HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK ELEVEN -MARKETS and FINANCIAL SIRVICI Septic. Tank Service SATURDAY, MARCH I), 10152 Oil Leads Stocks Upward Today l.riW YOHK IV.. Oil Irniuca mucin iinino Mjcctiiculiir H"l"i In HiiturUii.v'n hIioi'I niixnlon, mid the innrknl iih a v'lmlo pimlictl IiIkIh"'. Hiillniiidfi wi'io Hlrnim Iciulein, mill tin; ni vn llco ('iii'(iiiiilinril nlr limn, nullo-trlcvliiliiim, utllltion, KoUIn mill wimp of the niotom, MitIn mill rlirillkliln. ctuliiN imiHi'd up ovr wldo vmrm with AiihuikIii Petroleum mi between IB unci id point nl tlniM belura IiiIIIiik bnok. Hlicll Oil wiih un Bround B point durliiR Uic MvMuli, A iir.ic.llciil limit wim between 3 mid 3 poliitn will) Hie bulk ot Die ndviiiico In the lower portion nl tlin hi' ii In. liomien wore Iriictloiw In iirmind n point. 'Hie volume wan nil entlmnted KKl.ogt) uliiiren, heuvy iur Bnlur-dny. Feed Grain Still On Price Surge r',,tAi-t iu uwri ui-hIiim rolled hlulicr for the. llltli ntrulidit Hen Mon on Hie boiird ot Irndo bntiir diiv. It look tliom lime w,lllc. to Ret roIiik, but once they Blurted tliev riinit up Kiiliw cxtendliiB to morn Hum rent, Tim biiylK In lectl nilim helped oilier ccrwilii. Wheut moved nhend IriK lloniilly. llnly botiuhl cnrRO ol Durum whent overnlnhl. mere wim some rnllier urnent nhort-cov-erlna In Mnreh Hoybeniui nt time. Hut neither whent nor bennii hud the unrterlylnu llrmnem ol corn nit oUi. . . , Whent cloned lower. Mnrch 2 M !i, corn ' to 1 1 cent lilKher, Mnrch tl.BI, rota -l hlnher. Miirch 87, rye 1 S-2 Vt h tth; er. Mny 11.99 noybennn 'j-j lilKher. Mnrch 1 91 Vt-VIM, nnd Inrd unchnnged U 5 cents hun dred pound hluher, Mnrch 11180. Whent rtnen lllih Low Clone Mnr Mny July Sep Dec J.MI 2 M H 2.60 J, X51 , 2 44 li J4S 2 44 "4 2 4S Vt J 4fl Vi 2 45 14 2 4'A24 2.50 V. 2.60 A 2.60 2 60 Vt Quotations New York Block" By The Annoclnted ,, Admlrnl Corporation Vn Allied Chemical AHIs Chulmern American Alrllnet Amerlcnn Power Light American Tel. Tel. Amerlcnn Tobncco Anaconda Copper AWhison Railroad Bethlehem Stool Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner BurrouKha Adding Machln Cnlllornla Pnckln Canadian Pacific Cnlerplllnr Tractor Cclanme Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Bcrvlce Coiuioltdaled EdUton CoiiKolldnted Vultee Crown iSollcrbach CurtlM Wrltthl ixiuuliis Alrcrnlt duPont de Ncmourn Haiti mull Kodak Kmcrson Radio General Electno General roodn Ocnernl Motora OeoiB Pnc Plywood Ooodyenr Tire HomniUike MinlnK Co. International Hnrvenler lnternailonnl Paper Johns Manvllle Keiinccoll- Copper Llbby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Low's Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward NMl Kelvmntor New York Central Northern Pacific Pacrnc Gnu Electric Pacific Tel. fc Tel. Packard Motor Ca. Penney (J.C.) Co. Peiuuylvnnla R.R. Pepsi Cola Co. Phtlco Radio Radio Corporation 49 14 14 26 '. 168 67 48 y, M , 60 H ttVt aa Vt 60 Vt 42 70 109 34 17 68 't 8 67 Ij 88 , 44 , 14 " 68 !. 62 21 Vt 44 , 34 33 48 -2 80 Vj 't 21 '. 17 '.. 81 19 I', 20 , 78 36 111 4?. 88 19 .; 30 V, 26 !, Huyonlcr Incorp Ruyunler Incorp Pfd Republic Slocl 41 ' Reynolds Mcliils 81 Vt Richfield Oil 68 'i Safeway Stores Inc. 32 Scolt. Paper Co. 61 2 bears Roebuck u Co. 64 Socony-Vucuum Oil , 38 ; Southern Pacific 84 3i Stimdard Oil Cullf 62 mannnra oil n.j, 77 y Btudebnkcr Corp. 34 Sunshine Mining 101, owui ei uompimy 3j it, Transamcrlca Corp. 35 ft Union Oil Company 39 ',J United Airlines 29 United Aircraft 30 Vt United Corporation 5 i united States Plywood 31 yt United Slates Slcel 39 Warner Pictures 14 Western Union Tel 40 'i, Wcstlnahou.se Air Brnke 25 vi:ni.iiikoounr niiecirio 38 aji Woolworth Company 42 , Chicago Livestock CHICAGO Wi Hogs were quot ed within n 15.75 to $17.60 ranire here Saturday, It was another week In which tho hog market could make no progress on the up side. Cattle nnd sheep were quoted nom inally steady. Hog prices Rained enrly In the week as receipts were curtailed, partly because of Icy road condi tions, but theso gains were even tually wiped out. Offerings weigh ing less than 230 pounds lared worst ns Eastern pnekers obtained light weight