PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, MARCH 10. 1052 L FBI's; Secret Agent Tells Of Women's Life EDITOR'S NOTE: In this tx cltulra by-Hue story, MU Cvel Ic, who for nine years acted aa '" undercover acent (or the FBI, Mil the women what they cu do to fight eommunlam on the ' ' home front. He alio paints a vivid , word picture of the kind of life women lend In Communist Rua aia. During; his years an agent, Mr. Cvetlo'a life was In eonsUnt. danger. Not even hia Im medtately family knew hta-dan-jteroui secret until the day he testified before the House Com mittee on Un-American actlries, - . By MATT CVETIC Written for NEA Service NEW YORK NEA) Try to . Imagine, being married to a man chosen for you by the government. Think what It would be like to dig ditches and build roads. See It you can visualize having to work until the last six weeks of pregnancy, with strict orders to return to work six weeks alter your baby Is born, under penalty of starvation. ' This is no Imaginary picture' of ) y''?rTHr7 KAL STILL SWINGING The youngster at top, giving with all his 60 pounds as he swings a 30-ounce bat, was just under six years old: when the picture was taken. Be low is the same boy, now grown up, taking his cut at the New York Yankee spring training camp Kal Segrist. Flood Threat Not Serious PORTLAND Wl The Weather Bureau took a look at the Pacific Northwest precipitation figures and said Saturday there was some pos sibility of local flooding but prob ably no general Hooding this spring. . , - , . , . It is still too early, though, to Issue any specific forecasts, the report said. It added that In general, there could be some local flooding on the Okanogan, Lower Kootenai, Payette, Boise and Big Wood Riv ers, depending on temperature and precipitation In the next three months. . February precipitation was be low normal' over most of the Col umbia drainage above Pasco-while the Snake Basin above Clarkston had generally normal precipita tion. ... ' Coastal basins of the Washington Cascades got less than normal rainfall for the third straight month, the report said. The Wil lamette's precipitation was about normal and that in the Rogue, Umpqua and Klamath Basins was above normal for February. ' ACTRESS BETTER SANTA MONICA. Calif. Wl TJna Merkel, former screen actress, has returned home from Santa Monica Hospital,- after recuperating from an overdose oi sleeping tablets, She was found in a coma last Mon day at her home. The "sky survey" at Falomar Observatory in California is being maoe oy a w-mcn ecnmidt tele scope camera and a giant 200-inch tiaie leieseope. , ' IOL HIWIUHL OL joi ,uor t n Gasman' 111M1 1 Cil CiTfiDOUlllfi l'sTZTN Liiuiiim u u it life. It is Just a few of the cir cumstances under which women In the Soviet Union are forced to live. There are many more, these women for instance, must give up all claims to their children. The babies are taken away from them soon after birth, and put into a nursery home. In some, cases, subject to the wishes of the Politburo, mothers may never see their babies again. Clothes are allotted and so are living accommodations, usually de pendent upon the number of peo ple in the family. A Russian's home, by the way, belongs to -the state, and can be emerea. at any urne witnout. war rant. Food Is .strictly rationed, and the portions are many times lean er man Britain's at ner worst nour. In addition, there is uttle . choice as to variety or Quality. The peo ple take what they can get. i nad the opportunity to look into the lives of the Russian peo ple during the nine years I served as a Communist for the FBI- And I was able to gain all this inside Shirt Lost In Big Tax Office PHILADELPHIA 1 Some guy actually lost bis shirt at the tax collector's office. A white, freshly-laundered shirt with frayed cuffs was found in a paper bag in the Philadelphia of flee of the U.S. Internal Revenue Bureau when It closed for the week end. Said Collector Francis R. Smith: "Year after year I've been ac cused of taking the taxpayer's shirt. This, is the. first year I real ly got one." - .' CHAPEL DEDICATED NORWALK, Calif. Wl St. John of God Chapel, bulK in 'the shape of a fish, was dedicated Sunday by Catholic Archbishop J. Francis A. Mclntyre of Los Angeles, - -. The chapel was shaped like a fish because .a fish was an early re ligious symbol.. -.. ... The family of ' the. Aga Khan, Moslem leader, claims descent from Fatima, daughter