- r.'.v " v Engagements , . i "lin j. rwmhi mimn 11 , .... .,.. . t- : ' i . - ' ' , , ' -r t , t, i f ' : ,' ; : ' - I - - - ' I . ' ' " '. MMMMWMMiwWwlwMMMPHMMM - , - y ' ' ' ' ' " " ' " ' ' ' lEarly Spring-Wedding 1 . ,: : v r a I . C-.VrzTT7 i 71 r bULIu J 1 ' M'lWV lAi& '' , CAtOHT IN A SHCWER of net JJ J v V '.':''.''''' - . . the bride Is pod on her 4f "' " ' ' VJk, . I ' f woy by new sister-ln-low iJefty f ' WTSi ' f I"' v'v,"' r I r. Mae Hommond, sister -of. the ..If ..ILy Ti , 1::-! H " - I . V? "J ,. .fa Ail ; , . UJmB v, ,j .- , . '. . ,J . " .. , "t: N J - - , DOWN THE 'AISLE . - " ' ', .. X M - . , ' oftor the nuptial moss Feb- A r.-v :!' v i j Lf k" ft ruory 23, 10:30 ' -o. m. In i- -j V ' 4' V f rr U"V' . s 1 rw. Sacred Heo't Church ' . it x - - . F.lf All 1 Mr. and M. John Patrick V K , '. ' Jf 0 II Vl Hammond. . X -t ;:l::v : 1 -VAJ , vJ ' : 1 i TH5 fiIDc!...iesplehdnt In white olrK . . Mrs. John Patrick r(arcir.ond, I I , v Vc . Jf "' ' ' ' '" . : . - It.c lorii.et Jonii Wuijofcl poller. I f :t ' ' ' " jLf W '-r T?i THE TRADITIONAL blue v W I. iV V rOt-' , . .-V bom.'..- Mrs. Robert Har- K t inf't .J f - ' I 1 t ViiS- i V- ton, rratron ol honor assists H8Wj 1I "a'W jf 1 Vj ' UJ l V7 the rod.ant brlde. 'V ''U ''ff . J, 4 . -TO EACH OTHER" ,. s . . - .. , V. V I , - ; . . I the new Mr. and Mrs. John' , j ... .... . . . 1 All Weddinq Photos by uder.an. . . . . p0,rick Karr.rr.ond' propose ' -v ' -';'' , BEFORE THE CEREMONY . -. .' Morllio Keller, Lridcs- o toast- at the reception in . . ' " ''''''!' ",-',' mold, helps motion of honor Mrs. Robert horton adjust .,-.. . the - Sacred Heart .Parish , .. j . : ;.'',';: their Sistor's veil. V .. . , . . . ... , - Kail. ' '',, I V ' ;! U' iff v WARJCRIE ANN KING - . . ottroctive daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Almon J. King, Merrill Highway . . . who will be the August bride of Sam R. Red key, son of Mrs. Effie Rcdkey ond the late Stan Atf R. Redkey, 423 Congor Avonue. 3oth young people attended Southern Oregon College. ' ' Photo by Ferbec 3l.3!Sr I Hawaiian Holiday MARSARET" MILLER 3RtNDAGE V whose parents, Mr. ond Mrs. A. J. Brundoge, Storrs, Connecticut, announced her engagement to John L. Christie Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John L; Christie Sr., Fairfield,. Connecticut. "Peg", a graduate of the University o1 Connecticut, is a popular 4-H Club ogent in Klamath County, her fiance is a" graduate of Yale, and far a time was ; . was identified with Weyerhaeuser Timber Compa ny. At present he Is taking further work in forestry at OSC. No wedding- date has been .sot... mmmmm n t. M K ' - ' FROM the : Klamath Basin , . to Hawaii . . and a ' special side trip .to Kauai for fun oi a pagonl present ed by moipbors oi ha Wallg Mormon Church at' historic Wailua heiau. Front the left, .'Mrs. horir'y' Semon-, Wally 'Chlng, driver; 'Mrs," S. .C. I Lemler, Henry Semon,1 Mrs. Annie Andrade, Wailua; and E. C. Lemler. , " : Howoll . Visitors &reau Photo, I I ' - i C IV Al RENEWING FRIENDSHIPS IN HONOLULU . ---V OUn V 3 1 1 eV b 0 1 0 U m I; : N. vr JRH i ("r H -Ct 'J' I ... and moking many, new acquaintances .. ..' " :f .o'vvv S ;; 1 . I. ,1 .j7 ? ;'AiK 'fcS2-Cv I '"'P1 h Clarence Words busy white in the , - L ' " "A-iU.' rTa MT!W,-,f r I islonas. Ft.m Uft. and Mr. John , 'T v . - i ; iVTV " Or'-lj '-af ?Jr k- PT "7, 1 I Hemngshaw. Honolulu, formerly of Molin, 'V " ' ' , - ; . , TP " I- V YCa M -"' I 'C'vV ' kH ' U I Arlin. Akina, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Word, ? 1 , " fJX G X I ; Sl'fe 11 Mr f'M StV- f-. I Mrs.Jam.sAk.na, who,, agister of Tony 1 V.. .v " 7f? .JL " r J , 1 1 Lou Yee Choi Pholo. ' " ' ' ? -y" 1 5 :PWI&";n II 1 !' I WWdtl!-- - I 'v .-I AT THE WARMING HIT ON TCP CF BALOY MOUNTAIN . .Sun I """'J I J.:.ftfV:CJAe-i.i A "f VI I . I volley i Bob Adams, lett, Lakeview, ana nr. ana Mrs. won uivens, i . miS-,') I j .x f hA -i' 5k I . . 'I 33 Alameda. Don.Morie onA Bob had just met for a run down the . . ,rJ 'i'f. i TJ yi I ' ' I' mountain.- - ft! L A. ., . , jUA 1 -!" ': r : r ; ; 'V 'V . V - r,