!''. -in 9.T. Mr nit !' I" PAGE EIGHT Co to Qiurih Sunday WMkM 'DIRECTORY CHURCH OF CHRIST tm Watitlaea Thorn 6 l, Arthur C. Biacaweu j ' 10 :m"A.M. Bible classes 11:00 A.M. Worship service 7:00 P.M. Evening service ( -; 7:00 P-M. Wednesday service Klamath Rovlvel Center T-l HnrnthV MWjlSllI r altar. i - - - 12S Mitchell " s1 10:00 AM. Sunday School 11-00 AM. Morning Worship 7-45 A.M.-Evangellstle Service . . i itfl vrnlin 7:45 TM. Wednesday Prayer .uLi ... .a -., W Vririaw nlhl AtlldV I .0 r.v. 7:45 P.M. Saturday Xoun People Meeting. rhnrrh of Christ " till Arthur ! 10:00 Aid. Bible Classes 11:00 Aid. Morning Worship 7-30 TM. Mutual edification 1:00 TM. Wednesday Bible Study Mlssionery Baptist Church Elder C. V. Blanchard, pastor 9:45 AAL-Sunday School 11:00 AJ& Morning Worship ' 7 00 P.M. Training Union . .... Cjtrvirfi 7:00 TM.-Thursday-Bible Study . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH Tenth and Washlngtea 11:00 ajn. Sunday School 11:00 jn. Sunday Service 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service E-3C pjn. Sat. radio program KFJL u.r afl.mth Temnle 1MT Pine Ttunt H Rev. D. B. Anderson, minister jT.-' Rev. Warner Bock, Asst. Pastor 9:45 ajn. eunuj n 11:00 aJn. Morning worship. 6-30 pjn. Overcomer service! 7-45 pm. Wednesday, Bible atudy and praye meeting. 7-45 pjn-Fiday, Young peoples be. vii.c ' v 7:30 pjn. Saturday, radio broad I cast. KFJI Community Church i . of the Brethren 4 ' 47 Bristol ' Rev. Edward Lander 9:45 AM. Church School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship IT 7:00 to S:00 P. M. Wednesday i i Hobby & Craft Club Salvation Army 400 Klamath Ma, and Mrs. Jack Little 10:00 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 KM. Holiness Meeting 11:00 AjVI Junior Church 6-30 P.M. Young People's Meeting IL" 8:00 PM. aajvauon 8:00 P.M. Salvation Meeting 2? Immanuel Baptist ZS- Hth and High -. Rev. W. P. Templin !"?-'" :45 AM. bible School Li 11:00 AAL Morning Worship T7? n.tn u k. vmmcr Peonle 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship 7:30 PM. Wed. Evening . Prayer Service Hop Evangtlical Lutheran snaata. srnavi i Rev. M. R. Anderson, Pastor Parsonage, 1143 Kane 9:30 AM. Sunday School pj-11:00 AM. Worship Service First Prasbytarian J5 Merrill Rev. George A. Milne -e 10.00 A JA Sunday School J 11:00 AJL Divine Service S, 7:00 PJi. Fireside Service 5. ' . Nursery Open SU First Christian M Ninth and Pine Slav , George Alder, Minister- " JJ 9:45 a jn. Bible School at 11:00 a jn. Morning Worship 8:30 pjn. Christian Endeavor 7:30 pjn. Evening Worship 7:30 pjn. Prayer Meeting Wed. Gospel Tabernacle AlUmont and Maryland Rev. W. D. Bigby, Pastor 10:00 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Service 7:30 P.M. Evenings Worship Also services at 7:30 pjn. Saturday and Wednesday. Merrill Baptist Mission Recreation Building 9:45 A.M. Sunday school 11:00 A.M. Worship service Klamath Latter Rain Church 1627 Washburn Way Rev. Art Simpson 10:00 A.M. Sunday School, all ages 8:00 P.M. Evening Service Stewart-Lenox Baptist W. E. Weeks, Pastor 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A .M. Worship Service 6:30 PJVI -Training Union 7:30 P.HL Worship Service 7:00 PJ.L Wedneday Prayer and Choir Pratice New York Preacher Here For Week! REV. PETER it DEXNIS Pester Dexnit, Associate Director ef Evangelism ef United Lutheran Church in America, will conduct e PREACHING MISSION ef Hope Luth eran Church, which meets at Shasta School, March 16-20. Rev. M. R. 3T5: Anderson is Pastor ef tha Church. Pllorlmt Holiness Utl WanUand Phone 5514 Rev. O. D. Weaver t:45 A.M. Sunday 6chool 11:00 A.M. Vorning Service 8:45 PM.