of the pro phet Mohammed. A ; ' , Vmmf ' i II J ', -I 7 .. :' I n amss- WW U -;' v'-: ' M L . . IS li siaiiAtaiiiCTiic I ONLT DOWN I V $6.53 per month 40 Gol. Fiat Topi Available 42 Gal. 2-Element Tank for S99.95 - in Russia knowledge only because I held high position in the part. You can be' sure the Communist leaders in America do not feed the truth to the reeular nartv mem bers. The propaganda they give away paimg quite another picture of unity, common interests and fair play. When I think of tha Bullion nf American women versus that of the Russian wife and. mother. It mates me realise that we Ameri cans have most powerful wea pon against communism ' In our nanas every day of our lives. Your coinrjlele freedom aHnoa. lion and unhampered versatility places you, as an American wom an in the position to serve in your nanmumiy ana nome as an avid advocate of democracy. Don't be afraid to dlscuiisRus- sla. and communism in front of your children. If they get the wrong facts from outside sources, they made find themselves sadly misled Only your efforts. In conjunction with schools, radio, books and new papers, can teach a true democra. cy that will mean something to me young people or today. Although I am no longer counter- spying on the Communist Party iot uie tdi, x sun leei I nave an active duty to perform. As part' of this action. I have been spending much of my lime for the last year lecturing to col lege students: telling them first- uana wnai i snow 10 oe true. I answer their questions; attempt to dispel any doubts they may have. As a further aid in presenting communism to the American pub lic, so they may better understand what is going on behind the Iron Curtain, I am acting as a con sultant for a new radio series. based on my experiences in the Certainly evervthin must h. done to further the cause of de mocracy and freedom. Join the ngnt. to need is great. And whntuv-Ai- vnii rift i4nn4 n. derestimate the Influence you. as a woman, can nave in saieguard ing our country and our beliefs. The strongest foundation for de mocracy is built In the home. As a wife and mother, your part is cicar-cui- Reverend Makes Fatal Mistake MEMPHIS. Term. HI The heavy hand of the law tapped the Rev. Tom Sidney Wilson as he mounted his pulpit to preach Sun day. A member of the conffreo-atlnn at the Mt. Sinai Negro Baptist Church. Ed Glenn, thoueht he ren. ognized the shoes, shirt and stick pin uie reverend was wearing. The articles were stolen from Glenn's home a few days ago. Police Lt. G. E. UlRrv, mmift the preacher, who is iwinir hin in Jail, will be charged with larceny. Wage Panel Looks At ALCOA Talk WASHINGTON W A w.o. Stabilization Board rmnai manni hearings Monday on. a dispute be- iween me Af'trs international Council of Aulmlnum Workers and the Aluminum Corporation of America. The case Is similar to one heard last week by a W8B panel Involv ing aemanas on ALCOA by the CIO's Steelworkers . Union for an estimated 18-cent hourly pay boost and other Improvements. Next week a panel is to hear a dispute between the CIO steelwork ers and the Kaiser Aluminum Co. President Truman sent the cases the the WSB for a recommended solution to avoid a threatened strike in the industry. Oslo, capital of Norway, has a population of about 435,000. - NOW Ery Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS CliffYaden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 South 6th (Open 24 hn. Every Day) WATER HEATERS Now your family can hare plenty of hot water at an amasingljr low cost I '' ' Stop fn today and let at know the lire of your family well show you bow you can save .money with a General Electric Auto-' matic Electric Water Heater 1 A COHHUl I AMI OF TAW cap Knits mt ant rmost Hells Canyon Dam In Snake River Looms As Major Test Of Public vs. Private Power in US; Idaho Solons On Negative By JOHN KAMPS WASHINGTON W The govern, ment seems to be Uie underdog In a battle shaping up here over a phase of public vs. private power. The first round will be fouuht March 26-31 at hearing a House committee has scheduled on a bill to authorise construction ol Hells Canyon Dam In the Siinke River, on the Idaho-Oregon border. The government will be In Its unusual underdog role because both of Idaho's representatives oppose the dam and neither of its sena tors ia yet supporting the propositi. The dam would be In tho con gressional District represented by Dr.-John T. Wood (R.