hogs In Ohio. In the cattle section, high choice and primo steers advanced 26 to 60 cents, but tho rest of the mar ket was an erratic afalr. Re ceipts were cut 10 per cent from tho previous week. In the whole tnlo beef market, quotations on grades from commercial to choice wore marked down. Tqp price for prime slcors was $39.50, equalling the year's high. Whilo lambs scaling loss than 108 pounds lost ground this week, those carrying a heavier weight gained 25 to B0 cents. The extreme top on fed woolcd lambs was 137.25, paid by small killers. Son Francisco Livestock SAN FRANCISCO I Potatoes: 8 cars on track; arrivals, Oregon 4; market firm; no sales. ' LOS ANGELES lPI Potatoes: BO cars on track; arrivals, No vada 1, Maine 1, Idaho 12; mar ket steady; Idaho Russets No. 1-A Salvage Timber Draws No Bids EUOENK ( Douglas fir bark beetle urn destroying thouminds of trees hi Western Oregon loronts, J. It. Hrurknrt, supervisor for the Wllliimette National Forent, report ed Friday, He termed Uie pest In the "epi demic stage" In the Willamette Na tional Forest. A largo volume, of fresh, (lead timber reuniting from abnormal wind and flro Iomics Uie Kant two years has provided the ootles with exlonslve breeding grounds. liiuikiirt said nnlvage of dead material la the only wny to con trol the pesl which l now attack ing green trcen. In 1963, 22 million feet of wind falls and 9 million feet of fire killed timber will be put up for nbIo by Wlllnmetle National For est, Brucknrl laid. Apple Selling Plan End In Sight WASHINGTON Ml An Agricul ture Department program lor sell ing fresh apples abroad at cut-rate prices designed to maintain grow ers' foreign markcta ends March 31. Under the program the depart ment pays export subnldlcn equul to half tho (ales price up to tl.25 a box. It reported export during the past 12 months of 2,800,000 box es at a cost of about 13,330.000. Weather Weitern Oregon Partly cloudy Saturday through Sunday. Little temperature change. High both days 68 to 68. Low Saturday night 28 to 38. Northerly winds of I to IB miles an hour off the coast. Enslern Oregon Generally clear Saturday, becoming partly cloudy Baturdav night and Sunday. Little temperature change. Highs both days 36 north and 60 In south. Low Saturday night 30 to 30. Northern California Partly oloudy with scattered light show ers In north-central part. Other wise generally fair Snturduy through Sunday. Light anow In Si erra Saturday and Saturday night. Cooler In the valleys Saturday night Rising temperatures Sunday. Variable winds 10 to 20 miles an hour off the coast, becoming north westerly In the afttrnoon. 6 O rants Paaa and vicinity Fair Bnturday and Sunday. High Satur day 62. Low Saturday night 30. High Sunday 68. 14 houra ending at 4:30 a.m. Mai. Mln. Freclp. Baker 37 9 Bend 44 17 Eugene 60 30 La Grande . 48 20 l.akevlew 38 28 Medford 68 2ft North Bend 80 36 Ontario 4S 34 Pendleton 49 Jl Portland 62 33 Roseburg 80 33 Salem 61 30 Boise 41 K Chicago ' 34 39 Denver 46 30 Eureka 69 41 Los AngelCK 55 42 New York 39 32 Red Bluff 46 39 San Franctnco 43 Seattle 64 33 Spokane 43 36 Allen Will Seek Supervisor Post TULELAKE Joe Allen, Dorrls. cnndldatc Irom Dorrls for the of fice of Siskiyou county supervisor, dlstrlot No. 1 will campaign for election against Oordon Jacobs, In cumbent who has held the office for several years. He has been chairman of the board for four years. Allen was nominated Thursday at an Inter-clty meeting In Dorrls at tended by some 80 Interested per sons from the host city Dorrls, Mncdoel, Tulelnke and Montague. Other candidates were Don Pot ter and Howard Dayton, both Tule lnke larmers. Allen's name will appear on the oauoi in the June primaries. 22 Held Because Of Smallpox Fear SEATTLE (P) Twenty-two pas sengers were quarantined because of suspicion of smallpox Saturday when the transport Gen. H. B. Freeman arrived with 1,139 sol diers and dependents from the Orient. The 23 persons were kept aboard until others debarked; then were taken to nearby Ft. Lawton for observation. Port of Embarkation officials said those detained had been exposed to smallpox by a child recuperating from the dis ease. The Freeman carried 876 Army enlisted men and 34 officers return ing for rotation leave. The other passengers were mostly military nepemieiuj. Bids Opened On Willamette Job PORTLAND Iffl Excavnttne- to end slide threats on the Southern Pacific 8 relocated tracks 10 miles northwest of Oakrldge, brought bids Friday ranging all the way from $84,376 to $213,750. 