SATURDAY, MARCH 0, 1032 FAGS TWO HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON KFLWHM KcPRT - - batunUr fcvmtnf Marl 00 SporU Hiffhllghtt :1S Horn Town New 21 World New Summary I.IM Scitnct Editor ABC i 43 Wordi of LUc 1:00 Mr. Dlltricl Atly. ABC 1 -:t0 Dlrmtr In tht Green Room ABC t oo The Lont Kanjjtr abw 8:30 Dancing Prtv ABC 10:00 10 p m Heidllnei 10; 11 Brothrr Art's Proram 10:30 Intomli Club 11:00 Nwt Summary -11:05 tim Off Mm KFLW 1450 Kc. PST Sunday, Mar. 9 I 00 Newt ABC j I. IS Morning Sonf ABC 8 .-0 Light and Lite Hour ABC B OO Calvjry Erhoei S IS Chapel in Sky 30 Negro College Choir ABC 10:00 Sunday Ncwi Special AFC 10:15 Brunch Time ABC 10:30 National Vaspen ABC 11:00 Presbyterian Church 1Z:C0 Christian in Action ABC 12:30 Thli Week Around the World ABC 10 Old Faihtoned Revival 3:00 Voice of Prophecy ABC 3:30 Great t Story ABC 3.00 Hour of Derliion ABC 3:30 Songs of Faith 3:4.1 Upper Room Program 4:00 U. S. Navy Band 4:14 Jimmy Kidler 4:30 Sammv Kave Serenade ABC 5:00 Str.p the Muiic AFC 6:00 Walter Wtnchcll ABC :13 Home Town Neu 6:?3 World New Summary 6:30 Cascading Rhythms - 7:00 Paul Harvey ABC 7:15 Setenede in Blue 7:30 The Great Adventure, ABC 8:00 Drew Pearon ABC 8:30 Walter Wlnchell ABC 15 Mon. Morning Hdina ABC 8:45 Chet Huntley ABC .-00 CBC Symphony Concert lu:O0 10 P. M- Headline 10:19 Ceo. E. Sokolsky ABC 10:30 Aragon Ballroom Orch. ABC 11:00 News Summary 11:03 Sign Off KFLW 1450 Kc PST Monday, Mar. 10 6:00 Sign On News Sum. ( 6:05 Corn in the Morn 6:45 Farm Fare 7:00 Newi Breakfast Ed. 7:15 Charlie'a Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred, News ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:55 John Conte ABC 8:00 Breakfast Club ABC 9:00 Hank Henry Show 9:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley News ABC 10:15 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My Trot Story ABC 10:55 Whispering Streets ABC 11:15 Stop and Shop 21:30 Against. Storm ABC 11:45 County Agent Speaks 11:55 Market Report 12:00 Noon Edition News 12:5 Partes Sidewalk Show 13:30 Lucky Ranch ABC 1:00 Paul Harvev 1:13 Better Living 1:30 Mary Margaret McBride ABC 3:00 Baiin Briefs 2:15 When A Girl Marries ABC Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC 3:45 Rom Evelyn Winters ABC 3:00 Betty Crocker ABC . 3:15 Ted Malone ABC 3:30 D-an Cameron APC 3:45 Mary Martin ABC 4:00 Request fully Yours 5:00 Fun Factory ABC 8:23 World Flight Reporter ABC 8:30 Chet Huntley ABC 5:45 Stars of Defense-OPS 6:00 Sports Highlights 8:15 Home Town News 65 World News Summary C:?0 Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC 7.00 The Lont Ranger ABC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC 7:45 Preview of Tomorrow :CO The Big Hand ABC 8:30 "What Are the Most Important Facts Concerning Our Basic Water Resource?' 10:00 10 PM Headlines 10:15 Navy Star Time 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:03 Sign Off KFJI 1450 Kc PST Saturday Evening, Mar. 8 6:00 News . Brinf riia fanf for coffet . . .1 OMD CHID Eafc "2 -'- y By MARJ0RIE OVGARD After five week, bene, Walter Winched will return . - to the ABC radio microphone tomorrow. Winchtll has been . taking completa reit from ell activities en advice of hii phyii- cian. Excluding his normal summer vacotioni, thii it the first time in 20 years he has mined a broadcast. No wonder he needed a rest) Be sure to listen to Walter Winchell tomorrow and every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. or the repeat broadcast at 8:30 p.m. "The Spirit Filled Life" will be Dr. Chas E. Fuller's sermon topic for tomorrow from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Fomilior hymns will be sung by the mole quortet ond the mixed choir. Dr. H. M. S. Richards has chosen "The Shedew of the Cross" as the subject for his sermon an 'The Voice of Prophecy" tomorrow at 2:00. There will be music by the King's Heralds Quartet end a special solo. A series of Upper Room Lenten programs begins on KFLW tomorrow. Great hymns ond