FJIIDAY, MARCH 7, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGR NINK vdh With Lg!uii ' ' -, : ' . 5p SvS .. sajt , iVIAKV nAKVrlMt.IV j jliiM MMMMi i.fei'' 111 T -is-, I I Z I . I TOM SCHUBERT HOMER DUNCAN 3 Owlies Chosen All-Stars V I drfgon Tch' Homer Duncnn wj named on the flrl team. Tom BcUubert and Mnrv llammack on the second ' Mm on the Oregon Collegiate Oonlerence all-atar torn released yesterday. Six playerj were named on each tha first and aecond teams when two ties resulted In balloting by the' conference coaches. Harold Pitcher, Oregon College. Lettermen Twelve Oregon Tech eager reoelvrd letter for parllrlpa lioa In the 1951-1952 aranon In whh'-li the Owla finished with a 1J-I rreord, -8 In Oregon Col legiate Conference play, a third place spot. The lettermen are: Homer llunean, Jark Plnkley and Mary llammark, .Myrtle Point: Tom Rchuhert. Klamath Falls: Wayne llolifuM, Leba non; Tom Humphrey, f'ooa Bay; Jim Patlerion, St. Helena; John Kooh and Dirk Hanlngam. dram Pass; l.en Oenetln. Am aterdm. O.; Jerry Wyatt, Narth Bend, and Al Foreman, Tortland. ', CAGE SCORES ('allege Basketball By Tha Aaeeclated Pram ' Koulhern Conference Toaroey (f'lml Round) Went Virginia 77 William li Mary M j)uke fli Maryland ( N. C. State 73 Turman 6 Oeorga Washington 1 Olemson 65 NAIB Regional Tanrneya New England ( Final) American Intl 71 Colby eft Bridgeport 77 Providence t (con solution) West Vlrglala (Final) West Liberty 73 Morris Harvey 67 Ohio (Final) Flndlay 12 Youngstown 70 Dlrtrlrt 13 . (Final) llamllne 104 Hemlrili 75 . . Hams I Final I Wa.'ihburn II Ottawa 61 . . Missouri (Final) Boulhwe't Missouri SI Missouri Central 61 lMrlt l . (First Round) Mnrntngald 74 Persons 72 Warlburg 7( Cornell (Ia) 7e e AST Hnlv Cross 47 Dartmouth 40 Siena 61 8t. Bonaventure 69 . .. MIDVt'F.T Oklahoma AfcM 62 Bt. Louis 45 Vaparalso 76 St. Jo-tphs (Ind.i 61 . . FAR WKT Ban Francisco City t Long Beach Cltv 4S , , Sequoias (Vlsa)la 3 Palo Verde 61 High School Basketball By The Associated Press Clasa A Tournament District I Redmond W. Lakevlew 67 Bend 77, Prlnevllle 63 District 13 Central Catholic 69. Columbia Prep 33 (Both Portland) Park Foe 64, Sandy 61 Clasa B Tournaments Oresham 62. F.stacada 44 District I Valsetr. 66, Gates 43 Fall City 48, Corbeit 40 Mill City 61. Amity 41 Sublimity 60. Jefferson 47 District I Mspleton 41. Harrlsburg S Coburg 46, Monroe 3 District f Cascade locks 4, Parkdale (third nlaeel Culver 67, Mauptn 4 (Chimplon- nipj District S Wallow 63, Hereford 41 Elgin 65. Joseph 41 Halfway 33. Imbler 36 Adrian 43. union is 46 Fremont Wins Class B Title Fremont rules the Class B bas keibsll roost In the grade schools unci tomorrow eight tennis open a IlKhl for ths Class A crown. Fremont edged Roosevelt, 34-23 In overtime. Wednesday to win the Class B tournament. Fremont held a 21-18 lend with 30 seconds to go when Ben Klrkland threw In two free throws to send the game In Uie extra period. Kent Ooeckner scored a field goal and Dermot Eckert added a free throw for Fremont. Klrkland scored Roosevelt's two point. Da vid Robinson. Fremnt. and Klrk land both ended with 11 points for scoring honors. Tomorrow's Clasa A openers put Mills' Number 1 team against Falrvlew and Mills' Number 3 team against Roosevelt al Mills, 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. At Falrvlew, Conner meet Pel ican and Fremont faces Riverside on the same time schedule. The seml-llnals are scheduled for Monday, the finals Thursday. was. picked as the other forward wlthDuncan Center Is Lowell Kolboba, Eastern Oregon, top scor er In the league. Three guards were named Paul Poetsch and Wayne Hints of Van port and Charles Pinion, OCE. The aecond team hnd Schubert at the center position. Mnrvln Hnm mck guard along with Rob Bush nellj OCE. Forwards are Don Mac Lean. Norm Hubert and Emery Barnes, Vanport. It marks