1 ' The Corps of Enguieers report ing the bids, said apparent low of fer was that of Henry H. Miller,, Ed H. Miller and Lee Mortenson, Inc., of Roseburg. The government estimate was $90,750. There was one other bid under $100,000 and three over that sum. Canadian Planes Crash In Air TORONTO Is1 Two Canadian Air Force let fighters collided Sat urday over King, 30 miles north of here, and the two reserve pilots living them on week-end training lllghts were killed. The two planes plunged to earth two miles apart; and debris was scattered over a, wide area. The names of the two pilots, both civil ians In the RCAF Reserve attached to a Toronto auxiliary squadron, were withheld, See the New Persona Hied Corona Portable ... IT TYPES LIKK LONGHAND . . . Volght's Pioneer , . , ro r-'". inn i Hicr COIIHT M R, HfitJrlx no Vfhlrlft llccri fine Hi William H Tultle ovnrlenijlh. Kin l!V Credrll M, Milanl ovtiHimlh. Tint )rV Hurry I. HiirltMil Irnprnjirr vrhirl llreiih. Klnr 1. f.liju K. Kmlth uvrt Itrnri. Fnrfrtt fl but). 1-nMni) M lltnwii violation turtle rule rin ) Huiwm K. Cray violation hank rule fine JtH'i. . MUITIIK HYNtIM Horn at KJomuth VMy MomiIInI Mr. UT'2 to Mr am) Mm. KolHfirl li.vniiiM 4iiJ Aitallri HI. a buy. Wniifhl; & (Hitind i.i oiiiup. IMV.'KINH Morn Jit Klnninth Vnllrv llonnlhil Mnr. 7 Uft2 to Mr. and Mr. iVxiir ffawkuift 1410 Marlln Hi. boy. Wriifht: H p'Hind I ounce TAYI.OM Morn Ml Klamath Vallry HmipMfll Mar, 1 W.t2 Ui Mi. ti( Mri. Wlllliirn Taylor Allura. (JallT girl. WHiiM; 7 ioihkI I oitnrr. TUNNKI.L Horn at Klamath Vj.llry MoNpitiil Mar ll lltVi lo Mr and Mr. Of in lil 1 iiniifll DorrU Califs buy. We m tit: H pounrU II uiiiiiti MAIlHIAfif. I. II I'.NHI.N HII AND I MACK f'eril A llranrtt 2A tumbrr huvoi. Native of Kna lt-j. flnl nt Klamath Kalli Oir fjfvrly A Mailt 2i Native ol Orrgon ftcil rtrnl ol Kluinatii Kalla Oir. Funeral Mil, tniTirl arrvlrr for firovfr IuimI Noll fHl who diprl in Hon tran clm:o Miirch 0 will inWr placi liimi the chttl of Ward a Klmnnlh Putin al Home U'U.'i Jtltfh HI. Monday 0.JO .rn. Itcv. David llarnoll of thr rir! Prr by IrrlNn rhun-h off Irlating, Cornnikl tnant rvUe and Intrnicnt In the fllcb r rcrntttry nt 3 pm. Klamath IodKi A.17 Brotherhood oi Hallway Trainmen In chart. Funpral irrvk-trit for Kloy Mar Poppf 41 who died near Imlay Nr v. b. 2It will take plac from the r ha pel of Ward' Klamath Funeral Home U25 llltfh Vt. Monday 2 pm Dr. K M. Cautey of the Kirit BaptUt Churrh of ficiating Commitment arvir and In terment In Klamath Memorial Park. Obituary porn: Floy Mae Poppe, 4, a native of Ma con, Mo. end raldrnt of Klamath fall nine year,, dirr) ifar Imlay, Imi)i. Niv March 2U, um. Survivor Include: the widower, Kdwtn K. fopiie of thi city; daughter, Mr. Itita Turner, Mlnneapoli Minn.; threw brolhera, Karl Cavanaugh, Ilettver Colo. John Cavanaugh, Idaho FnlU Idaho and Del her t Cnvanaugii, Chaplain, Neb ; Iwo ller, Mr, Atfnct Engian. Greeley, Coin, and Mn, Mlda Day, Callao Mo. The body rent In Ward't Klamath Funeral Home MS High 8t. Notice of the funeral arrange menu will be found elsewhere tn tftii k iue, NL1.I, G rover Cleveland Null. M. a native of California and realdent of Klamath FalU irvrn year, died, in San f'ren ruco, March A. 182 Survivori include: the widow, Mm. Kate Null of thU city; a daughter, Mrs. Ignore Lark, Mt Hhaata: two toni, IJoyd O.. Dunnmutr and Arthur N., Yuba City; two aiatert Mrs. Kllratwsth Robbini Kan Francuco, and Mn, Mattel Bucher, Fort Rid well. The body reU In Ward't Klamath Fu neral Home, 125 High St. Notice of the funeral arrangement will be found ele where in Uil iaiue. H OH IN BON Pauline Margaret Robinaon, 77. a native of Germany and a realdrni of Tulelnke. seven yeara. died here March it, 111,12. Survivor include: a daughter, Mn, L. C. Klrby, Tulelake: four eon. Paul E ol. Independence, Harold