SATURDAY, MAWJll 0, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE '.,:'.:'.'"'".tr e Toyirimey Pels Pone Step ...... NIOTir Sftofte Cog .Ml RALPH CARROLL . , , averages 10.7 Carroll's 223 Tops Cage Loop The Top Ten scorers In the Bniillieni Oregon Conference ' Bin Four Include three I'ollrans. with Ccnlrr Ralph Carroll marlng tap honors Willi 223 point! Ill llio li gnum campaign. Hny Brll was fifth with 116. Jack Hoilon lenlli with 14. Itunnrr-uii to Cnrroll was nick Jainen, Omul Pass, will) 16.1. Den mi Conner, Medfurd, and Harvey Wood, Ashland, were Uilid nd fourth wllh 137 and 130. Carroll's average per game Is 18 1. The autlstlci were compiled by Jerry Acklen ol the Oram Puis Belly Courier. in it rr Tf at a 41 taa M 4 IM m id .1) in , 4.1 4 SHI 1.10 41 11 41 1U 41 17 M inl 31 XI 4 i7 (arrell, KC .fatnM, ill ....... Conner, M . Woods. A mil. Kr nimliam, M Harbour. Gl .... Spinas. M . T Tennav, A ... . ... Ilerlen. hi' Allernur), M Waolau. M ItoherUom CP K Ilolllnewuith. A ..... Krhtvflnfuit. OP , ... Jahnien, Kr , - . llatmlman. M tliill)th. UP l.inlngvr. A ... . Illtmarc, KT FVmler, A .. .. ... Nan Irk. OP .... . V Tenner, A Miles. A . . . . Myrlck. A tjrlnpf n. M .. . . , - .. vm, Kr In. CP tlsrmn, HI' Thomuiim, M i-ee. OP ftmt: KT P.ppw, OP .. f Lenderl. M ... . .. . Jeffries. A' ...... Carrol, A ii... : c;', M ... l.illle. OP Hansen, OP M. Uiultn. stammers. Kf .... Millar. A . Taylor. A Yosten. OP - . lloeeblitl. Kf - ri.hrr. KT Kiemple, A x-pla;ed Jiul :il 1U .TO n an 4i 34 13 41 7a 31 10 M TJ 11 71 .11 71 17 l .11 10 JO 17 111 14 It 4 it la 4a 25 10 11 I 11 1,1 XI M 17 34 40 SO 11 II " 11 14 97 40 u it :il w 11 e li la it 11 11 31 a 13 t.i u t a 12 it ii n ii .1 7 a II ii I i a Awards Banquet Proposed An awards banquet combining the City, Olrls and Victory basket ball leagues will be held next week If managers of the team can get together on phms Monday, 7,p.m In the city hall. , Managers ol ell clubs ' In the three leagues are asked to altend tho meeting. Rlokys (City), Met iers i Victory! ' and Oregon wool tains) nave tropnics coming tor winning their respective cage loops Knd City Recreation Director Bob Bonney wants to do It over a, bouquet table. Art organisational meeting1 to dis ciiks a girls soflball league will follow Monday's City Mall session, Bonney saltl. Charley Erb Dies . NORTH HOLLYWOOD, Calif 11 One of Cnllfornla's most widely loved sports figures, Charley Erb, was mourned Snturdny by thou sands who knew him personally or recall his exploits ns quarterback on the University of Cnllfornla's "wonder teams" of tho early '20's, The 62-yenr old Erb succumbed to a heart attack Friday. He died In his sleep In his North Hollywood home. T.-.e day before ho had played handball with friends. Erb led the Golden Bears of, An dy Smith to a 28-0 victory over Ohio State In the Rose Bowl game In 1021 at Fasnriena, and the next year ho was the quarterback of the Cnl team that was tied by Washington It Jefferson In the bowl. Matfest Winds Up Today SAN LUIS OBISPO, CAllf. Ifl The two-clay' third annual Pacific Const Intercollegiate wrestling tournament winds up Saturday with II schools fighting for the crown helt) Jointly by Waslilngtoil State and California. . P. Seventy-three wrestlers engaged In 08 matches In the double elim ination meet Friday and only 21 grnpplers were eliminated. Schools competing are Oregon State, Washington State, Vanport, UCLA, Stanford, Santa Clara, San Joso Blnte, California, San Diego Stole, Col JVilv nnd Pol Craters Tumble 58 to 42 Br bi d m nn The free wheeling Pelicans brushed peiky Crater quint out or lt hnlr alter the first quarter lanl night to roll to an any 68-42 vlolory, one gome nearer the mute tournement In Kutrene March 18-2'i. A win for the Klamalh live on the Crater court tonight would clinch the Dial. 4 berth for the Pelicans for the second straight year. The Cornels ol Crater floored a leant with two dlpsy-dcmlle guardn, Oordon Carrlgnn and Larry