&Esja SATURDAY, MATICH n. 10.-52 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE THIRTEEN 91 AUrOMOTIVI WHEN YOU BUY BUY BUICK! LOOK THESE REAL BUYS OVER 55 BA81N WOTOlta AUTOMOTIVE "BASIN " MOTOR3" BASIN Ice to Morona 1950 nUICK SI'KCIAL SKDANKT Radio, lira tor. Dynallow drive. 1950 1'ONTIAC "8" TWO-DOOll SEDAN ' Itadlo, lirutfr, Hydra Hiallo drive 1950 CHEVROLET STYLELINE DELUXE 2-UR. Ratlin, lirnlcr 1950 I'ACKAUD "li" DELUXE 4-Dlt. SEDAN Radio, beater, overdrive 1948 HUICK HOADMASTlill 4-DH. SEDAN M.11II0, neater, . . . ... 1949 KURD CUSTOM FORUOII SEDAN Radio, heater 1950 CHEVROLET Vx TON PICKUP Radio, beater ' 1950 HUICK SPECIAL FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Radio, beater, Dynaflow drive. 1951 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION REGAL 4-DR. nndlo. healer, nulowjnllc trniiMiiltMon. 1948 HUICK SUPER SEDANET Rndlo, heater 1947 OLDSMOHILE "0" 70 CLUB SEDAN Radio, heater, llydrnmntlc drive 1948 EORD V-0 CONVERTIBLE Rndlo, lirntrr 1948 FORD V-8 CLUB SEDAN . Rndlo, heater. . - 1949 CHEVROLET V TON PICKUP 4-spred trammiulon. . - 1943 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE Radio, beater A- vV SOM OF OUR LOWER-PRICED 1941 OLDSMOBILE "0" 70 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, healer, Hydramatlc - 1941 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN Heater, Fluid drive - 1941 FORD V-8 SUPER DELUXE FORDOR Healer - - 1941 FORD SUPER DELUXE TUDOR Radio, heater 1939 DODGE LUXURY LINER 4-DR. Radio, beater. - 1940 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE Radio, hralrr. . . - 1940 BUICK SPECIAL 5-PASSENGER COUPE Radio, bmter - 1940 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE Hralrr. . . .'. - 1930 FORD SEDAN Heater OUR CARS ARE PRICED RIGHT LOOK RIGHT DRIVE RIGHT OUR WARRANTY IS: "The Customer Must Be Satisfied:" H.E. HAUGER '1895 !1865 '1695 '1895 '1285 '1365 '1395 '1795 '1795 '1365 '1065 '1095 '1095 '1195. '1495 BUYS i w '515 '415 '410 . '395 '295 '895 '360 J '245 ' 95 Spring SALE WE STILL BELIEVE SPRING IS COMING SO NATURALLY, THIS CALLS FOR A HOUSECLEANING c THE HERALD AND NEWS ass ified n x o P We have a number of Pir-War curs which are good sound values ', 2 and are easy to purchase. Your steady Job and good credit rating '4 i makes It a cinch to deal with uM i 5 1010 OLDSMOBILE "08" HKDAN In good condition. Total price. . 1011 BUICK HKDAN Lots of good transportation 1941 CHKVnOLET SEDAN Just overage 1910 FORD FORDOR SKDAN A nice black shiny one l!Mt CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Extra nice . 1030 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SKDAN Pretty good car, and only 1042 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN Right nice 1041 MERCURY SKDAN And a good one, too 1041 FORD TUDOR SEDAN j aj A real buy, at 1040 CHRYSLER SEDAN ' You enn't miss at only a 2?5 1 495 ; '395 '345 g '495 I 295 435 '495 s 395 t 295 Directory OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES "KIin.i-.Uft Only Directory That is Kept Up-to-Date From Week to Week" AR CONDITIONING rADE Si IIOLI.AND-J22 Spfinf. Phone no Air uonaitlonlnf Heatlng-ventilat- ARCHITECTS PERRIN, HOWARD R. ARCHITECT A I. A,-Phonc MH7-1I2I Main Street AUTO DEALERS USED tJHivr. MORE MOTORS-Why walk" We buy, sell. tra'Je or tell on con tlfnment only the cleanest, fines!, neweit. 302 Fa.t Mln. Phone .T17!). BAKERIES POLLY ANN BAKERY-110 North Sth Phone 7277-"Blrthday CaKei Our Spe-cla'tv." VAC'S BAKERY - "Special Orra-lon Cakes Made to Order." 4BO0 South 6th Phrne MM. CAMERA SHOPS ALSO DOZENS OF SUPER VALUES IN g z BI'D'S PHOTO SERVICE loni Main Phone 3386. Everythlnf Pholorraphlr Film Developing In by 10 a.m.. Out b 4 p. m. SAFE-BUY USED CARS Some Examples of This Week's Bargains! 