the aecond time In as manv yoars Duncan made the mythical team. He was a unan mous choice, along with Kolbaba and Poetsch. i Sports Mirror I Todav A Year Attn Th TTnll.rl Stales clinched the 600 meter fre style relay In swimming In the Pan American games at Buenos Aires. Five Years Ago Herb McKln ley of Illinois, ran the 440 In :48.0 In the big 8 Indoor track meet, to belter the U.S. Indoor mark by one-tcnlh of a aecond. Ten Yars Ago Former Light Heavyweight Champion Billy Conn enlisted In the U.S. Army as a private. Twenty Years Ago The Phil adelphia Athletics defeated the World Champion St. Louis Cardin als 4-3 in a spring exhibition ball game. Klamath, Malin In Rifle Tie STANDING! w l ret. Klamath Falls .. 7 1 T7 Malm 1 V.I. Lantell Valley 7 1 .700 Rune Valley Moot , - 3 .333 CMloaum t aw American Legion a .000. Klamath Falls outshot Malln. 1113 1869, in a recent round of compe tition in the Midland Empire Rifle League to throw those two teams into a first place tie. In other matches, Langell Valley beat Butte Valley and Moose downed Chlloquln. ; Box scorn: KLAMATH ll7 Blnktay., . vp i TrolUt Pur'ianea word 37S 378 .175 313 I. (ISIS) S7T S7 37.1 37S 373 Nobla Htn-li D. Kolll H. Sotll Ootrborn ainosr tm; Thoollio .377 Orion " 371 Woihburn .w Klltora . 3SS Crou . 33 (IttSI MAUN SS3 F. Vlctorlno 37 Halor 373 . Vlctorlno S7 Prieo 37 ' Wort (IIS7) Bl'TTg S7S Lufot 37S Munlor 373 D. utllno Fallon B. Baollno iti) caiLootiiN 371 Colo 367 Kirk ,101 Broutlalch 3S3 Hateher 863 Baldwin 376 3SS Hoppe Aims For Twelfth civ T-niNcTRnn im Willie Hoppe, seeking his sixth straight and his 12th three-cushion crown, opened the World's Championship Billiards Tournament inn a oit-jo victory over Herb. Hardt Chicago, Thursday night. 1H . FOLLOWS THE PELICANS . . . TO CRATER HIGHI . . . TO THE STATE TOURNAMENT! It'i Basketball Time! P.M. FRI. and SAT. 8:00 ECFJI 5000 Wetts 1150 on Your Dial faWioduwuf . BROOKS WARNER our new SERVICE MANAGER! Brooks is on of rh top mechanics in th latin . a a specialist on Hydromotlc Iranimliileas. He li j, new In charg of our servlc dopartmont, and w r I r fortunate to hovs hlml Iraaks Warner SPECIAL "Get Acquainted" OFFER . . . FREE BRAKE CHECK-UP! Make sure your car it taft to drive! Knew the exact condi tion of your brakes! Drive in have your brake, checked and meet our new service manager! PARKER PONTI AC CO. 4th and Klamath Phone II 4 O M , ( J r' i , . ' A" 1 v I Basin, City Teams Open Cage Playoff The two too Klamath Basin teams and the City League's top two open playoffs tonight for the basketball championship of the Klamath area In the Merrill high school gym. ' Chllloouln. the Basin winner. meets Hllltoo. cltv runner-un. In the 8 c clock opener: Tulelake. Basin tunner-up, laces the City League champion Rickys five in the afterpiece. Tomorrow night the winners bat tle for the title. The losers open the show for the consolation prize. DEFENSIVE MAINSTAY Calvin Gilmore's talent in the stop department is one of the major reasons the Pels are now in line for a trip to the state tournament. The Pels open the Dist. 4 playoff series against the Crater Comets tonight. The winner of the best two-of-three set have reser vations for the Big Show in Eugene March 18-22. Pels, ste Metiers won the Victory League basketball title with room to spare but the champions got their lumps in their last outing last night. Eecond-place Klamath Pack won. 42-33. In the onlv came on the Falrvlew court to close out the Victory League season. DeMolav's second team forfeit ed to Crater Lake In the only oth er scheduled game. Gun Store and OeMolay s first team finished in a third-place deadlock when Trades and Industry forfeited a make-up game to DeMolay. The Packers' Overen was high with 12 points but Orland Dixon and Herb Barrett contributed 11 and 10. The Packers trailed 18-" at the half but staged a third-quarter rally that netted 15 points and a 31-21 lead. .