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley and Joe Esrley Proprietor RUBBER GAME TO ROGUES GRANTS PASS (Special) The Roguo Hlvcr Chlcllalns won their fourth spot In the state Class 11 tournament In six years by down ing Ihe Bonanza Anllcrs, 69-44, al Mi-iiioiiHl uvninasliim here Sulur- ilay night In the third game of Ihc Dl.Hl, Ml pluyolfs. The Chiefs, who won the Slate: B title two years ago and wore third the year before thul, had to light tne Aniiers on even icrinn through the flint half, which end ed In a 20-20 tie, but pulled ahead In the third period to take a lead thev never lost. The Chiefs were ahead, 60 and 12-3 In the first period but Bonanza came back to trail by only 9-12 al the end of the quarter, then tied It up. 14-14, after a minute and a half of the second. The score was tied again at 18-10 and 18-18 belore the second quarter end ed with the count knotted for the fourth time. AIIKAD Irwin Crume. the Bonanza alar who was held to 7, points by the close checking of Ralph Milton, put the Antlers ahead after two scoreless minutes or the third quar ter, but Byron "Tut" Kile, lithe Chieftain forward, tied up It again 28-28 only 16 seconds Inter. Don llubble's free throw and , Mniiln Wilson's basket gave the1 Antlers a brief lead, but Kile and bl; Jim Boulter drlbbleJ In clofe to sink shots that put The Chiefs in front 32-31. Wilnon scored again for Bonama but Boulter came right back to give Ihe Chiefs the lead they never lost and before the third period was over Boulter had scored twice more and 111 t le Jim Wchren twice In run the Rogue River count to 42. Just before the end of the third, Maurice Chandler counted on a free throw, making It 42-34. Kile for (he Chiefs and Vernon Haley for Bonanra traded baskets early In the fourth: but alter that icn nu nenrrn once (o make l( 60-38 before the n,,,,,:, VUUIU Btu i iiic lliy U calling time out, with three mill- uies ol the period gone. rui n uusLa uunna ine last live minutes 'T f0'11"',01" Lh r.'o"",,;ed ln,,r"nt " l:r?c I'fui.a uj uuuhci nun iuui wv Jiir. With about live seconds left. Mil ton capped his defensive perform ance with the weirdest offensive maneuver of the game. From deep In ihe left hand corner, the husky Rogue River guard tried to loop a high hook pass to Kile on the opposite side of the basket but the ball swished through the net. Boulter, still handicapped a Ut ile by blisters on his right fool, managed to top both teums wllh S3 points, Kile made 16 and Wehren 13 for Ihe Chiefs, while Halev racked 13 and Hubble 13 for the Antlen, The bos tor: Onus urn Kile, ( Wahrrn, t Aouller, c Mlllon. rn rt rr tp .. n II . 3 Ihrmann, Rhoten. e Black, I ToUI ASTI.iaS (Ml Crumt, ( , . . tlllhtilt. t Chndlfr, c llnod. c WIlMNI, I Ilsley. I Di e. f . . Liwvtr, e ........... 39 1 11 SO rei ft rr tp Totals 1 a 19 44 1 1 iL , CLASSIC LtAOtr W I, Prl. Oregon Wooltn ......k...40 3fl .SOS Suburban Kllclun .... ..M in .579 Landry Inauranca r...M....:ifi .10 ,S4S Parkmor Drlva In .....SI S4 .HI Kn.W M as .493 Dick Reader's u 23 43 .3S l.ait M'frk'i Rtiulll Landry a KFLW 0 Suburban a Parkmor 1 Orcfon Wool 3 Raader'a 0 'Oregon Woolen bolstered Its lead somewhat In the Classic Bowling League last week with a 3-0 win over KFLW, although high perform ances went lo other clubs in the kcgllng loop. Fourth-place Parkmor put togeth er an 825 game, the season's best, surpassing Oregon Woolen's old mark of 807. The 825. with other games of 724 and 687, gave tho Insurance men the best series of the evening, a 2230. Landry's Joe Cox rolled a 240, high game, whllo