H of Portland, Wallace S. Eugene and Her bert It Seal He; a miller Mr. Anna Stollenberg Manon City Iowa; alao iev en grandiom. Funeral ervtce Monday March 10 from the Evangelical Church Maple ton 2 p.m. with Interment In the Mepleton lOOF cemetery. Ward Klam ath Funeral Home in charge of the ar rangement. REDS The United States is drafting a stiff demand that Poland release American Army Cpl. Alexander S. Czar necki (above), who has been in Communists pris ons for more than a year in Czechoslavkia and Po land. He disappeared from his Army unit in Germany in Dec. 1950. He myster iously got a letter through to the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw last June saying he was in jail and asking for help. Highway 99 Still Plugged SAN FRANCISCO Wl Motorists arn advised against travelling on U.S. Highway 09 between Crescent City, Cnlif., and Grants Pass, Ore., the uninornia Aiuomooue Associa tion reported Saturday. This was because of considerable heavy equipment on the road work ing on a slide 30 miles northeast of Crescent City. For the past sev eral days the road has been open onlv between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., nil traffic being barred through tho night. The Association anld roads through the Slsklyous and 07 from Weed to Klnninth Fnlls, Ore., were open but motorists were advised to enrry chains. ; -Highway 101 was open, with no chains necessary. Jim Russell will have lo show some hitting In camp games this spring to be retained as a re serve outfielder by the Brooklyn Dodgers. He failed to hit In 13 bit i - Wj HELD BY lo tho pinto inn !--- . or r m-- f a f h . ' r -.f f ' (',, i , . BLACK-FACE COMEDY, DANCING and music will be presented March 12 in a repeat performance at Merrill by the choir of the Mt. Laki Community church. The show, that drew a large audience at Henley, is to be offered under sponsorship of the Merrill Li brary Club. Curtain time will be 8 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. (KEA Telephoto) POURING IT ON Bob Dunlap (right) pounds out a unanimous decision over Cesar Hnon at Winterland in San Francisco. Dunlap was throwing everything he had throughout the fight. He has Brion on the ropes in the second round in this bit of action. STILL IN COMMAND Capt. William Thomas of Philadel phia, skipper 'of the freighter Rachel Jackson, is placed in an ambulance at New York. The ship, its superstructure and steering gear smashed by an Atlantic storm, limped into port with the pain-wracked skipper still in command. He had refused to quit his ship, and although bedfast with a broken ankle and other injuries continued to direct his ship and crew into safe harbor. Cancer Cure Supply Short WASHINGTON wi The gov ernment's supply of tree radioiso topes for combatting cancer may run out for a couple of months un less scientists use them more spar ingly. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) sends the materials to hos pitals and universities with cancer programs. They pay only transpor tation fees. Other Isotope users must defray production costs. Friday the AEC announced funds for the cancer program, at the present rate of deninnd, will be de pleted by Mny. Further appropria tions do not become avn liable un til next fiscal year beglnntnir in July. Cancer specialist were asked to trim their orders. BATTED 'KM IN ALBANY, Oa. I Rookie Blllv Murphy of Uic Albnny. Ga. Cnrdi nals wus the Class D Georgia-Florida League leader In the runs-bat-ted-in 'department. Murphy, a might y lad at 6-4 and weighing 190 pounds, smacked across an even 100 runs and baited .301 in ue Karnes. The Maiden, Mass. youth as been promoted to the Cardinals, Fresno farm ciuq in the Class O California League. President Geortre D. Stoddnrd of the University of Illinois regards football and baseball as uie most :' of o"'J"'' e L t " Writer Gets Tossed Out CARACAS, Venezuela fl Time Magaaine Correspondent Philip Pavne was cxnclled from Venezue la Saturday on charges he tried to help .Bn attractive blonde Vene zuelnn secretary wanted In con nection with underground political activities. He left by plane from Panama, Payne was arrested by national security