BIk ham, who made thln.i aoinewhut iinconiforlable for the elonnnlcd I'eli In the first quarter. Bui Klamath'i height Mimed to tell after a 10-7 firm-qua rtnr squeak and the Hrle whizzed to a 31-15 Intennlanlon lead on Ralph Carroll'a tlp-ln nd Jerry John on'a net Bhota, HI MS IN Pelican Coach Paul MeCall used Mi reirulara leia limn hull ol the third frame and whlnkcd hie hock troopa onto the floor when Klam ath ran up a plushy 44-17 lead. The Pel were cold In the first quarter but managed to go three points abend on a Hp by Carroll and a. long shot by Ray Bell ut the whlatle. Crater held a lead brlelly In the first on a hook shot by Freshman Center Bill Boye. But Carroll and Bell erased this 7-8 lead and warmed up to the chore In the second quarter. ri.ZI.F.H Highly-rated Punky Monroe did not show much except a penchant for fouling. He led the game In the eecond with four personals and at 11 out for more than a quar ter. When he re-entered the game In third, he lasted long enough for Just one acrape under the basket and his tilth personal foul. Carrlgan and Blgham sparked the Craters ard plied up 24 of their points with 13 and 13. Carroll finished In his familiar role as high-point man wllh tlx field goals and five tree throws for 17 points. Hortoii rind nine, while Bell, Johnson and Ollmore all contrib uted eight, mix si t Tta ro rt rr tr Monroe, t - o 1 s a Water, f 13 16 Bote, e .. 1 1 " Carr.sao. J J JJ B:hm. f o 2 11 B-i.nai: . KliMt i . Crawford ,. . f tdtala . ..... KI.AMATU FAILS Ball. - Morton, f ... : ; Carroll, c IS 11 l 41 I U T. PI' 7r . - 4 0 3 S a- a i t Jonnaon, S OHmora. Raaarvaa; S . yount Pa oca arron ft ummora rianch Dougharty Kallar . TM,, .53 12 II M HaKtlma acore: klamalll 31 Cnl;; rr.. throwa mlaaad: Cvaljr Bo.. Carrlian. Bltiam. .Spon 4. Klamath-Hall 4. """' '"f!!, Johnson. Ollmora. Pfanca. Barrun. Sum. oicea, Ofllelalti Swanaonaml rilnK Jayhawks Need One For NCAA By The Associated Preas Unless Colorado can pull the rab- bit out of the hat twice In one season Phog Allen'i University of ,Kanas Jayhawks will represent the Big Seven Conference In the Western NCAA playoffs at Kansas City March 21-33. ' ; Kansas humbled Kansas Stale, the defending champion and 1941 ncaa finaliat. 78-81. at Lawrence Friday night, thereby assuring Al len's team of nothing worse than a tie for the league crown. The Jayhawkers, rated No. 8 In ih notion, now have a 21-2 sea son record and can clinch both the undisputed conference flag and a Western NCAA berth by beating Colorado at Boulder Monday. IMPOSSIBLE Colorado, which did the Impos sible according to the dope ledg er In beating Kansas State 67-57 at Boulder Feb. 23, could possibly pull another one against Kansas. Duke 'and North Carolina State play Saturday night for the South ern Conference championship and a berth In the NCAA playoffs. Duke nipped West Virginia, 00-88, and State downed George Washington, 76-64. in the tourney semi-finals Friday night. BERTH New Mexico AfcM landed the NCAA berth from the Border Con ference by upsetting favored West Texas, 62-81 . . UCLA got the Jump on Washing ton, defending champions, In tho best-of-three game playoff for the Pacific Coast Conference title. The Uclans won, 69-53, and can gain an NCAA berth by winning agnin Saturday night. Wyoming, aireaav league cnamps, finished Its Skyline Conference schedule by whipping Denver, 61- 54. Cougars Lose 2nd in Hawaii HONOLULU m The Honolulu Universal Motors basketball team beat the Washington State Cougars 60-47 Friday nlffht for Its second straight win . over tho mainland team, ,' ' The Motors beat the Cougars 64 SO on Wednesday. HOCKEY Pacific, Coast Hockey Victoria S. Seattle 2 Calgary 7, Edmonton 4 TWO-POINTER Ralph Carroll tips in two of his 17 points last night as the Pelicans whipped Crater, 58-42, in the first of a three-game scries for the Dist. 4 title. Bill Boye (4), Crater Center, tries to stop the shot. Watching the ac tion arc Calvin Gilmore (44;, far