the Individual series honor was picked up by Suburban Kitchen's Cleve Bennett with a 237-164-221-612 line. Parkmnr's Charlie Booth holds to the high average for the sea son, 189. four pins better than Mel Robinson's 185. Robinson bowls for Ihe league-leading Woolles. Harold Porroll, new business manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Is a graduate of St, John's In Brooklyn. y tiflnaii M lilt" u BUILD BETJtR FOR IE5S PEYTON PUMICE BUILDING BLOCKS a NRIPItOOP VHMINfgOOa . JllINUtATN a IIAUTIFUI, lASTTOIUUft COST YOU LIU MMKIT ST. TUT! I..HI-I- I ! IH Ih ! I! HII ,. I- til. 'm .V JOHN WITTE , . . Coast champion John Witfe Wins Coast Mat Crown BAN LUIS OBIKPO. Calif W- Washington Slule College and San lAP noil, will be pitted against Mc Jose State shared the Pacific Coast iMInnvlle In the feature game of Intercollegiate Wrestling c r o w n '!lr.;t roind play. Monday after grappling to a 21 I Sulem ranked No. 7 In the state, point tie. If expected to win the District 11 Final team standings after the I1'1 defeating Stayton Monday two-day meet which wound uu here I night. That would put the Vlkines buturduy were: Washington State 21. San Jose 21. Oregon Slate 18. Cal Polv 15. UCLA 13, sianlord 12, Vanporl. (Ore..) 12, j California II, San Diego Slate 4, n Affu e 9 nnH finntn nine. 1 The heavvwelcht title was claim ed by John Wltte of Oregon State who declsloncd Rod Garner of Slan- , ... ,.. i...t. Olher championships won by the Norihwcsterncrs: 115 pounds. Jcr- ry Holt. WSC; 123 pounds, Dave Baker, Vanport: 130 pounds. Wil bur Bauer, Vanport: 147 pounds, Delancc Duncan. WSC: and 191 pounds, Red Zlcllnskl, OSC. RICKYS SNARES CROWN Rlckya Is the basketball cham pion of the Klamath area. Led by Cal Bonney with 32 points, the City League Champions won the final playoff game Saturday lllnhl. dumping Hilltop Cale, 86-74. Tulclake had to go overtime to squeak by Chlloquin, 74-73, for the consolation title. It was the playoff between the top two Basin League teams and the City League's two best. (Box scores on the two game3 were unavailable). Sports Mirror By The Associated Tress Today A Year Ago Bob Rich ards pole vaulted 16 feet, Inches at the Milwaukee Journal relays. Five Years Ago Eszard Charles, Ihe top light heavyweight challeng er; knocked out Jimmy Bivlns In the fourth round at Cleveland. Ten Years Ago Earl Walsh was named head football coach at Ford ham University during Jim Crow loy's leave of absence. Twenty Years Ago Fred Mer kle. former New York Giant base ball star, defeated H. Courtney, Stamford, Conn., 2 and 1 In the second round of the Volusia cham pionship over the Ormand Beach (Fla.) Oolf Club course. . GVLFSTREAM IIOrEFL'L HALLANDALE, Fla. IM Wllh paii-mutucl betting up all along the line, Oulfstream Park anticipates- a banner season for the March 4-April 19 meeting. Fifty three additional betting windows will be available in the new club house. Seating arrangements In the new clubhouse can accomodate 4,600. BOAT SHOW NEW YORK Ml The National Boat Show held here In Grand Cen tral Palace drew 10,000 admis sions, or one third more than saw the show In 1951, General Manager Joseph Choato has announced. If your present roof has not given you the protec tion your home deserves, don't experiment with the same out moded type, but investigate the proven inter-locking shingle. The Aluminum fourway inter-locking shingle Is weather proof, fireproof, approved by the nations leading architects, and is guaranteed for the life of your home. Ask for a free estimate, and the new low cost of this