PAGE TWELVE SATURDAY, MARCH B, 1955 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON U APAKTMINTS fOR HINT W OlCMti?" two" room" apartment."'" fcv ry thine furnished. CIom in. Phon Ssot. MODERN iurniitod two bedroom apart- 6lVmpic apts " 306 E. MAIN apartment. Gu . For quiet couple FURNISHED clean aauiDDed. Refrlieralor. Vina Marqutte. inquire uik. THREE room furnlnhed apartment and bath. Adult only. Phone 5472, 011 Walnut. room furnished apartment downtown. Steam beat. Inquire Main. SMALL apartment, clnie in. Utllltlee urntihed, alio aleeplng room. Phone M37. . 30 REAL 1ST ATI FOR SALI 24 HOUSES FOR RENT FDR RENT; two bedroom partly fur nlthed houte, adulti only. Vacant Mon day. 3125 Orchard. Inquire 3037 Radcllffe TWO room apartment ior rent. 5 per monin. rnonewmi, THREE room cot I a Re. furnished, com fortably and completely. Immaculat ely clean. Very homey. Adulti. Phone 4..SI.. VhrEE ROOM partly furnished house Tor rent, aaui ua si. TWO ROOM furnished house for rent. Phone 8177. TWO BEDROOM house for rent. Phone 8177, DUPLEX for rent. Phone 3027 before t p.m. SMALL furnished house. Garaite. LlRhts and water lurnunca. aaa. UNFURNISHED house. Sixth. Phone 3508. 4806 South ONE bedroom furnished house. Phone 3 -0900. FOR RENT, two " bedroom unfurnished house. Also amall cabin. Inquire 518 Hifh. TWO horimnm home with office In front. Completely furnished. Extra good lo cation for business. Call 5670. FOR RENT. Modern two-room furnished house, inquire 3112 unnon. f none bizj after rive. UNFURNISHED four room duplex. Ex eept for atove. WO. Call 3027 before 9 cm, ONE bedroom partly furnished house! Close in. tau a-twao. HOUSE for rent. Inquire Ptggly Wisely pnone 3351. FOR RENT, three room house In Mills Addition, uiose to mis and acnoou. Phone 8203 after 4 o'clock. FOR RENT, three room modern part ly furnished cabin. Electric atove. See at 1233 Adams. 21 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT For Lease Long-Term Service Station, Motel, Restaurant SITE Good location. Highway 97 at Dia mond Lake Jet. For more informa tion write Box 617, Chiloquin, Ore, BEEHIVE u TRUCKS W DRIVE Move Yourself Save H New Trucks For Long Trips , Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE HOIK. Main Phone 8304 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE COMMERCIAL LOT 137 H x 137, Improved streets on two sides. Railroad siding, some buildings. Going at $11,500. Small down payment, easy terms at 5 interest. JACK GARDNER Phone 6371 with Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 8th Phone 9832 MILLS Immediate possession on this very attractive live room home. Con structed in 1941. Large living and dining room. Convenient kitchen, two large elevated bedrooms and bath. Attached garage and laundry room. Do not miss seeing this well planned and attractive home. $9900, terms. OREGON AVENUE Comfortable two bedroom home on large corner lot New electric heat, modern bath, nice kitchen and util ity, full concrete basement with rumpus room. A-l condition inside and out. $7250, terms. MILLS Three bedroom home. Excellent condition throughout. Living and dining room, beautiful kitchen, large utility room, wall to wall car peting. ALSO a neat one bedroom modern home on same lot. Double garage, nicely landscaped. All for $11,500, terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 17 Main Phone 321J HOT SPRINGS Lovely, two atory 3 bedroom home on Eldorado Blvd. About five years old. beautifully landscaped. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, large kitchen and half bath downstairs. Large utility room, etc in basement. New wall-to-wall car peting, numerous closets. Extra tool room on rear of garage, bar becue, patio, etc. Full price only $18,500. Will carry maximum loan of any kind. Shown by appoint ment only. MILLS ADDITION Very well designed and sturdily built two bedroom house, about five years old. Dinette space o(t living room, large kitchen, utility room, etc. House fully insulated, in excellent location. Can be had for $9000, only $1000 down payment. YALTA GARDENS Modern, well constructed 2'j bed room home, Ideal location. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, utility, attached garage, completely insulated. 13 acre rich irrigated soU. Price $11,000. FHA terms. SUBURBAN We have several small acreages in the south suburban area, very reasonably priced. Some with down payments as low as $500 and pay ments like rent. Call us now for further information. Open Evenings by Appointment 30 RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE A Home Designed For GRACIOUS FAMILY LIVING A beautiful and distinctive home with landscaped lot that approaches the ideal. Large living room with fireplace, cheerful kitchen and break fast nook, dining room, large master bedroom, two other bedrooms finished In knotty pine, sewing room or den, large modem bath. Every room immaculate and decorated in perfect taste. A truly fine home for the discriminating. A world of shrubs and decorative fence frame this lovely home. Painted corral fencing and spotless white outbuildings complete this picture. The buildings Include fruit room, storage room, gnrnge. heated chicken house, tack room and small horse barn. Lois of fruit trees, berries and good garden space. Sweeping graveled drive way. Located in choice suburban area close to school and transportation, FINANCING ALREADY ARRANGED TO MEET F.H.A. TERMS QUICK POSSESSION, Make an appointment to see this today RON FISHER (Eves. 8970) JOHNNY BLAYLOCK REALTORS Phone 2-3545 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI WATCHES a SOLD FOR REPAIRS ONLY ft NO TAX PAT HOWES 1025 Main See Homer Stiles Don Sloan Fred Scott Ph. 2-2460 Eves. 5658 Eves. 6703 Eves. CHILQDTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 FOR SALE 3 bedroom home In Hot Springs District, hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, new piped furnace, double garage, lot well landscaped. Property in good condition. Quick possession. Priced to sell. Reason able terms. w 5 room tiome with dinette, fire place, Venetian blinds, full base ment, close to City Center, near grade and high schools. Immediate possession, .race $7950. Terms. Small farm near citv nn hi,h... Uui j -: ... B J ' uairy or diversified farm' us. x-rnmea io pasture grass, iie ciover and alfalfa. rvinH three bedroom home with iWm. t aoa omer oulldlngs. se Fred Cofer (Evenings 3593) Bob Stephens (Evenings 9230) Barnhisel Agency 112 s. 8th St. Phone 4195 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DIVERSIFIED FARM lncome Property 410 ACRES 159 acres under grnv itv irrigation. 49 acres dry farminn. balance range land. This ranch Ls ideal for stock setup as well as diversified farming. Has warm spring piped to corrals for stock water. Improvements Include two bedroom modern home, large barn, grainery and other buildings. Priced to sell. CHAS. A. BOLESTA REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Phone Merrill 2851 HIGHWAY CAFE Good year around business. Grade .. memoes oulldlngs, stock, fix tures and equipment. Living quar ters. Price $8500. Good terms. HERB SCHMIDT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 31 So. Sixth 9B79 Phone 9195 HREfi room houte on corner lot. O tnent foundation, garage, fenced. S1300. 