MONDAY, MAItCII 10, 1 002 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORROON PARC TURKU Communist Planes Shot Out Of Skies; Ground Action Held To Margin llv CCOIKiK A, MrAltTIII It hK'OUIi, Korea, iI'j Seven Coin Humid .id Hunters were blasted mil of , Hit" Norlh Koicini nklrn Monday, Iho U.H. Flllli Air Force reported, 'l'lic Hrds were Irylim lo lunik Uii'oiihIi a eel ecu or U .K. Fiimiv Jels pioleitliiit U.N. IlKlHar bombeiH. 'Iluen other MIQh were dnmnKod, the Air Forte rouortrd. II win ilia bliueat bun since Jan. when tfttt Biilires nhot down 10 MKIn In lour untile. 'Die red-mmed Mm marie three 'f " ' . w t M ONE MORE WIN TO GO-Charlle Hoag of Kansas University shoot Jim Ivcrson of Kansas State leaps in a belated attempt to block in a Bis Seven Conference same at Lawrence, Kas. Kan aaa University won an impressive 78-61 victory. A Kansas victory over Colorado will clinch the title and bring an automatic bid to .the Western N. C. A. A. , ' Lefty here It a bookmakor-y Proaecutor Smith-rout I of Dexter county!" Thefts Found Over Weekend City Police are Investigating two wrckcnit mens, one at at. paws Episcopal Church Sunday. Miss Unznl Morrison, church sec-' rrlnry, reported the children a ol fcrlngs stolvn from a collection plnte In her office nftcr services Sunday morning. She stated $7 In change wn$ also taken from her Pay Day Sure llv CEOnCiF. N. TAYLOR "The wages of sin Is death, anld Christ and pay-day Is sure. First in Judgment Uny when tne books arc opened and the lost are Judged. The llnr gets his: thoy who tSFl held' unclean thoughts get theirs and so on. O n Judgment f Day they go on ' I to the Lake of Fire. Rev. 20. At Calvary, Christ I poured out His I sinless soul nnd went down-; Into .. N. Taylor ""! to be num. ISft . v I 17 I iJZ I Bered f 1th the lost He suffered all the wrath of Ood for your sins, I.-a. 03:10-12. Then being the Au thor and Giver of life, Ho came up by glorious resurrection to Indwell with pod-life all who receive Him as Lord and Snviour. For Ood Yn loved you that he gave his only born San, that if you should believe on Him, you should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:10. A Portland lunmberman and family used this space to tell how Christ suffered for you end arose from tlio dead to deliver you. bold nltoniiilH lo bleu k lliroiiuh Ilic Hnnren mid Miool uu more limn lull llli(ei-l)uml)ern iuuickiiik (JoininuiilM mil Hue east ol Bun Clion In Nnrlhwert Korea. A lotnl ol nboiit (III MIUn swept down Ironi Munchurlim batten In nevernl uroupo, sumo iiumbcilnii onlv a liit II dozen, Allied Iohccw, 11 any, were not reported under Iho Air Force policy ol minoiincinit Iohdoh weekly. Four M1G were wnt nplnnlnK earthward in a hull hour balllo between 32 Hnbres and 40 MIC1 fNEA UUnhott) T. M U . Pu. on. , purse In the church office. NellMcCoy reported $200 worth In mechanic's tools were stolen from his pickup, parked In front of his home, 317 Williams Ave.. Friday night. C ..UoW drop . r,lAFU I1IVI" 5?P KG D ITHAIGHt BOURBON WHISKEY, ti PROOF. ...m i . aama or-w . .. v jm i lo CfUOJL LZZ3 III r.rMm M Three other MIOs were shot down mid two wcro damoKed when a Miiall Ilium ol Red twiners pounced on an Allied photo recon imlsMincn Jet bclnu escorted by Habien. Ground action flared at only scat tered points. U.S. KIkIiUi Army censors took the blmikct ol security olf two more American divisions. The U.S. 4'Jlh iCnlllornla National Gourd i Division Is on the Central Front south of Kumsonii. It came to Ko mi recently Ironi occupation duty in Jiipnn. The U.S. 25th division v illi an attached Turkish brlaade is duir In alonx the spiny rldKes noriliweu of the Punchbowl on the Eastern front. Carrier bused Navv planes cut Eastern Korean tall lines In 89 places nnd destroyed six bridges. 