SATUIUMY, MARCH n, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK SEVT.M T 1 P'ZS&w 1 i 7 u " "-irtnitM LEAP YEAR BIRTHDAY Loraync Cicrrue, ilauRhlcr or Mrs. Richard Anderson, 3304 Crosby Avenue, and Lee Ge ltiic observed her sixteenth birthday r'ib. 23. I'holo bv NATIONAL , SECRETARIES ASSOCIATION Irmbrrn of the Klumnlh Chiip. ter of llie Nntlomil Hrrrrlnrles As kOrlftllnn met lit the Wlnenui llo. el on Feb. 20 lit 7 p.m. unci ttrre liovt to tuner members of the Med io! d Chapter. Members present from Mrdford Included Evelyn Brlmicdcr. Miuv Hartley, Mnrv Lovejoy. Durlyne itudd, Vivian Wnrncr, Vivlnu How. lird, Janice Krwln. Helen Apple ml Marjory Unimlng. Dorothy Norselll m preent ns 11 special guest ot the. Klamath Chapter. Xeitulnr memljern ntiendlmt the meellntt ere Mnrjorle Comer. Mary Mill. Alia .orll. Mmy Hob erton, CirorKiu libciubcruer, mid Ilenlnh Adicun. The dinner tnble bfiiutllully nrruimed with frverul vnrtvtlca of colorful sprlnu flowers, k IVcipKlent Murlovbl .Comer opened rtli meellnif will) A round UO'ie (Us cusnlon of wuys mid iiK-nnt for mr.mberthlp tlrlvo in the neur lu ture. Evelyn Urhnwder of Mrdlord rayd 11 ihort tullt on In-r iiiiciul unce nt the tmtioniil conleretwe In aeatlle. The reitioiml ronferenre ll be held 111 tjnlcm, November 1, (his year. Information wuis K'vcn lo the prenlUenl. Murjarlc Coiner, on Cer Ulled l'roIeloiml becrctury exam ination. A crrllflul proffMtonnl secretary is one who hna sutlstac torlly completed nil six parti ol the fxnmlnnllon developed bv the Inntltule lor Certlfylim Secretaries, sponsored by the National Secre taries Association. The purpose of the CPS Is: To Upurudc sccrcurlal personnel throughout the country, define lltoro clearly the status ol secre tarial worn In the business struc ture. estublMi educational stan dards lor secretaries and promote thorn thiouith an examination, Hive . lecrclarlcs an educational Roal. gain recognition lor secretaries by furtherlii!! their educational and professional status, assist employ ers In selcctlnit iweretnrial employ er., assure that only qiinllflrd per sons will be considered lor secretar ial positions, assist sehqpls and col- Irfie.x In determlnlnu content for secretarial training pronrnms and to broaden tho scope ot secretarial tralnlUK to meet more nearly the needs for top-level secretarial po altlons. To qualllv as a CPS candidate, an applicant must be nt least twen-tv-flve years of and If not a hlun tchool firaduntc, soven years ol Hecretnrlal expcrlenre; It a high srhonl mnduntc, six years; If a tirraduato of a business or Junior rollcRe. four years; If a collene ' isradunte. llneo years; nnd the ap plicant does not need to be a member ot the Nntlonnl Secretar ies Association, nnd does not need to be employed as a secretary at the time of taking the examin ation. Any one Interested In Joinlnrt the National Secretaries Association or In studying for the CPS may con tact Marjorle Comer, 81S0; or Mary Mills. 8M3, or write lo the National Secretaries Association, Klamath Chapter, Room 203, 731 Main Street Klamath Falls. Birthday Celebrated Mis. Glldn G. Morris, Coos Bay, fine former Guy McCleod of Klam ath Palls) celebrnted her 23rd birthday at a dinner pnrl.y of mem bers of her family nnd close friends at the homo of her mother. Mrs. Forrest V. Loomls, former Klamath resident, now of Coos Bny. to the Wi-ne-ma Coffee SHOP Quality Food At Plain "Old Fashioned' 'Hospitality Mi. 4", .'1 '1)1 'V..'"'! r I i 4, If ) ' i-4 , 14 '', " ' 1 figfttfi rw raiMi & gMii 1 j SACRED HEART RECITAL The third music re.