1950 MERCURY SPORT 4-DR. SEDAN ' UNDERWOODS CAMERA SHOP -727 Main Phone 7063. Leading t rand Photographic Supplies. Expert Photo Finishing flmtcraft Greeting Cards. CHINA-SILVERWARE RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main Phone 3151 "Home of Famoue Brai.ds." l-nox-Plc1sard . Royal York Royal Ooulton Wed-Lok Corham . Wallace . Kirk Towle - Lunt - International CLEANERS-DYERS Sparkling black Ilninh. Equipped with radio, heater and overdrive 2 1049 FORD CLUB COUPE Heater. Rood tires, good paint , 'i 1949 BUICK SEDANET Dynallow, radio, heater. Good for many thousand more miles 1895 '1095 '1745 CHAPMAN CLEANERS Phone 7026 --318 East Main Pick up and Deliver HOWARD'S CLEANERS - KB East Main Phn.ia asst. "In At 10 m, Oul at 5 p.m." KLAMATH CLEANERS "Klamath'! Oldeit and FIncK" 431 Main. Phone 7i62 NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1451 F.I- ?lanade. Phona 4471. "For Particular eople." CLOTHING NEW AND USED 2 WE'RE SURE THE WEATHER WILL SOON BE GOOD. AND . . . WE KNOW YOU'LL WANT TO ENJOY IT IN A GOOD CAR. REMEMBER THAT "A SAFE-BUY IS THE BEST BUY" IT'S SO EASY TO DEAL AT . . . "29 Used Car Department YEARS YOUR BUICK DEALER'' Main ot Broad Phone 5151 I) MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE USED HAND TOOLS AXE.3 SHOVELS PICKS SPADKfl PORKS MATTOCKS ETC. ... ! Vol r choice only I l EACH i BARGAIN SPOT ! 707 6o. 6th Phone S708 ! SPECIAL WHILE SUPPLY LASTS idalc Alfalfa 45c lb. Purity St.Ot Germination 93.50 Etna Mill Etna, California Phona Etna 65 Build Better Willi Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 135 Market ' Phong 6149 DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. .1. Barnes r Ph. 7659 .- Ph. 7991 ik FOUNDATION vr NETTED GEM SEEDED POTATOES LIMITED AMOUNT BOTH SAND LAND AND BLACK LAND. OnOWN M. M. STASTNY & SONS MALIN, OREGON PHONE 5005090338 DON'T BUY ANY CAR UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN OUR SELECT WARRANTY USED CARS .. '1395 . '1195 .. Ml 95 .. '1445 . '995 . '1895 . '495 .. $345 . '375 , 1 275 . 285 . $255 . '1545 ... '1275 ... '1095 Open Evenings 'Til 7 P.M. KLAHN NASH CO. coll Frank Elliott 1049 NASH "600" 4-DOOH SEDAN Radio, Weather-Eye. overdrive 1918 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DOOR SEDAN Rndlo. Weather-Eye, overdrive 1948 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DOOR SEDAN Rndlo. overdrive, Weather-Eye 1949 CHEVROLET STYLELINE DELUXE SEDAN Radio, heater - 1947 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater 1930 MERCURY 8-PASSENOER COUPE Rndlo, heater 1941 OLDSMOBILE "96" 4-DOOR SEDAN llydrnmntlc, radio, heater 1911 NASH "600" 4-DOOR SEDAN Weather Eye 1940 OLDS L-90 4-DOOR SEDAN Heater , 1939 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN Heater 1939 DESOTO COUPE Radio, heater, overdrive 1939 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN Good motor, radio, heater .... 1949 NASH AMBASSADOR S-DOOR SEDAN ,Radlo, overdrive, Weather-Eye 1949 NASH "600" 2-DOOR SEDAN Real economy car 1046 OLDSMOBILE "98" CLUB SEDAN Radio, heater, Hydramntlc. Clean as a hounds Mooth. BASIN MOTORS LINCOLN 423-424 So. 6lh St. BASIN MOTORS BASIN MOTORS MERCURY Phone 7778 1 BASIN MOTORS HONEST VALUE SAFETY-TESTED It Is not by accident that the DICK B. MILLER CO. holds the enduring confidence and respect of its customers. We have earned that reputation by giving honest value In every transaction for many years. We maintain a good selection of SAFETY-TESTED USED CARS. Our LOW FINANCE rates have never changed through Uie years. No hidden charges, all financing done locally. FOR A BETTER DEAL ... SEE US TODAY! ! 