appropriate meditations will be featured. This series will be heord ot 3:45 p.m. Sundoys, following Uhligs "Songs of Foith." Honk Henry's "Better Living Club" new has ever 100 members! Imagine thot many women all together at one time. .t Because, of course, all the members will went to attend the big free show at the Pellcen Theetre next Thursdoy. All you hove to do to gain admission is show your membership card. And if you haven't joined the club yet, you can still drop your letter er cerd ' in the moil tomorrow, er leave your nome of one of the Oregon Food Stores Monday, but that's the deedline. After that you can't count on getting your cerd beck in the moll before Thursdey. Se if you haven't yet written to become a member af the "Better Living Club," do ft now and get in on all the advantages ... Remember that free gifts af groceries, electrical appliances and ' ether useful articles will be given away Thursday. The picture ! you'll sae is "I'll Never Forget You" starring dreamboet Tyrone ' Power, and I suppose woman, eh yes, Ann Blyth . . . and Michael Rennie. And it's in technicolor. This is no second rote ' picture, and It's free. There'll be a short subject entitled "The Big Idea" threuah the courtesy of Swift A Co., as well as ' broadcest of the "Better Living" program featuring Minnia Juries and Henk Henry, Just es they broedcest doily et 1:15, direct from the stege ef the theatre , . . Your husbands and children con gat In en your card toe If they're lucky enouah to be et heme. So be et the Pelicon Theetre nest Thursday. Show starts ot 10:30 a.m. "Your Voice of America" heord Tuesdovs ot 5:45 will present the "Cordinol Mindsienty Story" this program giving the background material on the octlvities of the Voice of America, based upon actual files of chapter will give deroils of the trial of the Hunoorien Cardinal ond one woy in which the Voice of America told the truth obout Red persecution of this prelate. s1 6:15 Klamath Theatre Quia 6:30 Assembly of God Haur 7:00 Hawaii Calls MRS 7:30 Klamath Temple 8:00 Bukelball Time 8:0.1 Bukbl. Crnier High Vs KUHS 9:00 News MBS 9:15 Bsktbl. Crater High Vs KUHS ft.M News MIIS 10:00 Lombardn Land MRS 10:30 Arthur Van Orch. MBS 11:00 Night Owla News ll?05 Night Owls Club 13:00 Sign Off KFJI-1150 Kc.-rST Sunday, Mar. 9 8:00 Wings of Healing 8:30 3-Min. News 8:35 M title 8:45 Children's Chapel 00 Radio Bible Claw MBS 9:30 Kiam. Rev. Center 9:45 Island Melodies ll0O News MBS 10:15 Mark Rogers MBS 10:50 Lutheran Hour MBS 11:00 Frank and Ernest MBS 11:13 Show Tunes 11:30 MuMc MBS 11:43 Matter Radio Canaries MBS l?rOH Nrws 12:15 Bill Cunningham MBS 12:30 Air force hoar MBS 1:00 Crime Fighters MBS 1:23 Newt MBS 1:30 I'nder Arret. MBS 1.55 Bobby Betuon MBS 2:00 Tht Shadow MBS 3:30 True Detective MRS 3.-no Gabby Hayes MPS 3:30 Nick Carter MBS 3:55 Cecil Brown, New. MBS 4:00 News MBS 4:13 Mark Rogers MBS 4:30 Steamboat Janboree 5:00 Musical Art Council 3:30 Enchanted Hour MBS 6:00 Around Town News 6:13 Klamath Theatre Quia 6:30 Youth Views the News 7:0 J. J. Anthov MBS 7:30 Advert, of Casanova MBt 8:00 Twenty Que lions MBS 8:30 Forward America 9:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS 8:15 Guest Star 8:30 The Whistler CBS 10.00 MGM Musical Comedy The MBS 11:00 Sign Off Monday, Mar. 10 - :0ft Mimical RevelUc 6:43 Farm Reporter 6:35 Reg4onal News 7:00 Hemingway Newt MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 Headlines & Bylines 7:45 Best Buys 8:00 Cecil Brown MBS 8:13 Breakfast Gang MBS 8:30 Bible Institute MBS 9:00 Homemaker Harmonies 9:13 It's a Dog's Lift 9:30 Platter Party 9:45 Favorites of Yesterday 10:00 News MBS 10:15 Tello Test MBS . . 10:30 La Pointes t0:45 Concert 10:50 Currins 10:55 Ken Carson MBS 110 Ladies Fair MBS 11:25 News MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS . 12:00 Name Bands 12:15 Noonday News 12:30 Your Dance Tunes 12:45 Music Box S 12:50 Market & Livestock 12:55 Klamath Notes 1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS 1:30 Take a Number MBS 3:00 News. MBS 3:05 News MBS 5:15 Two at 215 2:45 Answer Man MBS 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Behind the Story MBS 4:15 Hemingway News MBS 40 Curt Massey Time MPS 4:45 Sam Hayes. News MBS .00 Bobby Benson MBS 5:30 Wild Bill Hickok. MBS 5:55 News MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter "MBS 6:15 Klamath Theatre Quia 6:30 Around Town News . 6:45 Sam Hayes, News MBS 6:55 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Proudly Wt Hail 7:30 Bright Star -8:00 Let George Do It MBS . 8-30 Hollywood Theater MBS 9:00 Glenn Harty Newi MBS 9:15 Fulton Lewis News MBS 9:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS 9:43 Sports Final 9:35 5-Minute final MBS . 10:00 I Love a Mystery MB St in-iit finrvivat . a 10:30 Cro well's Net MBS 11:00 Niht Owls News 11.-03 Night Owls Club 1200 Sign Off Jr" KLAMATM FALLS. MUOM AMERICAN CHINESE Fo4s 64 tfcaet B4MtI Ph. 4M Fw 0r4tn T T.ka Oil Ben B. Lee, Mgr. week. This Is 0 public service the State Department. Tuesday's rrm r GOING HOME Mrs. Olto Hanger, 35, smiles happily in Minne apolis hospital as she plans with her husband her trip to Ilrnning, Minn. The home, which she hasn't seen since she was stricken with polio in August, 1949, has been newly decorated and equipped with iron lung, portable respirator and other equipment purchased by her home-county chapter of the March of Dimes. Rogue Survey Speedup Seen WASHINGTON Investlpa tion of development programs for the Rogue River area of OreRon will be speeded un accordlne to Interior Secretary Oscar Chapman. In a letter to Sen. Wayne Morse fR.-Ore.,). Chapman said a devel opment plan proposed by Victor Boehl of the Rosue River Valley Irripation Association Is receiving particular attention. The Boehl program modifies the original program proposed by the Bureau of Reclamation. The bu reau's program for power and flood control would flood the river. destroying its fishing and injuring its tourist appeal, backers of the Boehl program said. Chapman said it was the inten tion of his department to develoD a comprehensive program that would give full consideration to the rec reational aspects as well as power asDects of the Rogue's resources. Roy Besey. chairman of the de partment' Pacific Northwest Field Committee, is studying other Ro gue development proposals, Chap man wrote Morse. Cut Asked In US Budget WASHINGTON (P) A nine per cent cut, in the SI.089.S42.625 Presi dent Truman asked in extra funds tor more than a score of federal agencies was recommended by the House Appropriations Committee Friday. The committee sent to the House floor for debate next week a bill approving S970.192.943 of the amount sought. The money was requested to sup plement previous appropriations made to the agencies for the pres ent fiscal year, ending next June 30. More than a third of the new money is to foot the bill for pay raises voted by Congress last year lor leaerai employes. I Another large chunk. $285,800. iOOO. is for veterans' benefits, in 'eluding education and training and j life insurance. I The money trimmed from the President's requests reflected a cut in funds for every agency ex cept the House of Representatives .itself. The S114.395 budgeted for additional House expenses was 1 hiked to 1130,895. I The committee approved an ln I crease of 69 'i million dollars in funds for reimbursement to states under the federal-aid highway sys tem. This boosts to 418 million dollars the federal money available for the road program this fiscal year. 3 File For Albany Court ALBANY, Ore. m Three can didates filed Friday for the Judge ship of the new Albany district court. They are Wendell Tompkins, Al bany; Cecilia P. Caley, Sweet Home, and Kenneth Wilshire, Le banon. The post was created Friday by the Linn County court which re placed the Albany Justice of the peace court with the new district court. Justice of the Peace Harlow Welnrlch was offered the $5,700 a iyear post but he turned It down because