2600 Scott. Phone 2-1052. FOR SALE, three bedroom modern fur nlihed home. Small down payment rest like rent. Phone 2-3030. FOR SALE, two bedroom unfinished fiumlce brick house, two acres excel ent (round. 130 ft. well. Shade trees. On paved street. $490. cash will handle. 8927 John's Ave. Phone 2-10 40. HOMES FOR BALK EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR Don Kirkpatrick. Salesman 121 K. tm Phone M0i HEW HOMES for Powell. Phone 8520. ale. William b. FOR RENT, by night, day or month, large building next to Little Sweden on South Sixth, for dances, parties, sales, shows. Has electric heat, nice dance floor, tage and piano. Also banquet tablet available and eight or ten ped- astals for Lodge use. South Sixth Com' munity Hall. Phone 8008. RIVERSIDE Living room, two oem-ooms, Kiicnen. oath, two lots. some iurnuure, concrete zounds- bUBURBS K acre, three bed- rooms, living room, kitchenette, waul, vxjuunuous loundatfon, gar den ojjofc ana oemes. $5600. id acre, two bedrooms, living tmsn ' o CITY One bedroom, foundation niceiy located. $4000. MILLS ,Two bedroom, large ga rage. Was $7500. Last week was $7000. NOW further reduced lot vixii.& sale. oec us ior iarms, ranches and . we nave some good ones, VERNON DURANT Ph. 7923 HERB SCHMIDT Ph. 9879 ANDY SILANI, REAL ESTATE Ml 6o. Sixth Phone 9195 r.ves SM4 WHICH ONE? two bedrooms. bedrooms bedrooms. bedrooms. four three 13 three two bedrooms, 4 9500 Buys acre. 5600 Buys acre. 5800 Buys acre. 4000 Buys acre. $ 7500 Buys acre. $ 8200 Buys three bedrooms, fur- uunca, yt acre. $20,000 Buys three bedrooms, 20 acre. $18,900 Buys three bedrooms, 10 acres. $10,500 Buys four bedrooms, lot. $10,000 Buys four bedrooms, one JOt, $11,000 Buys two bedrooms, large 2 corner lots. $ 2625 Buys 'on Layeshore Drive, i4 acre. one ONE BEDROOM HOME. Hard wood floors, living room, dining room, music or sewing room, kitchen, hall and bath. Full base ment, 8 foot ceiling water tight, piped furnace, two lots, pavement and sewer. $6850. FHA or GI Loan. Two bedroom home with sleeping porch. Garage, chicken house, barn, fruit cellar, 1.8 acres, on pavement $8500. FHA or GI Loan. JACK CASHIN E. Willard Cedarleaf REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 3927 So. 6th Phone 2-0154 Eves. J-3170 THREE APARTMKNTS Close In. north of Main. Complelely furn ished. Bringing in excellent income. NICE ONE BEDROOM HOUSE Well furnished. This is good rental property. $3600. HOMES FOR SALE HOT SPRINGS Well kept two bedroom, home. Fireplace, good basement. $8750. HILLSIDE home. $6,000. New two bedroom HAMILTON MAN'S WHITE GOLD 17 JEWEL POCKET WATCH ORIGINAL CASE ELGIN MAN'S YELLOW OOLD-15 JEWEL WRIST WATCH MILOS MAN'S YELLOW GOLD 17 JEWEL WATER RESISTANT WATCH HAMILTON MAN'S YELLOW GOLD 17 JEWEL WRIST WATCH. ORIGINAL CASE 50 CAMY MAN'S 17 JEWEL, WATER RESISTANT, SHOCK PROOF WRIST WATCH REPOSSESSION IN TRADE-INS PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX WYLER MAN'S 17 JEWEL, STAINLESS STEEL, SHOCK PROOF, WATER PROOF WRIST WATCH .. BULOVA MAN'S YELLOW GOLD 17 JEWEL WRIST WATCH. NEW CONDITION BULOVA LADY'S YELLOW GOLD 17 JEWEL WRIST WATCH ORUEN MAN'S YELLOW GOLD IS JEWEL WRIST WATCH REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 14' 14" MO" ,1Q75 Ml60 2950 ,265o ,2375 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI 700 MAIN PHONE 3151 1.6 Acres In Pasture ST. FRANCIS PARK Lovely two bedroom home. Some furnishings. $8750. THREE BEDROOM HOME On (j acre good soil. $5600. LARGE BUILDINO LOT On Dayton Street just off Shasta Way. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE H20 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4734. 4880 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER South Suburban, fenced and cross fenced. Irrigation. Four room mod em Hume wim concrete iounoation. t Garage, barn, chicken house, frost i $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch ana timoer land at Gov't, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lanli 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. proof house. One block from tam Excellent soil. Price onlv $6250, $1200 down, balance on long terms. Newhouse Real Estate 2060 So. 6th Phone 9832 Wanted To Rent By business man. a 2 or 3 bed room home, furnished or unfum. ished. Call 6694 or 5473- HARLAN DRIVE Want a basement in the suburbs? Two car garage and lame utilitv room with plenty of storage snai-e ii uuacmeiH. nuractive living room, iwo oearooms. Kitcnen with lots of oum-ins. Tub and shower bath. Refrigerator, electric range and automatic washer Included in the low price of this home. Low down payment. Balance like rent. RENTAL PROPERTY Three separate comrietelv furn ished units on one lot. Erpiint returns for the Investment. This won't last long, so call us today. HOMEDALE ROAD Two bedroom home that Is neat and clean. Beautiful hardwood floors in living room, dlni and hall. Tub and shower bath. Large detached garage. Lot Is com pletely fenced. Immediate posses-sion. Large Suburban Lot 2T7.w..,duld7 s lot Is lccl" Jarge shade trees, fenced. ' SE ye FOR HOTELS, MOTELS, j"vrvo aimu APARTMENTS Jonnny Hobson (Eves. 2-2713) Dale Grubb (Eves. 3544) Art Frederickson (Eves. 87251 ' with , AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th Phone 828.1 32 BUILDING I REMODELING BEST BUY $45 per M FOR YOUR EARLY SPRING NEEDS IN LUMBER 81012 in TOKETEE FIR SHIPLAP 2x4 S4S 2x4 S4S DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY 910 Snrir.g Phone 5610 ROOFING , SIDING Whatever your roofing or sidlnn need might be, we have Itl And you'll save money by having your job done before its too late and expensive repair bills are necessary. INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN & STORM WINDOWS All Work Guaranteed Kuhlman Insulation For free estimate phone 4468, or Clem Lesueur, Agent 2-2443 OFFJCI far rent 623 Main. Phon, 7iei kOR RENT, floor landers latest typ. QUlpment Suburban Lumber Ca lltb ana wainut rnona nun. CAR STORAGE HEATED, day week m month. Earl Lamb, phon. 4673 or Tim. GARAGE for rent. Inquire Plggly Wig sir, Phone 8231. POR SALE, furnl.hed 4-room home, - two acre, rood loll, chicken houie, cool r. Near but. 4407 Bartlett Ave. WANTED, for out of state buyer, tock ranch to run 300 to BOO head cattle. rer Jonea, Realtor, 111 So. 4th. FOR SALE $42 per acre per crop season buys a lease on 100 acres good black soil, irrigated. Suitable for barley, clover, or potatoes, ' FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Associate 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 FOR SALE, five room houie, other bulldlnaa. Two sent of around. Fhona 4070. FOR SALE nice level lot N.E. corner Addlaon anrf Lakevlew. Accent reason able offer. Doris White, P.O. Box 1339. Frcuno, Calif. Building Location 150' frontaite on Smith Kivtv, m z ueep, pius m it. alley. Desirable location for any business. Price $15,000. Terms. CLOSE IN Two bedroom house on East Main. Lot has 54 ft. frontage. Suitable for conversion to business building with living accommodations. Phone for appointment to see today. Price $7500. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE 122 S. 9th, REALTOR ALUMINUM HOOFING We have aluminum roofina available ior a iimned ume oniy. Delivery with in two wee xi. MONTGOMERY WARDS 9th and Pine Phone 3188 LIKE WORKING WITH TOOLS? Then get what you need to keen buiv at Basin Building Material!, Inc. We car ry complete line 01 lumner, trim mings, paints, paneling and uch. Stop by and look around. 4784 South Sixth or phone 2-2AG.1. 34 FUEL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS k Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Ouarantee Of Heating Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER "Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Since 1019 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 STANDARD HFATIWn nir Stove, furnace, Hunt fuel, coal, wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co. 635 Market i-nonr 3iw. MIDLAND GRANGE tV & FIRST SEMI ANNUAL & ft AUCTION SUNDAY -MARCH 23 DINNER SERVE0 AT NOON PRIZES GIVEN LET US SELL YOUR SURPLUS EQUIPMENT & HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES ANY CONSIGNMENT WELCOMF READ THE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE 2-2001 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES FOR SALE. four-cvllnor marine en Cine for inboard. A-l condition. Inquire ui lamornu. DOB ER MAN PIN.NCHKR for ale Two rari old, female. Very gentle. Phone MALE Irish letter pupi. May be seen i vm unsini Ave. APFRSON Roardlnjr KenneU Phone tht Sfisa Delaware nfl Hnmcdate BOARDING KENNELS Dob board Inc by day. week or month ha n nary kennrli Wr ba anced diet Clean Individual outdoor rum for tarh doc Dog handled duriri mating, win pick up and deliver vuiiori welcome Phon 8071 Merrill Rd Rt 7. note 304 SHASTA CASCADE KENNEIJI THREE collie pup for tale. Three months old. gold and white. Litter reg istered, uaii .wiw. 40 TO EXCHANGE TRADE IMS CMC 1. Ion for late mod. el car Phone 2-O3S0. 1330 Lookout. 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY FOULTRY WANTED Cut) paid for Any amount Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS ON HAND Cockera la heavy breed. $10 per hun dred . OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 So. 6lh. Phone flOOS. CATTLE PASTURE FOR RENT for summer season, near Fort Klamath. Not e than 11 hecn or nvr j.-u h Excellent pasture and water available Anrii is or Mar lut to October 13. Heasonauie rates, write box ju, jieram and News. RED FRYERS and roasters for sate, fresh Iv dressed ready for the win. ev ery Friday and Saturday. Phone 8.141 after 4. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING SERVICE Phone 0721 M C (Chuck' Warren Rt Box 322. It no answer Phone 4400. Evenings HIGHEST prices paid for poultry, hogs and livestock. BIG x MEAT MARKET Lakevlew Junction Phone 4tnn 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED to lease or rent nice two bedroom house unfurnished in Fremont school district. Reliable family ot three. Reference. Call flan4. WANTED. used beauty equipmenL Phone B.110. WANTED, hv famllv of four, nicely furnished home. Close to town. Refer nccs. Call between 0:30 and 7. Bill, Ext. 6. WANTED to buy, second hand electric drill. Phone 2-32.1B. WANTED in buv. two bedroom modern hnm nn arreaee. Not more than t.rO0 down and 4.l per montn. tan Mr. Al ter 2-2.VW between l-z p.m. PERMANENT couple wants to rent two bedroom house, rnone wan. S foot spring tooth harrow. WE NEED CARS! Cet top orlca now! Rooe Motor Co 6th and Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cashi CASH LOANS 50 to S300 Auto Furnlturi Livestock Salarj DRY Dine blnck. fnr auin Dm. ua. nlngg and weekends. Metier, Broil. PIIESTOLOGS pickup or delivered. UIIII Yadeni 8l0nal ftorvle. 