-Y&. 7:30 PM. Evangelistic Meeting 7:30 TM. Wednesday Prayer Church of th Naxarena Garden and Martin Rev. Deal Van De drift 1:45 AJJ. Sunday School 11:00 AMj Morning Worship 6:45 P-A Young People 7:30 P.M. Evangelistio Service 730 PAL Wednesday Prayer Service. 8:30 P.M. Wednesday Choir Practice First Baptist N. 8th and Washington Dr. E. M. Causey, pastor 9:45 AAL Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:15 pjn. Training Union. 7:30 pjn. Evening Service 7:00 pjn. Wednesday, young 8:00 pjn. Wednesday, mid-week prayer service. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, choir rehear sal. Kane Gospel Center Phone 2 343 . r. Is i1t Millard. Paster 10:00 AJA Sunday School. 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 7:45 P Jit Sunday Eve. services 7:45 PJi Tuesday, Prayer Meet ing 330 TM. FrI, Children's church 7:45 TM. Friday Bible Study. OTI Sunday School Guest House 10:00 AJA Sunday School every Sunday - First Presbyterian Church 601 Pine Tv TtevlH RAtnett Jr.. Pastor fi:30 A.M. Church school for all ' WtBPS. 9:30 and 11 a.m. Morning worshiD. 11:00 A.M. Junior Worship 6:00 PJU. Junior nign Westmin ster Fellowship. 6:30 TM. Senior high Westmin ster Fellowship. Assembly of God 746 Oak m . ti.mUi Itavliss. minister Rev. Donald Annas, assistant pastor SUNDAY SERVICES B-4 a m Sundav School 11:00 AM. Morning services 6:45 pjn. Youm services 7:30 pjn. Evangelistic rally MID-WEEK SERVICES 7:30 pjn. Tuesday, Bible study and nraver service 10:00 a jn. Thursday, Prayer service 7:30 pjn. Thursday, preaching service. 8:00 pjn. Saturday, street service. FREE METHODIST 428 S. 9th Rev. Pnd C. Neumann, pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 1:30 A.M. Broadcast, KFLW :45 A M. Sundav School a 15 P.M. Tnuna- Peonle 7:45 PM. E v e n in g Evangelistic service. MIDWEEK SERVICES ' 7:30 TM. Wednesday, Midweek prayer. Calvary Baptist E. Main at Garden Burgess P. Baggett, pastor 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:15 P.M. Training union 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship MID-WEEK SERVICES 7:15 TM. Wednesday, teachers meeting 8:00 PJiI. Wednesday, prayer 2:00 TM. Thursday, WMU. Union Gospel Mission - 251 Commercial Pastor C. M. Timma 10:00 AMr Bible School 11:00 AM. Worship Service. A NEW SPRING Dr. Omar J. Nolrn, I)r. R, P. Alexander, Tf. tlrower, rir, H. R. Scrlbner, First Church of God 2101 Altamont Rev. C. H. Bcahm 145 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:45 M. Young People 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic: 7:30 TM. Bible Study. . - Malin Community Church (Presb.vtrtanl Rrv. Oeoine A. Shuman, pastor 9:45 A.M. Sunday School, all ages 11:00 A.M. Morning worship 7:00 P.M. Senior and Junior High Young Peoples Societies Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses - 833 N. 9th 7:45 P.M. Sunday Watchtower StnHo 7:45 P.M. Wednesday Bible study 7:45 p.m. rTinay iservice nieeung 8:45 p.m. PTtday Theocratic School Mt. Laid Community Arthur L. Rice, minister 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 7:30 Pil. Christian Endeavor First Methodist 10th and High Rev. Lloyd Holloway 9:45 A M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:35 TM. Intermediate