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE AERO SEDAN Radio, heater, good tires, clean body and interior. Priced to sell Sundays or Evenings 606 S. 6th Phone 2-0432 Phone 3650 A- USED PICKUPS l nr.U KURN1T1JRR vuluen run alwv 1 founrt Nt Klamkth Furnitura Co. 2111 Main. Phone a:iM. r'rtusHEU rock and diivaway cinder? Phone Mini ruS JiAt.te. ianVei blcjcle, like new. am. Phone HO" t riCsHKf ROCK,' driveway cmderr r M4I LAMlbcAPINCl. evera-reem, inrmi. and treea. Wa trim, apray and remove larae trace. LAKtSIIOflS GARDENS NURSIRV Phone 436 SAViT" uy a Chrla Craft Kit Boat alan Cruli era and Runabotile. Jnhncon be4 Hume Inutiim. UomIh iMiiitht, Mold anil rx t'hanged. Buata lur rent to rialier. MONnOK BOAT WORK") tm front XI. riinne J-IMiS 1950 FORD H TON PICKUP 1950 FORD 'i TON PICKUP 6 cylinder 4-speed nonr 8 cylinder 4-speed tinnsmlsslon, heater. 1049 FORD 'J TON PICKUP 8 cylinder 4-speed llOQC transmission, heater. jC.7J transmission, heater .'1395 1948 FORD j TON PICKUP 8 cyllndei" 4 -speed In ap r. I I 7sJ transmission, heater. 1946 FORD TON PICKUP 1951 DODGE 'i TON PICKUP 6 cylinder 4-spced $ Q A C ' 4-spced transmls- transmission, hentcr. slon, heater. 1495 1946 MERCURY SEDAN Radio, heater, tight and clean. A bargain in a post war car 1946 NASII AMBASSADOR SEDAN Light green paint Job. Nice interior, good tires, radio, heater. 1947 DODGE SEDAN Dark blue body, radio, heater, motor recently reconditioned. Locally owned and operated 1947 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB COUPE Full equipment and spotless in every respect. Mechanically perfect 1950 OLDS ROCKET "98" CLUB SEDAN Hydrnmatic. air-condition heater, radio, and many other extrns. One owner, & service record on file. . 1950 OLDS ROCKET "88" CLUB SEDAN Hydramntlc, rndio, hentcr, good body and nice interior. Service record on file M095 . 895 . 845 . '1120 '1195 . '2195 $2095 THE CLOTHES MART 125 South 9th Phone 3.164. Clothing For Aill Hand Made Gift!. CLUBS TAVERNS ll.VY TAVERN S. W. "Perk" Perk Int. W. Z. Bill" Mithes. "Acrea o( Paiklnn. "Mallory'a Blf -Y DRUG STORES CASTLEBERRY'S DRUGS P. D Mead Prop Draff. Preaerlptiona. Sundrlej. 530 Main Phone 33.T3. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES EAST SIDE APPLIANCE Bob Rob. bin - Dewey Randolph. Owner. 623 Klamath Phone &8M. "Your Friendly We'tlnnhouKe Dealer." MERIT'S Sales and Service Maytag. Phllco - Servel - Ironrtte Hamilton Necchl. tV)Q South 6th. Phone 2-3429. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS EAST SIDE ELECTRIC 625 Klamath. Phone 3184. Industrial Wiring and Sup-pliffi ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRIC HEATER SALES CO. Car rol Colvta. Owner. 623 Pine Phone 2. 3221 ELECTRIC LIGHTING VAN FLEET ELECTRIC 2nd and Main Phone 4415. Modern Electric I.irhtlnr rixtures. FARM MACHINERY CRATER LAKE MACHINERY Ca Caterpillar - John Deere. Phone 2-2344. FLOWER SHOPS CHARLIE MACK'S KLAMATH TLOW. EH SHOP 1211 Main. Phone 4151. Member FTD. KOHN'S FLOWER AUD GIFTS Bill and Rita DePew. Phone (173. 430 Main. FURNITURE KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. 221 Main Phone 5053. Willard Hotel Build-ins GROCERS MARKETS COMMUNITY GROCERY 1040 Ea. Main. Phone 3636. Free Delivery. Fresh Vegetables. Meats. GRIGGS SUPERIOR FOODS Three Stores Klamath Falls Merrill Stew art Lennox. GET THE HABIT Read and Use THIS CLASSIFIED SERVICE Your Weekly Guide to Klamath's Progressive Merchants GUNSMITHS RALPH'S GUN SHOP 4820 South 6th. Phone 4373. Authoriied Winchester and Remington Gunsmith. INSURANCE GENERAL DRISCOLL AND PADGETT Fire Auto - Farm - 206 Williams Building. Phine 7313. JOHNSON M. L. 26 Years In One Block. Associates: Grayce Eaton - Bob Causemaker. 434 Main. Klamath Falls, Oregon. JEWELERS HAR WIN'S "A Jewelry Store of Out- standing Values." 