2.SAA fin 6th Phone MDI or 2-0200. S & H GHF.EN STAMPS lvn on heat. Ins oil,. Phone 36B1 or 3.9200 (or prompt delivery. CLIFF YADF.N'S SIONAJ, SERVICE 2.100 So Sth ?8 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES FOR SALE. rcirlKtered Rerman nhnrt hair pointer. F. D. Rockhlll, Tulelaka, fnone 20 FT. CABIN CRUISER $1300. Hal aol- Id mahonanv nlanklnff and nnk IrimM See at Wllllanrmon River Store or call 2-1489. Pnone 12m Phone Tulelaka 7-013J. '. fSO tO $500 Automobiles (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed Make your deals CASH dealsl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Lie 8-251 N-223 107 No Sth Phone 1711 46 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pot Onl? 100 $7.17 Mo Repay In IB Inatallmcnt UP TO $300 ON FURNITURE OR SALARY UP TO 11300 ON CARS THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars 'inancerl at bank rates -MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 years serving Klamath Bull See "Cliuck" Bailey Mfr. lit N. 7tn St. Phone 332J 8-241 M-27S 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APARTMENT HOUSE HERE IS THE BUY OF THE WEEK. 18 UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE, 6 THREE ROOM. 12 TWO ROOM. ALL WITH PRI. VATE BATHROOMS. COMPLETE LY FURNISHED. WITH ELEC TRICAL KITCHENS. THIS TWO STORY BUILDINO IS OF BRICK CONSTRUCTION WITH A CEN TRAL HEATINO PLANT. 18 OA RAGES, PLUS 8TORAOE LOCK ERS. TOOL ROOM As LAUNDRY ROOM. THESE UNITS ARE AL WAYS RENTED. WITH AN IN COME OF $700 PER MONTH SO SEE THIS TODAY BECAUSE ITS PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. JAY P. ORIOOS GENE FAVELL OLAIRE ELLIS Eves. Ph. 4254 Eves. Ph. 6045 Eves Ph. 2-2509 W. W. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 PUBLIC AUCTION SUNDAY, MARCH 9 1 1 P.M. SOUTH SIXTH ST. COMMUNITY HALL KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON This Is a quitting business miction of the complete stock md fixtures of thu Quiim Auto Supply. Spotlights, Fog Lights, Sun Shades, Ignition Parts, Automo tive Wire, Auto Mirrors, Battery Cables, Tiro Repair Mater lals, Tail Pipe Extensions, Porter Mufflers, Permanent Anti freeze, Cigarette Lighters, Trailer Hitches, Hose Clampi, Westinghouso Auto Bulbs, Fuel Pumps, Clutches, Generators, Brake Fluid, Automatic Tiro Inflalors, Air Horns, Gas Tank Caps, Car Healers, Inside Visors, Parts Cabinets, Clearance Lights, Thermostats, Spark Plugs, Flexritc Radiator Hose, Small Parts Washer, Car Polish, 25 ft. Extension Cords, Heater Parts, 1 Automatic Shift for Ford. OFFICE EQUIPMENT This pniiinmonl sills nl 4 n m Sunrliiv Allen Adding Machine, Hedman Check Protector, National Cash Register, 1 drawer, 2 Standard Invoice Registers, 2 Metal Filing Cabinets, 2 Gum Tape Machines, 13 Sections Steel Shelving, partitions, adjustable shelves, Office Desk and Chair, Electric Office Fan, Superflamo Oil Heater, i TERMS: CASH EVERYTHING GOES NO RESERVE This sale starts Sunday, March 0, at 1 p.m.. and continues until all is sold. QUAM AUTO SUPPLY Auction Service by R. E. "Bob" RHODES, Auctioneer Ph. 4032 Klamath Falls 35 AUTOMOTIVI GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE BEER it WINE LICENSE Biiildlncr With Llvlnir Quarters GROSSED OVER $(1000 IN 1051 LOCATED BIG VALLEY IN CALIFORNIA ' SELL CASH TRADE OR LEASE WRITE HERALD NEWS, BOX NO. 38 DEALERS wanted. Wo antahllNh vou In the monument hUflineRH. Nu exper- enea or InvcMmcnl real, red. Full or pnrt time. Write Helix Memorial Co., 723 E. Florence Am., Inglnwnnd, Calif." MEN TO OPERATE I. MO. STORES IN NORTHWEST Rarnlnfli un to SIVOOO oer year. Na tionally known brnndn aporllns