ultimate in roofing perfection from EARL MAN CHESTER 614 Klamath or Phone 2-0213. IT IS TOMORROW'S ROOF TODAY JrW 10 Teams Nail Down A Berths By JIM (.01 R Assoi lzied Pies Sports Writer Five more teams won district i championships Snlurday night, In ' crcaslni; lo 10 the entries In the I Hi-man Oregon Class A high school i basketball tournament March 18 , 12 at ftugcr.c. ; Two olhcr teams will clinch lour j r.ey spots Monday night, and al least one more Ttiesciav nlchi. i Muiblillelcl, McMinnvlllc and Kla- ."ai oi me inirq stanza, men miilh 1'allfc ranked as Oregon's Coach T'aul McCall sent In t com lourth. Lfth and sixth best teams. 'l'lcle "ne-up ol reserves. respectively. In last week's Asso-1 Klamath, hitting a good percent ciatrd Press poll were easy vict- I"'0 0( eld Koahuies, took the vic o:s in the title games Saturday. i tory In easy stride as Crater lacked : Mnr.shlleld trounched Reedsport l,he "re a"d "Rht 11 showed in its 07-64. McMlnnvllle beat Tall. 46- I Friday loss al Klamath Falls. The 10. and Klamath Fals routed Cornels hit only three of 23 field Central Point, 53-29. trlcs 'n he first half and Corvallls and Aslorla also gained nly 1" 42 ,or the evening. They Placei m Ihe tournament. Corval- from late In the first quarter is by upsetting Albany, 63-61. and 1 10 late ' the thlrd without hlng AMoiia by beritlng Seaside, 53-47. u hub in nw Cleveland dclcalcd Lincoln, with which it shares the 1952 Portland ! League co-champlonshlp, 38-36. In n ame io ueicrmmc tne teams Ijnickcts In the slate tourney. As a result, Cleveland, tied with Lincoln for No. 2 ratine in the against Lincoln In the tlrst round. Pendleton and The Dalles will play Monday nlRht for the District 2 chainDlonshln. The Dalles upset Penolcton, 68-50. SaturdnV night dropoine the first play-olf came Ihe winner will go In the first state tourney round against the vic tor of a Tuesday play-off game hctwcei CreshPm and Central Catholic of Portland, ranked as the state's No. 1 nren team. Central Catholic already has beaten Ores ham three times. NKT.I) WIN La Grande can nail down a tour nament berth by defeating Vale 'ruesdpv, If Vale wins, the teams will play for the District 1 cham pionship Friday. The district winer will be pitted In the first round against Mllwaukle. which clinched a tourney spot Friday. Tournament entries from Dist ricts 3 and 6 will not be deter mined until next wcckicnd. University High of EVgene. with two plav-off victories, and Junction City and Eugene, each with one win and one loss, are the District 6 contenders. Redmond and Bend will fight It out for the District 3 tll'e. A single victory would win it for Redmond. Bend needs two victories to gain the chamninnhlp. MKET DIST. 3 The district 8 winner, will meet Corvallls and the District 3 tltllst will play Klamath Falls In the first round ol the tourney. Other opening round games will be be tween Astoria and Hlllsboro and MsrshflrM and Scappoose. One of the tournament highlights will be the bid of Wade (Swede) Halbrook, Lincoln's seven-foot one Inch all-state center to run h I s season's scoring total to 1.000 noints. Swede was limited to 19 by Cleveland Saturday night. He now has 8H0 points In 23 games. If his team Dlnys four games in Ihe tourney. Halbrook can reach l.ftoo bv averaging 33 points a con test. Ills present average it 37.8. Jet Third In Trials OXNARD, Calif. W Rip of Hol ly Hill, a Labrador male owned and handled by Ray OonlR of Mc Kcnna, Wash., won the open-age bracket of the Southern California Retriever Club spring field trials Sunday. Jet Captain