MY J. 7:00 P M. Senior M.Vj. Seventh-Day Adventist 1735 Main Rev. P. C. Alderson . . SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. Sabbath school 11:00 A JkL Church Service SUNDAY 7:30 TM. Evangelistic service MIDWEEK 7:30 PAL Wednesday and Friday evangelistic service Klamath Lutheran Cross and Crescent Rev. Irvin Tweet 9:45 AJd. Sunday school 11:00 A JVL Divine Worship 5:00 PiL Senior League First Covenant 833 Walnut Phone 8517 Carl G. Strom. Pastor O-IS A M.Sundav School 11:00 A M. Morning Worship 7:45 F.M. reiiowsnip aoui 8:00 TM. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH llth and High Rev. R. E. Graef, pastor 11:00 A.M. Morning worship 9:45 A M. Sunday school 10:00 A.M. Bible class 10:30 AM. Lutheran Hour, KFJI Congregational Garden near Martin St. Rev. Donald M. Castlday 9:45 AM. Church School 11:00 AJvI. Worship Service 7:00 PJvL High School Pilgrim Fellowship. Peace Memorial Prasbytarian 4431 S. Sixth neoe 557 Rev. Dwayne L. Proett 9:30 AJVL Church School 11:00 AJ& Morning Worship First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in letten, Man. 10th end Washington Services Sunday Service, 1 1 . ai. -., Sunday Sdwel, 11:00 e. a. WWnoi evenint Mediae, 1:00 o'clock. Lesson-Sermon Subject March 9 "MAN" Christian Scienca Reading Room 1021 Mela St. Radio Broadcast - Sat.. 5:30 p.m. KFJI "THE CERTAINTY OF A RIGHT OUTCOME" FASHION REVIEW ... AT LAST! A custom-designed beauty formula for you women who wear glasses! Helena Rubinstein, famous bcauly authority, and FiFttl 'Avenue Specs have coordinated facial contours, eye glass frames and glamour make-up. ITS HERE FOR YOU! The very first time you have had access 10 a beauty primer, dedicated exclusively lo you who1 wear glasses. The result . of -six months' work, this charming and complete booklet tells all: the type of frame which would be most becoming' to you and why, special lips on make-up, the importance of the proper fit of frames, and live ; wonderful p3gcs of color charts, 1 IT'S YOURS for the asking lo lake home lo read and siudy. Slop in or wrile in loday. Ask for "A New Focus on Eye Beauty." COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. tji i. w Air,,, rti SFJIIIS.ItOtluCK and CO, 114 N.I. 6iiA,f., NillW. HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH ,ii.iHii iwtitia mtdf-MMii Miiar i PREACHING MISSION Rev. Peter J. Dexnis, Phila delphia. Pa., will give a five day preaching mission starting Sunday, Mar. 16, at Hope Lutheran church. Sermons will be given at 7:30 p.m. nightly including one at 11 a.m. Sunday. Minstrel Show To Give Repeat MEtRRILL Mt. Lakl Community Church choir will present Its min strel show nt Merrill High School gym. Mar. 13. Merrill Library Club is sponsor ing this performance following numerous requests for a repeat per formance of the show. Curtain time Is 8 p.m. with tick ets available from any member of the Library Club. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints City Library 9:45 A.M. Sunday School 11-rui AMr?hiirrh Service First Sunday of every month Sac rament service. For Information call 7890 or 5915. Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Home and Martin o no A.M. Priesthood Meeting 10:30 A.M. Sunday School 7:00 P.M. Sacrament 2:00 P.M. Sat. Primary Meeting 8:00 P.M. Tuesday Relief Society 7:30 P.M. Tuesday M. L A. Bible Baptist Church 2244 Wlard Keith P. nelds. Pastor 9-3A a.m. Sundav school 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship b.au p.m. Baptist icuk"c. 7:30 pjn. Evening service. 