-llnl of this lenrion 10 !'' p'e:enled by 8llerr1 Heart Academy will bn held Sun day. March I), nt 2:20 o'clock In the Academy auuTiOi linn. I lie pub- ' III- Is Invited to attend this recltul ! which will be given by Hie Inter mediate music students. Those tak ' Ing part are: Colleen Llnehnn. I:e ; Campbell. Clauiiette Uiundejskv. ' Kniirm Coglnirn, Sumiii O'llair. I John Mcculloch, Burric Doiuielly i Darlene rirophy, Jennirr Wnnnted. Jonnn Taylor. John Klv. Chiirlrne Stoecklem. Phyllis Patch. Alice ! Jean Ch'eslak. Joaneite Brandei ' sky. Marilyn HaVi. Joyce Preuirl. I David Reeder, Piitrlcln Driillner, I Jeanne Vlrurs, Mary Kav Eaton. I Pedro Colley, Joan Wemplr. Jo I Anne f?ehinllz. Cniherlne Knnn. Ce cilia Kunn, Jovrc Pretarl, Paul i Adams. Ho-J Van Itnsklrk. Cecllc Vandeiibera and Judith Brainier. , Jeanne Chin. Francellun Vo-al Ensemble ' Accompanists June Gray, Cuth i cine Kami, Susun Vuiiocnbcri; und juiiii jiy. Baby Shower LANCiKI.l, VALLEY A verv ; lovely baby shower was given In ; honor of Mrs. Kussrll Wnlsn ui the ; parish hull in I.augell Valley on ; Feb. 2. 8 p.m. lim,ic.vcs lor Uic aiinir were Mrs. Paul Monroe. Mrs. John Sullivan. Mm. Ted Al lien. Mrs. Hob C o I w e 1 1. Mrs. Louis Randall nnd Mrs. Howard Schmidt. Pink and blue were carried out In the decorations nnd refresh ment. Pink losebuds nnd pink and blue car, lies were used jui the table. Gilts were piled III n bnthlnettc nnd on a large table. Mrs. Luther Noble mid Hazel Cult assisted In opi mug the presents. Mrs. Lloyd Gill, Mrs. George Fernlund. Mrs. Dux Derry. Miss Emily Klner, Mrs. Mike Dearborn, Mrs. Baker, Mis. Grace Blaser. Mrs. Charles Partridge, Mrs. Owen Popple. Mrs. Morrison, Miss Hacl Morrl.son. Mrs. Bessie Camp bell, Mrs Walter Smith Sr.. Mrs. Paul Fluhugh. Mrs. Elizabeth Mc Call. Mrs. Olt Williams. Mrs. Bob Burden. Mrs. Charles Walker nnd Mrs. Chris Hood. Mrs. Marlon Lindsay. Mrs. Georgo Noble. Mrs. Orvlllc Dc Vnul. Mrs. Don Horsley, Miss Ha zel Gift. Mrs. Luther Noble. Miss Nada Deny. Miss Gertrude Hoc tier, Mrs. Ed Oowrn, Mrs. Snnt lord Jones, Mrs. Lester Lrnvltt. Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. Dclbcrt Faulstlch, Mrs. Frank DcBel, Mrs. Frank Orohs, Mrs. Johnnie. Hcl lckson, Mrs. Gordon Ashbce, Mrs. Bill Bnchdnlrit, Mrs. Art Monroe, Mrs. Bud Harris, Mrs. Wes Denr born. Mrs. Bud Brown. Mrs. Dick Boten, Mrs. Lelnnd Harris. Mrs. Harry Frnzler, Mrs. Lester Urbark. Mrs. Bob Scaler, Mrs. Eddie Orn lian, Mrs. Dick Smith, Mrs. Er nest Graves, Mrs. Charles Schmcd 11 nnd Mrs. F, W. Brown Ladies Aid MERniLL Tho Ladles Aid So ciety ol Ihc Merrill Presbyterian church met Wednesday nflernoon nt the home of Mrs. Delia Hodgrs. Mrs. Roland West nnd Mrs. Har riet Folhcrlnghain were the co hoslesses. Following devotional, routines business wn.s dlcussed, and re trrhments were served to the fol lowing: Mrs. Dollv Himnicutt, Mrs. Wuircn Fruits, Mrs. M. A. Bow man. Mrs, Miles Moore, Mrs. R.A. Smith, Mis. W. F. Jlnnetle. Mrs. Gene Taylor. Mrs. K. N. Enule, Mrs. Pelo McNeil, Mrs. J. L. Has kins, Mrs. Wendell Moore, Mrs. Warren Conner, Mrs. C. P. Has kins, Mrs. George Milne, nnd Mrs. Paschall Hodgrs, who was a guest. Reasonable Prices A. Plus - Ladies Eagles Club Meeting l.adlcs Ragles Club met ri-li. 0. In the upper KukIcs Hall lor the unit iiimiiik" of llio yrur. Prior iiii.'I'IIiiks hud been canceled due 10 liicitineiii weather, Aller luncheon, cards were played, with the lollowlim winning prizes: Helen Chapman, three liun uml traveling prize and llrsl; I'uu line ;'i'armn, second; Mary Mellon uour; i.iinm Orovc.,, low. Present were; Ixiium, W,indn n 111111, Jlelen Chapman, I.onm Uiove.t, Hetty Ie Hawlhore, I'aiil ' I'eurson, Mary Mellon, llutli Mi Kline and Mary Lou Allgair. '11)0 club una Feb. II, ul the home ol Uoiiiiu Ijiili, elen Chap- nian, new president, called the . it, , ',' Tl, l'-t'u,rui,l"ciO'iK have been vlltlnK relatives incrllhK to order at 7 pin. Aficr,in 01.ii(i -nrf vp Includlnu a short business ,ueellnK and l7.