police after he took Eve lyn Trujillo, an oil company sec retary authorities claim was a courier for the outlawed Democra tic Action Pnrty, to the Chilean embassy last Wednesday and ask ed she be given political asylum. The Chilean . ambassador refused uie request and Payne was picked up Uie following day. Turned down at the Chilean em bassy, the girl wen alone to the Equndorean embassy, where she was given refuge. Ecuador's Am bassador Antonio Parra Velasco refused comment. . HANDICAP .BRIGADE NEW YORK liP-Thc annual open ing feature at Belmont Park on April 2!i will be the $20,000 Tobog gan Handicap. It starts the older horses on a well planned stakes urogram that culminates with the 50.000 Suburban Handicap on Me morial uay (May aui. ine sau.uou Metropolitan at a mile and the Hoscbcn at seven furlongs are the other offerings for members of the f,...i..n ul.j,.,i. ,',. ! HELD AS KILLER Thirteen-year-old Harold Lor enston (above) walks through jail door after po lice booked him as the strangler of Lyde Kitchner, 12, whose body was found i n a . field a t Smithtown, N. Y., Nov. 29. Police said the boastful grade school student confessed killing the girl because she re fused to let him kiss her. For used typewriters and adding machines . . . Voight's Pioneer Of fice Supply . . . 629 Main. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersiened has been appointed Ad ministratrix of the estate of Lulu C. Hobson. sometimes written Lulu Hob son, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said decedent or her estate shall present same, with the proper vouchers, to me at Room 8. Loomis Building. Klamath Falls. Ore gon, within six months from date of this noUce, March S. 1952. CALLIK M. TIMMS, Administratrix M 8-1.V32-2S. No. 004 SUMMONS POR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THF. STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH Equity No. 113 LAURA EASTWOOD, Plaintiff vs. SIMEON WILBER EASTWOOD, Defendant TO SIMEON WILBER EASTWOOD, Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed aeainst you in the above entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons in the Herald and News, a news paper printed and published In Klam ath County, Oregon, which said date is the 1st day of March. 1992. and it you fail to answer, for want thereof. the pialnt'ff will applv to this court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint. This summons Is served ' upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable David R. Vandcn berg. Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered February 23th. 19A2, which order requires that summons herein be published once a week for four successive weeks, and that the date of the first publication of said summons shall be March 1st, 19S2. .a. U. S Balentlne Attorney for Plaintiff I O O F. Bldg. Klamath Falls. Ore Ml-S-lS-22-No -909 NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of HAROLD L. McPHERSON. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that the' Court has appointed March 31. 1952 a 10 A.M. as the time for hearing objections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof. Ruth McPherson, Administratrix Ganong & Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix , . M-l-fl -13-23. No. 89S. .J NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THF CIRCUIT COURT l OF THE STATE OF OREGON 1 FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of EUNICE JANE PIPER. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have filed my final account of the adminis tration of the above entitled estate and that the Court has appointed March 31. 1932 at 10 A.M. as the time for hearing objections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof. . Marie demons, Executrix Ml-8-13-22. No SO0 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE Is hereby given that by vir tue of an Execution and Order of sate Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Klamath County on the 2th day of February. 