-Idnhol, who Is against It and will light it. Usually a local bill's quires approval of congressmen hi me. District involved. Idaho's other representative, Hamer Budge. R), also Is against the bill, and he's a member of tho Ulterior ttubcommitm hnlHinir ih hearings. wood sees the Hells Cam-on nro- posal as an "insidious and sinister" attempt by the Socialist-leaning ad ministration" to set no a "imvfr state" in Idaho. Through this power state. Wood declares, the government "would market power In competition with private facilities, interfere with the right of privnto power companies ui ouiid aams oi meir own at pri vate expense and spend the tax payers' money to furUier the in terests of federal power over pri vate power." Budge savs he will flcht the nrnt. ect because "it seriously Uireatens present and future irrigation" along the Snake River Vallcv. "The bill does nothing for irriga tion," Budge adds, "It definitely threatens water rlchts which have been established for 50 venrs. The people cannot live without Irriga tion in my district. If the water Is taken away, my district will be nothing but sagebrush and I'll have only Jackrtibbits as constituents." Sen. Welker R.-Idnho takes a dim. view of the bill In its present lorm because "it fals to guarantee Two Die In House Fire SEATTLE Wl . Two elderly sisters lost their lives early Mon- aay in a two-alarm lire in their Capitol Hill district home. Firemen said Mrs. F. S. Lancr. 75. was fatally Injured In a fall from a second story window. Her sister. Mrs. Vera Stratton. 78. was found burned to death in a second-story bedroom of the resi dence. Joe Patch, 47. another resident of the house was rescued by firemen who brought him down a ladder. Patch said the screams of Mrs. Lang, his aunt, awakened him about 1:15 a.m. He said he and Mrs. Lang ran to a second-story window. Mrs. Lang tried to get out before firemen arrived, Patch said, and fell to her death. QUAKE JUNEAU. Alaska Wl A dlsh rattllng earthquake shook Juneau and vicinity at 12:01 p.m. Sunday. The quake lasted 10 to 15 sec onds, rattled windows and dishes cracked some plaster and stopped the pendulums of clocks at the Weather Bureau nine miles out on the highway. No serious damage was reported. The first broadcast of a political convention was the Republican meeting In Cleveland In June. 1924. OF FAMOUS BILTWELL SUITES THE BUY OF THE YEAR! BED DIVAN and MATCHING CHAIR Beautifully deiigned square arm modern. Heavy all frieie cover. Double decked springs, 364 coils, spacious bedding compartment. In Coco, Kelly Green, Sage Green, Beige, Turquoise, Gray or Cranberry. Similar let, tingle ipringi $219.50 Rtf. $234.85 DIVAN AND CHAIR above in detlgn and colert, design. Rtg. $344.50 NOW Save $401 DAVENPORT AND CHAIR. Sculptured mo hair cover, nw modern 2-cuihion SOAISO dtiign. Reg. $344.50 NOW Sectionals all All with the famous uown ana monrns on rne the rights to which Uie State of mnno Is entitled." But he says he "might be ex pected to look with more favor on the prolect If Uie bill were written to eliminate Uie undeslrnbla fea tures." Welker also questions the adyta ability of spending moncv on "a huge fedcrul project" at this time. Sen. Dworshak (R.-Idnho) la with holding his decision until he gets an engineering report on an niter unto proposal Mountain Sheep Dam, about 60 miles downstream from Hells Canyon, near where Uie Salmon River enters Uie Himkrt. All four members of Idaho's con gressional group say their mall is overwhelmingly against Hells Can yon Dam. Wood auys 80 to 00 per cent of those who write him are against It and Btidgo sava only a few huvo written to approve It. The two Say they have received more Uian 3,000 letters on Uie sub ject. - A bitter opponent of Uie project is the Idaho Power Co., whose of ficials declare Hells Canvon Dam would cost one billion dollars, send Idaho power out of the slate and Hood the sites of five dams which the company urouoses to build. These dnms, they say, would pro- auce more power man the govern ment plant. Tho compnny's request for a per mit to build one ol the dnms in the Hells Canyon Reservoir site now 1.1' being studied by the Federal rower commission. . . . Until last week it looked as If the Reclamation Bureau would be fighting a lone battle on the Hells Canyon Issue. . Then Sen. Morse (R.