&.& fresliiiients. curds worn nluvcd. I'leiient were: Hetty Leo Huw tliorno, Uoiinu Lesh, Nancy Put lioine of IXinliii Lesh. Helen Chuu- man and Wanda Kenning. were uwarded as follows: Donnii I.csh; second, Hetty Lee Hawthorne: three hundred. Rcilv Hawthorne; door prize, Wanda Penning; and low. Unim Groves. At tho meeting Feb. ', a plan was approved to Invite the hus bands once a month lo the parties. Chinese checkers may be played by ihose who do not play cards. Present were: Lillian Roziim, Julie Williams, Mrs. Glen Scott, Lornii Grovrs. Dorothy l.une, Ma rie Ktlgorc, Helen Chapman, Wanda Penning, Meryl Ornwn, Nancy Piitmnn nnd Iz-ona Lubbrn. Prizes were won bv. Marie Kll gore, first; Nunry Piitmnn, second, Lorna Orovcs. three hundred trave ling, Helen Chapman, lo'v. Next meeting scheduled March 1". lor Walter Miller Birthday Party Mrs. Jim Fowler and Mrs. Her bert Landis invited old time friends ol their lather, Walter Miller, ml to the Fowlers home on Portland' avtut:e to surprise him on his .'.evenly sixth birthday anniversary, Murch 6. Among the guests Invited was an early dry acquaintance Hindu 'way bark In Itoa. when Mr. Miller and William Jinnette (now of Merrill! met on n Hal tug boat, navigating 1 Luke C.'uwaiia. Miller had Just I out Horn Kansas and Jinnette ! from Ohio. The acquaintance rlp- ened lino n true friendship, and I both have been residents of Klam , Bth county ever since. 1 (Sharing with Mr. Miller, the two mrtiHiay cages presented him by his daiiflilcrs were: Mr. and Mrs. ; Paul Amel, Mr. and Mrs. William Jinnette, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Mc ; Nell. O. O. Ausled, Tom Rlckard. Jack Miller i.'oni, David Landis, 1 Mr. end Mrs. Herbert Lnndls. Mr and Mrs. James Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurd. ANW Club Meeting Art Needlework Club met Wed nesday ul Ihc home ol Mrs. A. J. Powell. I.ctlers were read from Mrs. Wil bur A. Jones and Mrs. Fred J. Goeller who have been 111, with rcRrrts from them tlint they could nni be present. Mrs, c. W. Murdock was uuest of ;Uie afternoon. I At one o'clock a delicious lunch- eon was served lo the following j members: Mrs. C. H. Underwood, I Mrs. n. E. Wnttcnburg, Mrs. D. jV. Kuykendall, Mrs. Marlon Hanks. Mr. R. II. Aulerscn, Mrs. Oeome R. Hum. Mrs. W. P. McMillan nnd Mrs. Carry M. Rnmsby who has Jii't returned from a visit with her :l.'ler-ii-law. Mrs. S. E. Mnrlln In Hie bay nrra. Next mreline. March 19. will be at the Lome of Mrs. Marion Hanks, 133 Pine Street. Tec Iver CHII OQUIN Gnv spring flow rrs nnd pussy willows In nttrac tlvr arrangement decorated the bonis of Mrs. Fred Markwardt on I Friday for the leap year silver Ilea Riven from 2:3(1 to 4:30 p.m. (by tho Women's Society of Christ ian Service. I Presiding: at the tea service was i Mrs. C. Ellery Echlin. Mrs. Mnrk iwardt was hostess and Mrs. Pnul Hcrron nnd Mrs. Waller Zimmer men assisted. A number of women called dur hng the nflernoon from Modoc 'Point. Klamath Agency and Fort luamnui. Sixth Birthday lOrnrge Fernlund gave a birthday party nt the Lnngcll Vnl'.ry Coni- iMuuiiy nun on much 4 in honor ol her son Eddie who was six years old. Gnmrs were plnved and several short movie comedies were shown. Two beautifully decornted rnkes were on the refreshment tn ble, one with six cnndlrs for Ed die, nnd one with one cnndle for Matt Monroe who was 1 year old. Guests were Eddie nnd Lindn Fernlund, Matt nnd Jrrnl Monroe, Marin Burnett, Teddy Dearborn, Jimmy, Benny, nnd Billy Brown, Jimmy, Tommy nVd Dnvid Sentcr, Susnn, Judy nnd Debbie Randall, Virginia Noble, Joan nnd Jean Frrnlund. Linda Schmcdli. Wayne and Krnny Scott, David, Irrno nnd Billy