1952, upon a certain Judgment duly given and made by said Court an the 3rd day of October, 1030, In a suit pending therein wherein Investment Service Co. was plaintiff, and Chester Avery end Mrs. Chester Avery were defendants, and which judgment was renewed on Sep tember 29th. 1949, which execution end prder of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real prop erty hereinafter described to satisfy certain liens and charges in said Judg ment specified, I will on Monday, the 3tst day of March, 1932 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M.. at the front tloor of the County Court House In Klam ath Falls, Oregon j offer for sale and fell nt p"biir aiKtn for cash, all of sua CLASSIFIED RATES On day per word if rhre Dayi per word He Week run per word JOo Month run per word Mo MINIMUM The minimum charge for an; one ad l 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge ol 3ov DEADLINES Classified aaa accepted up to 6:30 pm for following day's publication , , Classified display ads accepted up tc 13 noon for following day'i pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please make all ciaima for adjuat menta wltnuut delay. i Correction or canoellatloni i re ceived by t:30 p.m will be madt In following dar'a publication 2 LMTNDTroUNP. LOST, young mal Siamese cnt vicln Ity Granger Road. Tulelake. Phone lulelake 7-ro.1l, Lee Dixon, neward. LOST, lmiLV German hpherd dot. 18 month old. Name Ideal. It found phon 8228. GENERAL NOTICES AMERICAN LEGION Auxiliary Klam ath Unit H, will hold a rummage aale March 7 and 8 at 710 Pine. 6 py50!?Ai? KLAMATH BEAUTY SHOP Permanent wave at rea? triable prlcei. i-.i; .jairKirfc. j'Don t..,, ij ..j..i Broad, WISH to correspond with lady, to 40 yr, who like to fih and hunt Witte Box 1.10. Tulelake. Calif. MRS. C. G. Crowder would like every one to know ihe haa moved from Ann. land Hotel to the Manor Hotel. Aah land. Oregon. Phone Alhland fl636. KKM. S1I.K. 7132. ' FHATEX Pla.llct. Phone Kilt. 7,OK BRUCE Swanxon'a Beauty Shop. Phone 7161. STANLEY Home Producu. Phone e09. SERVICES Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, POR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 3802 South Sixth Ph. 920 or 2-3133 EXCAVATING . Moan tjhof el and Trench Hot Bulldozer Fill Dirt lopsoll Crushed Rock - Dnvewsj Cinders Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoiat 6541 or flllO Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest StnfUry Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Ete ED P KINO 2434 Orchard Phone M4J ALTERATIONS All work guaranteed. Jennie Hare, Anitas, 707 Main. Phon 6353. CARPENTER work. Remodeling and new construction. Phone 2-0617. LANDSCAPING, fpraying, tree pruning call 81)18 Suburban Flower .Shop. Francis "Smithy" Smith-Tree Surgeon. Let us work with you NOW oa your landscape needs. - ' INCOME TAX RETURNS For appointment Phone 3-0251. Harvey Bisnham. ELECTRICAL contracting Work guar anteed. Phoiie 2-1010 SEPTIC TANKS Pumped, concrete tanks end drain fields installed Qrville - Miugrave, phone 3070. PAINTING and paperhaxiging. Phone inn, TRIPP'S AUTO zstintinc bor and fan. der work. Phone 4040. LEGAL NOTICE SUMMONS ' . Equity No. M IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUN TY OF KLAMATH LUCY SEARS, Plaintiff, vs. PAUL SEARS. Defendent. TO PAUL SEARS, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint on file herein on or before the 8th day of April, 1952, and If you fail to so an swer or otherwise appear, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint. To-wit: For the decree of this court dissolving the marriage contract heretofore exist ing between the plaintiff and defendant and granting to plaintiff a decree of absolute divorce of and from you upon the grounds of cruel and inhuman treat ment and of personal Indignities ren dering life burdensome; decreeing to Dlaintiff the care, custody and control of the five minor children of plaintiff ana aeienaani. nameiy, uiiaa sears, age 4 years, Gwendolyn Sears, age 3 years, Paul Wayne Sears, age 2 years. Or. ville Sears, age 19 months, and John Sears, age 4 months, and for such oth er and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons Is served upon you by Rublication thereof in the Herald and ews once each week for four consecu tive weeks (five insertions pursuant to the order of trie Honorable David ft. Vandenberg, Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered the 7th dav of March. 