left, Herb Weber (12) and Rocky Spence (25). mi v: tomi, mam Milwaukie Upended by Redmond By JIM COIR Associated Press Sports Writer Mllwuukic became the fifth team to clinch a snot In Oregon Class A High School Basketball Tourna ment in Eugene March 18-22 bv dropulnu Oregon Cilv. 44-39. Fri day night. The favorites came through In all other district play-offs except two, and at least two other tour ny berths will be won Saturday niKht. Jerry Zimmerman, a talented center, registered 13 points to lead Milwaukie to the Dlsrlct 12 cham pionship. Milwaukie will meet the District 1 lltllst in the opening round of tile tourney. FINAL Albany and Corvallls entered the District 7 final, to be played Sat urday night. Albany, which will be the lavorite, defeated Newport, 52 43, while Corvallls swamped To ledo, 65-33. McMlnnvillc, rated No. 5 in the final Associated Press weekly prep poll, handed Dayton Its first defeat of tho season In high school com petition. 66-64. McMlnnville, which has won 20 of its 24 games, will play for the District 7 title with fait, which beat Wlllamlna, 41-37. Pendleton, Klnmath Falls, As toria and Marshfleld are favored to win tlv5ir way into the tourna ment Snturday. Pendleton walloped The Dalles, 61-46, in the District 2 plavoff open er Friday night. Klamath Falls, ranked No. 6 In the state, beat Centrol Point, 58-42, in the first District 4 playoff contest, and Marshficld, rated No. 4. crushed Reedsport, 87-63, In the District 5 opener. CONTINUE These bcst-ol-three playoffs con tinue Saturday night. City Leaguers Bump Basiners in The City League handed the Klnmath Basin League a grand slum last night nt Merrill In the City-Basin basketball playoffs. City Champlftn-Rlckys, despite tho absence of two of its aces, Paul McCoJl ,and Don Peterson, beat Tulefakb, 0-66, Tho Basin Champion Chlloquln team dropped ft 70-76 decision to Hilltop Cafe. Ricky's and Hilltop mix In the main event tonight for the Inde pendent championship of the Klam ath nrca. Rlckys won despite a 30-polnt performance by Wilbur Welch, Tulelake Inn scoring star. Lnrry Wills and Cnl Bonney paced Rlckys with 21 and 20 point; Tulelake Jumped Into a slim 24-23 first-quarter lend. But 'RIckvs bounced back to lend 37-33 at half time. A 21 -point scoring spree 'In the third quarter gave the City cham pions n 58-48 bulge going into the final frame. The same thing was true In the Chtloquin-Hilltop game, Tho losers had the scoring nee, Wayne Hatch er, who pumped In 32 for Chllo quln, But Oil Martinez managed 20 for Hilltop, Paul Helns adde-j 17 and Jack Waybrant and Howie Roberts contributed 12 each. .,T.TMI,.n 1, )., n, -,,,-.1... .. - '. ' ' .l.mj. l tt- i'SW.. mm wm,- -r; In; Bend Astoria can win the District 10 title by defeating Seaside, which earned a chance to avenge an earl ier playoff loss to the Fishermen when it drubbed Tillamook, 55-43. La Grande, ranked No. 8 in the state, trounced Vale, 60-47, in the District i piayoif opener, Anotner victory over Vale Tuesday night would give La Grande the cham pionship. If Vale wins, a third game will be played next Friday night. Central Catholic of Portland, Ore gon's top-rated prep team, ad vanced to the District 13 final by routing Concordia of Portland. 81 39. for its 23rd victory In 24 games. The Rams will meet Gresham, which beat Parkrose, 68-43, for the title Tuesday night. There were upsets In the Dis trict 3 and District 6 playoffs. Redmond knocked off Bend, the District 3 favorite, 59-52, after Prinevllle had eliminated Lake view from the playoff, 57-56, in overtime. IPSET Junction City dumped Eugene, the tavoritc, 53-48, in the opening round of' the District 6 playoff, while University High of Eugene edged Oakridge, 51-60. Salem, rated No. 8 In the state, remained the only unbeaten team in the District tournament after routing Stayton, 58-23. Mt. Angel stayed in the playoff, along with Stayton, by eliminating Woodburn, 55-38. The Portland League co-champions, Lincoln and Cleveland, tied for second state ranking, will meet Saturday night to decide their state tourney spots. The winner will represent District 15 and the oser District 16. Earlier, Hlllsboro and Scoppose clinched district titles and tourney berths. Playoff margin at halltlme, 63-60 at the end of three frames. Then . the Onfcmen totnled 23 points In the last quarter while Chlloquln could muster Just 30. Chlloquln and Tulelake open the show tonight at 8 for the consola tion prize. j ciiii. om iN cm on iin.i.Tor W. Hatcher 31 T 1 Friend Snucra 10 V 11 Wa.vbrant Mlnato .1 C 3 Harris C. Holrhcr 4 G nttelns Millar 8 O It Carrier Chlloquln auba-Bratlon 4, Gelnirer 6, Wampler I, Bickers. Hilltop subs Marline. 30, MillHan I, Roberta 12. Tl I.Kl.AKi; dill I (SOI RICKVS Craw-ford 8 T 14 Boccht Welch :I0 r 10 Bonnev Crttaa 1,1 C 10 Harvey Landing 9 0S Foalar Dohle 4 G at Willi Tulelake auba Vnkach, Klrkpalrickl. Rlckya auba Blggera, Kemnllzer 10. Marjorie Runs 10.4 SYDNEY, Australia Wl Sprint er Marjorie Jackson, a 20-year-old lass, bettered her own world rec ord for women Saturday by win ning the 100-yard dash in 10.4 at the New South Wales track cham pionships at the Sydney Sports Ground. Her listed world mark is BONANZANS SEEK SPOT IN SALEM Tonight's Dist. S B rubber same tips off on the Grants Pass high school gym floor tonight at 8. Bonanza Coach Merton Whipple left this morning with a ten-man squad. The Antlers arrived In Grants Pass in time for a work out on the game floor. It will be the first time the Bonanza players have used glass bumpboards and wnippie wantea tnem to get the feel of the boards. The winner of tonight's Bonanza Rogue River game earns a berth In the Class B state tournament In Salem, Mar. 13-15. The two teams spilt In the first two games on Henley's floor. The Chieftains won the first game, 48- 47, In overtime. Bonanza evened the count Thursday night by a 65 50 count. CAGE SCORES College Basketball By The Associated Preas Pacific Coast Conference Tourney UCLA 65 Washington 63 Southern Conference Tourney ISeml-finals) Duke 90 West Virginia 88 North Carolina State 76 George Washington 64 Maaon-tlllon Conference Tourney (Semi-finals) Baltimore 31 American 30 Roanoke 60 Baltimore Loyola 53 CIAA Tourney (Semi-finals) Virginia Union 80 North Carolina A&T 70. Johnson C. Smith 101 West Virginia state 83 Other games FAR WEST Wyoming 61 Denver 54 Utah State 72 Montana 60 Honolulu Univ Motors 60 Washing ton State 47 MIDWEST Kansas 78 Kansas State 61 Case 79 Western Reserve 66 Detroit 61 Western Ontario 44 SOUTHWEST New Mexico A&M 62 West Texas 51 EAST Brooklyn College 59 Iona 57 HIOH SCHOOL Class A Tournaments District 1 La Grande 60 Vale 47 (First game) liuiricl z Pendleton 61 The Dalles 46 (First game) District 2 Prinevllle 87 Lakeview 56 (over- tune) (Lakeview eliminated) Redmond 69 Bend 52 District 4 Klamath Falls 58 Central Point 42 (first game) District 5 Marshfleld 87 Reedsport 63 (:! game; District C (First Round) Junction City 53 Eugene 49 university tsugene) oi uatriage 60 District 7 (Semi-finals) McMlnnville 66 Dayton 54 Taft 41 Wlllamlna 37 District It Seaside 55 Tillamook 45 District 11 Salem 68 Stayton 23 Mt. Angel 55 Woodburn 38 (Wood- burn eliminated) District 12 Milwaukie 44 Oregon City 39 (championship) West Linn 69 Lake Oswego SO (third place) District 13 (Seml-Flnals) Central Catholic 81 Concordia 39 (Both Portland) Gresham 68 Park Rose 43 Class B Tournament! District 1 Garibaldi 51 Nestucca 40 (Nestuc- ca eliminated) Knappa 41 Westport 38 District 2 (Semi-Finals) Valsetz 40 Falls City 39 Sublimity 63 Mill City 46 District 3 Mapleton 65 Coburg 43 (Champion- snip) Harrisburg 48 Monroe 43 (Third 'place) District 4 (First Round) Powers 44 Drain 40 lkton 50 Brookings 32 District 7 Echo 57 Spray 25 (Championship) GRAPEFRUIT LOOP OPENS By The Associated Press Baseball's "Grapefruit League" opens Saturday with eight major league exhibition games in Flor ida, Arizona and California. Top