It required him to Rive up his law practice. District Judges cannot have pri vate practices while Justices of the peace can. Gov. McKay will fill the vacant Judgeship by appointment until a Judge Is elected. CO's Musf Work On State Program PORTLAND Wl Conscientious objectors are required to serve two years In some civilian work which will benefit the nation and Oregon Selective Service officials said Fri day they were conducting a survey to line up jobs for them. State and local agencies as well as hospitals have been asked to submit a list of Jobs which con scientious objectors might fill. Col. Francis W. Mason, deputy director of Selective Service In Oregon, said. The Army has set up a special center at Camp Carson. Colo., to train hnth dogs and their handlers for military use. (NE.4 T'liphoto) DIARY STOLEN BY REr The Army disclosed in Washington that a person "Believed to be a Soviet agent" stole and photo graphed the secret diary of Maj. Gen. R. W. Grow (above), who was a military attache in Mos cow. Excerpts were used by tht Communists for propaganda pur poses to "prove" the United States is plotting war 00 Russia. Pelfon Dam Issue Eyed PORTLAND 1 Negotiations between Portland General Electric and the State Fish Commission expected to continue for two months, will determine whether the state will attempt to stop construo tion of Pelton dam. That was the report Friday of Atty. Gen. George Neuner. The Fish Commission has opposed the dam on grounds it would reduce or eliminate salmon runs In the Deschutes River. If the commis sion can get guarantees that PGE recently licensed to build the dam will provide adequate fish conservation facilities, it will not try to block construction of the dam. But if the commission Is not sat isfied with PGE's proposaLs. the state vlll then ask the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at San Francisco to review a Federal Power Com mission license, Neuner aald. Group Seeks Session Cut SALEM W The Oregon Leils- lature's Interim Committee on Legislative Procedure decided Frl- day to poll the Legislators on what they think could be done to make the sessions shorter. The 19S1 session, lonaest In hi. tory, lasted 116 days. ine questionnaire, to ne sent to members of several former ses sions as well as to those now serv ing, will ask whether they favor these ideas: Annual sessions instead of hav ing sessions every two years. Meeting of the Ways and Means Committee, which makes appropri ations, before the sessions meet. Barring Introduction of bills aft er the 20th day. A powerful Rules Committee. Insistence that state deoartments introduce their bills early. Leaving afternoons free for com mittee meetings, thus holding Leg islative sessions only during the mornings. Having a voting machine to take House roll calls. Dispensing with roll calls on mi nor bills. Getting assistance from the State Bar in drafting bills. Sen. Thomas R. Mahoney, Port land Democrat, is chairman of the committee. ARRESTED PORTLAND Wi - Fred J. Clemrj, a cashier for a state liquor store, was arrested here Thursday on a charge of theft of public mon ey. Clemo disappeared Feb. 25 with a shortage of $4,219 on his books, George 8. Woodworth, state liquor commission attorney, said. Lnke St. Clair has low marshy shores and a natural maximum depth of about 21 feet. China Protest Called Bluff TOKYO Lit Chou Bln-Lal, pre mier and lore 1 1111 minister of Com munist China, declared Saturday that American planes have Mirrad germs over Manchuria. He warned that tilers who are cnuuht drop ping germs will be "dealt with as war criminals." Chou said Amerlt-im planes made 44$ sorties over Manchuria between Feb. :I9 and March S "to spread large numbers ot germ-carrying In sects." The Communist Pelplng Radio called Chou's statement an old clal protest. However, it did not sny to whom the protest was ad dressed. Tills was the latest In a long se ries o( Communist propaganda broadcasts charging the United States with conducting "germ war fare" 111 the Korean conflict. The U.S. has branded the charges no- urd. Eight Vie For Portland Mayor PORTLAND i.T The Portland mayoralty primary race will be a con'esi between eight persons. Cnnrilclnlcs, Including lliose who filed Friday, are: Mnyor Dorothy McCullmish Lee, commissioners j. a. Bennett unci Fred Peterson, In surance man Lew Wnllace. barber Arnold I.illle. restaurateur Maurice Wlllnger, contractor Rue V. Ker- ley and tap dancing instructor Wa ter V. Pneniiey. ITERS MAKE GREAT ...PLAYS MAKE 6REAT MOTION flONG THOSE BROUGHT TO THE WILLIAM WYLER'S 7VO 0G fCtf ...Al I t EXCITING RESCUE W$ )L EVER FILMED r To free the Arizona iSl. l-iO ! territory and a captive J Jl v-jJiJfJ D beautv... a handful of :rv J n .Afy&sL I heroes scale new adven toejEk f tfl J heights conquering the fry '? CS'ISf Sn great fortress of the . CpJ, .... 1U 1 4' no! 1 T..fKwIim.,.f.J.'aUi-.7CTr.. f -f n WaT Kidnaper Gets 15 Year Sentence PORTLAND WI A ' Portland man Friday pleaded guilty to kid naping aim was sentenced to 15 yen i s in prison. He Is George Lester Wumack, 88. He was accused ot kidnaping Mrn. KHIItli Sterns nl Portland, Anotliri man, now serving time In a Ooor gla state prison, Is accused ot be ing an accomplice In tho kidnap ing. Mis. Sterns was held prisoner In a wooded area nt Clackamas County while one ot the men used her car. She was later released unharmed. Womack was arresled in Georgia where he lied alter the kidnaping. Father, Son To Face Suit TACOMA P A Lomvlrw father and son are named as defendants 111 a Kil.OOn suit brought by an Oregon Minn lor Injuries ho savs were incurred in nn auto collision In April, mo. Harry Sparks 8r. and Harry R. Sparks are delentlaiits In the suit. Louis W. Vincent, (lie plnlntllf, rliiiiges that the younger Sparks was driving his father's car at the tune it hit car In which he was riding on the Ft. Canby Road in Pacltlc Counly. A gas incinerator, automatically controlled, cuts down the chance lor disease and pests and makes work easier lor you. Owning one dispenses with the garbaue num. PLAYS., PICTURES SCREEN IS QMPf SrAfiTT m 'mm Hew fNMiy tMMft) I m iran, Menjr'99 I ifty 1 . :v . - . Store Founder Given Award America Is a laud nf opportu nity ami, so In i- 11.1 J. C. I'i'iiiicv Company Is cunrerucd, there arc two "enoriiiiius nrnis im' develop ment, ami ki'owui. was inn Key- mile of A. W. Hughes, l'cmiev president, sneaking to neuily 1.000 associates In San Francisco yoslci' day. 'Hie lli-sl opportunity, he niiIiI, Is In Ihe linn's present Hl'.lft sture-i nti.K snow rORTLAND. OP Hundreds nl ltll...t ......... It ..f I.'.'.. ...... ..I School Friday to watch 11 grocery l.tfA l.l.r.i .1 n nl m llltll The More, one of the Portland Klenow chain, wan right across the street f runt the school. The ulnre stal led from a welder's torch In the nttlc, THE WOMEN ROBERT TAYLOR DENISE DARCEL IK-Pf IMIRSON John MclNMKC fitful Sfl0tetQ yOAGpj Iffl s7TjXj Tf7 UNCHESTEB j When A Wife Confesses Her Past... "... how much can a man. forgive?. . . if I'm a wmsa, the. aH Haiti n4 iM.rM ) a total. 1 y m wf mm i jm many wr77 TOAtjetitAT AMWIiMfiftUCAff mmm? In the Inst nix yenra, he anld, 1100 were enlnrged or Improved at a co.Nt nt more than $'( million. ' ' Tim second opportunity lies III ..1... j,iiiiimI(iii to Hrim bi-a.J not now being directly nerved, he ... i.j Slil Elliot, Klamath FnlU ntore iniiiiiiger, was one ot those at Ban Franelnco to relehrale the oiirnliiit ot me cumpaitya uniden Jubilee. 0 1 I'i'HH LAST TIMES TODAY aaat r, tUry...k MS NJ Mitt, wal MkkaMll9 TtCHMICOlOK- I itjl f o I Paramount STERLING MYDEN FORREST TUCKER ARLEEN WHELM BARBARA RUSH , VICTOR JORY i RICHARD ARLEN with EDGAR BUCHANAN Unforgettabl aotne of hand-to-hand fighting I Daringly , filmed on tht tower- ' ing Southwatt cliffs! 4 CAK YOU TAKE ITT A I he you mm si J KARLOFF i J TOfl MTHBONE L I IWyr of ' 1 f AM iimi eiofic iivim 1 I I CLL im olass onLH... I fll IllLL comi to lire... it will I I " MAM VOUH FlIIH CMirl 21 V