1932. the first BUbli- catlon to be made on the 8th day of March, 1982 and the last publication thereof to be made on the 9th day of Anrll: 19S2. t CLAYTON J. BURRELL Attorney for Plaintiff Pine Tree Building Klamath Falls, Oregon March I, IS, 32, 29th and April Sth. vriTTriP nr tptwat. account : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tflt I have filed my Final Account as aamui itrainr with will annexed of the Estate of ELLA MAY ANDERSON, also known a MRS. OLIVE M. ANDER SON, deceased, and the Judge of the Circuit court or trie state or uregon, for Klamath County, has fixed Mon dnv. th 17th dav of March. 1952. and the Courtroom of said Court in the Courthouse at Klamath Fall?, Oregon, as the time and place when and where any person may present any objections or exceptions to anything therein con tained, and at said time and place the Court will finally settle said account. L. ORTH SISEMORE, Administra tor with will annexed of the Es- . tate-of ELLA MAY ANDERSON, also known as MRS. OLIVE M. ANDERSON, deceased. F 16-23 M 1-8 No: 896 - NOTICE OF HEARING OT FINAL ACCOUNT Nntirfa i hflrebv riven that the under signed has filed his Final Account, as tne executor or ine i.siie oi sam . 7.ni. riMMmd. with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of . the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, and that B. J. Goddnrd. District Judge Pro tern in the absence of David R. Vandenberg, Circuit Judge of said Court, and M. A. C!nrtr Dlslrfet JucLbC. has Set MondB.V, the 17th day of March, 1952, at 10 o clock a. m., as tne urne, ana un Circuit Court Room In the Court House, at Klamath Falls. Oregon, as the place, for hearing objections, If any, to said final account, end the settlement there of. Dated this 15th day of February, PETER P. KATCHIS Executor of "id Estate F 16-23-M I-B NO. W9S the right, title and Interest of the de fendants in said action and of ell Par ties claiming by, through or under them or any of them in or te the fol lowing described real property,- to wit: -me iNonn nmii m ww Quarter (NttNEtt) et-n 36, Township 3, Range t, B.W.M., Klamath County, Oregon. Dates this 28th day of February, 1952. J. M. BRITTON, Sheriff Bv Dare Ooddard Chief Deputy Ml -8-1 5.22 No. 901 TANKS, drain fields Installed - repaired, Years of experience, All work guarantedd, v , PHONE 5731 ' CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you dont want, someone else needs I Let ua find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. ThU la the kind of service ws are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 365 East Main In Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670- i.""tTfigtt Publio Accountant and Aiiffttnf Office at 306 No. 7th. - Phone M48 "On TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-on.w CURTAINS Iund-d and ' stretched - rnone 4014 FULLER Brushes. Phone 9fl04 or S6tT, 12 EDUCATIONAL DIESEL S HEAVY EQUIPMENT WE NEED severs! mechanic Ally Inclined and reliable mm to train lor position In tac Tractor and Equipment Indust ry. If you are not 'making bet ter than $90 per week, or you don't have all year Job secur ity, you owe It to yourself to write for free facts, without obligation, about this training and our Advisory Placement Service. TRACTOR TRAIN1NO SERVICE Write Box 42 co Herald it New, RnrwirvrDihi: ... drad aubjecta, offlca machinal. IU.AMA'JH BUSINESS COL.UEUE SO Plna Phon 47 U 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, therapeutic exerclisi for women. Spc-t recluolnr featured. Phon .1663-3308. 