interest centers In the New York Yankee St. Louis Cardinal clash at St. Petersburg, Fla. and the New York Giants Cleveland tilt at Tucson, Ariz. Baseball fans will be watching to see how the world champion Yankees and the National League cnamps tare. Panter Wins WALLA WALLA (PiGarth Pan-te-, 168, Dayton, Idaho, kayoed Bil ly Carter, 178, Vancouver, B. C, in the fifth round of a fight card main event Friday night. USED MARCHANT Model ACR-8M 1948 Model See Today FRIDEN CALCULATING Machine Agency 629 Main Phone 7412 BRUINS UPSET HUSKIES LOS ANGELES OH UCLA's surprising Bruins were one up with one to go Saturday for the Pacific Coast Conlerence basket ball title. Coach Johnny Wooden's bovs soundly trounced the powerful Uni versity of Washington Huskies Fri day night, 65-53. If they can do it again they re In. They outclassed the Northern Dl vision cnampions in the opener. They excelled in speed. In play- making and in shooting. Washing ton excelled only In height. The Huskies towered over the smaller but faster Bruins. STOPPED UCLA stopped Frank Guisness. the Washington all-around star, and in doing tnat took much of the zip from the. Huskies' attack. Guls nes was able to score only nine points. Washington's center. Bob Houbrees, high scorer in the North ern Division, corralled 18 points. and Guard Mike McCutchen con tributed 12. The Bruins' brilliant freshman forward, Don Bragg, not only was high man for the game, but it was his guarding of Guisness that threw the monkeywrench Into the invaaers attack. Bragg scored 19 points and his fellow forward. Jerry Norman, got 14. The surprise performance of the night, however, was by the little Bruin guard, Ron Livingston, the best dribbler on the floor. He col lected 11 points and never had the ball stolen or a pass intercepted. UCLA Jumped Into an early lead. Washington came fast to tie the score at 19-all Just before the first quarter ended, and tour quick Washington baskets Just before the half ended gave the Huskies a 35-34 margin. UCLA scored 19 points to Wash ington's nine In the third period, then went into a freeze in the last period to protect its lead. Washington sutterea neavny in fouls, the officials calling 27 against them to only 14 on UCLA, but there was little to choose in points scored from the tree tnrow ring, UCLA getting 15 to Washing ton's 13. The UCLA win atoned in part for the twin victories Washington scored against the Bruins early in the season at Seattle. The Huskies entered the title series heavilv favored to win. but based on Friday night's play they will be the underdogs Saturday night. NIT On Tonight NEW YORK Wl Individual bat tles between sky-scraper centers put special zest In a triple-header Saturday night that opens the Na tional Invitation Basketboll Tour nament at Madison Square Gar den. The program gets under way at 0 p.m. with this lineup of games: 6 nm. western Kentucky ino- 4) vs. Louisville (20-5). 7:45 p.m. Seton Hall (25-3) vs. LaSalle (20-5). 9:30 p.m. Dayton (24-3) vs. New York University (17-6). The Louisville-Western winner will meet St. Bonaventure in the first game of another triple-head er Monday while the Seton Hall- LaSalle victor goes against bt. John's. The last game on the Monday program will be a first round Joust between1 Seattle and Holy Cross, with the winner taking on Du quesne. All-Stars Dump Metiers Metiers, winner of the Victory League play, fell to the Victory League All-Stars 42 to 32 In the preliminary to the Klamath-Crater game last night. The game was close most of the first half with the All-Stars gain ing a half time lead. Tex Robinson, Metier center, was high with 13. Ron Cheyne, Metiers, and Orland Dixon, All- Star, each had n points. Matt Jackson Cools Tittman BELLINGHAM (P Light heavy weight Matt Jackson of Tacoma knocked out Dave Tittman of Spo kane Friday night In the fourth round of a scheduled eight round main event. Jackson weighed 168; Tittman. 