-, peon Mstmt The Pelicans of Klamath Falls and the Comets of Crater Hlsh open a Dlst. 4 playoff series to night on Pelican Court that will lead to the state tournament for one and cage anonymity for the other. The Victory league all-stars meet league-leading Metiers in the 6:45 preliminary event. The Bii Four champion Pels are highly favored to win but Crater (Little Three kingpins) will bring a team hailed as one of the best In vears to come out of the dis trict's Small A school family. Seven district all-stars wljl ap pear in the game. Ray Bell, Ralph Carroll and Jer rv Johnson were named on the Big Four all-star team; Punky Monroe. Larry Blgham. Oordon Carrlgan and Herb Weber are-Little Three, all-star picks. Johnson and Weber were second- team choices. Both teams hold 17-4 records in this season's run in both league ana non-ieague games. Tomorrow night's game moves to Crater's floor. If a third game Is necessary it will go to a neutral court Monday night. Either Bob Kine or Bill Bove will probably get the starting call ai center lor the comets, along with the above-mentioned all-stars. Monroe and Weber are the for wards, Carrlgan and Blgham hold own me guard positions. If Boye starts, he will be Cra ter's most potent bid for height at 6-2. Monroe and King measure an even t. The Pels have a bid edee in the tall department. Pivotman Carroll is 6-7, Hanked by Forwards Jack Horton (6-4) and Bell (6-5). John son Is the shortie of the starting five at 5-10!i. The other guard, Cal uumore. comes in at six feet. Crater's 17 wins include three of four against Ashland, Big Four member. If the Pelicans can get over Cr ter, they'll earn the state trip for tne second year in a row. Last year the Klamath club went all the way to the finals, losing to the Cinderella Jefferson team In the title showdown. SEE 1952 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS PICK-UPS FARM TRUCKS LOGGERS ; From Vz Ton to 45 Ton Gas or Diesel JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES and SERVICE 11th and Klamath Ph. 2-2581 1 "IF YOU NEED ATRUCK,SEEJUCK" Bonanza Wins 55-50 Nod From Chieftains State Tourney Chips Down In Saturday's Deciding Scuffle Metiers Upset In Last Tilt By RED Hl'RD Teamwork outlasted a one-man show at Henley last night and to day Bonanza and Rogue River each have one paw on a ticket to the Class B state tournament. The two Dlst. 5 teams will settle the quarrel Saturday night in Grants Pass. Last night Bonanza had the team savvy and a 55-50 victory. Rogue River had big Jim Boul ter, without whom the Chleftnlns would be just another Class B bas ketball club. It was a game that rivaled Wed nesday night's overtime thriller won by Rogue River, 48-47 and a SRO crowd went away with more than their money'a worth. The game starred Boulter In the first half. Bonanza's Irwin Crume In the tecond half, but the Antler forward had more help from his teammates. Boulter scored the first 16 points chalked up by Rague River and It wasn't until Byron Kile dumped one with Just 2:07 to go in the first half that Boulter's monopoly FINAL STANDING Mstlcri Klamath Pack . DtMolay 1 Cun Store :.. Crater Lake T It I M'i'i Hard Ldrr OeMolay a 3 .. 2 .629 .M7 .643 .043 .2S .2M .:u .143 MKTLERS (13) Lyona s Che ma Roblnaon 4 Thornton 1 Metier 8 Metlera tube Dow 4. tub Clark. Crawford, (i;i PACKpas 2 Overen 10 Lowell 1 Quinowakl Jl Barrett $ Dixon Roberta.. Packer Bllsa 3. oianam. Squeeze For SOCE? Medford Riflers Toppled Klamath Falls and Medford are quarrelling again for the Califor nia-Oregon Rifle League crown aft er Ashland upset Medford in the eleventh round of shooting. Ashland notched the highest team' score of the season in out-shooting Medford, 1545-1534. The upset gave Klamath Falls a first place tie with. Medford. .both