of Whltmore, owned and handled by Harold Shldler of Klamath Falls, Ore., finished third behirtd Slo-Poke Smokey of Dairy Hill, owned and handed by An drlcus A. Jones. San Mateo, Calif. Wcdiak Killed COLUMBIA, S. C. Wl Steve Wadlak, one of the great names In southern college sports, Is dead, victim of a highway speed accident. The 24-year old University of South Carolina All-Southern Con ference football halfback was in lured fatally Sunday near Aiken. The car in which he was riding left, the highway and pinwhecled five or six times. The Icelandic Althing, or parlia ment, dates from 930. UT Pels Win 2nd From Craters MEDFORD (Special) Klamath Palls gained the Dlst. 4 Cla?s A State prep tournament berth with an easy 53 to 20 victory over tired and lu:terlens Crater High at Cen tral f'oint Saturday. The zharpshootlng Big Four di vision litllsts were never seriously cnalicngcd by the Little Three champs In posting their second straight triumph In the two-out-of three scries with the shorter and younger Cornels. Klamath look an early 11 to 2 advantage and led 15 to 7 at the quarter. Lengthy Ralph Carroll ; purred the way with 11 counters in the .iccond quarter and the Pels pulled lo a 33 to 11 halfllme mar gin. Crater tailed to score a field gosl In the second period. The Pelicans built their advant age to 41 to 14 by the five minute from the field. The alert Pelican: contributed to the dearth of Comet goals by frequent blocking of Cra ter shots and breaking up the Cen tral Pointers' passing attack. Punky Monroe and Bill Boye of Crater fouled out In the fourth quarter. Carroll headed scorers with 18 for I' - quarters work and Boye topped Crater scoring with nine. KLAMATH FALLS Bell, f Morton, f Carroll, c - Johnton, s Cilmorc, g Young Pence Summera Barron Krench Dougherty Keller - Totals ro rr rr tp a .... 19 13 IS S3 re, ft rF tp ... 1 o a 2 .... 3 14 7 1 .3 3 s a ' .. 2 4 4 B .. 102: 0 10 1 .0010 io t Ji (RATER Monroe, f Weber, f . Boj e. c Carrigan, g Eigham, g King . Spence TotaU 10 Graders In Semis Roosevelt met Mills' Number 1 team at Mills and Riverside and Pelican tangled at Fairvlew in the semi-finals of the grade school Class A basketball tournament this afternoon. Opening-round results Saturday saw Roosevelt trim Mills' second team. 27-24: Mills' first team wal lop Fairvlew. 38-12: Riverside trounce Fremont, 38-13. and Pell can wallop Conger. 30-6. Winners of today's games meet Thursday for the championship. Burke Wins Golf Open ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. '.fl Jack Burke captured the J10.000 St. Petersburg Open Sunday with record-shattering 266 and picked up his $2,000 first prize with the air of a fellow who intends to go on winning tournaments Indefinitely. His margin was eight strokes ov er his nearest opponent, Al Bes sellnk of Chicago. Burke put together rounds of 66, 69, 65 and 66. Besselink fired rounds of 60. 69, 71 and 68 to finish second at 274 and take second-place money of St, 400. . NEW LOOK OCEANPORT, N. J. 1 Mon mouth Park's race track will have a cleaner look when the 1952 rac ing season opens on the New Jer sey shore next June 14. All black top on the grandstand apron and In the betting ring has been re placed by spic and span asphalt. THEBEAPOMElSFOHM MOTHER-IN-LAW" Sat 111 for ell your automotive nedi repoiri end ccenorict, all makoi, all modeli. mmmm wmwm "Now, men, as you know, the con trolling stock of this ball club la owned by a woman . . ." CAGE SCORES College Basketball Sunday Washington Stale Field 43 64 Hlckam Saturday National Inv.iai ou Tournament