'I hey also took a heavy toll ol Irrlght curs and destroyed a loco motive. Murine cnrrler based planes left 11 supply dumps blaelnu southwest of Chlnnampo on uie wesv coasi. Clen. James A. Van Fleet said Hie nnmmunlsts have built un their armies In Korea until they out number the U.N. lorccs in men, wesnons and nlanes. Van Fleet ndded. however, there Is no Indica tion the Reds are massing- lor a sprinit oflenslve. Indians Eye Road Plan A vole Is belnn taken among members of the Klamath Indian tribe on a long-range road pro gram, which has an estimated cost of The road program schedule was prepured by the area oillce of the Bureau of Indian Affairs from road condition reports made by Klanv atn reservation officials. A ballot listing the proposed road Jobs and the cost was mailed to to be relumed to Klamath Agency today. Voters were supposed to stun ballots No dates were set for any of the road work. The ballot Is supposed lo be advisory In nature and the outline of the road program is wnat is considered needed to bring the reservation road system up to a reasonable standard. Action on appropriating money to do the road work concerned would have to come later through the tribe and the Indian office. The ballot notice also said "it Is assumed the funds Involved would be government." Work on 44 roads Is encompassed In the plan, plus 18 bridges, Pierce Condition Reported Fair SALEM Ht Ex-congressman and former Gov. Waller M. Pierce was ordered released Monday from fcnlrm Memorial Hospital, which he entered four weeks ago In critical condition. Pierce, who will be SI years old May 30. Is In good condition again. He a lo was in tne nospuai last December for a few weeks. He lives with his wife In their home on the Eola Hills west of Salem. Oregon State Man May Get Law Fund salem. itfv-Donn Lynn Black, an Oregon Stale College aenlor, is the Oregon nominee lor me kooi Ttlden scholarship at New York University. He was selected Saturday by Charles A. Sprague of Salem, Justice James T. Brand, and Paul Gcddes, Roseburg. A selection committee at San Francisco will name two finalists from among the winners of seven Western states. They will receive $2,100 awards for low studies. , Ronald Ross Mowry, a senior at teed in Portland, was named al tcrnate to Black. . . - People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! . $V0 $J10 4S qt. THE S1AGO DIST, CO., FRANKFORT, KY, . v ' an m mi an. " r 1 iV''La' C aW4yv ,J i., . - xL i i zrt iJziMknsfiM (ftEA Ttlrnhoto) SHOOTING HIGH Mrs. Charles D. McAlwee of Dauphin, Pa cs tabiishes a new national women's record in Swiss Match competi tion during the loth Annual National Small bore Rile Tournament at bt. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. McAlwee hit 110 consecutive bullscyci . ' 200 yards to set the new record. Nineteen Hurt In Bus Crash EUOENE OH Nineteen persons were Injured early Monday when two Continental Trallwavs buses crashed head-on at the Willamette Park overpass on Highway 89, lour miles south of here. State Policeman Carl Hansard :ald a southbound bus. driven bv Kenneth B. Salrom (3110 Larson Avenue), Salem, struck a concrete abutment on the overpass approach and swerved Into the path of the northbound bus. driven by Roy Elmer Vermillion (9333 S. E. 32nd Avenue i, Mllwaukie. Three ambulances brought the 10 Iniured to hospitals here. Han sard said he did not believe any of them suffered critical Injuries. The accident at 3:25 a.m. tied up trafflo on the overpass for two hours. ' A Trail ways spokesman esti mated damage to each bus al $5,000. Red Aides On Travel Limit WASHINGTON Ml The United States Monday clamped a 25-mile travel limit on Soviet officials and their families from Washington and New York City. The stiff order was in retaliation for similar restrictions imposed by Russia on Americans In Moscow. Most of the other Atlantic Pact countries are expected to take si milar action Immediately. State Department officials esti mated that probably 257 officials and Russian employees are af fected by the order. - They Include: Members of the embassy ! n Washington and their families, and