14 H81.P WANTID, FIMAll n fi i a nr r l"-i. i .. . v n . sAtiiiiiiiiitu ugy jor cnua care. Board, room and reasonable wage miuwu vumpiny ii u opening in local store for salesgirl. Wonderful opportunity for right type person. Sal ary, commission, vacation with pay, hospitalization plan and retirement plan 30 to 40 years of age preferred. Con tact State Employment office for ap- H HELP WANTED. MALI unu.oni1.1 n nil ILL! Salary and commission to Qualified man. 7 Z zz tluiMUBu wun grocery uaae in Southern Oregon territory. Write Gol den Grein Macaroni Co., 1111 139th Ave., San Leandro, California lor in terview. WANTED, two experienced Pine and Fir graders. Year around work. Top pay. Good opportunity. Penberthy Lum- Str CoBox M3- Yrek California. Phone 887. i ADVANCEMENT AND FUTURE PERMANENT POSITION Nationally known company has opening in Klamath Falls store for salesman. Man hired will also be trained for high er position with our company. Salary, commission, hospitalization plan, vaca tion pay and retirement plan. Only men who will work hard for advancement need apply. Contact State Employment office for appointment. 242 Main. DRY-CLEANTNtt rnut fn uU le. tunlty for steady employment at good pay. For full particulars writ Box S3 Herald and News. SALESMAN earnings to start, approx. 279. per month. Opportunity to ad vance. Ages 18 to 30. Apply Standard Stations. Inc. 2nd and Main or, Xsplan 17 HELP WANTED WANTED; experienced real " estate salesman on houses and commercial Sroperty. Newhouse Real Ertate, goto . Sixth. WANTED, fun time janitor for man or can be handled by rnan end wife. Year around job. Write Herald News, Box so. WANTED, experienced gilk finisher. Must be good. SI. 33 hr. Call 3-S3A2. New Service Laundry, Roseburg, Ore. IS SITUATIONS WANTED WILL care ; for cniidren In my home. Phone 4484. COLORED girl wants- hour work. Call 9868. HOURLY Wirk. Phone 3-0314. FAMILY M.'N experienced in farm work, equipment operation, desires permanent job. Write Box 313. Winston Oregon. WILL care for children In my home days er your borne evenings. Call 2-1345. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM for rent Including board. One or two. 1203 Pine. ROOMS, board, gentlemen, 1607 Cres cent. FOR RENT, housekeeping room. One block off Main. 317 Pine. ROOM, gentleman. 1530 Crescent. ROOMS, 93. 029 Jefferson. LIGHT housekeeping.' "Everything ' fur. nished. Suitable sober bachelor or cou- pie. log worm Broad. OUTSIDE ROOMS, steam heat. M and 7 per week. Lake Hotel, phone 7338. ROOMS for rent. Private . entrance. lose in. rnone 444. ROOMS. 'prices reasonable. Phone 4627. LOVELY rooms for rent; 98.-97. week. uioit in. rnone ' FRONT room for rent.' Greer Apart ments, iu Mam. ROOMS 1034 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. FOR RENT, to reliable party with no pets. Newly decorated three room apartment. blocks from Main. aUT North 4th. FOR RENT, .furnished apartment. Ap ply Apt. 7 Jo Sonja A0ts. West Klam ath. FOR RENT, small attractive apartment Suitable for single person. Gas equipped Frigidaire, lights-, and water furnished. 142 So. Riverside. FURNISHED apartment, private bath and entrance. Heat furnished. . Adults. pnpne z-a770, iwi, Esplanade. FOR RENtT two njotn furnished apart ment, electric stove and refrigerator. Natural hot water heat. Lincoln Apart ments. 319 E. Main. UPSTAIRS furnished ""Vpartmeni."' das equipped. Across from the Academy. THREE room furnished apartment with bain. $32.90. Available March 9. 39 Main. Upstairs, apartment 6, Phone puny. SMALL furnished anartment. ' LlisrSt' arid water. 930. 1723 Oak. , j FOR RENT, three " room"" furnlsne3 apartment. Centrally located. 131 South 2nd. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex. Oa rage. 943.50. Phone 2-3587. nRNlsTlED I rooms, shower" 939.90. rnone THRElSroom furnished apartment near High Sehool. Large rooms. Large clos ets. Adults. Phone 0342. NEWLY decorated three room fur nished. Close In. Couple. 955. Utilities furniihed. Phone 4402 or 3463. CLEAN 3-room apartment, 433 Mortfi Te nth: NEWLY" decorated ' apartment "Greer A pi. i u wain. UNFURNISHED. ' basement anartment for bachelor or lady. Natural hot water heat and water -furnished. 939, Refrig erator and electric range available. 2013 Main or- phone 3410. STEAM HEATED apartment with bed" room, IS Oak St. ; FURNISHED apartment , , for rent. Apartment 1, 300 Market. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. aoI wniie. ONE " bedroom, unfurnished ' ' iptmenil Oss equipped. Call 2-0011. NEWLY decorated, private beta, fcfl ehenerte. Steam heat, leetrle mn 910 week Rex Arms Apartment. , FURNISluffi Iriree room apartment 952.50: two room unit 939: all utiliUee included. 419 N. Tenth.