Rood, appliance, tlrea. Jewelry, flrcarma, tel evision aeti, plumtJlns fixture, etc. Only S120O.l2.1on canh required. Write or apply I.M.O. STORES, 1227 S.W. Sth Ave. Portland, Oreifon. SERVICE station for lease In down town Alluras. Good buslnosa location. Wonderful opportunity for rlflht party. Write Ray Darnell. Box .100, Alturas, California. WANTED, best 10:17 4 door Chevrolet sedan about SI 19. Write particulate Her- iq news, unx oi. BARGAINS IN LATE MODEL USED TRUCKS Why not swap away the years on Your old truck for one of these SPARKLING LATE MODEL BUYS? All Listed Below are TRIPLE-CHECKED for v7 VALUE PERFORMANCE V APPEARANCE : 1950 G.M.C. '4 TON PICKUP 3-pced tntrumuuilon. Excellent condition Ihrounhotil. 1948 STUDEBAKER 1 TON PICKUP New pnlnt, very good condition throughout 1949 DODGE Vi TON PICKUP 3-spccd tranamlMlon, low mileage, very clean, rum like new. 1950 FORD V4 TON PICKUP We have a Take your choice. SHORT LOGGERS! Check This Bargain Of The Week 1948 KB-7 INTERNATIONAL Page single-axle trailer 900x20 tires. Here's the answer to your logging problems. FULL PRICE DOWN PAYMENT ... w - '315 " ... I358, - '435 - '3250 VISIT EITHER OF OUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 632 South 6th A. H. "Shorty" Weatherford Phone 5276 tc 677 South 7th West-Hitchcock Corp. Phone 7771 31 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI in" rl.bbll model nrlln UhTsaw. ( H P. motor. $200. Call Willi. BARNYARD FKnTIUZKR. for sale. dplveredJPhnne2-2o:lo: addino MACHINES, calculators, type' writers, cash reRlsters, desks, chairs, files for sale or rent. PIONEER OFFICE SUPPLY B2I) Main Phone 7412 DRIVEWAY MATERIALS. I'hona Joe Hart. inns. AN8CO Reflex Camera, Cnso, flash flun. New condition. 13u. call IT.'IIOU; IMIOxfll hkca'ps h.vuo We buv used tires. O.K. Rubber Weld ers. 2.1111 So. Bill. Phone 4:il. DRIVEWAY MATERIAL. Phone 2-lDllJ. ELECTRIC stove for sale. Anarlment sire. Looks Rood and Is good. f4S. 2121 Railcllffe, phone 2-l4n. POIt SALE, 12 foot CiR home freezer. Used elaht months. Filled with meat. vcsctables, fruit olc. . .Phone 2-3:ioo. FOR HALE, table and chair set. Ex cellent condition. Sea at 1707 Oak 81., rear house. NEXT week Is the last week on tne bis carload Bale on Tllltwell davennnrta and chairs, bed divans and chairs, swing rockers, Small down payment. Many months on the balance. Have money now at LUCAS FURNITURE, lll.l Si. MAiri, FOR SALE, davenports and chair, wash- inn mnrnine, fnone ndw. 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI HANDY WITH TOOLS? Basin Build. Ins Materials Inc. has averythlnR need In building supplies. Whether vou need lumber, trimmings, paint, picket fence, garage doors or Just advice, this Is the place to come. 4784 South S I x l h. Phone 2-23113, HKX-AIRE vacuum cleaner, JOS down, :i per month. Phone S200. eLeCTHOLUX CLEANER and polish and supplies. Phont 717 Tarkel Tweet, 031 Market FOR SALE, t foot electric refrigerator. Excellent condition, tuo, Phone 7204 aft er 4 p.m. SHOWCASE, Club. lnquira Beamaa Country for SALE, good second cutting alfalfa hoy. Under cover. Call 90(9. roil SALE, Frlg:dalre electric atove. Good condition. Best offer ovar 97S lakes. 42.13 Clinton. . washing ninchlne with timer and pump. Phone 4H4IV Foil SALE, niack and Decker hearth scat grloder. Complete pilot and stones. S.10 or will trade lor hand tools. Phone 2-14111. oo TON baled alfalfa, 139 per T. Phone Tulelake, 7-IOII4. , FOR SALE, nir conditioner suitable ior store or home. Valued glM, will take $79. Used six months. Ralph Pota, 2nd Portland Si. Dorrla, California. . 90 FT. TRAILER coach, 1947 modal, la. rated at 023 Favn Ave,