-Orei.i In troduced a companion Hells Can yon bill In the Senate, serving no tice he would be In the govern ment's corner In the Hells Canyon bout. The government wants to build the world's hluhest dum in a steep sloped Rorue mldwnv between Lew iston and Wclser, Idnho. It would tower 740 feet, compared with Hoover Dam's 726.4 feet. 11 would be of the same concrete arch type as Hoover. Reclamation Bureau engineers estimated a year ago the dam would cost about $356,810,000. but the figure would be higher now since construction costs have In creased. The government says ' the dam should be built as soon as poslble to provide power needed for de fense industries In the Northwest. The (Inm would be deslitned to add 1,430,000 kilowatts o( power. This includes 732.000 kilowatts pro duced nt Hells Canyon, with the remainder provided downstream through river regulation at Hells Canyon. The bill would reserve 300.000 kilowatts of Hells Canyon power lor use In Idaho, providing the state sets up a qualfled agency to handle lt. The Reclamation Bureau denies the dam would threaten irrigation It says 25 per cent of the river's low flow would be reserved lor Ir rigation. On the other hand. It says, the five proposed Idaho Power Co. dnms could nosslblv take over wa ter rights which would hamper lr-1 rlgatlon. The bureau points out (he dam AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO (ram lha l,aaU g. Mana riaaa Cam pnj. Ml N. lib. si l aiaalalf rata. Aflar a rta.anaala lima yaa caa. If jea wUB, eaansa frem raal la aar caaia arrermeal, Tba rral alraadr aalS la all credllad la yaar parcaaaa aceaaal and ae alher dawn aayaianl la aacai. arr. Tha mental? paymanU caa ba lml hli-ber than real. Or, II ?aa ara fer. yaa can canllaaa la rani. FINAL WEEK OF Save $50 MASSIVE MODERN DAVENPORT AND CHAIR. Reg. $349.50. Smart modern 2-cuihlon with Similar to tat $2075O top grade all wool Choice of colon. BED DIVAN AND CHAIR. Reg. $189.95. madam detlgn. In gray or balga NOW . V1 Reduced! Swing Rockers all reduced! Biltwell 5-year guarantee! A balance! i would provide flood control, aa well as power, and that Irrigation as pects of tho project could bo de veloped In the future The government considers Hells Canyon Dam as Important "must" legislation. President Tillman's re quest to Congress (or appropria tions last year contained eight mil lion dolara for llels Canyon Dam. Making such a request belore an authorisation bill has been Intro duced Is unusual, Tho same amount la requested for the fiscal year beginning July 1. SPEEDY LONG-LASTING relief for RHEUMATISM ACHES-PAINS Don't Mom' yourwll. Rub th tchtnf purl wll with Muslitrolo. It grunt pftlivrvltvvii.i mmllrntion Bpsodi (nwh blood to th painful rtn, brliiln matine rrlttf. If pain U InlftnM buy tUtr Strong Muatorule. EN HiJ- i H lAe.. Get there faster Fly United! s Sauthbauna' Malnllnan leave at ... . 5:10 P. M. SAN FRANCISCO 3 hrt. LOS ANGELES . 5', hrt. Nerthbound' Molnllnart leave at . ; . 12:35 P. M. PORTLAND . . 2, hrt. SEATTLE Shr. Fail, fvxvrfaui Htghtt la "oil Ida foil" UNITED AIR LINES Airport Term I no). Coll 3-2 5 V or, ie on author I ltd lravt)l og ant. OUR SAVE $53.75 NOW Reg. $273.25 229 50 friaia $299 50 NOW Attractive 164" REAL SMALL payment V- Irovtf oflanl. SALE 9th ond Plna ' NOW AT WARDS G.E. FAMOUS TABLE MODEL RADIOS G-E TABLE MODEL RADIOS Bur II of Watdi 24.95 13 Da., Tumi Compocl Tobla Radio hat large Dynapowar ipaokar, xcellanl lona. "Dial Baam" (ollowi pointer, ipot lighti aach numeral on dial fact. Accurate, eoiy tun Ing built-in anlanna. In Congo brown, Ivory plaitlc G-E 3-WAY PORTABLE RADIO JloKarr, CorDC 37.95 Mod,60S Upright, a handy portable on ill side, a imart labia radio, lightweight, vary compact, graan or bur gundy plattic cota with "flip-up" dial. Samltiva, built in iron-core antenna. Excellent recaption, claar lone. Phono 3188 .DELUXE G-E CLOCK-RADIO Mode 335 I 'Clear-toned radio with ' busier ond radio olormi. Timer outlet con ' troll other appllancai, Mohogony plailic case. SMART G-E CLOCK-RADIO 30.95 Mod.! 513 Wake up to music with clear toned, depend able GE radio. Also has busier alarm. Ivory or brown plastic case. G-E DELUXE PORTABLE 47.50 Modi! 610 3 -way operation bat tery, AC or DC. Smart green or burgundy plas tic case. Sensitive built in loop antenna. SMART G-E CLOCK-RADIO 40.95 Model SIB Best-selling clock-radio with wake-up radio alarm and busier plus appliance timer. Case in choice of 4 colors. LUCAS FURNITURE ; 195 E. MAIN F II VsallL 2) fh. 2-2511 KLflfnOTM PLLS , OROr , 1001; Main ' , , ,