Russian employees of the Tass News Agency and the Amtorg pur chasing agency in New York, along with their families. The action was announced In a note delivered to the Russian em bassy. For used typewriters and adding machines .... Volghl'a .Pioneer Office Supply. Bt Main. SAVE 20.00! ON THIS . . . KENMORE Sewing Machine 20 YEAR GUARANTEE! Reg. 133.95 NOW ONLY LIBERAL TRADE-IN ON YOUR OLD MACHINE ' i . ' I . Call 5188 now . . or use this coupon USacuuaH :.. tic 4 Service To Be lipped By Air Merger WASHINGTON '.ft A spokes man for West Coast Airlines testi fied Monday his company's acqui sition of Empire Airlines would mean Improved service to cities on both lines and extension of serv ice to cities In Central Washington. R. A. Duwe, secretary of West Coast, said at a Civil Aeronautics Board hearing that the proposed merger would increase his com pany's revenues and accomplish saving in personnel ana service costs now being duplicated by the two lines. Duwe was the first wit ness at a hearing on the proposal. West Coast, which operates along the Oregon-Washington coast, Is seeking board approval of an agreement under which it would boy the stock of Empire for 8525, 000. The total purchase price, includ ing accounts receivable by Empire, is estimated at about $620,000. Empire now operates in the In land Emnlre area of Idaho. East ern Washington and Eastern Ore gon. Both wesi toasi ana empire have pending before the board an application to extend their service to Central Washington cities. West Coast exhibits introduced at Monday's hearing envision a hookup of the companies' routes between Seattle ond Walla Walla, and Spokane and Portland each with several Intermediate stops. The proposal Is opposed oy unit ed Airlines. Examiner William Cuslck said the hearing probably would run three days. Lafayette Square in Washington, D. C, is named for the Marquis de Lafayette. MIRRORS I r for any . Vteem in the Home! J CoUlD. m JUtA f & Moi SEW NOW FOR SPRING! 11 395 20.25 Down, 7.S0 Month en Sean Eoiy Terms (Usual Carrying Charge) Handsome walnut finish cabinet with Sean host, most modern full-siia lowing head. Auto- marie bobbin winder. This beautiful walnut fin- i ish Console style cabinet will enhance any room. Got yours at Sears! Enjoy Its modern features today! Sean, Roeback ond Co. ' 133 So. 8th St. I klamoth Falls, Ore. Gentlemen: Pleose send me,, without obligation, - further information des- cribing the new Kenmore sewing machine. ' NAME I STREET OR RR .........'.J.. CITY : STATE Cf ADC 133 So. 8th Phone 5188 Firemen Have Busy Weekend Suburban and city firemen came to the rescue of two women sun day, one ol them overcome by gas. Mrs. Ralph Phillips. 4820 S. 6th St., was overcome by gas' Sunday morning while helping her husband with electrical wiring al their home. The Suburban Fire Department emergency crew brought Mrs. Phillips back to consciousness after she had stopped breathing for sev eral minutes and she was taken to Hillside Hospital by Kaler's Ambulance. Hospital officials reported her condition as good Monday morning. Mrs. Jetta Kcnnett, 1413 Wall St., was lead from her home just across the street from the fire station, by city ilrcmen about 5 p.m. Sunday. Mrs. Kennett was apparently sleeping in the front room and food in a deepwell cooker on the kitchen stove started to burn. Firemen reported the house was full of smoke and Mrs. Kennett appeared slightly overcome by the smoke. A fireman, gazing out a window of the, noticed the smoke coming out a window and rushed across the street to find out what the trouble was. A. small trash fire was extin guished by city firemen at 912 Walnut St., about 3 p.m. Sunday. Solon Gives Good Advice EUGENE dfl "Don't pressure your legislators help them." a state senator advised some 100 Lane county educators and others at a Saturday conlerence on educa tion. State Sen. Robert Holmes, of Clatsop county, cautioned the group not to weigh each measure from the