701 Main. Phone 8821 J C. RENIE. JEWELER 1019 Main Phone 4006. Watch. Clock & Jewelry Repairing. Diamond Setting. Engraving Orange Blossom Diamond Rings. Ham ilton - Elgin ar wyier watcnes. RICKYS "Home of Famous Brands The finest names in Watches. Diamonds bilver, cnina ana s.-ra'l Apnnancea. Lenox-Pickard - Royal Yora - Vd-Lok Gorham - Wallace - Kirk - Sw.r.k Towle - Lunt - Rolex - Bulova - Ham ilton - Elgin - Art Carved Speidel - In ternationa) and many others. Rickys Jewelers. Certified Gemologists Reg istered Jeweler. 700 Main Street. LAUNDRIES SELF SERVICE BOB'S SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY 1711 Main. Phone 0234. Kenmora Automatics. MASSAGES MA.SSACir Natural hot water ihImmI baths. Open evenings. Phone B40S. MOVING AND STORAGE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Phona fill 1125 South 6th. Moving Local - Long Distance. Storage - HH Goods Furnl ture. Agenll Bektna, ORNAMENTAL IRON HOWIE BROS "Pre.Knt nrnimmUl Iron - rences and Railings 2357 South Kth. Phone 43112. PHOTOGRAPHERS PHOTOS BY CIIDr.niAM 119 ' Mil. Phone 2-2791. Commercial - Portraita Aerial - Copying - Pictura Framing Oil Coloring. KEKLUEE STUDIO In fTS National Bank Building. Phone 3252. "Worth while Photography at Reasonable Prices. " PIANO DEALERS KYLE MORGAN PIANOS 1035 Main.' Baldwin pianos, organs; Selmer-Holton band instruments; piano tuning;' pianos, band Instruments for . rent' Phone 2-02no. LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 North 7th. One of Largest Stocks Lead ing Make Pianos in West. Hammonel Organ - Solovox. Rental Sale Plan. PLUMBING C. C. MOTLEY 812 Klamat'.t. Phona 6616. Plumbing . Heating Sheet Metal. PUMP GARRISON EQUIPMENT COMPANY Merrill-Lakevlew junction. Jacusrl pumps and water aysteme. Sales and services. Phone 7312. RADIATOR SE.g"ICE KLAMATH RADIATOR WORKS 1101 South 6th. Phone 6942. Eves. 6667. RADIO STATIONS KFLW American Broadcasting Ca. "Tops In radio listening!" 1450 as your dial. RESTAURANTS CAFES BARNEY'S CHAT-N-NIBBLE Eat tha famous BAR-NEE-BURGER. ffoma made Pies. 1319 Esplanade. Dial 2-2406. SAW FILING BODENHAMER SAW SHOP 351 East Main. Sales and Service. Lawnmowere. R S A. Motorcycles. All Raws anal. Tools SEED STORES MURPHEY'S SEED STORE " "SMrfa That Grow." 834 Klamnh. Phona 3443. SECOND HAND STORES COFER'S EXCHANGE Roland CofeT, Owner. 619 Klamath. Phone Phona 7160. "House of 1001 Bargains" NasT and Used. SERVICE STATIONS RALPH'S MOBIL SERVICE UtS and Klamath. Phona 6422. Auto Repair ing - Motor tune-up - Mobtlgaa - Mobil oil. "Complete Line Accessories.' SEWING SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main. Phone 2-2513. Complete Lino of No tions SHEET METAL PADE & HOLLAND 222 Spring Phone 3616. Stainless Steel. Ftuo Ex- 1 tensions - Kitchen Ventilators. SHOE REPAIR 1 ED'S SHOE SHOP Tom Dunn. Phono 60211022 Main St. ' QUALITY SHOE REPAIR 912 Main Street. Phone 8702. Expert Repairing. SHOE STORES . MODEL SHOE STORE Shoes for En- tire Family. Featuring Naturalizer Robleo - Buster Brown. 717 Phone 7363. VAN ORMAN'S "Klamath FaUa New est Family Shoe Store." Trim-Tred Poll Parrot Rand - Star Brand. A27 Main. StVH GREEN STAMP STORES BROADWAY CLEANERS 4535 South 6th Phone 6403. "For Those . Who Care." SS AUTOMOTIVE 1049 DODGE 'i TON PICKUP 1040 INTL. i TON PICKUP 3-.spccd trnnsniis- hAQf 3-speed transmls- nnr J7J slon, Healer. J7J ttlon, hentcr. 