with. Just one defeat in 10 starts. ' . In the event the two team's end in a tie. thevll shoot shoulder to shoulder for the right to go to the state tournament. Medford won last year. Box scores: ASHLAND I1IS . (13311 MF.nFORD 1 was broken up. But. whlla this was trnlnir m. Bonanza's Don Hubble and Mau rice Chandler were pacing an Ant ler attack that gave the Klamath County champs a 28-23 halftlma lead. Boulter had 20 of tha nhl.fa' 22 points at Intermission time 10 lead' chnnaeri hnnHn . fmii. times in the. first quarter, Hubble h'viiik bonanza a ia-iu leao at the bell. The Antlers with th rrnllnn of two knots, 12-all and 14-all earlv .n the second kept the lead until late In the third when a long shot by James Wehren gave the Rogues a brief 37-35 lead. The Chiefs man. aged to tie It 31-all and 37-all in uie imrn. - . But Vernon Haley tied It ud awl Crume put Bonanza ahead again almost simultaneously with- ths third-quarter whistle, 39-37. Crume was on the business end of a fast break at the fourth-quarter tip-off to put Bonanza in ths lead. 41-37, and the Antlers kept at least a four-DOlnt lead the real of the way. i;rume, wno scored Just Hire points in the first half, ended with 20, eleven of them coming when they counted In the last-quarter. Hubble chipped in with 16. Boulter ended high with 23, sit ting out the last half of the third and the first half of the fourth. The only thing that kept ths Rogues In the ball game the aec ond half with Boulter grieving four perstnal fouls on the bench most of the time, were long shots by Wehren. Ralph Milton and Rhoten. Box score. aOGLK (59) . (33) BOX AN V Kile T 30 Crume Wehren Sr.- 3 Hood Boulter 33 C 10 Hubble Lehrmann O I Chandler Milton 3 G 3 Wilson Rogue River subs Black 3. Rhoten . Bonanza aubs Haley 3. Lawver 3. Officials: Smith and Lynch. ASHLAND IjP Southern Oregon may be squeezed out of the Far Western conference and right into the Oregon collegiate' conierence. ' f. meeting in San Francisco this weekend may decide the fate of the school. Dr. Elmo Stevenson college president, said here. He said California schools were meeting to decide whether to form a new conierence, ana n was noi at all certain that Southern Oregon! would be invited to join. Southern Oregon is the only non California member of the Far Western Conference. ! If Southern Oregon Is excluded,1 it will accept the long-standing of fer to join the Oregon Collegiate Conference, he said. 1 A. Haiklns R. Miller 3S7 W.V'Busklrk 383 W. Crmndall 3U LANGELL (131 D. . Settle 380 M. Settle 380 W. Noble 37.1 J. Harris 374 TREKA (IS44) O. Deter . 391 P. Dodte 377 H. Mills 3K! H. Trlvelplece 392 KLAMATH (1331 1 W. Oppelt 3S3 J. Treftas 394 M. Athey 382 W. Hall 380 R08FBL'RO (1431 W. Jones 374 D. Paulsen 368 H. Bailey 371 H. Beauchamp 382 COO BAT l3) R. HU1 377 W. Kleseberg 386 R. Cooper 373 H. PottS 387 388 H Heldenrelch 384 r. Rush 380 L. Conger 381 C. Richmond (I4H5) BUTTE VLV . 360 B. Eiellne 3S1 R. Lucas 360 H. Johns 364 D. Eiellne 11311) MYRTLE PT. 381 B. Rlesebern 374 B. Endlcott 374 M. Shaffer 382 E. Dlttman (1330) C. PASS I 375 R. Taylor 382 J. Richardson 382 L. DeGeneault 391 C. Butler 1714 O. PASS 1 34S W. Elision 368 J. Lltwller (1311) SCOTT VLT 389 E. Smith 37.1 W. Mathews 3SS O. Lewis 3&2 G. Hendricks SHUFF STUFF Bill's Place beat Wocus. 3-1. in the only game on last night's city shuffleboara league agenda. The win gave Bill's a first-place tie with Schuss. both with 25-7 marks. Expert Gun Repairing nd Rebluintj THE GUN STORE TIME OUT! "I got it from a fun house I'm tryln' to build np the burnt confidence!" Tastethat . Diamond Eight Vy OSS I the whiskey f,080 r I MHskslian) I fU i I taste! If ) V -wi r a ' mmmwm mm c mm a . v ' . iii "Same Superior Quality .: ; . New Low Price", GltSON DIAMOND 8 BLENDED WHISKEY M ft 6 Of tS OIAIN NEUTIAl SUMS . GIBSON DISTIUIN"COrrJlVVrbatJ.