First Round Western Kentucky 62 Louisville 59 LaSolle 80 Seton Hall 76 Dayton 82 NYU 66 fc EAST vuianova eo oi. uonaventure o Holy Cross 62 Foruham 68 Penn 76 Cornell 62 Yale 71 Harvard 65 Princeton 60 LaFayette 51 Columbia 58 Dartmouth 5a Perm State 80 Buckncll 67 MIDWEST Wisconsin 58 Illinois 48 St. Louis 68 Tulsa 60 overtime Iowa Slate 69 Colorado 62 Oklahoma AacM 67 Houston 43 FAR WEST Utah 61 Brigham Young 50 Washington 53 UCLA 50 (Best-of-three series for Pacific Coast Con ference title tied, 1-1) Washington State bi Honolulu Uni versity 54. HIGH SCHOOL By The Associated Press Class A Tournaments District 2 The Dalles 53, Pendleton 66 R nlvlrif 3 , 2 ! Bend 58, Princville 44 (eliminated) 3 i District 4 J i Klamath Falls 53. Central Point ; 29 (championship) I District S Marshfield 67, Reedsport 54 (cham pionship) District t University 57, Junction City 39 Eugene 62, Oakrldge 57 (elimi nated) District 7 Corvallls 63, Albany 51 cham pionship) Newport 36, Toledo 19 (consola tion) District 8 McMlnnvllle 46. Tali 30 (cham- Dlonshio) j Dayton 69, WUlamlna 42 (consola- uuu District 10 Astoria 53, Seaside 47 (champion ship) District 11 Stayton 67, Mt. Angel 28 (elimi nated) Portland Playoff Cleveland 38, Lincoln 36 (Cleve land to represent District 16 in state tournament, Lincoln Dist rict 16.) 1 Class B Tournaments District 1 Westport 41, Garibaldi 40 (over time) (Garibaldi eliminated) Westport 48, Knappa 47 (over time) District 2 Subliryliy 66, Valsetz 56 (cham- phionship) Falls City 44, Mill City 42 (con 1" solation) District 4 1 Powers 40, Elkton 35 (champion ship) I Drain 36, Brookings -35 (consola tion) District S Rogue River 59, Bonanza 44 (cham pionship) District 8 Wallowa 76, Elgin 44 (champion ship) Halfway 36, Adrian 33 (consola tion) Taste that 'Same Superior Diamond Eight the whiskey svo I i without J f"5' fo,: taslc! J 1 J . ' ' v esON DIAMOND 8 WINDED WKISKfY 84 HOOF 4MS GIAIN NWTIAt SHUTS . GIBSON WSTlitWoTWCMW Huskies Need Win Tonight LOS ANGELES Mn-Washlngton's lluskle.i, who were supposed to tame the UCLA Bruins with the greatest of ease, are given no more lhn an even chance of copping the Pacific Coast Conference basket bait title in the third and deciding payoff game Monday night. The Huskies found out that the Bruins can bite. The Uclans, shorter and less ex perienced, trounced the Northern Division champions In the opener Friday night 66-63. And Saturday night a shot that bounced In and out of the hoop was all that kept the Southerners from tying It up with two minutes left in the game. The Huskies won 63-50. HUOHT On the basis of the two con tests. It appears to be Washington's height, savvy ar,l terrific defense against UCLA's hustle and youth. Much will depend on the hotness or coolness of the Huskies' two towering stars, Center Bob Hou bregs and Forward Frank Culs ness. Houbrcgs, with a virtually un stoppable hook shot, scored 18 Fri day and 20 Saturday, defying the best ef,orts of UCLA's Mike Hlbler to guard him. Gulsness is due to explode. Fri day he made but four of 20 shots and Saturday three of 14. He was second high scorer in the Northern Division, behind Houbregs. FIND ZIP In the Saturday encounter the tri,ebla mttmrtnmA in k. fittnri th ,ZP they lacked Friday. They donv i mated the backboards, blanketed the Bruin shot makers and took plenty cf time to set up scoring plays. At stake Monday night, besides the PCC crown, is the right to rep resent the Conference at the Far vVest NCAA playoffs In corvallls, Ore. NAIB OPENS KANSAS CITY W The National Intercollegiate Tournament the