Fisher. Dnnnv Orullnn. Vir ginia nnd Allan Harris, Llndn Holt, Susie Wotcns, nnd Nnncy Kelly. Mothers present were Mrs, Fred Fernlund, Mrs. Homer Holt. Mrs. Clyde Wooten. Mrs. Bud Harris, Mrs. Barney Brown, Mrs. Bob sen Irr, Mr. Louis Randall, Mrs. Ed Scott, Mrs. Bill Fisher, Mrs. Art Monroe nnd Mrs. Fernlund. NOTICE! Francis "Smithy" Smith - Experf Tree Surgeon ' Experienced in Landscaping, Spraying, Shade and Fruit Tree Pruning. "Smithy" will be available through ' SUBURBAN FLOWER SHOP and NURSERY - Ph. 8188 LET US WORK with you NOW on your landscape needs! REFLECTIONS FROM LT. AND MRS PIERRE II. VIN. INO U.8.N. 1 Betty Janet and ion Grig's Kreat-grandfuther "Back Orlgsuy The Lt. Vi had been In Pearl Harbor lor almost two years nnd are now on the way to Mon terey where the Lt. will be sta tionedYoung Grig who was one year old yesterday Is already seasoned traveler Two Pacific j crossings via Pan America hat been given an honorary captaincy and the recent trip home lij the U88 Shank from Pearl Harbor to SF add up to three crossings In less than a year from the time he was born In Honolulu. GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE they'll be ringing your doorbell and don't torget that 5 cents Irom s ccnis irom each box sold will go to troop nniKu,hirh ur n-MKrv for,ec: Tin.- vi k k rnAH Terim n( ihuslastlc response Irom all the THh ELK 8 GRAB FtED ol.pupilg amazed even Esther Deller course meant that there were w d- lneIr teacher-sponsor, ows for the evening So Lorraine lllalr did something about It and handsomely Two tables of bridge! YOUR LADY ELK'S CARD will and one creaking with GOOD ' POOD High score In eating was won by the spouses who got home Just In time to move In on the Blulr larder. MRS. EMIL ALBRECHT andicheatra dance music Jerry daughter Merlon returned from Br vrea iwerion new irom ci raso 11 i " ' iv . Tim it. t m 1 " .s2;ivi' ALICE HALL, 231 N. 6th Street and Jane Ward, Lakeview, pause a moment before taking off for one of the skiing areas. Sunny days and excellent skiing in Sun .Valley (where else?) were reported by Alice on her return. Anniversary Party at Wocus Many friends, neighbors nnd re latives surprised Mr, and Mrs. Fred Howard March 2. nt their home in Wocus In honor of their 14th wedding anniversary. Married In McMinnvillc, March 1. 1938. they have made their home in Klamath Falls and vicinity for a number of years. Now located nt Wocus, they own and operate the H&H Auction Mnrt. The tasty potluck dinner was served in the nfternoon nnd was fol lowed by group singing pertinent to the occeslon. Mrs. Florence Custer led the singing nnd also sang , a solo In a professional manner. Those who shared In the anniver sary celebration nnd gift for the where her husband 1st Lt. Thomas Howard U8AP Is tsatloned navi gator on a B-28 She will be at iier parents home 318 Pacific Ter race while Jn KP. WE HEAR A WEIRD RUMOR that Deb Addison Is going to Eu gene March 22 to attend NO LESS than the 25th anniversary of his championship H8 Basketball team i u ""'" csgo and were In the limelight generally Wives and children are Included In this "get-together" ana one wile expressed the trek as a trip of CHAMPS 25 yn ago and CHUMPS today I SOMETHING HAS BEEN ADD ED to the local Red Cross organ izationand a city-wide project in - - - .