viewpoint of "what will mis ao to scnoois? ' Dut rather whether the measures are sound for the state as a whole. Holmes urged the group to ac quaint local legislators with school problems before they are swamped with work at the state capitol. "Education Is one of the biggest. If rot the biggest lob in Ore gon," he declared. "When your leg islator realizes this, he. will, help you." Bus Strike Talk Continues Today SAN FRANCISCO UU Federal Conciliator Omar Hoskins confers with. Pacific Greyhound represen tatives Monday in his hunt for a way to end the week old bus strike. Hoskins said there was no hint of a settlement. Some 3300 drivers and other em ployes are striking in seven west ern states for a live day week and higher wages. An estimated 100,000 commuters who normally ride the Greyhound began their second week of make shift transportation. . . . . Cascade 124 No. 4th Truman To Speak To Newsmen By FRVEST B. VACCARO KEY WEST. Flo., (PH-President Truman, interrupting a vacation here, will fly to Washington Friday lor an overnight stay and will go to new York uity lor a spcecn on Saturday. . Presidential Secretary Joseph Short, who mode the announce ment, said Truman will fly back to ney west alter tne New York speecn to resume his Florida va cation. The address In New York will be at 11:30 a.m. PST before the 28th annual meeting of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association In the ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria. Short said the meeting will be made up of 3,000 scholastic editors representing school papers through junior colleges from all over the country. Short announced this schedulev- The President will leave Key West at 9 a.m. PST Friday on a four-hour flight to Washington. He will spend Friday night at Blair House with Mrs. Truman and her ailing mother. On Saturday, he will fly to New York in time to make the address. Following his speech, be will fly to Key West. Short had no additional Informa tion on Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg's sudden flight here for a Sunday conference with the President. White House aides said the con ference was "Important" but not necessarily of a "presing nature." In Washington, Pentagon sources were silent. It was the first time the two talked since Truman nominated Vandenberg for a new 14-month term as chief of staff of the Air Force for a term expected to run through June 30, 1953. They talked in privacy. The nectar in the base of a flow er is probably the attraction of a flower for a bee. BIG (" QUICK I 0rxf6OODf Only 10 minutes to fix. i ' A rich, savory flavor B everybody likes. Get I S-ne ofthe fine Chun n Kmg Oriental foods MS . at your grocers today 1 W ' I Get rid of thai loo-small refrigerator ftowl Model iiluslrated' gives you modern conveniences and plenty of storage spaco for at least a week's supply of oil kinds of foods-plus-SAFE COLD from top to bottom. Set Super-Freezer holds over 29 lbs. More than 15 tq. ft. shelf area Cold Slorag Tray ONLY 29.97 DOWN And We'll Still ; Take Your Trade-in . .. ' : ,.'..... i- r I VERN OWENS' Home Furnishings Co. fNBA Teltphoto) COVER UP-Mario Balestrerl, one of 23 persons . Indicted in United States round-up of narcot ics peddlers, uses a handkerchief to conceal his face as he Is searched in San Francisco jail. , Tl'KF MEN MEET SAN FRANCISCO l The annual meetings of the National Associa tion of State Racing Commisslonei will be held In San Francisco, March 31 through April 3. Hans Norland Auto Insurance. Phone 2-2515. . Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "No, this It not your A-U-N-T II . You'd bottor look in tho 'phono book and bo s uro of tho corroct numbor!"..; Memory often plays tricks . . . ! so look up numbers you're not sure of before you call . . . Pacific Telephone. ' 8.2 cu. ft. W6 "'''' " New 1951 So82 Ob all these features: Quickube lc Trays . lift-out half-shelf Bin-flzo Hydralor Famous Meler-Mlser Phone 8365