most rugged test In collegiate bask etball began a colorful six-day marathon Monday with a special reward of an Olympic playoffs berth awaiting the winner. The National Association of In tercollegiate Basketball's champion will meet the NCAA tltllst In the first round of the Olympic playoffs at Kansas City March 29. The ultimate NAIB winner has a rough schedule. It will need five victories in one week to nab the title. The championship game will be played Saturday night. The opening game pitted Mon tana State of Bozeman against American International of Spring field. Mass. Following were Murray State ver sus Centenary, MUlikin of Decatur, 111., vercus Elon (N.C). and Wis consin State of Whitewater versus Wbitworth of Spokane, Wash. Indiana State of Terre Haute, the I960 champion, and Falrleigh- Dlckinson (N.J.,) lead off the night show beginning at 7 o'clock. Others scheduled for Monday nieht are Defending Champion Hamline. which has -won three of the tournaments, and Tampa Uni versity: Springfield (Mo..) State versus Chadron (Nebr.,) Teachers, and Portland versus Flndlay (O.,). Hoppe Meets, Jay Bozeman SAN FRANCISCO W World Champion Willie Hoppe meets one of his former topflight challengers Monday night in his bid for his 12th World Three-Cushion Billiard crown. His opponent Is Jay Bozeman of Vallejo, Calif., who is making a comeback after six years retire ment. The boyish looking Callfor nlan tuned up for the champ Sun day with an upset 50-45 victory over Art Rubin of Brooklyn. NY LEADS CHICAGO I New York state tops the nation with 8.523 credited bowling alleys and 970 establish ments. according to Ameircan Bowling Congress figures. Illinois is second with 6,396 beds and 673 emporiums. GilbsdMiTL Quality . -. . New Low Price -AX' KURT VON POPPENHEIM . a . faces Dusette 1 i 1 Von Pop, Dusette Collide Four sensational wrestling mid gets and an outstanding main event share the spotlight In Wednesday night's wrestling show at the ar mory. The under-sized grapplers will show in a one-fall special event between two bouts with the big boys. A tag team match between the midgets will pair Salle Helasle, Ethiopian star, and Little Beaver against Fuzzy Cupid and Irish Jackie. The main event is one that prom ises spills and thrills. It outs Georges Dusette against Kurt Von Poppenhelm, the Proud Prussian, Jack Brltton and Erlo (The Great) Pedersen open the show at 8:30 Both are one-hour clashes, or the best of three falls. von Poppenhelm has vowed to get even for Dusette's Interference last week when tne German and Yorg Cretorlan lost to Ivan and Soldat Gorky In a rousing tag af fair. Reserve tickets are on nU mt Castleberry Drugs. , A Jerry Dodds With Bees SALT LAKE CITY 11 TMriU Lieshman, owner of the Salt Lake .City team of the Pioneer League, Sunday announced acquisition of . three more baseball players for the 1952 season, Including Jerry Dodds of Seattle, who hit .276 with Kla math Falls of the Far West Lea gue last year. Dodds will take an lnneid berth with the Bees. Panelshake In AAU Meet PORTLAND (A"l Doug Logue and Ted Loder of Willamette and Ralph Poison of Whltworth have been added to the roster of players slated to represent Oregon in the national AAU Basketball Tourna ment at Denver next week. Panelshake of Portland Is the Oregon AAU champion. Break Even HONOLULU I The Washing ton State Cougar ' basketball team beat the K"ckam Field Filers 4-3 Sunday night to break even In their four-game Hawaii tour.- v tvm Tears Moth, Holes Worn Place. Reworea SALLY'S REWEAVING SeiHIe Perll4 Raoreiaaf t4 ir mitsA'j. 4 '