-. I ne spools wouia De a good l Idea namely a Junior Red Cross Council setup Jn each school-as admit you to the crab feed for the gals at the Armory Thurs nlte March 13 at 6 p.m ALSO don't forget the Informal St. Patrick's dance on the 15th Oregon Hill uiiiies (irom Lnioiin to you) or- McCartle Is appropriately chair- man oi me comnuiiee. Howards were: Dr. nad Mrs. A. T. Custer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thur mnn and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cofer, Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam McFsyden and son, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Biden, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Conroy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Archie Looking aK y III I 7 (lb ,. jm i ii ti y . s , J lit. c.v ZZjL' evitr tY BALDWIN Xy kyle morgan pianos "yours for a happier future through music" Shower Given At Merrill Church MERRILL Freshman girls of Merrill High were the hostesses at a prettily arranged shower Wed nesday afternoon at the Presby terian church social parlor honor ing Mr. Ernie Croston. Games were played, and Mrs. Croston, Darlene Turner, and Miss Dorothy Schupp won the prizes. Gifts were arranged on table centered with a teddy-bear. The refreshment table was appropriate ly decorated with a stork and a white cake trimmed In pink and blue. Those attending were: Maria Bledsoe, Dorothy Schupp. Mrs. Or vllle Adams, all members of the high school faculty; Marie Has klns, Yvonne Conner, Martha Bess ley, Mary Lou Quails. Evelyn Ochs, Roberta Klitley, Connie Reeves. Edna Mae Reeves, Frances Elf ert, Darlene and Donna Turner, Carol Winter, and the hostesses, Rae Honeycutt, , Betty Icenblce, Barbara Hodges. Nancy Dewey, Betty Hawk, Joyce Haskins, Carol Poe, Mary Jo Hendrlckson. Shar on Kotthoff, Delores Conner, Lor etta Lemler, Frances Barber, Peg oy Noonan, Mary Lou 8weet, Reta Butler. Marlorie Flaugh, and Mo reen Bredeen. Sending gifts but unable to at tend were Mrs. Don urawioru, ! t,. i. n.tii Butler. Jovce "' p" pat Noonan, Pen- W'lm.."uJ.. flo,. Vehna pox u n Buffet Dinner At Lbrella Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin en tertained at their home in Lorella with a buffet turkey dinner March I. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Cat- Win Bretches. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Pmess, Mr. and Mrs. Paul worm- ien and bod Bergman. McClurg, Mr. and Mrs. James Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogue, Mrs. R. O. Motschenbacher, Mrs. Nellie Wattenburgi Mrs. Jennie Hum, Mrs Nora Dequeue, Mrs. Emma Sher man, Helen Underwood, Louise Humphrey, Lucile Nina Beck. Ther esa Ajiescn, ivy Drew, Louise O'Brien, nnd Velma Self. H. E. (HERB) HAUGER AND DUKE KAHANUMOKU after Herb was presented with the traditional lei of friend ship by Duke, who is a Honolulu Rotarian. The Klamath Falls Rotarian met many well known island business men at the weekly luncheon of Honolulu Rotary. Duke's brother Seargent Kahanumoku, and his wife, Anna, have made numerous friends in Klamath Falls, when they were hero as houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoner. Hawaii Visitors Bureau Photo Beta Sigma Phi At Tulelake TULELAKE Iota Sigma chap ter. Beta Sigma Phi members gath ered Feb. 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin Barr for a Val entine card party. Valentine decorations were car ried out with a large punch bowl banked with red and white carna tions holding the spot of honor on the refreshment table. A Valentine tree and fan-shaped tallies also carried out the Valentine motif. Pinochle and canasta were In play. High vin pinochle went to Mrs. Joyce uusnman and Dave Crawford. Low went to Mrs- John Hubbard and Leo Morestead. In canasta, Margie Hodges and Ira DuPratt took high. Traveling went to juveiyn acnweigen. Refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose, Mr. and BUI Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lesh, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kenyon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Aurel K. Hanchett. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Turnbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cushman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hoimquist, Mr. and Sirs. Ira DuPratt, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Morestead, Mr. and Mrs. Wen dell Schey, Mr- and Mrs. Niilo Hyytinen, Mrs. Margie Hodges, Mrs. Dale West, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Schweigert, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Barr. Ladies Auxiliary Canton Crater 7 , Ladles Auxiliary Canton Crater 7 met In regular session 8 p.m. February 28. President Lady Kate Hogue presiding. Twenty-one members were pres ent in uniform. Lady Laura Uerlings was a leap year baby" so she was honored with a shower of cards and good wishes. Lady Laura nas oeen a memoer ior sixteen years. Ladies and Cantons played Bingo after the meeting. Ladies Kate Hogue, Lucille Hei fer and Sadie Wallace served re freshments in the dining room which was bright-With spring flowers. , Book Review At Library Club A book review by Mrs. Ralph Stearns will be the main feature on the program at Library Club uew iuonaay aiiernoon. Mrs. Stearns will review "The Sea Around Us" by Rachael Car son. The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. Mrs. Don Zumwalt, music direct or of Library club has arranged for Mr. Paul Dumvill, baritone, to sing a group of musical num bers. Mrs. Zumwalt will accom pany him. Tea chairman Is Mrs. C. J. Cox. Her committee includes Mrs. Charles Larkin. Mrs. Robert Thompson, and Mrs. Gene Hooker. Let us "revitalize" your spring wardrobe by expert dry cleaning and pressing. For fast service call us at 51 11. For real Laundry Value Try Our ALL-DRY Budget Bundle. 10 POUNDS 89c CASCADE DRY CLEANERS Klamath' Fineit Evergreen Garden Club Roses, their selection and culture was the tonic of dl.iMMiinn r panel which Included Mrs. Ray uarrlson, Mrs. C. H. Kelly. Mrs. Max Marvin and Mrs. nhri, IThurman. at the regular monthly meeting of the Evergreen Garden Club March 3. The members decided tn tnnv contribution to the Red Cross Drive- and plans were made to donate perennials and shrubs to wiard Park. Tentative date for the annual flower show has been set for th middle of June. A Sunset Garden book was pre sented to Mrs. Kenneth Samson, who is leaving soon to make her home in Montana. Election of officers will be held at the April meeting, and mem-' bers are asked to brine nerermial plants and shrubs for a sale at mat time. Dr. A. R. Halvorson will be ores- ent to discuss the problems of soil testing and Improvement. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Walter Uppendahl and Mrs. William Gib son. Annual Banquet ' MERRILL FHA girls of Merrill high held their annual basketball banquet Monday evening at the recreation hall. Darlene Turner, FHA president, was mistress of ceremonies, and following her wel come to the guests, Dick Reeves responded. Team members were introduced, and' coach Raymond Radar, and his assistant Oroville Adams, were presented a pen and pencil set, and a tie rack Irom the team. The Drosram Included a piano solo by Arlene Lemler. a vocal solo by Velma Fox, accompanied by Arlene: and a basketball skit featuring Martha Beasley, Yvonne and Dolores Conner, and Betty Joyce Icenblce. Guests were Billy Barber, Dnn- ny Barber, Dick Fields, Wesley Haskins, JacK Henoricsson, j o n n O'Neil. Dick Reeves, Lee Winter, Bernie Anderson. Gary Walters, Jerry and Lee Wollram, Don Hea ton, Leroy Johnson, Fred Ketcher side, Mike Geraghty, Earl Loper, Bill Welshans, Bruce Sanders, Clif ford Honeycutt, and team manager Raymond Mattson. ' WURLITZER A mognificent piano. Many levclv itvles and finishes to choete LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th Be Ready For Spring! Opp. Pott Office