1042 FORD TON PICKUP 1940 FORD "i TON PICKUP Factory bed 8 $ AO 4-spcod trnnsniis- irtQr cylinder, heater 07J slon. heater. .7J 25 OTHER CARS & PICKUPS PRICED FROM $25 UP! CAR BALSIGER'S US LOT 2152 South Glh St. rhonc 4354 1950 OLDS ROCKET "88" 2-DR. SEDAN Good rubber, perfect body and interior, air-condition heater, Hydrnmatic. Had exceptional 0 1 A K care, service record on file I J 1950 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. SEDAN 15,000 miles. Radio, hentcr, light blue body. One local owner. A rcnl buy in Buick 1950 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA ' Fully equipped, like new inside and oul. Has only 14,000 miles. See and drive it , WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF REAL VALUES IN THE $300 CLASS. SEE THEM FOR LOW COST DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTA TION. I Buy With Confidence ot Dick B. Miller Co. '1795 2195 7th and Klamath Phone 4103 tnan STUOrnAKF.n. recently over- FOR SALE. "30 Oldnmoblle "8". com- hauled. sn Phone 2-323U. plclcly equipped. Inquire 623 Martin. '47 CHEV. Fleelmaster lour door sedan. in41 SUPER Bulck. Radio and heater. 330 Datnont. , Plione 41134. FOR SALE. 1031 CMC one ton pickup. 1949 FORD V-a PANEL. Equipped with Phone 3731. heater. Like new. 123. Balilger'a Car IMAGINE I Within a tew Short Lot. 31.12 So. 6th. phone 4.154. hours after ynu order a Herald & isi oldsmobile "b". Extras, under Newa Classified ad. 13.000 subscribe ceiiina. nn Caiiturnia. Phone 2-1233. era are told about your oHer or P"nJneJ,-J(SlBuu'1'M "edn au- i"Hl ' ro"1 your need. To placo an ad, phone wANtEDTbei r s2noc.Sh win buy. Bill. Ni dealers. Phono WM9. fr SPECIAL & 1950 HUDSON Commodore "8" 4-Door Radio, heater, overdrive, loaded with extras, metallic maroon paint, low mileage, perfect condition. M965 JUCKELAND'S llUi & Klamath Phone 2-2581 BEST VALUES! USED TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED West-Hitchcock Corp. YOUR GMC DEALER 77 8. 7tb Phone 7771 Big Savings On Oil In Drum-Lots Farmers, truckers, car-owners save dollars now. buy Wards Vitalized Oil In drum lots. Lowest price ol year on premium grade and heavy duty oil. None finer. Come In today, order on Wards special contract plan. Order now, get delivery when you need it. You're protected against rising and falling prices. All prices include Federal Tax. Reg. 86c gal. Premium grade In 55 gal. drum, now 63c gal. Montgomery Ward 9th Rnd Pine Phone D188 WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 301 t Main. Phone 3570 "We will eeli vour car for vou." We buy ami trade' t NEED CARS! Get top price now Rose Motor Co eth and Plum MUST SELL equity In '4a Chev. sedan. radio healer, scou or trade tor older model pickup of same value. See at while duplex below grammar achool, Merrill, Ore. after five p.m. AUTOMOTIVE ASHLEY'S aaas' ' PRE-WAR " USED CARS 1950 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-DR. SEDAN Fleetline body, blue color. A one-owner car 1685 1950 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE Radio, heater, beautiful tutone color. Power-Glide transmission. Low mileage. Priced $75 under market 1949 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN Blue color, air-flow heater, good tires, one-owner, low mileage 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heater, tutone paint. '11 Good tires and motor tops , ' 'J '1745 '1395 Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th Ph. 4113 COMPLETE Radiator . Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPA1TUNG BALSIGER MOTOR CO. . Main at Esplanade BUS SARGANT'S USED CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Streets Phone 8203 NEW For a or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Vour International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND 7 TRUCK SALES . Iltb and Klamath Phone 3-2581 DUMP TRUCK SPECIAL! IMS ford i ton dump, with 2-speed Eaton, 8:23x30 Urea. One owner. $1.1fl.1. flee Jack Mil ler at Balilner's Used Car Lot. 2 Hi So. tllh. phone 43M. POR SALE. Bulck, In gooi condition. See at 442,1 Shaata Way. Phone 3-limi. 'XI FORD for sale cheap. See at 332J Shasta Way. Phone 2-00.10.