7:30 pjn. Wednesday, all family church night. St. Paul's Episcopal 891 Jefferson Phone 3585 Galen H. Onstad, Rector 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion 9:30 A JVL Church School 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer 7:30 TM. Young People s Fellowship. PELICANCITy Baptist Mission Rev. L. W. Rowland, pastor 3738 Lakeport Blvd. 9:30 A.M. Sunday School 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Evening worship 7:00 P.M. Thursday. Young Peoples Meeting. PRESENTS FOR YOU! COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. Dr. K. f. Lellcrl, fir. Kill n. nlp FALLS. OTiKGON Church Makes Improvements j First linntlst Church members I mo miikiiiK lmpiovpmi'nls on ohiiu'li biillrihiK In )i'o)nintlon loi' the nnnuiii iiKH'tlng of Uie Oreenn WashlnnUin smidiiv School Conven lion hrtc Aniil B Ihrnuuh 10. ' Bomo 300 out of town Kiiesls me exprcica, Improvr incuts mo nlo being miide to enlniRR the rhiiich nnu tunry In hold i0 peraoiui. Addition nl i minis for Suniliiy school ,nre also coulrmplulrd. Tim commlltro III chnrue In- rliidos 11. K. Ilnliinon, Noiuuiu Jones iiml Churllo Wll.von. Alcohol Is Forum Topic Community Church of the Breth ren's rriiuliir monthly forum sun day nlKht at 7 p.m. will dwell on the topic. "Clin Hie Uso of Alco holic Bcvcrases Serve In Iho De velopment of Prioniilltyl" Forum speakers Include Forrest Rullrduc, KU1IS wrestler; Stale Po lice Sul. Earl W. TU-henor and Dr. Itnymoiict TIcp, local uhyslclan. Rev. Kdwtml Lander will serve as forum chairman. Rpgultir Sunday services will In clude church school at 0:45 p.m. and 11 a.m. worship service. High Speed Printer Built NEW YORK im A hlgh-sp;ed printer which combines electronics and dry photographic techniques I to produce 10.000 churarters a scc-i ond was described Thursday nt J T McNuney a senior el -c- ironies ewne'eror Vullee Aircraft Corp.. San Diego.: Calif., explained the process (yew McNnncy Is Inventor of the Cliar actron, a special purpos cathorie ruy tube, which is utilized in the printer. He sold the tube would be of val- hlRh-speed visual presentation of! hc Wesleyen Chorus In the morn informallon on a direct vleu-lim K ftI'leu and Don McKeiule will sere n or for . permanent record " mE uJe, '""r" ol' 1 Herd on ordinary newsprint or other low- 8 f orcs: ."R . ..... cost media. Throunh use of the Charactron' ube it produces a !)rlntini speed of 20 Inches of paper per second. lucnnney tola tne engineers he believed the Xeronranhv process. developed by the Haloid Company of Rochester, N. Y., would be Ideal ly suited lor use in connection w th his tube as a means of recording. DIKS NICE, France OH The 'ost survivor of. Monday's crash ' an A,'r France airliner died here Thursday. She was French Duncer Marguerite Deljiy, who succumbed lo injuries received in me crasn Of 37 others aboard. 36 were killed outrleht when the Plane crasneo in an olive grove near here and a woman passenger dledi en route to the hospital. - FREE SHOW! THURSDAY, MARCH 13th j II "57 I Doors Open 10 A.M. Show Starts 10:15 A.M. ! II II p destined mM ri,iMrlPK 4' vows m 'TMS0L C. SIEGEL V ROY BAKER fS5 RANALD MacDOUGALL KTl'sKS PELICAN THEATER Free For "Better Living , Club" Member And Their Children and Husbands SPONSORED BY THE OREGON FOOD STORES ' :,v; 'and ... .:.;-:.:; THE KLAMATH THEATERS Free Gift Broadcast From-. The Stage Listen "Better Living" KFLW 1:15 Mon.