172. DOES YOUR PIGGY-BANK RATTLE? Did you save as much as you anticipated during the past year? How much have you saved in the past ten years? If your savings plan Is bogging down you need a systematic method something along the lines of a Sun Life Endowment Policy. Start saving this sure way today. , Ph 7777 teaJiyt Duane Oueee leker Yv)l SUN dun life FUZZY . .. his name a misnomer TIME OUT! Say what yon like that 175,000 a year Is going to the slugger's head!" . YOUNG WHIPS ERNIE NEW YORK IM Paddv Yonncr a decisive winner over hardhitting Ernie Durando, is ready and eag er to take on Ray Robinson in a title bout May 16 if the busy Har lem Sugar Man still has his mid dleweight crown by then. me 23-year-old Young won the right to meet , Ray In Madison Square Garden in a Heart Fund Show by his second triumph over the stocky Durando in the Gar den Friday night. . am neiore Young can step into the ring with the 160-pound king, he'll have to wait and see how Robinson fares in his title fights with Carl "Bobo" Olson In San Francisco next Thursday and with Rocky Graziano in Chicago April in. Honkers Beat Yreka TULELAKE The high school Honkers here out-scored Yreka, 89-67, in a Siskiyou County league game last night. The game settled down to a scor ing duel between Tulelake's Rex Olsen with 36 points and Yreka's R. Wlnningham with 33. But the Honkers led all the way in the free-scoring tilt. Yreka won the B preliminary, 62-42. YREKA (SI) (8) TULELAKE Higglnj 8 F 31 A.vre Barry 12 F 8 King Weldon 8 C 36 R. Olsen R. Wlnningham S3 G 3 Short Creblein 6 G 8 Goldblatt Yreka auba Russell, B. Wlnningham, Hagen. Tulelake subs P. Olsen 3. Man ceau, Sowles 10, Pedersen 1. FOR kTrnr - I It . . U .v.. i'M.. . A. K. C. REGISTERED GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES 10 WEEKS OLD SEE AT 4331 CLINTON PHONE 8010 EVENINGS OR SUNDAY j ' " ' " CUPID Midget atmen f Signed Four wrestling midgets appeifr at the armory Wednesday night In a special tag team event three of them known here and one, a new comer, hailed as the most vlcioqs of the midget matmen. He is Fuzzy Cupid, whose name Is misleading. An ex-sword swal Iower and fire-eater in carnival circles, Fuzzy has picked up the dubious honor of being the most hated under-sized grappler In the business. , He is 40 inches high, weighs 98 pounds. -n Fuzzy Cupid will team with XrlsTt Jackie against Salle Halasle and Little Beaver, the agile Indian who caught on with the fans in his only appearance here several months ago., . . ... ; .". SPECIAL ; ' . The special midget event, a one fall feature, is sandwiched between two outstanding bouts. The big one, of course, shows m the main event spot, putting Geof ges Dusette against Kurt Von Pop penheim, the. Proud Prussian. Dussette Is responsible for Von Pop and Yorg- Cretorian 'losing to the Gorky brothers In a tag team match Wednesday night. - ' The French-Canadian Strongman, Irked at Yorg's tactics, wrapped the Rumanian In a full nelson while Ivan Soldat leveled Cretorian with a dropklck 11 WILLING ' 1 . " Promoter Mack Llllard couldfft get Cretorian for Dusette, But Vpn Poppenheim is more than willing to get even for his partner. . But "getting even" With Dusette Is a task that isn't done with k promise. . Jack Brltton, who appeared here last season, and Eric (The Great) Pedersen, Scandinavian wrestling star, open the show. ' It will be Pedersen's first ap pearance in Klamath Falls. Both are one-hour bouts, or the best two of three falls. , Reserved tickets are on sale It Castleberry Drugs: " Local Dogs 2-3 in Trial OXNARD, Calif, ffl Two -Oregon Labradors finished second and third Friday in the Derby Stake of the Southern California Retriever Club spring field trials. Runner-ilp was Kandra'8 Dusty Demon, owned by Ivan Kandra,. Merrill,- Ore. Third place went to Hal's Spiwise Zeke, owned and handled by Har old Shidler, Klamath Falls, - Ore. The Derby was won by Beauty- wood's Sooty Scamp, owned By Nick Peters, Sauk Rapids, Minn SALE , r 'Vi- . ' t-i'g"?-" i J