-Frl. ilW: us J. MAURICE DOBBINS Choir Sets April Date Wheatnn College, III., 35-volce mixed chorus will present a pro-! Itratn of sucrcd music and Neuro spirituals at Emmanuel Baptist Chinch, llth and High Sis., April 7.1 Known as the Wheulon College! Chapel Choir, the group will ranite; into British Columbia, down to Bun Francisco and wind up lis tour will! sunrise services at Denver, j Colo, on Easier Sunday, J. Maurice Dobbins, choir dlrec-1 tor, aslo heads the colleges svm phony orchestra. Is a professor of violin and member of Grant Park Summer Symphony In Chlcaco. Whealon Colleue is locutrd In Wheaton, 111., 35 miles west of Chi cago. De.'ler Heads Laymen Day V ncl1"- K""S . ?L f'' Mclh?''A Chl,rch '? loc?' i : . ' Sunday In Methodist churches Other laymen Hiving messages will bo Charles Johnson, Lawrence Phelps, Carl Miller and Oury Rob ertson. John Drysdale will accompany "pv- wyd "ouowav is guesi 'rrac"pr . 'T.ri. Z lion Evangelism program In Rose Cllv Park Methodist Church, Port land over the weekend. ADMIRAL VISITS KING COPENHAOEN, Denmark, tTI Adm. t.vnde D. McCormlck. au preme NATO commander In the At lantic, was received In a 20-mlnutr audlenco today by King Frederlk. gYOUR CHILD MAY Xf7 NEW IT TONIGHT! Mow food to hare St. Joseph Aimrln For Children handy! Orange fla- .Hull ion. Buy i now. so tablets Wc. APPOIN'fKI) 8ALF.M Ml Robert N. Clmiil bers, mnimiiel' of 11 10 l'nrtlitnd Onteopallilc lloiplliil, wna iipniilul cd by Clov, MttKuy Tliurnduy to the advisory council In the Stale llounl of llenllh on liospltnl lluenslnii, AN EASY WAY TO HAVS A, PIANO Tm can rnl a ivly niw inlni pi it from ih. I.ouln H, AUnn I'lmiw ( nm ny, ll N. Illi. HI law mniillily rale. AfUr faniuhlt (lint iu mil. If ymm wUh, rhania frm rnl ! tur rrtix sirfmrni. 'lh rvnl lrad- naiti U all crcrUlfd la your turthaa Mt't-uunl anl aa ibtr tjnwn a)iiiiil la iiock arr. Tha nianlhly iaymaiiu ran It hula hihrr itun rani. Or, If u pr far. ym tun vanilnua la ran I, THE SECRET OF VICTORIOUS, HAPPY, CONTENTED LIVING HEAR THIS MESSAGE SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. I ' ASSEMBLY OF GOD 8th and Oak Sts. Klamath Falls Revival Center Sunday School 9:45 Meet With Us This Sunday Youth Service 6:15 Inspirotional Service (or Youth by Youth Evanqolittic Rally 7:30 Bible preaching Good Music Inspirational Singinq Tune In Sat. Night 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. to KFJI And 9:00 a.m. Sunday to KFLW for locol Church Programs I NOW at Here's the smartest line tip of watch values, evert Brilliant modern styling in every line of the smaller-size cases , . ex citing new ideas in dials, crystals and bracelet bands, See the complete election here, nowl frtce Include ftdtrol lo THE Fifteen 17 Jewel 700 Main St. . 1.- .. . ... ct nctiui ! mm. a i nuw n..AZ -ra SAVE, MONf V I'MIMY, MAItCI,! 7, 1002 Iln (iuitcpiIm tin mitt I-iirnon, porflf limit, who rcrtint.ru. i Friendly I Molpfuliioss i To Evody t Good ond puna ' Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Morquorifo M, Word and Som .925 High Phono 3334 II1. ea-xjp, i ju'.y, tmrn.-. r--:''''"'Y i, y ' :d,"v Rev. Daniel Bayliss, Pastor RICKY! TO TELL TIME; WATCH WITH THE MAM Mi'f.'i nm THAT HIViR IMAKS CUAHMIIIfO DUMPOWlIt MAIHSPIIN0 Watches for '52 at if REGISTERED JEWELER 1l ' : r l' U AMERICAN CKM SOflF.TT I , I, """ '' J Pnone3151